Zmej Ren
100% Imperial
Location: Rakata Beta
Objective: 1
Post: 10
Boredom grew into prevalence among the company, breeding treacherous complacency. While well-trained and disciplined soldiers, after fighting for their lives two times today and attacking an enemy encampment, the rust of weariness started to weight down on everyone when adrenaline stopped pumping through their veins and action seemed eternity away. Aside from watching the dead Rakata burn on a pyre or restocking, there was little to do. All heavy repeaters slept in cover, waiting for new targets to approach, and even though the gunners remained ready, only few expected a counter attack. Time lazily dragged, minutes soon turned into hours, finally bringing dusk over the conquered camp. Lively chatter decayed into silence, one broken by nothing but the rustling forest and muffled voices here and there. Light sleep bewitched those who listened to its honeyed words of rest, finally letting the body relax and recuperate. Every little bit of energy would be needed tomorrow – another day, another march, another destination to raid.
Zmej Ren relaxed in her own way, meditating, senses peaked and searching through the surroundings. It was infinitely calming, letting her mind wander while the body regained its strength and energy. The little bits of anger and aggression left from the battle continued to slumber deep inside her heart, working like hot coals to keep the darkness warm and cozy at all times. When subtle ripples alerted her senses to a disturbance in the Force, her first thought was to alarm the oblivious company to an incoming attack. Before even having a chance to open her eyes though, a sharp, stabbing pain split her mind in half, opening a wide tunnel leading down the depths of yet unknown agony. A piercing shriek tore its way from her throat, hands clutching the head in a vain attempt to stop the crippling pain, entire body falling over into the dirt, curled up in a ball. The young woman’s screams worked well enough, although new elements have entered the battle – Force sensitives on the enemy side, their minds clashing against Zmej’s to remove her threat.
With the Ren crippled, unable to act, the soldiers barely managed to hang on when the first wave stormed their positions. Heavy losses on both sides indicated an end of the ambush, but it was merely a test of strength. More and more continued to pour in, seemingly vast numbers emerging out of nowhere, monsters coming from the pitch black night. Once the dark side flared supreme, massively fuelled by death and fear, Zmej finally escaped her torturer’s grasp. Moving in drunk-esque motions, she slowly stumbled into the battle, blood red lightsaber ignited. The attack on her mind did not cease though, robbing the teenager of focus and turning the Supreme Leader’s scalpel into a rusty knife barely capable of slaying the first Rakata to approach her. Once the alien fell, decapitated, Zmej fell with it, finding great difficulty in standing up. Now truly resembling a drunk, her moaning form dragged itself to the nearest tree, using its rough surface as a trusty friend to lean against. Grunting, she got up – only to see a Rakata about to finish its swing and cleave her head off. Awestruck and unable to act, Zmej simply stared at it with a hateful yellow glare, mouth agape.
Objective: 1
Post: 10
Boredom grew into prevalence among the company, breeding treacherous complacency. While well-trained and disciplined soldiers, after fighting for their lives two times today and attacking an enemy encampment, the rust of weariness started to weight down on everyone when adrenaline stopped pumping through their veins and action seemed eternity away. Aside from watching the dead Rakata burn on a pyre or restocking, there was little to do. All heavy repeaters slept in cover, waiting for new targets to approach, and even though the gunners remained ready, only few expected a counter attack. Time lazily dragged, minutes soon turned into hours, finally bringing dusk over the conquered camp. Lively chatter decayed into silence, one broken by nothing but the rustling forest and muffled voices here and there. Light sleep bewitched those who listened to its honeyed words of rest, finally letting the body relax and recuperate. Every little bit of energy would be needed tomorrow – another day, another march, another destination to raid.
Zmej Ren relaxed in her own way, meditating, senses peaked and searching through the surroundings. It was infinitely calming, letting her mind wander while the body regained its strength and energy. The little bits of anger and aggression left from the battle continued to slumber deep inside her heart, working like hot coals to keep the darkness warm and cozy at all times. When subtle ripples alerted her senses to a disturbance in the Force, her first thought was to alarm the oblivious company to an incoming attack. Before even having a chance to open her eyes though, a sharp, stabbing pain split her mind in half, opening a wide tunnel leading down the depths of yet unknown agony. A piercing shriek tore its way from her throat, hands clutching the head in a vain attempt to stop the crippling pain, entire body falling over into the dirt, curled up in a ball. The young woman’s screams worked well enough, although new elements have entered the battle – Force sensitives on the enemy side, their minds clashing against Zmej’s to remove her threat.
With the Ren crippled, unable to act, the soldiers barely managed to hang on when the first wave stormed their positions. Heavy losses on both sides indicated an end of the ambush, but it was merely a test of strength. More and more continued to pour in, seemingly vast numbers emerging out of nowhere, monsters coming from the pitch black night. Once the dark side flared supreme, massively fuelled by death and fear, Zmej finally escaped her torturer’s grasp. Moving in drunk-esque motions, she slowly stumbled into the battle, blood red lightsaber ignited. The attack on her mind did not cease though, robbing the teenager of focus and turning the Supreme Leader’s scalpel into a rusty knife barely capable of slaying the first Rakata to approach her. Once the alien fell, decapitated, Zmej fell with it, finding great difficulty in standing up. Now truly resembling a drunk, her moaning form dragged itself to the nearest tree, using its rough surface as a trusty friend to lean against. Grunting, she got up – only to see a Rakata about to finish its swing and cleave her head off. Awestruck and unable to act, Zmej simply stared at it with a hateful yellow glare, mouth agape.