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First Order: The World Turned Upside Down [T1 of Kaeshana]

skin, bone, and arrogance
Post 8

Guns, and ships...

The Concordia, the pride of the First Order Navy, reverted from realspace a respectful distance from Kaeshana, it's red-painted color scheme denoting now more than ever the diplomatic nature of the vessel. It had been designed as a sailing embassy, but as a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer it was the epitome of speaking softly and carrying a big stick. Concordia told the galaxy "We come in peace, but if you strike us then God help you."

Natasi stood on the bridge. She was not wearing a military uniform this time, but a serviceable pantsuit, though she did have her communicator in. She keyed it on. "First Order forces, this is Nebula Battlegroup. Report your status." She leaned over the command table as icons began to populate the combat information center.

...and so the balance shifts

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Post III
Objective: Skiving off of work.

One bottle followed another, and soon Carlyle had depleted his whole supply of liquor. The commodore regretted his decision making immediately, and realised he was out of booze, and probably stuck with a hangover for the next nearly four days. There had to be a way to somehow cause this mission to default. Someway to stop it from happening.

Carlyle knew there was probably some form of instruction on this in his officers handbook. Although he didn't have his personal copy, all officers worth their salt had one in their desks. Carlyle thumbed through the pages, trying to find the page that mattered. He found it, chapter seven, code thirty three. "If a ship is no longer able to continue its mission due to unforeseeable circumstances, it is authorised to return to its nearest port." Carlyle read with a gleeful expression, "Now, to find a way to make this undoable..."

Ishana Pavanos

"Eh?" Ishana asked as she looked at her comms, "who?" She looked over at the camera, "Pierce did you cry so hard that she had to show up?" Ishana knew who he was related to, and yes Ishana had a crush on her. A very, very large one, "kark me stupid," she sighed, "this is payback for the time I shorted your sheets, isn't it? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, bro. [member="Pierce Fortan III"]." More than likely, Natasi was real for a more important reason and whatever that reason it was about to get underhanded. Ishana felt something hit the shuttle, "the feth?"

Another hit, "whoa! [member="Nils Brenner"], @Roderik von Brikerhoff!"

"We got bogeys incoming behind us, who's out there?" She wondered and looked at the kid in the cockpit next to her, "kid I asked you a flippin question!"

"Um, uh [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]?" He questioned, and she sighed, getting on comms, "hey this is Songbird with the SFC, you got a few bogeys heading your way from opposite end of the system, care to intercept them?"

Hogrum Veed

Post Two.
Victory-X Star Destroyer, Devastator.

"Of course, Captain, what is the situation?"

"Nothing has changed since you had left, Hogrum."

Almost, likely imperceptible after the Captain had turned his head to the side, Hogrums eye twitched at the use of his first name. Something that occurred plenty of times over the last few months since graduating from the Officer's Academy, and certainly a thing that he couldn't get over. It vexed him to a point that he could almost never return from, and yet, here he stood, continuing to tolerate his imbecile of a Captain.

However, despite his inner feelings, he smiled pleasantly and said, "Perhaps we should journey a little further out from the Sensor? Since it is not yet complete, our sensors will have better chances of picking up something further away. Additionally, we can have TIEs called in to protect it in our absence."

"You hear that?" He exclaimed, directly to the navigation wizards. "Turn on sublight engines. Let's move."
skin, bone, and arrogance
Post 9


"Ma'am, we're getting sensor readings from the far side of the system. Not broadcasting on any frequencies we're familiar with."

Natasi frowned. "Try the Alliance signals we've intercepted."

"We have done, ma'am. Not checking out."

Natasi leaned over the table and sighed. "Pirates. No doubt coming from Alliance space. Those people are entirely useless. They're so busy pressing at our defenses that they can't be bothered to deal with the piracy problem on their side. Is there anything more irritating? Scramble the TIEs and provide our shuttles with some cover."

[member="Ishana Pavanos"] [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] [member="Pierce Fortan III"] [member="Nils Brenner"] [member="Sara Lee Jones"]

Hogrum Veed

Post Three.
Victory-X Star Destroyer, Devastator.

I swear I'll kill him myself.

Whereas the Devastator was equipped with troop transports instead of actual TIEs, nearby patrols from other First Order assets were forced to deploy additional support. As a Captain, after coming into contact with whoever was on the other side of the commline, they had responded almost immediately and had sent the TIEs in, specifically, hyperspace capable TIEs.

