Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Five Forts

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō

Atrisia's southern region, the Fortress of the Dawn was standing tall. Black stone walls for protection, thick metal blast doors, defensive turrets and the Onna. Silver armored yovshin with their blades and standing taller was her captain of the guard. Sawa herself was sitting there on the throne she had while servants went around milling about. her soldiers had everything going well and new designs for what they would be able to build up and produce for the fortress and across Atrisia because it wasn't just for them here it was for all of the world.

First thing was first though, she needed to liberate the Bana..... their fortress of the Tiger was just as ancient if not more itself. Firece fighters who served the one city but defended it. Liberating it from some of the forces that had remained on world from the recent well brainwashing. TO combat the first order mythos somehow had convinced jedi on atrisia who were unknown to rise up and give him thousands of soldiers to combat the first order... after two other purges of those somehow loyal to him while claiming they were against foreign rulers from off world... She would have to explain the whole foreign ruler definition later.

So she sent out a listing, for an assassin using her underworld contacts, wanting to bring in one who was trained and willing to do a little wet work for a decent cause... or at least for jewels and credits.... those were also an important thing to many people. As she sat back in her throne and looked over the holograms of other areas of Atrisia. things were stirring the first order was troublesome but she could be patient... she could wait until the proper moment as their star might not last forever. A smile curled her lips and she could see the Nightshade and Iris empress... both producing income for her along with a dozen other places.
[member="Sawa Ike"]

A couple months have pased, since Xi's last asignment on Coruscant. She even got her hands on a proper ship out of it all. She stil sucked as a pilot, and shed be loath to take this thing in-to any kind of fight, unles she realy had no choise, until she actualy learned to fly beter, but... at least she culd move around the galaxy on her own power now.

Xi knowed very litle about ships. Her expertize vas on solid ground, in battle. She vas aware this thing vas out-dated, posibly by centurys, but it wuld have to do, for now. For one tho, it vas easy to fly and control, and for someone as bad at it as she vas, that kind of simplicity suited her. For another, its simplicity also ofered alot of potential for after-market modifications. Something she wuld look in-to, once she got to fly beter, and knowed vhat she vas doing. And had enogh credits to afford it. And lastly... it vas non-deskript. Low-key, low profile, cheap, old craft, vhich wuld not draw atention from anyone, anywhere she vent. All useful traits, for a assassin's ship. Plus, out-dated or not, it vas wel-armed, its ion-cannons expecialy giving it versatility. So if it did come down to a shooting match in space, she at least had a chance. She has named her ship Blade's Fury, in honor of her people.

Now moving back in-to her place on Dantooine, a planet she moved to, back vhen she left her order and Dathomir, Xi vas glad to be home. If "home" even existed for her. For not the first time in the past year, the woman had second thoghts about leaving the Bladeborn. The ancient, quazi-Sith order vas all she ever knowed, ever since she vas a child. It vas not easy to adapt to the fact that alot existed beyond her duty to them, and that red dirt-ball of a planet they caled home.

"Plus... its not like I betrayed them! I stil serve the Empire, in my way, I just vanted more then spending the rest of my days on Dathomir, teaching new warriors! I'l return some day, if I live, once battle loses its apeal." the woman thoght.

One day, as she vas going thru some forms and movements, one after the other, flowing, never-stoping, for the past 2 hours, she heared a door-chime, from the lobby. Xi scowled. Not often did she get vizitors, since most of the time she keped to her-self, on this sparsly populated world. Only ones that wuld come regularily vas either that annoying farmer's son... vhat vas his name... Trax... vho had a crush on her, or the oficial mail-carrier droids, keeping her aprized on the new asignment oportunitys in the Sith Empire. Dantooine, as part of the Empire, vas not keped out of the loop, despyte its in-signifikance. And Xi maked sure for the word to spread out to the higher-ups, that she vas avaliable for assignment.

She did hope it vasnt Trax. For all the rough charm the over-growed boy thoght he had, as wel as being good for a ocasional steamy night together, Xi vasnt interested in a full-on relationship. And if she wer, she wuld definitly look for a higher class of man then him, his goal in life being to one day dig thru dirt, like his old man. Today especialy, she wanted to devote her full time to practice, not pleazure. Skills needed to be konstantly honed, after all. Body had to be keped in top shape. For one vhose lively-hod depended on it, it vas esential.

