Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Contact (Levantine Sanctum Dominion of Tygara)

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Coryth Elaris"] | [member="Callista Gseran"]


Tegaea had been watching the duel intently, but once Tarissa had triumphed – with just the amount of suffering she deserved – she had turned away. She did not have the Force, but she did have a sense of danger and even now reflexes which could help her.
It was a flicker of movement in a polished brass ornament, fast, arm raised.
Without thinking she threw herself forward from her couch and the knife tore into the cushion where her head had been.

Rolling up, she saw more enemies were attacking her friends. They could deal with it though, she was the one who had the most to worry about.
With a yank she pulled her hold-out bolter from its chain around her neck, clicked it to ready, and as the assassin leapt over the couch she fired. Buckshot…buckshot she preferred because accuracy was less important. In this case, just like a certain Sith assassin before, the Qadiri killer caught a face full of metal pellets and fell to the ground, screaming.
Tegaea plucked the knife from the woman and brought it up under the chin to permanently cut off the screaming.
More assassins were coming though, as Angelii, loyalist Qadiri and newly arrived Kaida joined the fray.

One more of the assassins came at her, producing a crossbow and taking aim. Tegaea, her bolt pistol foolishly discarded with Chesna, had no ranged weapon. The Qadiri took aim, sneering at her from behind a mask.
Tegaea thought quickly and hauled the now dead and dripping body of the assassin up as a shield just as the living assassin fired. The bolt struck the meatshield rather than Tegaea, and she dropped the corpse and attacked.
It had been a while since she’d used a knife this close, and the Qadiri was certainly faster, but she’d not been around the galaxy as much as Tegaea, or have her strength. Taking several glancing tears in her dress, Tegaea scooped up and smacked the assassin with a bloodstained cushion. A pillow fight in very real and dangerous situations. The second long distraction was all she needed to drive her knife up into the assassin’s body, under her ribs. The way to a woman’s heart was evidently through her stomach!

“Mistress!” She turned and caught the bolter Chesna had tossed to her. This was more like it. When a Qadiri assassin with a sword came at her she imitated the single best moment in cinematic history, and blew them away.

The battle was over soon after. More loyalist troops appeared and reinforcements from elsewhere joined in too.
“Chesna, get Semiramis to go out onto the balcony and reassure the people. Kaida, can you please get some gunships into the air to watch for any more threats. Coci, Callista, look after the wounded on our side. Where’s Coryth? Ah, good. Get her an evac shuttle if she needs one.”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"], [member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]

"They're alredy inbound. Deploying walkers as well," that was Kaida's laconic reply to Tegaea's request when she received her call. Her lightsabre, a blaze of yellow light, had scythed assassins and sent them to the Goddess. Well, if you believed she existed as a deity, which the frost elf did not. Fire had scorched her cortosis armour, rock and ice had peppered it, but all of it had been futile. A sniper firing from the rooftop and simply been crushed and sent falling into the abyss to a painful death.

Within a few moments the roar of engines and the shadows on the ground heralded the arrival of a pair of Silaqui-class Gunships. Named after the Star Queen under whose reign Kaeshana had joined the Protectorate, back when it had been cool, trendy and not dropped shipyards on its own planets, and whom a certain Siobhan Kerrigan had known very well, they were heavily armoured and well-armed. Kaida had originally taken them with her as a last resort precaution in case negotiations went terrible and she needed to drop a couple bombs on the Qadiri army to secure an evacuation of the negotiators. As it was, negotiations had gone well.

Yes, Kaida considered the present state of affairs to be a positive outcome. Well, not exactly a positive one but the best that could be hoped for. Hardened and jaded by years of service as an Angelii and an Omega Pyre soldier, she was not one for idealism. Besides, she knew how elf courts worked. Somewhere down the line there would have been bloodshed and the present situation, with minimal casualties, was the best that could be hoped for. Gunships, bristling with an impressive amount of firepower, swept across the air space of the palace grounds. They were there to deter further attackers, but also served as a reminder that for the time being the Eldorai were siding with Shahbanu Semiramis and considered her regime an ally.

"Captain Ynnead, send healers over to Lady Elaris to aid her in any way," she ordered the Captain once she had passed on her orders to the pilots. The Captain, whose sarix was splattered with blood of traitors, instantly obeyed and soon Coryth would have more minions to boss around. "Get me a casualty report. And send a team up to Semiramis. Make sure she is protected." Paranoid? Possibly, but Kaida, much like her commander Aeda Shaytari, trusted very few people these days.