Fast and nimble, they arrived within minutes of the transmission being sent.

Despite his urging however, Hogrum's Captain would not allow the ship to budge until the extra squadrons had arrived.

It's always a surprise when he does something right.

"Are we ready, Lieutenant?"

With a glance to either side at both communications ensigns and those that worked scanners and navigation, after receiving a confirming nod from all of them, that was when Hogrum finally responded with a, "Yes, Sir, we are."

"Very well, explore!"
Commander Cyone had been in the process of going over some of the history that [member="Torian Pierce"] had been able to pull together, and then she saw something. "Ensign." She says, "the feth is that."

Ensign Quentin looked over at his monitoring system, "pirates!"

"Feth!" She quickly sets the datapad on the counter beside the Ensign's workstation and rushes up to her command post, slamming her hand on the red alert. "[member="Charlotte Reed"], I need you back here, now!" The feth she was about to start this fight without her First Officer. She needed Charlotte at her side before they got into this, "Quentin, get a relay out to the Stellari-"

"The Concordia is here!" Quentin shouted, "and yes'm"

Cyone got into her command chair, and opened up a channel, "all vessels this is Commander Cyone, transferring command to Grand Moff [member="Natasi Fortan"]."


RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Objective: Smash the Sensor Array
Post: IV

"This is Captain Abram Bailey of Explorer Force 3, Commodore Rausgeber has retired to his cabin. Requesting fighter support, and moving along." The ships captain reported, "Maude, mother of Vader, who else is hailing us?" The captain asked.

"Sir, the Concordia has also hailed us," The ships comm officer reported.

"Oh for karks sake! Put them on." Bailey commanded, "Concordia, this is Explorer Force 3, we are mapping this sector for navigational purposes." Bailey let that sit, before turning to the ships chief engineer, "I want the commodore found, I don't want to deal with this poodoo all by myself."


Across the ship, Carlyle had stripped out of his uniform, and was now crawling through the ships vents to the sensor array. Attired in naught but his undergarments, with a holoprojector tucked between his cheeks, Carlyle slid through the narrow passageways of the exploration cruiser. "I'm gonna get ya, ya stupid, useless sensor array!" The officer growled.

Hogrum Veed

Post Four.
Victory-X Star Destroyer.

"You heard the Captain," Veed exclaimed with enough vitality to match the apparent excitement of his Captain. Young, hardly a few years older than Hogrum. Chances were he had gone straight from the Academy to becoming a Captain after an extremely short tenure as a second in command. His Captain had likely met an untimely demise in some Space Combat and had thus sent the Captain up for a promotion.


Hogrum would right that wrong soon enough.

Within a few minutes the Devastator was on the move, pulling out and away from the long-range sensor that was slowly being put together by space capable mining droids and those in space suits. A task that Hogrum could not imagine doing. In an encased behemoth like a Heavy Cruiser? That he could do. Wearing a paper thin suit out into Space?

No chance.

He had fears, like any man.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Post 10

The more Natasi encountered [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"], the less impressed she became. He had shouted at her upon their first meeting, humiliating himself in what was later to be deemed a medical problem. And now, he had retired to his cabin in the middle of an operation? It was very un-Imperial. She made a mental note to review his personnel file when they returned to Avalonia. "Very good, Captain Bailey. Inform the Commodore that I would like to speak with him when he rises."

"Where are we on the sensor operations?" she demanded. She opened a channel to [member="Aermoira Cyone"]. "Commander Cyone, you appear to be operating ahead of schedule. You are to be congratulated. Can you confirm whether there is hostile activity in your sector? We are launching TIE support as we speak and I will divert them to cover you."

Hogrum Veed

Post Five.
Victory-X Star Destroyer, Devastator.

Despite the Captain being in charge, the Bridge Crew certainly didn't respect him enough to go to him with reports. When he heard someone calling out for him, 'Lieutenant,' he came over, sauntering as if he were already in charge, a gait that was incurable, he inquired as to what was the problem as soon as he got to the sensory ensign's station.

After a few short moments of explaining and going back and forth with the ensign, Lieutenant Veed, from his bent position straightened out to his full height, and before he could even turn to directly face the Captain, he was already assaulting him with questions.

"What's the matter, Lieutenant?"

Boy, if he said my name.

