Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Five Forts

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Xi Rell"]

Sawa moved she could feel the force in her limbs and dark sister slid through most things... flesh and bone and robes. The blade shojo gleamed with crimson coating it as it drank in the blood and seemed to become stronger and darker with the use of the force itself. She knew her Onna would be moving in and they had the capabilities that she needed when pushing into the courtyard and then into the buildings. Explosions going off when one of the tanks came to rest in the courtyard and the secondary guns were deployed. Locking it into place to rotate and have the iptimal firing arcs against every one fo the targets around them. Sawa herself was heading into the building once a path was made and the people dispatched. The communications and escape tunnels would be important to seal while the Onna sealed the gates making a big ring of death.
[member="Sawa Ike"]

"Pull back! In-to the Fortress!" one of the stil-alive Masters, and by now there wer only 3 of them left, ordered. It vas dis-hearting, how fast the battle-situation has turned.

Xi has finished vith her oponent, and the remaining aprentice, but just as she vas about to pursue, a blaster shot from one of the enemy troops catched her in the sholder.

"Nnnh!" the Bladeborn woman groaned, rushing for cover. Vith her thigh injured, and now her left arm mostly out too, she wuld need to heal up before she culd fight. One of her swords draging along behynd her, in her limp left arm, she used the right one to block the few shots she had to, to get to cover.

She culd see her Mistress and some Onna pursuing the retreating Jedi forces, but she vas in no shape to do that. Once the area vas mostly clyar of fighting, she got out of her cover, and looked around, for any medical supplys. Her sholder feled like fire, and she culd hardly even move her left arm.

"Blast... vheres a medical droid vhen I need one... or a bacta patch at least." she thoght, looking around. In her pack, she didnt have any medical supplys, she didnt think she wuld need them, since she didnt expekt this mission to de-volve to a all-out open assault.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Xi Rell"]

Sawa paused for a moment when she felt it and she was lookign at them. The Onna were flooding into the fortress and she moved quickly standing over the girl and crouched down watching her with a grin on her face. She watched the girl with silver eyes and held her hand up. "Hold still sweetling, you wouldn't want to hurt yourself." She said it and held a wrist out. "I can help you, I can heal you. My energies when shared can recover from the brink of death if I will it... but there is a price. A simple pound of flesh that would come from you." She grinned and her fangs flashed as the sounds of battle receded for a moment. A bubble of energy around them shimmering like a force barrier muting the world so it was only the two of them.
// Xi has orange eyes, not silver //

The Bladeborn woman looked at her Mistress. On the one hand, if this womans power vas any indikation, she culd indeed heal her. On the other, that grin on Sawas face vas un-settling. And... the part about the price to pay, didnt realy sit wel vith Xi. It remynded her of something her Bladeborn clan learned of, vhen they defeated and destroyed the Nightsisters on Dathomir.

For evry akt of magic, there is a price to pay.

The Bladeborn belived strongly in independence and self-sufisiency. It vas one of the reazons they despized the Nightsisters so much. They wer the anti-tesis of that. And vhat Sawa vas ofering to her now, healing her, for a price... Xi vasnt very interested in learning how deep that suposed "price" wuld go. A pound of flesh? And that fanged grin of the Mistress... no... that sent more then a few shivers up her spine.

Besides... she vasnt dying. She might have akcepted, if her life depended on it. Since it didnt... The sholder and the thigh wuld heal on there own, in a couple days. So she grinned back at Sawa, trying her best to hide her dis-taste of the idea, and jsut replyed:

"Its ok, Mistress, I can tough it out. I'l get my-self back to the Dawn Fortress and get medical help, vhile you and the Onnta finish up here. Thanx for the blood-soaked morning... this vas fun! I havent killed so many in one day, in years!" her grin turned vicius, vith a wink, before she limped-off.

"Yea... as much as I like her, the idea of those freaky teeth sinking in-to my flesh... something tels me the price to pay wuld be a bit high."