A dropship swooped down from the sky and made way to the ground, throwing up clouds of dust as it touched down. Once the landing ramp had opened with a hiss, two Mag'ladroth walkers marched out, the ground shaking and quaking beneath their every step. A bit larger than the size of a man, they were bipedal fortresses that bristled with firepower, behemoths armed with flamethrowers and shattercannons. The fruit of a joint project between Firemane and ARGH that had served the Eldorai well on the battlefields of Sullust and Arkas.

"Put them on patrol. I don't want any more surprises." As Angelii and Qadiri loyalist guards established a security cordon Kaida made her way past the corpses that had been piled up across the arena. The smell of death was rank in the air and resonated through the Force. But this was how the game of thrones was played. A step had been made to secure the future of the Eldorai people. Someone who was more devout and idealistic than Kaida would have prayed and thanked the Goddess, but she did not believe in an unseen deity...just in Kaeshana and her duty to it. Message had been sent to the Valora's Blade up in space, informing them of what had transpired and with the order to pass it on to Kaeshana. Thus very soon Star Queen Tirathana the Seventh would be in the know...and phase two would begin.
[member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Kaida Taldir"][member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

So much had changed in a matter of mere minutes. When Tariss a had headed towards the arena, Callista had followed soon after. She didn't know the Eldorai that well at all, but there was a feeling in her stomach which echoed Coryth's words. Quickly, she followed the others, trying desperately to not trip over her own feet in the process.

After a few moments, she reached the arena not far behind Coryth and the others. When she got there, she stopped in shock and just stared. The arena was packed with Qadiri spectators, and every one of them was transfixed upon the two figures down below. As her gaze fell to the arena below, it was just in time for Callista to watch as Tarissa fired the first shot at the Vizier. And then she felt the second hit. For a moment, she found herself staggered by the strength of the feeling projected into the Force, and by the sheer weight of the emotions.

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she watched Tarissa fire the final shot, and she staggered, gripping the railing of the gallery where she stood. it was then that she saw movement in the galleries. Various figures leaping down to the ground below. Assassins. Her lips thinned into a line. Without thinking, she reached out a hand towards one of the stragglers and closed her eyes. After a few moments, she could see the Qadiri struggling against the invisible Force that held them still. Frowning more, Callista exerted herself in the Force, planting a strong suggestion in the other's mind. It took a few moments to take hold, but when it did, the Qadiri assassin fell to the ground sleeping.

It was then that she saw Tarissa sprawled on the ground, and Coryth by her side. Taking a deep breath, Callista vaulted over the low railing and landed on the ground below, coming to her feet quickly. Many of the Qadiri loyalists had come to try and protect the group, and they received heavy injuries for their trouble. Drawing to a stop, Callista knelt next to one, gently easing her pain, and treating what wounds she could with the supplies she had. Most, all she could do was to stem the bleeding and use the Force to close the wounds. She needed to get to Coryth and Tarissa.

After a few more seconds, she finally reached them. Lightly, almost hesitant, she reached out to lay a hand on Coryth's shoulder as she had before. She could feel the shimmering Force barrier trying to force her back. Taking a deep breath, she tightened her grip on Coryth's shoulder, and slowly opened herself up to the Force. Myk had started teaching her the technique after Mysst. It felt like decades ago now. Cautiously, she opened herself up to the Force, and began slowly releasing all thought. With each breath, she felt her concern slowly ebbing away as a calm settled over her.

A warmth began to spread from her chest out to her arms and legs, and if one was watching, they would see her body begin to glow a golden-white. Her sense in the Force blazed. Carefully, she channeled this into Coryth and then Tarissa, letting the Force flow where it would and giving it the barest hint of direction at healing Tarissa's wounds. It had been a long time since she'd attempted such a thing, and she breathed deeply as she just let it flow.
[member="Callista Gseran"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]

Tarissa could only lie there limply, unable to move or do anything as the Qadiri assassin was taken out of commission by the powerful mental burst unleashed by Coryth. By now the Eldorai zealot was struggling to maintain consciousness whilst being in a good deal of pain.

