skin, bone, and arrogance
Post 8
Guns, and ships...
The Concordia, the pride of the First Order Navy, reverted from realspace a respectful distance from Kaeshana, it's red-painted color scheme denoting now more than ever the diplomatic nature of the vessel. It had been designed as a sailing embassy, but as a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer it was the epitome of speaking softly and carrying a big stick. Concordia told the galaxy "We come in peace, but if you strike us then God help you."
Natasi stood on the bridge. She was not wearing a military uniform this time, but a serviceable pantsuit, though she did have her communicator in. She keyed it on. "First Order forces, this is Nebula Battlegroup. Report your status." She leaned over the command table as icons began to populate the combat information center.
The Concordia, the pride of the First Order Navy, reverted from realspace a respectful distance from Kaeshana, it's red-painted color scheme denoting now more than ever the diplomatic nature of the vessel. It had been designed as a sailing embassy, but as a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer it was the epitome of speaking softly and carrying a big stick. Concordia told the galaxy "We come in peace, but if you strike us then God help you."
Natasi stood on the bridge. She was not wearing a military uniform this time, but a serviceable pantsuit, though she did have her communicator in. She keyed it on. "First Order forces, this is Nebula Battlegroup. Report your status." She leaned over the command table as icons began to populate the combat information center.
...and so the balance shifts