Vith a sigh, she used a towel to wipe off the sweat, then headed tovard the door. Yay! It vasnt Trax... it vas one of the mail droids. About to ask it to play-back vhat-ever situation report it vas carrying, this time, the droid suprised her, indicating it had a special message in its memory, one that some kontroler on the Imperial station orbiting Dantooine evidently seen fit to direct straigt to her. Someone vas looking specificly for a person of her skills.

"Begin play-back." she ordered the droid.


Two days later... just droping out of hyperspace...


Reading the vords scroling acros her Starchaser's main display, Xi presed a button.

"Reciving?" she sayed.

"Un-identifyed vessel, state your purpose in Atrisian space." come the oficius-sounding tone.

"This is civilian vessel Blade's Fury, responding to transmision 1143-Cresh, sumoning me here." Xi replyed, using the code the droid told her to use, vhen identifying her-self to Atrisian planetary control.

There vas a long-ish pause from the comm. Finaly, the voice come back, sounding a touch more... respektful. "Aknowledged. You are expekted. Landing ko-ordinates are being provided to you."

"Thanx. Out." Xi signed off, then lined-up her fighter for atmosferic entry, as the co-ordinates scroled over the display.

It wuld be good to get out of this cockpit. Spending the past 2 days in hyperspace vas not fun, or komfortable. Vhile used to dis-komfort, the woman did feel VERY stiff, from all that siting, or sleeping, in one place.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō

"Lady Ike." THe droid was standing there as she turned around. "It seems someone has responded to your message they arrived and were cleared by the dragon's fang." Sawa raised an eyebrow and moved standing up in the springs of the Iris Empress, her business well one of several dozen across the planet and began walking in the stone pathway as snow was around the awnings. She didn't feel it but there was a chill in the air before she grabbed a towel and looked at the other. her runabout was set up to take her quickly back to her fortress where she would be able to meet others. "Good, see tha my clothing is ready on the shuttle and send them to the fortress."

She got nods of acknowledgment from her servants who were there and the staf before heading off to the fortress itself. She arrived and was able to see the ship being given the coordinates before the sith lady herself stepped out. Having changed into her more regal looking dress. vine silk scarves that covered little but just the right places, hair pins with crystals and beads, a flowing cape coming off of her top to trail behind her and zoosha fabric slippers. Letting her have the appearance of exposed feet as she glided across the floor but it was more practical and would protect her feet. Sawa stood there while servants milled about.
[member="Sawa Ike"]

Keeping her atmosferic speed around 800kph, Xi flyed tovard the indicated ko-ordinates. As the smal ship got closer to the ground, she culd make out the features of a distant mountain-top castle-like strukture, thru the low clouds. It looked... interesting. From the style of it, the woman culd guess the place vas old. Very old. It remynded her sligtly of the Bladeborn temple on Dathomir, the one her order wrested from the Nightsisters, all those centurys ago.

But this planet... it vas nothing like that red ball of dirt. This place vas lush and green, and that castle... or fortress... vas majestic. As she got closer, the fighter's senzors started picking up energy signatures insyde the fortress, too. And from there intenzity...

"Hmm... probably extenzive security grid... yea. This is the kind of place a local big-shot wuld pick. Isolated, defenzible, and rigged vith top-line security grid." Xi thoght to her-self.

But as she slowd-down, coming in for a landing, she started sensing... power. Great power, thru the Force. Who-ever this Sawa vas... she vas very strong in the Force. The closer she got to the landing pad, the more stifling the dark prezence become. Asyde from her clan Elder, Xi has never sensed power anivhere near that scale before.

As the R-41 come to only a sligtly-bumpy landing, Xi's gaze sweped akros the retinue of people standing at the edge of the pad. Some armored ceremonijal guards, a couple of droids, several civilian-looking servants, posibly... and a female figure of regal bearing, standing in the center of them all. She had form, and figure, only akcentuated by her royal-looking silk dress... expozing more then covering. Hair covered in adorned pins, elegantly braided. Not realy to Xi's taste, her fashion sense vas a bit simpler and more hands-on, but then, she alvays prefered substance over style. To Xi's mind, that had its own allure, too. Not that she culd even wear a dress like that, vithout it riping-apart at the seams, evry time she bent, from all the hardened muscle her body vas korded in.

Thru the Force, tho... the regal woman looked like a dark-silver-y pulsar of death. Dark power spirald-out-vard from her like a spider-web. Xi's heart skiped a beat.

"M-hm... she must be a Sith Lord of some kind, definitly. But vhat wuld a Sith Lord be doing this far in-to the Core... I guess I'l find out soon." she thoght, runing a palm thru her short hair, after she taken off the flight-helmet. Then she opened the canopy, as she shut down the fighters engines.

