Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Five Forts

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Xi Rell"]

Sawa watched her head off and clapped as she leaned back seeing it where they would be able to work on it. The one slave had moved from curled around her legs to sitting in her lap and pouring the alcohol. Sawa watched but didn't need to say anything as the Onna continued their fighting and normal behavior. The sounds of duels being done across the hall and victors when they came. She would see what they had a little while later but for now could see some of the females like Akiko and Aoi were there fighting others. The twins were powerful and smashed their knees into the face of another Onna. She had the food and rose up later in the night bringing the twins and another with her and the servant. They had all preformed well and her massive bed chambers with a small bridge, water that steamed below it from a geothermal tap to heat up and regulate it within the winter months. The massive bed with vine silk sheets and carved pearl posts. Sleeping and awakening where she looked aat the rising sun.
[member="Sawa Ike"]

Next morning about 5:30...

Xi waked up, naked next to her one-night lover. She smiled in kontent... not only vas the night rest-ful, it vas also... fulfiling. Asyde from the passionate love-making and sex, the two of them had a long convo, about the Mistress mission it-self. She learned more about the specifiks from him, then she did from Sawa, vhos digresions and tangents tovard other stuff maked it very dificult for Xi to get a full picture of vhat Sawa actualy had planned.

Not that Xi didnt respekt her new Mistress. She did. Sawa vas powerful, yet hospitable and welcoming. It vas a very interesting kontradiktion, for a Sith Lord. But she also rekognized a politician and dis-sembler, vhen she seen one. Sawa didnt make evrything plain, like Xi vas used to. She talked in grandioze langage, abstrakts insted of simple facts, and ofered alot of detail, vithout really teling Xi what she vanted to know. On the other hand, her captain of the guard vas a warrior, like her. Simple, plain in speech, direkt. That ment they wer on the same wave-length, vhen it comed to tactical thinking. And, gaining respekt for her, after she kicked his ass, he vas also very free with that information.

She learned the exakt internal layout of the fortress she vas going to infiltrate, after he uploaded a floor plan to her data-pad. The number of levels, the location of the elevators and stair-wels, security stations, staging areas, and the throne room. She learned the exakt number of the Jedi there, Masters and othervise, as wel as the likely number of foot-soldiers they had. She learned of the other defences they had deployed; turets, security fields, mines, security droids, and other potencial problems to face. Among other important things. Vith that knovledge at her dispozal, she had a mental picture on how she wuld go about the mission. One thing she didnt know yet, vas how to actualy get insyde. But the Mistress sayed she wuld show her the way thru the mountain. So there vas that.

Vhile she sleped, she also did her best, vith her limited Force talents, to akcelerate the healing of the wounds she taken yesterday, during there litle spar. As they maked love, she also spontaneusly shared this healing efekt vith him, thru the passion, vhich fueled her Dark Side konektion. He vas also wel on his way to being fuly recovered, vithin a day. From the deep gash on her cheek, all that vas left vas a scar. His broken nose and split skin on the face wer also mostly mended.

Taking a kuick shower, she got dresed, not waking him up, armed, ekuipped, and set out to find the Mistress. She feled energized, rested, satisfyed, and ready for action!

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Xi Rell"]

Sawa slept most of the night and woke up in a small pile while she stretched out. The rising sun was important and she dressed in a black kimono over her bodysuit. Thin but it was made from shell spider silk, the kimono from vine silk and displayed nothing much. her sword on her hip she remained near the small contingent of Onna who were on speeder bikes and more quietly horses. Atrisia was rich with them and in the mountains they could be more reliable before she was standing there. Waiting for the two of them as the captain stood before her and Sawa looked up at him. She might look small compared to him but he wasn't one to question her as she motioned.

"Everything in readiness?" He spoke up looking at her and wearing the silver armor that gleamed. "Yes my lady." There was a look on his face of some pain but he knew how to heal and Sawa motioned for him to come closer to her. Leaning down as she pushed force eneries into him. Potent and powerful from an energy vampire that could be used to drain or heal. She was healing him faster with the excess energy she had drained from the others in the night. All around her there was no looks as they had sen her do this before to those she trusted and pulling away the captain looked healed. "I'll go and make the way ready for you. They'll know you are coming."