But, as much as Tegaea might hope for it, she would not die today. The Goddess rewarded those who were stalwart in their faith and service to her majestic glory. Tarissa resolutely refused to use cheesy lines such as 'are you an angel' when the tiny redheaded healer suddenly laid a hand upon her shoulder. Within moments the Eldorai could feel the Yedai pull upon the strands of power - that which humans called the Force was naught but a reflection of the Goddess' power that she gave her Chosen. Soon it felt to Tarissa as if she were experiencing a respite from the painful agony that was surging through her body. Bit by bit the sensation of pain lessened as the Yedai tended to her injuries.

"Thank you...I can see why Siobhan speaks so highly of you," Tarissa managed to say once her head finally stopped spinning. However, she was proud to the last and so she made a vain attempt to get to her feet and rise up - and thoroughly failed in the process. In the same moment another Yedai joined the redhead at her side and Tarissa relaxed when she felt the power of the woman's Sciia flow through her body. The terrible pain caused by her failed attempt to arise began to dissipate and she gave the woman a nod of appreciation. "Goddess bless you." All around her the battle had come to a close, Eldorai Angelii and Qadiri warriors were securing the palace grounds, powerful walkers had been landed and were on patrol. She would need to be on her feet soon to help organise things, but today Ashira had been with them. The Eldorai would secure their future, no matter who or what dared to stand in their way.
[member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Coryth Elaris"] | [member="Callista Gseran"]

Nantaris was fashionably late to the battle, after it was all over. However, he did have one opportunity at heroics.
As Shahbânu Semiramis went to the balcony, a crowd had gathered below, having seen and heard the fighting in the palace.
As she was giving a placating speech, Nantaris watched from the shadows.

Whilst the Shahbânu’s servants and guards and pressed around her, she had noticed one approach late, dressed in a guard uniform with face mask. What’s more, the uniform fit a little less snugly than might be expected. Yes, Nantaris was looking at the guard’s ass, what else would one expect?

As the speech was coming to a close the faux-guard moved in, reaching into her belt for a knife. Nantaris was about to shout a warning, but an alien striking down a guard in front of a large crowd might be unwise. So instead, he used his head, a bit of trickery.
Reaching out with the Force he wrapped invisible hands around the woman, so when she drew the knife he pulled it from her hand so it clattered to the ground.
Instantly, Semiramis turned, saw the threat, and her true guards grabbed the impostor.
In the shadows, Nantaris smirked to himself.
Feeling a familiar presence approach as Coryth was wrapped so deeply in protecting both she and Tarissa, as well as healing the Eldorai, she glanced over her shoulder for a brief moment. Smiling softly, with a bit of caution she dropped the protective barrier to let Callista in.

The soothing healing powers of the Force soon flooded into Coryth from Callista. It seemed in an instant her own strength grew as she was more easily able to pull upon the infinite strands of power and apply them to the Eldorai below that needed their help so desperately.

"You're welcome, Tarissa. Glad I can be of service to you." She smiled softly, "I'm sure it's part of it." She whispered quietly. As the Eldorai woman started to stand, Coryth rushed to try and help her as best she could manage, "Easy, dear ... Let us help you and we'll get you out of here, okay? Just rest here with us. You're safe for the moment."

It was then that Coryth reached down to her comlink and touched lightly upon it. "I need an evac shuttle for Tarissa Cadalthor, in the arena now. She has urgent medical needs, that cannot be fully provided for on the ground alone." That and my gifts only go so far.

She waited patiently as a shuttle soon drifted down to the arena, and out came a few Eldorai as well to help move the injured Champion to the ship. "Be careful with her, but let's get her to a capable medical bay where we can best tend to her wounds." She said as she followed alongside the team that placed Tarissa on a hover gurney and headed back for the ship. "Callista, would you like to join me? I think I could do a lot more, with greater ease if I had your assistance."

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Callista Gseran"]
[member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] | [member="Callista Gseran"] | [member="Coryth Elaris"]
Meanwhile, after Shahbânu Semiramis had gone back out onto the balcony to try and quell the crowds, much to Coci's unease, after all the situation and attacks had not ceased, she made her way to the adjoining rooms to set up a medical triage of sorts. Caring very little for the protests of the leader to turn her palace into a hospital, they had wounded that need immediate attention, soldiers that had only just saved the woman.

Coci ordered a small group of soldiers to find whatever they could to use from, beds to lounges for the wounded to rest upon to any supplies that would help, bed sheets are good when improvising bandages and so she had people began to cut up the very expensive silk and cotton bedding.