She hoped lightly down from the cockpit, feeling her tendons pop, as she vas FINALY able to strech-out, after 2 days stuck in there. The local air tasted great! Flexing brifly, she first moved to the back of the R-41, to open the trunk and retrive her pair of Tremor blades, in there scabards, and the back-pack. Afixing both to her back, she walked tovard the retinue, and the woman in the midle.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō

Sawa looked at the ship approaching and there was a grin appearing on her face as it finally arrived. Standing there as she looked out and declined her sword being brought to her. Shojo was something she wouldn't need but the ancient darkside blade she could feel it practically humming in its sheath next to her armor and dark sister. The lightsaber wasn't needed either when the energy vampire approached looking up and she had an athletic body, more hidden muscle then visible compared but standing there she wriggled her toes in the zoosha fabric. Darkside energies spilling out to touch and caress when she was pulling at and prodding to bring the girl forward.

"Come to me, lets look upon you." She said it into the force, with barely a whisper as the soldiers around her moved and shifted. Silver armor gleaming where they looked outwards letting her leave a trail open into the main building. Hallways adored with murals and riches, pottery that had been painted with different scenes from the planets past but there was more. From the sith empire and one sith she had been apart of there were treasures of a number of different worlds. A number of different things that she and Maple had found when battling Maranon the ancient zeltron sith lord herself. Jewelry and statues in the forms of dozen's of females their faces and most features faded with age.

"Welcome to my home young one." She said it walking and stood there with more of a look on her face. Taking in the thick muscles and figure of te woman... Sawa grinned imaginigng what it would eb like to have an apprentice like this to serve her purposes. Here on atrisia she could reclaim the five forts and lay the ground work for some future plans. The long game was important ocmpared to anything else that they were doing until she found the proper time to strike and reach outwards. "I am Sawa Ike, dark lady of the Dawn Fortress and this is atrisia." She opened a door filled with jewels, gold, treasures, credit chits, silks, spices and everything they had here.
"Nice to be here, my lady. It certinly is a big change, from any of the worlds I vizited so far." Xi replyed, bowing sligtly, as she taken-in evrything around her.

The place vas amazing. The... "dawn fortress", vas it... ? Just from all the ornaments and precius stones in-bedded in them, Xi asumed the place wuld be a pirates wet dream, to rob. It definitly explaind the heavy security her ships senzors picked up on-aproach. Now that she got a look at the stores of precius spices and silk, as wel as other treazures, the Bladeborn woman vas a bit awe-struck.

"I am curius tho... vhat exacly is a Sith as obviusly powerful as you, doing on a planet so far outsyde the Sith Empire?" she inkuired the woman, as they walked. She culd sense this planet vas important to the woman. Very much so. Vas it for its location in the deep Core? Or for some other reazon? Its proximity to First Order space sugested it culd be used as a staging area, for Sith fleets to invade, shuld a war erupt betwen the two powers. Vas that why the Sith emperor sent her here, to conquer it kuietly? Or vas she simply here by chance?

Those thoghts swirled in Xi's mind, as she waited for the Dark Lady to ansver.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō

She looked at her and moved quickly, quietly with silver eyes locking on more like a predator before she was standing close and spoke with her words curling in the force to wrap and embrace. "Atrisia is my home sweet child, where I was born.... the sith may have scarred her with their conflicts but there is so much more here if you know where to look." She had a grin on her face and the idea of bringing Atrisia back itno the sith was appealing somewhat they had plenty but they had also gotten the likes of mythos who had been a foreign ruler demanding they follow him and when he had fled the planet because the GA showed up he took too many of the soldiers so they were forever vulnerable. Sawa was looking at her though and there were her tremor swords.. a skilled weapon to earn.. which was good. "So my dear what is it you want for this job I have in mind. Jewels, silks, slaves? I have some of the finest servants on Atrisia skilled in whatever you could want."
Despyte her best eforts, Xi feled a bit un-setled, from the way the Dark Lady sudenly reached out vith the Force, thru her words to... embrace her. Un-setled, but also strangely... flattered.

"It has been a vhile, since I entertained a notion of haveing a Master to learn from... one as ancient and powerful as her is definitly one vorthy of teaching me. Helping me become even stronger in the Force."