She gave him a nod as he set off with a few, a herald who would announce her. Sawa turned to look at Xi and motioned to the one speeder bike they would both need. She was going to be slow moving as the speed and power her species had was something to do. She was looking at it and waiting for them to be ready she had them head out itno the mountains breaking around and going quickly up an old trail. The passes were narrow and small compared to many. "There are only five roads large enough to march an army through practically. In theory they could use the goat trails and smaller passes but it would be slower and more dangerous."

She was loking at it and the speeder stopped as she climbed off of it. Standing there and walking with her hair in a tight ponytail when she gave a look. Her small wooden shoes were able to move quietly through as she spoke pointing to some caves and high above there was the fortress itself in the distance. "An escape tunnel, designed to be used in case of attack and constructed far enough away that in the case of a siege they could sneak in and out with food or supplies. It is fairly direct and may have some of the animals from here but it should be quite empty. I'll distract them in the main area just wait for the signal." She thought about it and grinned. "it will be a whole lot of screaming and dead people."
"And vhat exacly am I suposed to do, Mistress?" Xi asked. From the yesterdays brifing, the Bladeborn woman vas under the impresion she wuld be the one opening the gates for Sawa's army to move in. Now, her Mistress has sent heralds ahead, as wel as the captain and other Onna... and from vhat she overheared before the trip to the mountain, Sawa planed to let the Jedi KNOW they are coming?!?

Xi didnt get it. Vas this suposed to be a suprise attack, or vas she just backup, in case the... negotiations... vent wrong? This vhole mission vas just taking way to-many left-angle turns for her. Vhat exacly was her objektive here?

"Do you want me to open the gates before, or after you make your distraktion, Mistress? Because I dont see how you can get to the main area vhile the gates are closed." - she aded, a bit sarkasticly. Vhile sarkazm vasnt usualy Xi's style, this time, she just did not understand.

// lol sory, forgot to swich-over to the sub account for this post XD //

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō

"After." Sawa looked at her and might have been unclear... a problem she was used to people knowing atrisian culture and values... a slight mistake on her part. " I owe you some more infomration yes." She stood there. "Atrisia is rooted in a deep culture and traditions. I am known, I am considered important for some that being announced so they can prepare is a sign of respect. My army couldn't just march up to their gates and be let in but I can, if I can get someone to open the gates in the chaos and allow them inside then it will be important." She said it looking around though. "Even being sith, these are jedi... atrisian jedi. They want to respect traditions more then anyone and that means they'll let me in." THe wicked grin was there on her face again though while she moved forward and touched her. "Do you have any more questions my sweet Xi?"
"Thanx for making it more clyar, Mistress." Xi smiled. Sawa's explanetion maked sense. They wuld be exploiting Atrisian traditions to there advantage, and launch there attack vhen the jedi least expekted it.

"I do hope you vont actualy tell these Jedi that you have a army out in the field, tho. Even Jedi, being as naive as they are, wuld find it a litle suspicius. I hope the Captain and the rest of the men keep hidden until the time comes to strike." she aded, a trace of sarkazm stil there.

Truth be told, Xi realy had trouble folowing all this royal-style scheming. But, if she wer to continue vorking with the Mistress, she beter get used to it. The thoght maked her chuckle to her-self, as she disapeared in-to the cave entrance.

Blades out, the Bladeborn woman started making her way thru the long, winding tunels of the cavern. More then once, vicius animals lurking in the shadows tryed to jump her, but all wer met vith a kuick slash or stab of her Tremor blades. The place stinked like crap tho, of mold and rot, and fungus and all other kinds of things one wuld not like to smel. As she progresed, Xi culd tell the path vas going up-ward. She vas moving up the mountain's bowel, and sooner or later, she wuld get to the end of this cavern, and in-to the fortress it-self.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Xi Rell"]

Looking at her head off Sawa did much the same. the amusement coming to her face when she moved in the mountains. Legs letting her run with enhanced speed and then the force propelling herself faster. She had presented the beauty of it to the woman but there was more as she was dangerous. Sawa was on the approach up the mountain itself and the pathway had some scouts on it. They knew she was coming would have had to prepare for it and she laughed a little to herself. Rising up the mountain itself as she approached the doors of the fortress. One fo the men coming to meet her and he was older wearing a mixed robe that looked like jedi robes and a kimono.