Opening the comlink to Lady Tegaea's ship, she asked if on board where any medical droids or supplies that might be delivered to the palace. As the wounded began to arrive, Coci began healing them as best she could using the force. She is not a healer but has some ability thanks to the training of Master Whitelight of the Silver Jedi, which gave her enough skill to treat the less wounded, but she needed help.

"I have wounded coming in to the palace, I need a powerful healer for the severely wounded", she could at least stop bleeding and stablise them but they would need to be transported out of Tygara.
[member="Callista Gseran"], [member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="Valiens Nantaris"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]

Whilst all this took place Kaida was making her way to up the stairs to the palace area where Semiramis and Tegaea could be found. More reinforcements had been landed now the Angelii had formed a security cordon, working as well as could be expected with the Qadiri guards. Checkpoints had been set up, no one unauthorised would be allowed to get through.

An evac shuttle had arrived for Coryth and the badly wounded Tarissa. Much as Kaida would have liked otherwise, she herself would be no use down there. For one, while she had learned the basics of Force healing her own skill was meagre. Moreover, she was not inclined to hover and be clingy. The short stack of fire could handle herself perfectly.

Besides, she had big walkers watching her because her girlfriend was so sweet to bring heavy armour along just for her. The sounds of the heavy feet of the Mag'ladroth walkers treading upon the ground echoed across the halls. The imposing behemoths were ridiculously slow, but none could deny their impressive firepower. She spared the dead impostor guard a glance as she approached, though nothing beyond that. The look on her face was pretty much 'just another day at work'.

A loyalist guard removed the corpse and she looked over to Tegaea, checking her for injuries and noting the three dead assassins. "You alright?" she asked, you might have guessed it, laconically. "Message has been sent to the Blade. They'll be relaying it to Kaeshana," she said quietly.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]

Nodding softly, Callista lent an arm for Tarissa to lean I as the champion stood slowly. Lightly but firmly, Callista pressed her palm against the woman's back as they helped her to her feet. She kept up the flow of Force energy and moved with Coryth as they moved towards the evac shuttle. Thankfully, the response had been quick. Nodding at Coryth, she smiled slightly. "Certainly, I would be glad to." She said softly. "Sounds like I'll be needed regardless..." she continued, referring to Coci's message just then. "Let's get Tarissa to a treatment area where I can look her over more thoroughly."

[[Sorry for a short post... phone posting in the car :p]]
Lady Tarissa Cadalthor, now in the good and compassionate care of Jedi Masters [member="Coryth Elaris"] and [member="Callista Gseran"], did her best not to lapse into a state of unconsciousness when she was laid down onto a gurney inside the evac shuttle. That said she insisted on being handed a comm device and gave Taldir a call. "Sitrep, what's the situation, Taldir?" she coughed, but her tone was as commanding as ever.

"Perimeter secured. Semiramis is giving a speech to placate the natives. News has been relayed to Kaeshana. We're awaiting their response for Phase II." That was the laconic reply from the Angelii Seraph, who had just reached the Shahbânu and [member="Tegaea Alcori"].

"Good...keep me regularly...informed....and maintain vigilance," Tarissa insisted, managing to sound authoritative despite her clear exhaustion, then after switching off the comm she lapsed into unconsciousness. The Valora's Blade, the battleship the Eldorai had taken with them, was in orbit to accept the wounded.


Meanwhile Master [member="Coci Heavenshield"] would soon be receiving support in form of another healer, for Priestess Eileithya had just entered the scene. She was a slender, redheaded Eldorai, with typical elf agelessness and shapely features, though these were not free of scars. A firemane framed her face, whilst her eyes were a bright blue, she was dressed in simple robes. She stepped past the dead bodies that lined the hallways, sparing the Qadiri assassin who had been posing as a bodyguard and just been slain by one of Semiramis' guards a compassionate look.

"Find peace in the embrace of the Goddess, in a realm without war," she spoke solemnly in a whisper in the Eldarai language. Misguided though they might have been, the assassins sent by Vizier Mazarani had died in the belief that they were protecting their country and their people. To condemn them would be most arrogant, for the Eldorai had been in a similar situation. She quickly stepped into the improvised medical triage Coci had set up and headed to one of the severely wounded among the Qadiri soldiers.