Out-loud, she smiled. "There is not much I want, Mistress. I have not killed a vorthy enemy in too long. So... a chance to soak my blades in blood of strong enemys, a chance to learn more about the Force from you. Slaves and riches wuld be a nice bonus, however! Especialy male ones..." she leaned in closer, to vhisper... "...lets just say after being hounded by boring farmers sons for the past year, I dezire something more... invigorating!" vith a wink.

"So... vhat is it you wuld have me do, Mistress?" she added, turning intent and respektful agen.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō

Hahaha Sawa grinned her teeth and fangs appearing. The small points snapping into place as she raised an eyebrow and spoke. "Well my dear if it is invigoration that you seek there shall be so much coming to you." Where she was looking around and checking it out. The sith lady touched some of the weapons guiding the way to a balcony overlooking the valley and she spoke. "You may be able to see it, in the distance is another of Atrisia's five forts. In the mountains, the fortress of the dragon's teeth. It was overtaken by some unsavory people who were fleeing being sent after their master and they are troublesome to some. While I could kill them it would mean marching my soldiers across in the open and revealing their numbers. Future plans will be endangered from that action... so an assassin who can sneak in and open the gates for me and a small team. We can wipe out their leaders, take the fortress and restore it along with the others. The Nara will be attracted to it. From D'Carth with the bloodless men and old gods."
[member="Sawa Ike"]

"Fangs? Guess shes not fuly Human... nevermind..." Xi thoght, looking at the other woman's big canines vith interest. But she kuickly fokused on her asignment. There wuld be time enogh to ask Sawa more about her-self later. First, she vas determined to prove her-self to her new Mistress.

Peering out acros the plain tovard the distant mountain her Mistress indicated, Xi tryed to make out anithing. And failed. Either her eyes ver not as good as Sawa's, or she just culdnt make it out in the rain-cloud covered landscape. She reached in-to her back pack for a pair of macro-binokulars. Bringing them to her eyes, and adjusting the magnifikation, now she culd see it.

"I got it... Looks wel fortifyed, just like this fort. So, who are those... un-savory characters you mentioned? Id like to know vhat I'm facing. Any intel on the kind of defences they have? Internal lay-out? Secondary entry-points? Or shuld I scout it out first, and pin-point the best place to infiltrate?" she asked, as she turned her view to the terain below the other mountain. It vas prety clyar, like the Mistress sayed, and Xi culd wel see her point about not vanting to cross it vith a large army... they wuld be siting ducks in the open like that. But under cover of night, Xi had no doubt she her-self culd make a covert aproach.

There vas also a river runing near that other mountain. It run right past the slopes, in fakt. That opened the posiblity of under-ground caves she culd use to get in, too, since that kind of topografy often inkluded such things. She wuld have to check it out.

She didnt folow any of the last statement by Sawa, about Nara, and D'Carth and the "bloodless men and old gods". She maked a mental note to ask about it, at some point.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō

"The layout was much like this one but thirty thousand years can change a great deal and the clan that has held that fortress since the unification wars. Recently though they seem to have slipped and tried to overthrow the emperor's heir by joining an outsider." She said it with some scorn and it might sound different going after someone who just wanted power but they threatened Shoma.... which was their first mistake. He was invaluable to her plans on Atrisia, they endangered Ni-Ne which would prove fatal all on its own when she tore their throats out. They were apparently a clan of jedi masters working with mythos which was the third strike against them.

"As to what they have well apparently they are a clan of jedi masters that have been unheard of on the planet until recently. I can't allow such a thing for my long term goals and so they must be cleansed." Sawa said it and walked into the room as her blade was there, Shojo in its sheath and she took it from the side of the chair withdrawing a little of the blade as the black metal with swirled dark red. THe blade was a force blade that drank in the light and the blood of its enemies as she was holding it for a moment. Ancient and older then most really knew Ga-In the first empress had sealed away the blade for nearly twenty thousand years before Sawa had fred it.
"A clan of Jedi Masters?" Xi repeated, a bit taken-back. That vas going to be a problem.

She has faced Jedi Masters before, several times. But that vas mostly 1 on 1 fights, or if there wer more then one, she always had back-up. Either from others of her clan, vorking together on a mission, or a strike force of normal troops, serving as cannon-foder to distrakt them. The idea of infiltrating a fortress full of them, on her lone-some, vas something she had not ever tryed before. She culd take on multiple Jedi Knights at once, or slay a small army of aprentices, but Jedi Masters wer a vhole another kind of enemy. Not because of there fighting skil as such... if the ability to fight, and skill vith a blade, vas all that decided it, she culd take on several Jedi Masters at once. The Bladeborn wer bred and raized to fight, and they used weapons that wer superior to lightsabers, becauze of there weigt in the blade, and increased power as a rezult. It vas there sole purpose and passion in life. And a Masterblade vas almost a force of nature, vhen it come to martial prowes, and mastery of the sword-play.