"Sensors are picking up blips... I believe you should activate the tactical display now," and the Captain paused for a moment at the head of the Bridge before he gave a nod and went to it. Certainly a job for a lesser station, but this time, Hogrum was able to conceal his smirk before patting the back of the ensign and walking out of the 'pit' with the ensigns and other Bridge Officers so that he could view the tactical display correctly.
Unaware of the ongoings in space, Amuna and her warband continued to wait, and hoping to pull off a pretty decent score of food. She knelt down, reading herself she could hear them approaching from the east. Whatever and whoever was approaching had stopped, well she knew *who* was approaching but why they stopped she wasn't so sure of. Her heart pounded, she slowly took out an arrow and notched it to her bow as she turned. Kneeling down on one knee she aimed her bow, waiting, and waiting, until she was able to fire it off. The sound of the drawstring snapping, arrow flying through the air and striking the first poor sap to cross her view. Quickly she notched another one, and waited, letting it go but having not held it long enough it didn't kill the person in question, whistling she shouted as her warband prematurely sprang up from their positions hoping to get in on the score.

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Post V
Objective: Smash that Sensor Array

As Carlyle crawled through the vent, his body became hotter and sweater. His whole body became lubricated with his perspiration, meaning he slipped and slid through the ship like a bantha sausage in a frying pan. Occassionally, he'd reach into his waistband, and take out the holoprojector, ensuring he was in fact on the right course. Within five minutes of crawling, he found the maintainence bay for the sensor array.

Carlyle found the vent entrance, and began to bash it with his bare fist. "Damn you vent!" He drunkenly yelled, "You won't stop me now!" He screamed, the metal began to dent, and crumple beneath his constant assaults.


"Commodore Rausgeber has taken ill ma'am." Bailey reported, "The man was very much so ill, he'd been complaining of a headache, I fear, he may have a fever." Bailey lied. Although he hated Rausgeber at the moment, he didn't want the man's career to suffer. "He's currently asleep, if you want to, I'll wake him for you." he added, before turning off comms, "Get him, now!"

[member="Natasi Fortan"]
Objective: Assist the Grand Moff

The Concordia had hailed the Excubitore, asking for its presence. The Excubitore moved to the location as fast as was possible for the Imperial-X, probably even straining its hyperdrive.

Commander Basileus issued the command, "All fighters, deploy upon exiting hyperspace. You are now under command of the Grand Moff."

"Ensure the survival of the Concordia, at all costs. Move to escort it immediately."

Basileus had never personally been recognised by the Moff, perhaps was the day to show that he was a capable Commander in the First Order Navy.

"FIV Concordia, I have just arrived in the sector and I am on escort duty unless otherwise commanded. My fighters are now under your command."

[member="Natasi Fortan"]
skin, bone, and arrogance
Post 11

Her communicator came to life and Charlotte nodded affirmative -- as if anyone could hear her -- and then her brain caught up. "Right away, Commander," she told [member="Aermoira Cyone"] over the communications channel. "The technicians are almost finished unloading the shuttle, then I'll take it back. Quick as I can." She went over and began to help unload, to accelerate the process. Whatever was happening in orbit was not good. Five minutes later, she was settling back behind the controls of the ship. She launched and headed for space.

"FIV Emerson tower control, this is First Order shuttle Breseis requesting priority clearance to dock."

"Affirmative, shuttle Briseis, you are cleared to dock in docking ring six, over."

"Thank you," Charlotte replied tersely as she moved to dock. Two minutes later she was sprinting onto the bridge and snapping a salute. "Commander."
Location: Orbiting the Kaeshana System.
Allies: The First Order, [member="Valessia Brentioch"].
Enemies: Diplomatic Attire.
Objective: Escort and Protect the Ambassador.
Post Count: 2/20

As they neared the planet, those within the metallic bowels of the Curich shuttle had nearly completed their preparations for landing. His entire squad had been given their dress blacks with respirator attachments so that they could breathe in the irradiated wasteland that the world wistfully spinning below had become. While he would’ve preferred adorning his muscular frame in the alabaster warplate of the legions, the Brass had ordered they doll themselves up for the occasion. This was a humanitarian mission after all, not some brutal Sith-led assault upon a world to cleanse its populace. Then again, Torian mused, it seemed the Galaxy had trouble telling the difference between Good and Evil - The lines appeared to blur whenever Stellar Empire’s took to the stars.