Ashira, hallowed be her name, was the goddess of fire and light. The Angelii were her avenging angels who smote those who served evil or raised arms against the Eldorai people. But though the burning sword was her weapon, she also a goddess of compassion and boundless mercy. "You are the Yedai Master Coci Heavenshield, yes? I am Eileithya, Priestess of Ashira. I shall help you." Unlike many space elves Eileithya was not xenophobic, so she had no problem working with a human.

And so she laid her hand upon the forehead of the heavily wounded soldier and, with a prayer to the Goddess, and tugged at the strands of power. Humans would call it the Force, to the Eldorai it was the blessed power of the Goddess, Sciia. But the name did not matter, what mattered was that she would let the healing energies flow through the wounded soldier to mend what was broken and alleviate the pain she was feeling. Her senses blazed and her eyes seemed to glow a bright white as she channelled her power into Coci, giving her greater direction and aid in her task to heal the wounded. Three other Eldorai healers followed in her wake and quickly went about their business to provide aid, their healing a combination of use of Sciia and traditional Eldorai remedies.

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
[member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Coryth Elaris"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Callista Gseran"]

Back on Kaeshana, the Star Queen spent most of her time on board the Tirathana Spaceport these days. It was easier to coordinate the massed movements she was doing, and took her away from the dissatisfaction and suspicions of the capital.
Though she was a very busy woman she did spare a thought for distant Tygara when she could. And so, when she was in the middle of giving orders to a group of mineralogists an Angelii came over with unusual speed.
"Message from the Expedition, Majesty."
Anya quickly dismissed the others and headed to the communicator. "Call Countess Kerrigan, I know she too is waiting for news, and bring up the link."
[member="Anya Venari"]

Aboard the Tirathana Skyport, orbit of Kaeshana.

As chance would have it Siobhan happened to be on board the Skyport as well. Well, as a matter of fact it was not coincidence because she had requisitioned a section of it to serve as her command centre. It was far easier to coordinate operations from above, especially since Firemane was so deeply involved in bringing about the massive population transfers that would be carried out, not to mention organising the transfer of the Skyport.

To a large extent her time had been consumed by security matters. Far too many people knew about the coming cataclysm and Dark Eldorai terrorist attacks were on the rise. Her response to those was swift, efficient and ruthless, as could be expected. Having received the message from an Angelii she did not waste time but instead headed over to the communications room. Her arrival was heralded by the familiar tap-tap of her cane when she stepped in and found her friend the Queen. By her usual standards Siobhan was very dressed-down, having foregone fancy attire in favour of a Firemane uniform and she wore only a hint of makeup.

"I came as soon as I could. I've been told we have word from the Expedition," she spoke. For one, her wife had decided to join the mission to Tygara. Siobhan found herself being in the unfamiliar situation of being the one who stayed behind while her wife went on what could be a very dangerous assignment. Now, contrary to what might be thought, Siobhan did not consider Tegaea to be weak or a damsel who needed to always be saved, but that did not mean she would not worry. Moreover, [member="Coryth Elaris"] was out there as well and she cared a great deal about the little redhead.


Neither Countess nor Queen would have to wait long for very soon a communications uplink had been established with the Valora's Blade and the holographic image of Commander Lysette would manifest inside the communications room, hands clasped behind her back, standing rigid and ramrod straigtht. The Eldorai naval officer would give the Queen a short bow before getting straight to business. "Your Majesty, Countess, Commander Lysette here. I can report to you that Phase I of the Expedition has been completed. The corsairs have been defeated and the negotiators made first contact with Shahbânu Semiramis, one of the rulers of the Qadiri. One of her advisers tried to murder the diplomats, but was defeated by Lady Cadalthor in a duel and her confederates were slain. Angelii and Qadiri soldiers are securing the palace to avert further unrest. Semiramis has agreed to an alliance and we have scouted out a continent suitable for settlement. It is, however, also populated by hostile Xioquo." As the Commander spoke one of her comms officers would also be transmitting a stream of data gathered by the probes, enabling the Queen to get a picture of the continent in question.

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Anya let out a small relieved sigh as the news came in.

“Good work, Commander. Relay anything else of importance to me at once.”

The connection was cut and Anya turned to Siobhan. “See? Easy, seems the team we sent worked perfectly,” she said casually, as if she hadn’t been kept awake by fears of failure.