Problem vas... a Jedi Master vas a lot more, then a capable fighter. There power in the Force far surpased her own. It vas only her ability as a fighter, that leveled the playing field, one on one. And just barely, and even then, only if she culd get the jump on them. They wer likely to sense her prezence, as soon as she vas in the fortress, and her infiltration efort wuld end right there.

But... she had expirience to learn from... and the Force culd be contered.

"I'l need to make preparetions first, Mistress. Mainly, make sure I can not be easyli sensed by them." she speaked up agen, leaning agenst the wall, her as she konsidered her options.

"Have you ever heared of a creature caled a Ysalamiri?" she sudenly asked, her orange eyes meeting the silver-y one of her Mistress, "It has the ability to push-back the Force. In a sense, it makes Force-free bubles, vhere the Force simply doez not exist. My clan used to breed them, to serve us, vhen we needed to remain hiden from any Jedi strike team atempting to trace our warriors back to the home-world." she asked, then continued, "I wil need one. Vithout one, there is no chance I can even get close, vithout them sensing my prezence. It wuld also hinder my own Force talents, but I can fight wel vithout them. The Jedi wuld be far more handicaped, trying to fight me, vhen they can not touch me thru the Force."

Her lips curled in-to a vicius smirk, as she cracked her knuckles. "Vithout the Force, most Jedi are like children. They rely so much on it, they forget the power of there own body as it is. That wuld be my advantage over them. Not only in staying un-noticed, but in a fight, vhen it comes to it. I can fight almost as wel vithout the Force, as I can vith it. They can not."

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō

Sawa was looking at her and appeared slightly amused as the woman spoke with a plan... a good plan and she was thinking it out. "We could do that but we could also let me walk in the front doors. I am regarded highly across the planet. My family has been around longer then most and my descendant is heir to the emperor himself. His favorite companion. Refusing me a chance to speak when they need allies on the planet would be dangerous and My dear sweet girl. I can mask you, I have remained on this world for over five thousand years now waiting and concealing myself from jedi and force hunters. One skilled warrior wouldn't be difficult."

Sawa was looking up at her though and raised a hand while she smirked. TIght lipped at first and then it was a full grin promising wicked things. Her fangs were retracted but it could look no less sinister when she touched the thick muscles. "Oh so strong and powerful, one such as you is a rare prize in a warrior. Most want to just try and prove their talents by smashing into everything but there is a mind in there, a strong one... a dangerous one. When you do get a master within the sith they will need to be careful." She wasn't going to claim the girl though such an apprentice for her own uses could be amazing.... maybe later if she sought it for now though.

"Rest though, we shall head out at dawn for the mountains and circle around the ancient Nhar mountains are hoe to more dangerous things then just jedi and monsters. I'll show you where the fortress caves start and hopefully you won't get lost or drown int he Yeem." THe ancient ocean was under the mountains, a massive lightless ocean within caves and caverns that went on in some places it was believed as far as the mountains and as deep. The hidden sea would just have to wait though when Sawa mused to herself giving a nightgown to the apprentice. "If you are hungry I am to partake of dinner soon."
"Yes, mistress." Xi noded, stiring sligtly. Not at all konvinced, especialy the idea of trying this at dawn, in broad day-light. Or Sawa's ability to realy mask her from the Jedi.

"But there is so much I dont know about the Force! Maby shes right. Maby she can do vhat she says, and mask me. And... if she realy is as old as that... shed have to be prety good at it, to stay hiden from the Jedi." she thoght.

This vas one of the reasons she decided to leave her clan. As great warriors as Bladeborn wer, they wer... limited... in the Force. They fokused so much on martial training, that there actual Force abilitys wer at best, rudimentery. And mosty just utility-based, for self-enhancement. So it vas understendable that Xi vas very skeptical about this plan. But she decided to take a leap of faith, vith this woman. She smiled at Sawa, as the other woman touched her.

"The mark of a capable warrior isnt just how wel one can smash things. Its about out-thinking the enemy, too. And if this Force-masking trick you have in mind, wil realy vork, I look forvard to seeing it in action, Mistress. Or even learning it for my-self, if you are wiling to teach me. I can think of a hundred uses for it..." a flash in her eyes.