"Lady Sawa." He spoke looking down at her but she smirked and reached out saturating the area around herself and the mountain with darkside energy. Her shaping allowed calling and channeling the force into the earth itself. Rock and metal and everything was here with her. She could feel her men moving and the others in the fortress itself as she reached out to mask them in her own presence. THe darkside radiating all around as the jedi seemed to notice it and didn't speak just had a sneer with her approaching. "THis is highly irregu....." She stopped him with a hand and her finger extended. Tapping his lips before she tcked her mouth.

"Ah ah ah speak no lives, I know what you were doing within Jar'kai... I know what you hoped to do to Shoma and for whom." She was looking at him before she was walking forward and around him. "You plotted to aid someone this planet hates, you claimed to be doing it to stop foreign rulers by installing one foreign ruler who would give you power my dear." She walked past him and into the fortress itself as there were jedi around her with their blades but they weren't coming at her. She hadn't attacked them yet but she had a look on her face of amusement. "Oh sweet children lets not forget that I allowed you to live because I am kind."

There were looks between them and Sawa waited until the man had the gates closed. "THis cannot be allowed to stand the emperor will hear of...." He was cut off again as she touched his mouth. "I said shhh shhh shhh... the emperor has heard of your plans with mythos... how you deceived him, supported his enemy. It has called into question all of your past deeds children. The princess was under your protection after all when she was killed in the rebellion and following war. She was killed under your loyal serving noses... now I wonder if she was really stolen away and killed or if someone might have opened the gates to them and let her be taken."
Finaly, Xi found her vay out of the damn, stinky cavern. Looking up, she culd see the back outer wall of the fortress.


Under the huge flag, a brech in a wall vas evident, but it vas protekted by a force-field. The place looked to be in some dis-repair, no suprise, given how old it obviusly vas. Sudenly spoting a pair of masked guards making there rounds, Xi kuickly ducked back in-to the cavern. She wuld have to deal vith those 2 before even figureing out how to get in.

Picking up a rock from the cavern, she throwed it all the vay past the guards, to bounce-of the force-field. The two spined around, looking for the sorce of that FZZT sound. Xi vas alredy in motion, blades out, the main one in fore, the shoto in back-hand grip, rushing tovard there backs, vith some Force empowerd speed. She beheaded one vith a cross-slash to the back of his neck, then ducked low, as the other one spined-back around, impaling both swords thru his chest, as some blood spurted out, in her face. Delightful!

She vith-drawed the blades from the dead mans chest, and he joined his head-less partner on the ground, dead. It vas a minutes vork of time, draging the two korpses back to the cavern out of sight, before she finaly had a chance to inspekt the wall. That force-field fit tightly agenst the opening, leaving her no chance to disable it. She culd see no obvius swiches or kontrol panels anivhere, to do so. But, looking up to the big flag, she thoght she noticed a opening in the wall, right behynd it. A ventilation shaft, koncealed by the flag? She wuld find out soon.

Using the Force, she leaped half-way up, then wall-climbed the rest of the way, using the ir-regularitys in the wall as hand-holds. Once she got to the flag, she peered under it... and yes! There vas a heavy metal grate there, covering a vent shaft. Her ultra-chrome Tremor swords maked short vork, of cuting thru it, even tho it vas dificult to do so, only staying anchord to the wall vith 1 hand. But she vas strong, and she culd hold her-self in that prekarius pozition long enogh to cut the grate open.

She vas finaly insyde, and started crawling thru the shaft. As she did, she bringed up the floor-plan on her data pad, that the Captain provided her. She hoped Sawa vas on the ball as wel, and vas making a efort to mask her thru the Force. Or else this wuld be one short infiltration. Thru her own limited Force senzitivity, Xi culd sense Jedi in here. Plenty of them, some of them leaving strong enogh senses in the Force, that she vas sure they wer Masters.

"Time to see if her Force-Masking power is all she sayed it is... if it isnt, I'm a dead woman."

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Xi Rell"]

Sawa was looking at them, looking at the jedi around her as she could feel the fortress itself with a look on her face. She moved a,ong them with a bigger situation for now. THe jedi were fidgeting and had brought her into the main hall so she could observe and stand around them. She watched and made sure they were letting everything happen in here. Xi would be able to move around until she spoke. "You knew that if it was ever discovered what you did.. dangerous things would happen... so explain yourself." THe man was looking at her and speaking before she moved around with a grin on her face. "I... no we support mythos, he wants o ensure Atrisian freedom." She looked at him. "Freedom under his rule once again, where many died and were lost." She tilted her hea reaching out and grabbed one of the females, a girl who had come in to give them tea while she breathed in the scent of her.... fear with perfumes tha were exotic.
It looked like the masking vas working. Xi moved around thru the huge fortress, navigating the floor-plans she had, and dispozing of the ocasional patrol or a Jedi, vhile trying to avoid drawing to much atention. So far, she culd sense no indikation she vas being sensed by the Jedi.

