Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Order: Beyond Darkness [Dominion of Rakata Beta]

[SIZE=11pt]Location: Infinite City Capital building[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Objective #: Glorious Victory[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Post #: 5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The running battle toward the capital building had been fast a furious, the stormtroopers had fired as they ran and had quickly overrun multiple impromptu Rakata roadblocks in a lightning blitzkrieg. They had detonated Rakata insurgents from within their previously fortified now [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]atomized[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] fortifications and buildings. The stormtroopers understood the necessity of protecting their diplomatic charges and ensuring their safe delivery to the capital building and their soon to be ‘captive’ audience of Rakata Beta leaders. They had stormed the capital building steps and the initial chambers and corridors, a disciplined white tide belching forth crimson death to all that would oppose them and storming their positions room by room and corridor by corridor.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]A raving Rakata leader was obliterated in a bright flash of pure flame after a masterfully thrown detonator from Sergeant Hydros landed just behind him and some of his resistance fighters. Pharazon was more concerned now with getting bogged down in the building and either surrounded and butchered or having some enterprising Rakata bring the building down on top of them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“If we split up I insist that Sergeant Cain and at least a squad accompany you your excellency, your safety is paramount and with his forces we could effectively counter the Rakata” Pharazon replied to the ambassador, crouched behind makeshift cover composed of possibly a table and some rubble. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Although I can feel our breakthrough coming, if I can get a few of my men to flank them through some of the corridors I am confident we can storm the capital and capture their leaders” Pharazon finished, tactical opportunities rushing through his mind and formulating themselves into numerous potential plans and stratagems.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Once again, however, the best laid Imperial’s plans were wiped from viability by a sudden and rather savage turn in the tide of the battle’s balance. The opportunistic Rakata had made their move and were brutally beginning to assault their fellows in the name of the First Order. No matter how much Pharazon hated Rakata, he was a cunningly brutal pragmatist and would take full advantage of this chaos. As the Rakata surged into the loyalist lines, Pharazon made a bold and likely overly aggressive and unorthodox tactical decision. I hope to the mists this work… Because if it does more Rakata will die [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Pharazon waxed darkly once more.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gunning down a Rakata leaning out from behind a wall, Pharazon ducked back into cover one last time and sent a series of hand signals to Cain to give him a quick heads up on their next move.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“All squads prepare for surge, squads one and two with me up the middle, squads three and four to the left and right respectively, squad five keep the diplomats safe from all the Rakata, our new friends or otherwise while bringing up my rear” Pharazon barked quickly, aggression and ambition filling his voice with lust and zeal. He knew this would work, they were ready to shatter.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Ambassador I recommend you come with me” Pharazon said simply to the Ambassador with a respectful nod of his helmeted head, knowing she had heard his previous orders, he had a new respect for her now, and knew she would not accept being relegated in their moment of triumph.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Attaching his bayonet, Pharazon took a breath and burst from cover at a furious run, a giant was now charging the already disrupted Rakata loyalist lines. “Up and about them lads! Let them taste the straight silver!” Pharazon roared as he blasted a Rakata point blank, vaporising a part of his chest and then quickly dispatching another with his bayonet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The stormtroopers surged forward from three distinct direction, backed by their furious Rakata allies at their heels they shattered through the loyalist lines. Rakata were blasted and stabbed, stomped and slammed. The brutally efficient stormtroopers surged through the now fully routed Rakata defenders of the capital, they fought with cold fury and iron discipline, never breaking their formations or neglecting to check their surroundings.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Pharazon kicked the massive door into the main government meeting room down with a grotesquely powerful kick from his massive led, and stormed in. He along with the thirty or so combat effective stormtroopers surged inside, slamming the Rakata leaders to the ground with blaster rifle strikes and savage [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]headbutts[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]. Pharazon brought down the most ornately dressed one that had tried to run with a strong but not disproportionate stomp to the back of his legs after shoulder charging into its back. He did not know if it was male or female and if Pharazon was honest to himself he did not really care. The rest of the leaders were restrained and secured within the conference room.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Pharazon strode proudly over to the Ambassador, blood now dripping from parts of his armour. “The capital building is now secure your excellency, all leaders within have been secured and prepared for… negotiations” Pharazon said beaming, knowing that this would be an annexation rather than a negotiation really.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I would assume that there may be leaders elsewhere on the planet or throughout the city leading further resistance, however I am confident we can now hold this building and establish a proper headquarters so that we can actually establish a military base at a later date at High Command’s convenience” Pharazon said, directing his men to take up defensive positions both with the diplomats and their prisoners but also elsewhere within the building.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Our Rakata allies seem to be withdrawing and seeking other enemies to find, but some have positioned themselves respectfully away from us in a display of respect and deference I had not thought their kind capable of, though you may have to meet with them properly to secure their official support if my old court instincts still serve me” Pharazon said grudging respect evident in his voice. He would have to liase with them soon, but at the moment securing the diplomats was vital.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“If you have no further specific orders I will see to the defence of this building and your personnel during your negotiations, though I will remain by your side should you need anything ma'am” Pharazon said finally, giving the Ambassador a crisp and disciplined salute.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The conquered have become the conquerors, our supremacy has been demonstrated and the Rakata’s subservience established and demanded, humanity will no longer be denied Pharazon darkly mused for a third time, a dark smile of lust and glee under his helmet as he issued further orders for the defence of the building and the positioning of his men while remaining at the Ambassador’s side. He was victorious, and his very being surged to ever greater heights of emotions and this strange recurring feeling of power Pharazon could never explain beyond the exquisite feeling of supremacy it gave him. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][member="Valessia Brentioch"] | [member="Gunther Creed"] | [member="Irajah Ven"] | [member="Jaina Ventor"] | [member="Quin Leeman"] | [member="BE-183"] | [member="Emelie Sterren"][/SIZE]


OOC Writer Account

Emelie Sterren
Northern Shore Military Base.
Objective No: 2

Emelie slides the safety back over trigger-guard with a uniformed navy officer running to meet her from the temporary flight control centre. "Good morning Sir! Where is everyone?" Emelie's right-hand clasps at the brown leather strap attached to the stock and receiver of the bolt gun grey T-7 Ion Disruptor rifle over her shoulder. Emelie's other hand rubs at tummy hungrily with thoughts long towards a hot meal complete with salted pork and salad. One didn't build her physique eating fruit and vegetables exclusively after all.

"The engineering and construction crew! They've been taken hostage by Rakatan insurgents!" The junior officer splutters out towards the stunned Special Forces Operator, with hands extended towards her as if expecting Emelie to do something about it. "They're threatening to kill the crew if we don't immediately leave the planet." He hooks a thumb over right shoulder in the rough direction of the unfinished hanger with scaffolding flanking it. Emelie quickly concludes the building the Rakatans were using to hold the hostages is behind it.

"Calm down sailor! And explain to me what's going on, slowly." Emelie calmly unsheathes her F-11D blaster rifle as a precaution and holds it in both hands across the stomach of her armoured body. "I can help but I need to have a better picture of what is going on." The Sailor begins to explain to the Pilot, what had transpired; a group of armed Rakatan Insurgents had taken hostages inside the base's Army officer mess and were threatening to execute the captured crew. "Alright, take me to the Cordon, I want to speak with the OIC." The young officer walks with a weapon brandishing Emelie Sterren following behind.

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