"And yes... Id love to join you for dinner, Mistress! Living on rations for 2 days in hyper-space, isnt my idea of fun. Those things taste like saw-dust..." she smirked, then aded. "No rest for me yet, tho... I need to do a proper exercize regimen, after the meal, before sleep. Strength, agility, explozivenes, cardio, the vhole package. I stil feel stiff from all that time spent in a kramped cockpit."

That vas a fact. Xi stil feled her tendons poping and cracking, evry time she moved. One of the draw-backs of being so wel-konditioned as she vas, it ment her body REALY didnt take wel to being still for long periods of time. Vorking out becomes a necesity, not just a choise. Especialy after such a long, 2 day period of in-activity.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō

Sawa looked at her and the grin on her face was there while she started leading the way, through ornate halls that flowed with painting and murals. The fortress of the dawn was ancient and it had legends, it had dark and twisted tales of what had happened here. She was going into the massive dining hall though, tables and seats for everyone... her soldiers sitting down all stopped when she entered and without their face masks they were men and women from atrisia. scarred and hard looking compared to some but still strikingly beautiful. Servants went around and some were being fondled, some were in other positions but her servants were at the head of the main table on a dais.

She was walking and it was a massive feast as one fo the servants came to stand near her, pale skin with icy blue eyes, long hair and wearing little. "Master." She said it and remained there for a moment sitting at the foot of the chair. "We have your seat prepared." Sawa motioned for another seat to be made and looking at the men she knew many of them the children and descendants of the Onna.. the ancient dark yovshin who used their skills for assassination and to enforce the emperors dark will. She sat down in the seat though and the black wood, wrought iron and carved features showed it was ancient. That the arms show small grooves from finger nails meant little.

"Come my sweet one, sit and partake we have everything one could imagine." A grin as the meat was wafting with the scent of beef, pork, poultry, fish, crabs in butter and garlic, bacon with soups of thick broths, veggies and fruits all around. Cheeses melted, potato's mashed and baked as sake poured freely. The Onna were celebrating with each other and in the center fo the tables several were battling for dominance among each other. There was food being served and Sawa stroked the hair of one of the servants who was curled around her leg. SIlver eyes watching all of them as one ululated with their tongue and the female Onna held up the hair of another.

She didn't explain what was going to happen, two fo the males pulled the disgraced one off to the side of the room and dragged her into another room. She wouldn't be killed but few said what happened with the females or even the males who lost as across from another table a man was being taken. Younger, with softer features and now chopped hair. Sawa leaned back a little as a chalice of aurodium was brought to her and she swirled the sake within it. The grin on her face where several of the others remained at the ready. Dark eyes and features presenting a united front to observe all fo the others.
[member="Sawa Ike"]

"Lovely..." the Bladeborn woman komented softly, as she watched the... enterteinment... munching on a juicy beef steak vith some crispy potatos. She didnt drink the wine, alkohol duled the senses, but she did vash it all down vith some fruit juice.

Right now, she had her orange eyes fixed on the two of the Onna men, vho wer now fighting one-another. She bit her lower lip softly. Vhich-ever one of them won, wuld get to face her next. The sparring vasnt soft, vhich apealed to her. Blood vas being drawed, skin vas being split, pained grunts of both excited her. The wet, dull sounds of bone-on-bone, fleshy squishes, as they punched and kicked one-another hard, there hard bodys glistening vith sweat. Both wer big, chizeled, strong... both wer vorthy to praktice vith, and mix vorkout and pleazure.

"Been way to long since I had a nice, bloody spar vith a proper oponent. Not that skinny farmer, vho I vas afreid to squeeze to hard, not to break him! Plus, I need the vorkout aniway..." she thoght, swalowing the two vith her eyes. She licked her lips, then taken another bite of the steak, watching the duel raptly.

Xi didnt miss the fakt that the ones that lost wer... draged off to the other rooms... prezumably for some more intimate enterteinment... or punishment... or both. Once she vas done beating the crap out of her chozen prey, she wuld drag him in one too, and... reward him for all the pain she planed to inflikt.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Xi Rell"]

Looking at the girl who had an interest Sawa spoke softly but her voice carried. "There are rules my dear, ones that can't be broken. We do not kill, injure yes but taking a life here is forbidden. We slaughter our enemies not each other and winner gets to enjoy the spoils of victory." She grinned though as some of the Onna stood there and one of them was a mountain of a man. "Chujo my sweet one how have things faired?" She asked it and the deep voice came out while he was looking with arms crossed. "Well mistress, one of the vilagers who joined said he wanted me to make the other stop treating him like a woman."