Clearing his mind of the errant thought by racking the slide of his archaic weapon, the Bakuran slipped the elegant weapon into his thigh holster and sealed the clasp. He knew that his orders were to Return Fire, and nothing more - but a deep, dark part of his soul had craved for action. If only they came to this world as conquerors, perhaps then he’d be able to - No, that was a path for another day.

As the light of day began to dwindle behind the curvature of the planet below, that’s when things started to take a turn for the interesting. Orderly reports began to swarm throughout the system, spreading from ship to ship like wildfire. A pirate armada had slipped from the tides of Hyperspace and reverted to realspace in a flicker of pseudomotion. There were an uncounted number of reasons as to why they had come to this system, the most prevalent and the only reason that Torian even bothered to consider; Was the enslavement of the Eldorai remnants. On a typical day, the Bakuran born Stormtrooper wouldn’t give a rats ass if those Inhuman dregs were slapped in irons.

However, orders were orders - and as much as he hated the notion of coming to those benighted people’s rescue. Well, the Stormtrooper mused, at least now I can scratch that itch...

| [member="Valessia Brentioch"] |​

Hogrum Veed

Post Six.
Victory-X Star Destroyer, Devastator.

Hogrum watched the tactical display as small blips appeared on the screen, outlined with grey as they were incapable of being identified. Too fast for the sensors to actually pick up, or of unknown origins. Certainly a problem with such close proximity to the Galactic Alliance. Certainly a trap to fire upon them first. There was a slight twisting of Hogrum's lips into a smirk as he stared into the back of the Captain.

"Once we have a perfect picture of the ships, should they prove to be unaffiliated with the Alliance, we should destroy them..." As he ended his statement, he let his words drag on, as if he were whispering the suggestion into his mind. Was it the work of the Force? Hogrum had always found that he was good at convincing those he had deemed lesser than him to do things the way he wanted.

Pushing a hand through his always perfect hair, he waited for confirmation on the suggestion.
First Order Planetary Defense Forces
Location: Enroute to the Kaeshana System.​
Allies: The First Order, Valessia Brentioch, [member="Torian Pierce"]​
Objective: Escort and Protect the Ambassador.​
Post: 1​

Garett looked around the room, stormtoopers everywhere. It was a bit unsettling for him. Since his transfer to the Planetary Defense Army, his dealings with Stormtroopers became very little. Which is how he liked it. To him stormtroopers were nothing more but mindless soldiers. They were always by the book, and never question the book. Garett was a more out of the box, type of officer. So the book to him was just guidelines. Although Garett questioned more than the stormtroopers for a Ambassidor's guard, he wondered, why Combat Engineer Company. Garett couldn't get the thought off his mind of for what reason combat engineers would be needed for this, but for some reason Valessia wanted Garett's Company to join her. Garett sat quietly to himself, as the rest of his company including Sgt. Illarian, were on one of the assault landers. He did one final check of his new armor, that would become standard for all Defense Army soldiers, and as he did that he would start to think of new names for the Defense Army's soldiers.​

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Post VI
Objective: Smash the Array

Carlyle slammed through the vent, his fist bloodied by the affair. He then slid out of the metal opening, before falling a meter to the floor. His body was red hot, and bare. The officer scrambled around, shivering. There was a drastic change in temperature from the rest of the ship to this lowly maintenance sector. "Now, to get rid of you, you sneaky bastard!" He snarled as he stumbled around.

The commodore reached for a vibro wrench, and began to swing it all around. The wrench made loud bang and crashing noises as it hit against consoles, power regulators and metal. Carlyle laughed like a maniac as he ran through, denting everything he could find. "Eat that work! Eat that Mum!" He growled, "Suck on that Dad!" He roared at the top of his lungs.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Post 12

"Affirmative, Excubitore," replied Natasi calmly. "It looks like we will be assisting our neighbors, the Galactic Alliance, with some cleanup of their trade routes. Some pirates must have caught wind of our relief mission here and are attacking our convoys. Please reinforce the convoys, create a fighter shield between them and the pirates, and place your ship in that quadrant to provide support. Please confirm." @Basileus Isauros

Meanwhile, Natasi turned her attention back to the map and disturbing reports on [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]. "Get me a report from the ship's medical office. I need to know whether the Commodore has been taking his medication. On the double, Captain Bailey." She sighed and glanced at her helmsman, who was smirking but immediately sobered and looked in the other direction. Thank goodness; now Natasi could smirk and not be seen.

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