“This is a good first step. What we need to do is move to stage two – starting to move the heavy equipment and gear over. I want you to go to Tygara. You and your wife will be in command of all operations there until I arrive. I’ll give you the necessary documents. If you’re satisfied with progress we’ll finish loading the Tirathana Skyport and move it over, along with the first Liorre transports. The sooner we start to build a new home, the quicker we can start moving people there. Time is of the essence so I’d like you to leave as soon as you can.”

The Queen smiled and laid a hand on Siobhan’s. “I trust you and Tegaea more than anyone else in the galaxy. Thank you again for everything you both have done for us. I have one more favour to ask – I’m sending my daughter with you so she can be safe on board the flagship there. I was wondering if you might put a trusted person of your own into that guard detail…one can never be too careful. Perhaps Ms Alzari, if she’s not occupied elsewhere?”

She gave her friend a chaste kiss on the cheek and stepped back.
Coryth too, did her best to maintain the same level of soothing healing energy as they placed Tarissa onto the gurney and started to move her into the ship. Internally she couldn't help but wonder about the woman, still doing her duty even as badly wounded as she was, still keeping it up. "Just try and relax." She said softly, a part of her thankful when the Eldorai woman finally passed out. Tarissa certainly needed the rest, and it would save both her and Callista time and energy of having to put her into dreamland themselves.

Slowly the walked alongside the gurnery and lead it into the medbay. From there Coryth was quick to grab wound cleaning supplies, bacta, a couple treatments for the burns. Anything she could do to help ease the woman's suffering. Grabbing a kit, she sat down beside the bed and worked to start an IV. Once in, she reached across and took a syringe filled with a pain medication and with movements that belayed much practice, she easily admitistered the medication. For now, she was more than happy to let Callista work to do what she could to heal the woman's wounds while she worked from a more standard medical approach.

With a sigh she stood, gathering the cleaning solution in hand as she slowly peeled away pieces of clothing from the burn wound, ensuring all fibers had been removed before she carefully, slowly poured the solution over the injury.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] | [member="Callista Gseran"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
[member="Anya Venari"]

Did it really just have to be a chaste kiss? Surely Anya could allow herself to...appreciate Sio's tongue and mouth more. After all, she had been under a lot of stress recently. Regardless, Siobhan felt honoured with being made responsible for getting things set up on Tygara. After all, she cared quite deeply about the Queen and the Eldorai.

"Thank you, I won't let you down. I can assign Eyrecae and Sergeant Solveig to your daughter's guard detail. I'll make sure to regularly check up on lil Ariane," she said warmly. After all, she was the baby's auntie! This one thinks Galina or Nato should babysit her some time. "I'll have to organise things for Firemane before my departure. There's a friend I have on the Skyport staying in my suite. [member="Laina Silvias"]. Long story cut short, she's pregnant and her amazon tribe of psychopaths want to force her to come back to them and take her baby away. I've got guards and a maiden to watch over her...but can you make sure she's looked after?"

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Anya smiled. "Of course, Siobhan. I'll have one of my most trusted Angelii stay with her, Talon Aeyrus. Do you think she'd mind if I came along and met her some time? Go with the Goddess' favour, dear," Anya said and hugged Siobhan once more before letting her go.

She then headed back to continue her work.
[member="Anya Venari"]

"Thank you, dear. I'm sure she'd love it if you kept her company. She's an amazing woman," Siobhan said warmly, returning the hug from Anya before the Queen released her. "May the Force be with you." For a moment her eyes lingered upon Anya, a woman she loved in her own way, as the Queen departed.

Then Siobhan limped out of the communications room. There was much work to be done. Time passed with preparations and she would relay orders for the Thrax, an Illyria-class frigate that Siobhan had claimed for herself, to be made ready and await her arrival. Aside from the Countess, Firemane security specialists, engineers and labour droids would be aboard. While these orders were being carried out Siobhan would take the turbolift to one of the uppermost levels of the Skyport and upon exiting head towards her suite. The one where a certain [member="Laina Silvias"] was staying. She knocked the door gently to make her friend now she was coming, then used the keycard to open it, stepping inside. After all, she would not be leaving without saying goodbye to the woman who had recently become very dear to her.
[member="Coryth Elaris"] | [member="Tarissa Cadalthor"] | [member="Valiens Nantaris"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Location: Medbay

As the made their way into the medbay, Callista found herself relaxing slightly. Now, these were somewhat familiar surroundings for her. She might not be familiar with the people, or the ship, but a Medical bay was pretty standard across all known humanoid races. her hand tightened briefly on Tarissa's shoulder, and she reached over to gently brush a few dirty and sweat-soaked strands of hair out of the woman's face.