Sawa waited raising an eyebrow as he spoke. "I gave him a knife and told him to prove he wasn't one here." He looked over his shoulder where the boy had been taken into the room followed by another whose face was scarred. "I guess he will learn eventually." There were laughs from some of the others and Sawa spoke looking at Xi. "It isn't often the females fight the males, it happens but do be sure not to damage them too much. These human's are useful to me." She didn't doubt the girl could win in a fight, she was strong and powerful with a tactical mind and the Onna were while skilled and dangerous also over confident at times... good to teach them their place.
Xi smirked, standing up and flexing. "Dont vory, Mistress... he is too handsome to kill!" she hissed. That didnt mean she wuldnt re-arange his face a bit.

"Chujo, is it?" she asked, loosening her sholders.

"Yea. You must be the Mistress new toy?" the man replyed dis-dainfuly to Xi. The idea that some foreign chick a head shorter then him culd beat him, vas ridiculus to him. "Be a shame to put you out of komision, before you even have a chance to prove yorself, wuld it not?" he aded, cracking his knuckles.

Xi's lips twisted sligtly, to a smirk, as she lowered her stance, most of the weigt on the back foot. "You talk to much." she deadpaned, before she sudenly maked a 1-2 step forvard. Vith his longer reach, he atempted to check her advance vith a straigt-punch to her face. She sliped it, grabing his vrist and puling forvard, to land a knee up his gut. He grunted, as she folowed-up on that vith a brutal open-palm upercut under his chin, that maked his jaw snap shut vith a loud CLACK, as his head snaped-back.

Vith a roar, he striked-off Xi's arm, in the same move planting his elbow hard in-to the side of her neck, in a powerful chop. As her head snaped to the top of her opozite sholder, Xi culd see a couple stars. But her iron-body konditioning ment she vas very rezistant to blows. Enjoying the dull pain in her neck, she checked his folow-up right hook vith her forearm, and reciprokated vith another uppercut, this time vith a closed fist, to the same spot under his chin. This time, he blocked it, and landed a roundhouse to her ribs, vith a loud fleshy impakt sound. She culd feel one of them creak in protest, as a volcano of dull pain formed in her chest.

"Mm... he can kick good!" Xi thoght, stagering sligtly, the pain making her even more wanting. Her hardened ribs didnt cave, but it vas a close thing. One of them vas probably bruized.

"Schuta! Time to end this!" he growled, spining around for a heel-strike to Xi's temple, as she vas stagered. She ducked it, a private grin on her face. He vas geting over-konfident. Mid-motion, stil crouched, she pivoted 90 degres on her lead leg, using 1 hand to stabilyze her-self in the crouch, to drive the heel of her flowing leg in-to his face, up-ward like a piston. She culd feel his nose give way, in a crunch of cartilege, and a spurt of blood from it. He stagered back vith a curse, wiping his face of blood.

The woman advanced on him. He tryed to check it vith a teep to her gut. She twisted, taking it as a graze, as she launched a 1-2-3 kombo. 1 straigt to his solar plexus, vhich he shruged-of, being tough, 2 right hook to his chin, vhich he blocked, 3 point-elbow to the same broken nose, to cauze more pain. The un-expekted strike konekted, making him moan. But it also pissed him of more.

"RAARGHH!" he roared in pain and rage, grabing Xi's hand vith both of his, and puling her in for a high jump-knee to her own face. The woman's cheek split, blood in her left eye. She culd also taste her own blood in her mouth. Tasty!

On instinkt, she anticipated his folow-up, a haymaker, deflekting his arm to the side, and folowing it her-self, to flank him. He turned, his elbow spining for her face, but she intercepted it, floating it past her face, as her other fist shot under his arm-pit, at the nerve-kluster there. His arm sudenly went limp, nerve-punched. And it wuld stay that vay for a good dozen seconds, as the nerves recover.

Using his limp arm as leverage, she puled him down, as he knee vent up now, for his ribs. Once... he grunted, but tryed to break the lock, throwing his other elbow back, atempting to strike Xi. It didnt konekt, as she leaned back.

Twice... his grunt vas louder, as his leg shot for Xi's knee, atempting to un-balance her. She angled her knee, taking the stomp to its side, leting it slyde-past vithout doing any real damage.

Three times... this time her knee hit a bit more to the side, to his liver. His hard ribs protekted it, but it stil hurt like hell. He screamed, stumbling.