"Security station... armory... vhats this... storage area... hmm... vhere is the control center... ?" she keped a runing-tally of the areas she passed thru, trying to orient her-self in the massive fortress.

Finaly, in one of the security stations, after she clyared it of people working there, she found a camera feed to the main entrance. She culd see Sawa, aparently speaking vith some Jedi Masters. The feed didnt pass the vords being sayed, but by the body-langage of the people, Xi culd tell all of them wer un-easy vith her Mistress there. She assumed that vas the distraktion, the Mistress told her about. Far as distraktions vent, it vas a good one. Xi counted at least a dozen Jedi Masters around, watching, vhile one of them talked to Sawa. That probably acounted for most of the Jedi Masters in this place.

"Keep moving, Xi... you stil need to find the control center." she remynded her-self, running of silently. She didnt know vhen the "sign" wuld come from her Mistress, but she had to be in pozition to open the gates, before it comes.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Xi Rell"]

Hmmm Sawa was looking at them and as she piled the insults upon them where she was moving with some of the attentions. The girl she had pulled to the side was there in her arms still and shaking practically vibrating like she would vibrate through the floor. SHe was so freightful though that the energy vampire had a wicked grin on her face pulling at her with the force itself... she was drinking in her power and energies with her willpower until the moment came and they were trying to surround her with their hands o their sabers. "Oh dearie me... such a sweet tasting one... I should thank you for this hospitality." Sawa said it and was focusing wiht her eyes on the jedi when she slid a small daggger out of her sleeve. "My dear don't you think we should thank him?" SHe said it and the compulsion in her voice for the girl to move and do as she was told was important the force energies compelling her to move forward with the dagger and she plunged it into the one mans chest as Sawa shrugged grinning and letting her fangs appear." Time for some fun."
CONTROL ROOM sayed, on the large blast-doors at the end of a long koridor. Finaly, Xi has reached her destination. As the doors opened at her aproach, the Bladeborn woman culd see a pair of Jedi Knights in there, along vith half a dozen civilian employes.

"Vhat the--?" one of them, a tall blonde-haird man in light armored blue/black robes, turned, to look at the entrance. His eyes widened, as he reached for his lightsaber, a blue one.

"Sound the alarm!" He barked. No sooner then he did, Xi vas alredy moving, a wicked grin on her face... at last, battle! Her right hand diped behind the belt-buckle of her pants, before she flicked her vrist, in a precise motion. Half a second later, a smal dagger sudenly sprouted in the back of the civilian employee, vho vas about to press the alarm button. That man vas dead before he hit the floor, the nerve-toxin from the dagger kuickly spreading thru-out his body.

"I dont think so, Jedi..." she hissed, as she sudenly drawed on the Force, to leap over the two Jedi. In mid-jump, she had both blades out and swinging, to slice open the two other employees. Blood spurted. Screams echod thru the room. She taken-off the hands of the last employee, before she kicked the woman to the throat, crushing her wind-pipe.

Five dead. Seven seconds.

That only leaved, her facing the two Jedi Knights. The man, and his companion, a mid-height woman vith a long brown pony-tail, matching her brown robe.

"You wil not get away vith this, murderer!" the woman spit-out, igniting her own blade, a double-bladed green saber.

Xi sayed nothing, keeping the eager battle-grin on her face, her eyes blazing the joy of killing that awaked in her. She reversed her main sword to a backhand grip this time, the shoto stil in a fore-grip. A non-konventional stance, vhich favored unprediktable paterns of attack.

The two Jedi separated, flanking her. Xi closed her eyes, relying on instinkt. The man charged, bringing his blade for a reverse slash at her side. She pivoted, deflekting it vith her shoto, as her reverse-gripped main sword sliced a shalow gash over his chest, as he barely puled back in time. Then she ducked low, legs spaced wide, and stabbed her main sword in reverse, aiming for the female Jedi about to reach her seeming-ly expozed back. The Jedi woman barely managed to swich her charge in-to a Force jump, sailing over Xi's head... and right into the shoto, slicing up to take one her feet clean-off, in a shower of blood.