A soft sigh fell from her lips as she pulled up a stool and sat down on Tarissa's other side. A few deep breaths helped to slow her racing pulse a bit, and she looked across at Coryth. A satisfied nod and a small smile were her acknowledgement as she looked across at her fellow Jedi. She too had classic medical training, though it appeared that Cpryth had that aspect well in hand. She glanced around the medical ward for a moment until she spied what she wanted.

A small sample dish levitated into her hand after a moment., followed by a pair of tweezers. She knew Coryth had cleaned out most of the fibers, and so, she carefully sterilized the tweezers and began to gently remove some of the bits of charred flesh around the edges of the wound. This was a slow process, as she didn't want to cause Tarissa more pain. Slowly, a small pile became evidnt in the sample dish. Hopefully the doctors could use it to grow some skin grafts for Tarissa, should such an injury happen in the future.

Sitting back, Callista shakily dropped the tweezers and ran a hand through her hair before taking a breath and lightly holding her hands just above the large burn wound. Her eyes drifted closed, and she took another deep breath as she began to sink into the Force again. It flooded into in a rush, and she directed some of the energy through Coryth to give her strength as the two women worked. She then directed her attention to Tarissa, carefully reached out with the Force. Slowly, she damaged muscles and tissues began to repair themselves under her focus.

As she worked, she lifted her gaze to Coryth. "I.... wanted to say... that I'm sorry you had to go through that, and that recent events reminded you of it.." She reached across with her free hand to grip one of Coryth's lightly. "I.. haven't quite been through something like that... and I hope I never have to.." she whispered. "I guess the closest comparison I could possibly make is when my.. husband died." She fell silent.

"Where I come from... he was the head of Jedi Intelligence. he'd taken a team in to Bastion from Cataan. there was a group of Sith there... The galaxy had been suffering from Force Wounds... and jedi kept... vanishing. He... was captured at some point, and imprisoned. I don't know all the details, but one of the Council Masters at the time, and my former teacher, lead a rescue mission to there. What they found was.. bad. The Sith had this .. machine that they were using to drain the Force off of the various Jedi. Quite painful." she whispered.

"From what I've been told, he... gave his life to ensure the Jedi and others held there could escape." She looked down for a moment. "I... almost went mad with grief. I...felt it as if it were happening to me personally, so strong was our connection.." She sighed then and looked away. "I know some might think that having such a connection can be dangerous.... and in some cases, they might be right. What saved me... was the fact that my family was there for me when I needed them...." She trailed off. She'd never see them again, now. She knew a lot of things she was referencing hadn't happened... here. She was still getting used to the vast differences between the two galaxies, and maybe... she could try and explain to Coryth about it.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
As the wounded were taken away and the crowds outside dispersed, it came down to waiting a while. Tegaea had gone to her room to rest, but had found that sleep had been hard to find. Even with Chesna and an Angelii present she couldn’t escape concerns of assassins slipping in from all angles.

Finally she sat up, and shortly after a second Angelii entered. “Countess, a message from the fleet. The Countess Kerrigan is on her way to join us with more reinforcements. She should be here in two days local time.”

“Good. Go to Semiramis and ask her when she’s ready to begin the signing of the treaty. It’s very important that we get this signed as soon as possible. When my wife arrives I want her to be able to be there at the signing. Have the aerial reports come back for the new settlements?”

“Yes, Lady, seven new settlement sites have been established. Surveying of road positions, water sources and farmland has been completed. I will have the report forwarded to you.”

“Excellent, carry on.”
Laina jumped slightly hearing the knock. It always made her a little nervous, never knowing if it was Siobhan. But it wasn't like her tribal sisters weren't going to knock if they were here and found her. They would just burst in and attempt to tear her from the suite and take her back to her home planet. All in the name of stealing her child from her after little Morrigan was born. Still just about any noise made her jumpy these days.

Slowly she pushed herself off the couch and stepped towards Siobhan to greet her. "Siobhan, glad to see you again." She spoke sweetly, reaching out to hug the brunette. Though something told her this wasn't entirely a social visit. There was a certain sense of urgency in the air but Laina figured she'd let Siobhan explain.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

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