First Order Planetary Defense Forces
Location: Enroute to the Kaeshana System.
Allies: The First Order, Torian Pierce
Objective: Setup Defenses Around The Landing Zone
Post: 3
The Defenses were coming alone well, but Garett still couldn't shake that feeling he had. It distracted him so much he didn't even notice Sgt. Pierce salute him. He saluted back to him distractedly, but still he did anyway. Sgt. Illerian knew something was wrong with the Lieutenant, but even she didn't have the gall to ask him about it in front of the troops. She took over command of the company at this point, didn't really tell Garett. She just started to get the Defense Army troopers in their positions. They weren't frontline troops, so they would let the escort duty to the stormtroopers. What they did well was dig in and that is what they did. They didn't employ most of their tactics as that would ruin the land around the LZ. They didn't want to make trenches or anything that would damage the planet. Garett, slowly walked back into the Assault lander to give some thought to what was bothering him, since he still couldn't place it.