"AAGGH!" the Jedi woman screamed, her double-blade going out, as she stumbled and kolapsed, cradling the stump of her leg. She vas stil alive, but bleeding out rapidly.

Xi's eyes opened, as she straigtened, and reverse her stance to a more konventional one, both blades fore-gripped now.

"One down, Jedi... one to go." she hissed ,eyes full of blood-lust, as she continued skvaring-off vith the male Jedi knight. His face vas twisted in anger, as he glanced at his crippled companion.

"Hold on, Mina... hold on... youl make it!" he pleaded desperatly. Xi's smirk just turned sinister.

"Heres to false hope, Jedi." she mocked, trying to goad him. It vorked. The man rushed-in, swinging his saber in a vicius overhead slash at Xi's face. She twisted asyde, parryd it, as her right foot shot-out in a side kick to his sternum. He grunted, and stumbled past, barely blocking a folow-up slash from one of Xi's blades. Barely fast enogh.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Xi Rell"]

Sawa was movign around with the jedi themselves. they were circling her but they were distracted as the girl seeme dto be frantically slashing at them as they tried to calm her. One of them getting a blade to the face as it slashed into her face and Sawa held her blade. The katana itself gleamed with darkside energies where she looked upon Shojo. The blade hummed with power and the promise of blood to come. TH sith moved thouggh matching blade with saber when another screamed and she could feel it deeper into the fortress. Someone was there being attacked by Xi and she laughed to herself. "You can't... you can't hope to win by yourself." THe one spoke moving to slash at her and Sawa spoke with silver eyes watching. "Who said I was alone and you brought this on yourself.... working with a sith lord and not even one from here." She said it but was moving quickly snarling for a moment as her fangs tore into the throat of another jedi draining the blood and force energy from her when she was moving around and fighting with the blade one handed.
// Lets give you a litle chalenge, shal we XD //

One of the other Jedi Masters finaly realyzed vhat vas going on, and he lashed out at the vampirical Sith Lord vith a brutal barage of debris, coming from all over the room, smal statues, varius pieces of ornamentation on the walls, pieces of rock riped them-selvs off the walls to fly at her, pumeling and bruizing her face, body, distrakting her, as he rushed in a blur at her, lightsaber spining like a propeler in his hands.

His blade crashed agenst hers in a kuick 1-2-3 patern of slash/cross-cut and riposte, trying to break her guard, her one-handed grip being fairly easy to over-power, before he sneaked-in a kuick axe-kick to the top of her left sholder, aiming to break her colar-bone and make her drop her weapon. It konekted, hard, but didnt kuite break it. Using it as a jump-of point, aided by the Force, he sailed thru the air over her vith a salto, bringing his saber blade tovard her head, aiming to slice it verticaly in two...

The other Masters also reakted, igniting sabers and charging in. One of them dispozed of the mind-kontroled girl vith the knife, first.


In the mean-time, Xi and her oponent wer stil at it... the Jedi vas proving more skiled then the other one, but he vas on the back-foot thru-out the duel. Finaly, Xi Rel kornered him agenst the wall, vhere he had no more room to maneuver. Fenting vith a cross-cut, to get him to drop his guard low, she catched his blade in both of hers, aplying a sword-lock, then she landed a brutal kick to his solar plexus. He gasped, losening his grip on the blade. She riped it out of his hand, then pivoted, bringing both of her swords tovard his torzo... spliting him in half, as the heavy blades cut clean thru his light armored robe, and most of his trunk.

She culd sense the situation down at the entrance deterioreting. The Mistress vas being attacked... so it looked to her like this vas the "sign" she vas waiting for. Rushing to the control konzole, she hit the button to open the main gates.