"Mmm yes... scream for me, stud!" Xi thoght, elated, her vizion blured vith her own blood driping of her split face, now operating purely on instinkt.

Four... her knee bashed the exakt same spot, bruizing his liver even more. His scream turned to a gutural roar of agony. He vent down to 1 knee, wheezing.

The Bladeborn woman released his limp arm, walking around him, to stand in front of him. He weakly tryed to punch her in the gut vith his other arm, but she easyli catched it...


Her last, and most powerful, knee-strike vas to his face, spliting it like he did hers, and sending him reeling to his back, spiting-out blood. To his kredit, he didnt put his arms in front, he didnt beg her to stop. He just stared at her, stil wheezing in agony, one palm over his brutalized liver, the other, wiping-of his own blood.

Wiping some more blood from her face, Xi smiled, as she bringed her own breathing under kontrol.

"Not... bad. You have strength. You have stamina. You have a chin. But you need more tehnikue. And less bravado to ruin it!" as she steped forvard, her toe pressing down on his crotch. Her gaze turned wanting, as she steped-of, then turned to one of the others...

"He is mine for the night! Take him to one of the rooms. I'l be there shortly, vhen I clean up."

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Xi Rell"]

Sawa watched and she found it very amusing seeing the captain himself taken down a peg or two.. he wasn't terrible in fact he was usually quite good but yovshin trained didn't mean they were perfect... it meant they knew how to fight against most of the drek on Atrisia and a few of the outer colonies. Mythos had taken most of the challenges off world and gotten them killed... Sawa had been looking at what they had here before the fight was over and she took a bite of her food. Seeing some of the others but she bowed her head. "Captain Chujo so very interesting." While she watched him lay there looking up his hair was cut and he was being taken without a struggle to be prepared for her.

"Most impressive though." SHe said it and stood up while moving. The darkside curling around her hands as she walked around looking at some of them who were here. She could see the apprentice, the mountain of a woman had been knocked around as well but she was grinning tracing a finger around her. "So invigorating yes? So much power in your hands.... do treat my captain well. He so rarely has the chance fight someone worthy nowadays." THe sith laughed a little to herself though while she was walking towards the seat again seeing some of her slaves and motioned for one to rise up. "Master." Sawa grinned sitting back down and letting them curl at her feet. "Resume and enjoy."
Xi moved over to pour her-self some water, to vash up her face, as wel as vash-down the blood from her mouth. She glanced at a miror on the wall... yea, the cut on her cheek vas deep, his knee realy skored hard there. But nothing she has not taken many times before. A bacta-bandage or two, there wuldnt even be a scar left, in a couple days.

"I noticed." she replyed to Sawa, in ansver to the Mistress koment about him rarely haveing a chance to fight someone worthy. Feeling her side... yes, her ribs wer bruized. But no fraktures, no brekages. The volcano of pain in her chest also started to fade. A bacta-patch there, too, and they wuld be fine in a day.

Truth be told, she vasnt that satisfyed vith her own performance, eiter. It realy has been too long, since she prakticed her skills, both armed and un-armed, on someone capable. And it showd, she vas a litle rusty. That jump-knee to her face, it vas a prediktable, rage-fueled move on his part, and she shuld have just out-distanced, or triped him up as he launched-of, since he vas un-balanced at that point. Insted, she eaten it hard, and stil feled light-headed from it. Feeling vith her tongue, she culd feel one tooth loose, as wel. Not to mention the deep gash in her cheek. Part of it vas because she vasnt realy trying to hurt him badly, or criple him, she vanted to put on a show, and indulge in her pain-fetish, vith a hunky man she found atractive. But part of it vas real. She has lost some of her touch.

"Remember, Xi... skill and ability must be prakticed konstantly... or lost over time."

The vords of her old trainer, from her clan, come to her mind. She noded to her-self. It vas true. She decided she wuld indulge in sparring, vith and vithout blades, vith these... Onna... on a regular bazis. They needed training. And she needed to get her finely-honed edge back. And it vas a long time indeed, since she had akcess to capable sparring-partners like these. This wuld be fun, in more ways then one!

"Your captain is good... he just needs more chalenge to test him. And so do I." she aded, then left the chamber, to vash up more kompletly. She hoped he vas being tended to as wel... prepared for her. Because after a invigorating match like this, she vas in the mood for some more senzual rekreation, for the night.

"I'l see you in the morning, Mistress." she aded, as she walked out, in the same direktion they taken Chujo.

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