"Captain, this is Xi. The gates are open! Move in!" she kontakted Sawa's forces, over her com-link.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō

Sawa moved looking at the jedi as they suddenly seemed to be killing and it was strange but she moved quickly her body remaining at the ready though as she slashed and moved around the one jedi. Pulling at him with the force and feeding upon him... the energies recovering her wounds quickly when she watched with silver eyes towards the others when she remained ready and focused. Energy lashing out with fire shaping into convection and high heat. Making their skin redden and blister when she let the power reach the full extent of what she would be able to do. The sith lady herself slashed through the face of another jedi creating space and holding dark sister when she spun around and slashed with juyo to cleave them into ribbons.
The problem vith Juyo vas... it vas a very agresive style. Vhich leaved litle room for defence, especialy agenst multiple oponents. As Sawa killed another one, the rest of them gone defenzive, and one of the remaining ones, used the Force to cool-off his skin, then closed in, to get a shot at her flank. Parying her counter, he sliped past her guard, and skored a shallow furow acros her ribs. Not realy deep, but enogh to cut thru one of them.

The others taken advantage of it, to launch a massive Force attack on Sawa, blasting her out thru the now-open gate vith a massive burst of kinetics, to land vith a bone-crunching slam agenst the mountain's rock-face.

"By the Force, you wil not get away vith this trechery, witch!" one of them roared, as they all closed in, keeping up there Force assault, more rocks and debris going at Sawa, now joined by tree-branches and dirt.

Luckily, the Captain and his men wer just about to arrive on-site, and Sawa soon found her-self backed-up by her own forces.

And behind the line of advancing Jedi Masters... Xi Rel has just come in-to view, running from the back of the main area, to strike them from the rear. As she run, she tossed one of her smoke grenades. The Jedi Masters stoped, looking around, as smoke sudenly started to form all around them. Thru it, one of them spoted a blurry twin-sworded shape, rushing at him. He parryed the first slash, then the second, then ducked as Xi leaped over him, trying for a dekapitation move from above. But the Jedi Master vas too fast, and now that he fokused, he culd actualy sense Xi thru the Force. Lifting his hand, he sudenly griped the Bladeborn woman in a Force-hold, holding her suspended in mid-air, before he slamed her hard to the far wall.

Then he throwed his lightsaber at her. In desperation, Xi barely managed to parry the spining blade, but, being presed agenst the wall as she vas, it vasnt entyreli sukcesful, and the saber did skore a deep cut acros her right thigh.

"MmmmMMMMGGH!" she groaned, clenching her teeth, the rage giving her power. Vith a suden burst of enraged Force, she breaked the Jedi Master's hold on her, then rushed at him agen, leting the pain empower her.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
Sawa moved looking at it she was curious where this fire came from.... somehow her being strong, faster, more durable and experienced seemed to vanish when she needed those factors. The ones she sliced and diced rose from their injuries stronger then ever... It made things... different when the gates were opened and she waited there for a moment brushing herself off. "That is quite enough." She said it and her men moved in. Trained to fight creatures like her with higher then average strength and speed, able to manipulate the force and the mind itself. They served her will and she enforced it like this by showing them what she could do when she grabbed another. She was draining him and moving through as she spoke. "Leave none alive, we'll reclaim the fortress and perhaps give it to Kurenai or Sukai to check it out for themselves."
The first of Sawa's men ver cut down vithout mercy, by the Jedi Masters. Yes, Sawa may hav been empowerd thru the Force, but so wer these Jedi Masters. And they wer proving a vorthy match for the energy vampire.

Then the second... the third... then a vhole forvard platoon, vas just blasted out, like Sawa vas, by the kombined eforts of the five Jedi Masters. Unlike Sawa tho, these men just wer crushed agenst the rock-face, not haveing Sawa's force abilitys to empower them. They did manage to take down one of them, but that stil leaved six Jedi Masters. One of vhom vas dueling Xi right now, another two wer double-teaming Sawa, and the rest wer keeping Sawa's men at bay.

Then from insyde the Fortress, more enemys came. More Jedi, Knights and aprentices, as wel as normal troops. Those opened-up vith blasters, on Sawa's men, and a fire-fight vas soon going strong. Sawa's men had skill and strength on there side, but the enemy had numbers... and tech.

From around the mountain, a hidden storage bay, a couple scout walkers apeared, coming to flank the advancing forces of Sawa. They opened up vith heavy blaster cannons and concusion missile launchers.

Xi, fighting for her life agenst her oponent, looked in desperetion... this vas going south, fast. Jumping away from her oponent, she puled out one of the thermal detonetors, and throwed it vith acuracy to the advancing reinforcements from insyde the fortress. A few wer caugt in the blast, but not enogh. Hastily, she blocked a pair of shots coming her way... then a few more... then vas forced to take cover, as they started fokusing there fire more on her.

She then tossed her second and last, smoke grenade. Vith the firing line of Jedi reinforcements smoked for the time being, she had a opening. She jumped out from her cover, and dashed for the main gate, and the way out. On her vay, she shouted to Sawa...


She hated the idea of turning tail, but not all battles culd be won. These Jedi ver proving a tough nut to crack. They needed more troops, more heavy firepower agenst those walkers, they needed to regroup.

"Live today, fight tomorow." she remynded her-self. This vas a good plan of atack, but they under-estimated there enemy. They wuld not make that mistake next time.

The two scout walkers ver making a mess of the back line of Sawa's troops. If they didnt take those 2 out, they wuldnt even be able to retreat. They wuld be boxed-in at the entrance.

"Captain! Give me a couple detonators! I'l take out those walkers!" Xi shouted to the big Onnta, as she dashed past him.

"Catch!" the big man replyed, tosing her a belt of thermal detonators. "Wel cover you!" he added, as the Onnta shifted some fire to the walkers.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
Sawa raised an eyebrow at this but she was moving and remained standing for a moment when she looked at the jedi. Her silver eyes glowing with rings of gold before she was moving and it was faster then most knew. She didn't use her abilities often because nothing merited her having to fight like this. Dark sister was active though as she looked at the Onna. they were traditional but Atrisia had used technology for tens of thousands of years. THe deep core was some of the first and oldest civilizations in the galaxy that were still alive. You didn't survive and at one point in time subjugate the Chiss by using only swords and martial arts.

SHe was moving and her body was infused with the force as she moved into an area of speed through physical enhancement of her own body and using the shaping to create a small membrane of air against the friction. Sawa slashed though bodies when she became faster and harder to track with Chujo directing and setting small beacons for Katar's. The Onna didn't need overly complicated and they had the old model Atrisian empire equipment. FIghters and some of the oldest pieces of equipment. THe Gyon class were able to come around to the beacon that would deploy harbringer tanks. Old be some standards but the main mass driver cannon could smash walkers.

Her blade sank into one of the jedi and she stood there looking at him and the sight in front of them. She had armies but she also had a purpose. "You betrayed your emperor, you brought this on yourself and so long as it can be done..." She stayed there with a grin seeing the Katar's scream overhead firing at the beacons and where soldiers had appeared from as the Onna moved in quickly with blades and blasters and their fists. THey were Yovshin after all, dark, twisted and exiled but they had been among the Yovshin the elite of the Emperors soldiers. "No foreign ruler will sit in the Atrisian throne again." THe first order had left Shoma in power it was easier and they didn't really want to be involved with them.
Sudenly, there ver fighters screaming over-head, strafing the advancing enemy line. Xi, just finished cuting-open the under-side of the first walker and puting a detonator in, looked up. She smiled...

"Wel, looks like I under-estimated the Mistress! She did have more forces coming in... good. This may yet be won!"

Her thigh vas burning, from that deep cut the Jedi Master has given her. And she vas eager to finish that fight. Leaving the last walker for the fighters to take out, she dashed back in-to the fortress. Looking over the scene, she culd see the situation has changed. The enemy troops wer taking loses, and her Mistress vas a blur of motion, just haveing killed another Jedi, now engaged vith two more, one of them a Knight.

And then there vas the Master vho given her that slash... he vas busy too, just haveing killed a pair of Onnta, backed up by three aprentices. Another Onnta falled to his blade. Yes... he vas a skilled one. Good!

Xi rushed in, in a Force-empowerd speed, to engage him agen. On the way, she cut thru one of his aprentices, before that man even realyzed the threat.

"Remember me? Time to finish vhat we started!" the Bladeborn woman snarled, her blades covered in blood of his aprentice. The Jedi Master turned, and tryed another of his Force slams to the wall, but this time Xi vas ready for it. Even as he pushed her away, she throwed one of her swords at him. Haveing to parry the spining blade, his Force grip on her faltered, and she rushed back in. In a moment they wer engaged in a fierce close-blade duel, vhere her pair of heavy swords wer proving dificult for the Jedi to defend agenst, She vas determined not to give this guy a moments' breather, since it wuld let him use the Force on her agen.

The second of his aprentices tryed to sneak up on her back, but Xi feled him coming, and sudenly stabed her shoto back behind her, on instinkt... piercing thru that one's heart.

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