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Xi Rell"]

(sawa's eyes are)

"Very well. Sawa moved her wrist away but didn't retract her fangs or take away her grin.She looked at her go and had a grin on her face all the same waiting there. More like a predator stalking its prey but hse didn't have to move. She had the scent and could track at her leisure as she backed away finally. Her body moving quickly and into the fortress when they were looking to finish it off. She was moving quickly and her blade came out as it plunged into the chest of one of the people there. The darkside flowing into her where it drank at the force itself and her life force. Energy restoring until she looked up allowing the force energies themselves to flow freely through each cell of her being and she was using them to the fullest feeling them age her cells that were then enacting micro repairs and healing.
Xi taken one of the Onna speeders, back to Dawn Fortress. There, she seeked out a medical droid, to get her bandaged-up in bacta patches. Her sholder wuld be tender for a couple days, but her thigh wuld be ok in a day.

"Pound of flesh... yea right..." Xi thoght, stil a litle un-nerved. Being a warrior of the Dark Side, the woman has seen and done alot of nasty things, she vas many things, and almost all of them wer evil... but something about Sawa just maked even her skin crawl. Just the way she sayed it... and those fangs... and the way she foght those Jedi... feeding on there esence, almost like... draining them? Xi didnt catch much of it, she vas too busy fighting her own enemys, but she seen enogh. Enogh not to like it.

The woman understod war and battle. All Bladeborn wer born and raized for it. She understod wild slaugter of her enemys. She relished it. She understod the joy of smeling her enemys' blood as she killed. The spray of it in her face. She understod the pleazure in such un-apologetic savagery. It feeded her power, and maked her happy. It vas the esence of the Dark Side. She understod the pure empowerment, in taking lives. It vas glorius. But... vhat she seen Sawa do to those Jedi Masters... that vas something else. Something... almost hungry. And she seen that same look in Sawa's eyes, as the woman looked at her, vhen making her ofer to heal her.

And she didnt like it. Not one bit. She understod the way a hunter sees its prey. That vas how her new Mistress looked at her. And Xi did not like being konsidered prey.

Vith those thoghts, and vith her Mistress and most of the Onnta stil busy in the Jedi fortress, securing and ocupying it, Xi sudenly realyzed she vas mostly on her own, back at the Dawn Fortress. Perfekt time to look around, and dig up more details about her new Mistress... details she may not vant to share wilingly.

After her vizit to the medical sektion, Xi sneaked in-to Sawa's chambers and started searching around... books, texts, data-pads, notes... anithing to give her more idea exacly who or vhat her new Mistress actualy was. She vasnt just a Sith, that vas for sure.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
Sawa remained at the fortress with a look as she stood in the main chamber looking over it all. She had a small look on her face seeing the man. Eyebrow raised, fingers tapping and tracing along the length of his shoulders. "Well now that was fun." She felt sated, several more meals were within the fortress drained of energy and force connection while another two or three had risen up to slash and frantically attack anything that wasn't her. SHe was letting the Onna swarm and bring in other things they had. Where they went and what assault troopers they gave control over to. The Atrisian army wanted traitors rooted out and those who would endanger the royal family. So she would let it go.

Meanwhile in the fortress searching it would reveal less and more. The rooms weren't locked, she didn't need to. THe Onna were loyal, her servants enthralled and serving her as their master. The energy vampire had more servants though. A food bank as it was off to the edge of her room, using the hotsprings that were within her room, the mountain it had been built into had a geothermal tap that warmed the water and from her room it went into the servants quarters. Maiden's from the village lounging around waiting for her. Murals on the walls and within the spa that surrounded the massive four post bed carved from the bones of a leviathan. Her datapads and holocrons from the past five thousand years were around in alcoves mostly full of reports and different identities she had used.
"No... no... useles... no... pointles... no... no... no... I dont care... no..."

Vith those thoght, Xi Rel poured over count-less datapads and journals of her new Mistress. None of it has given her the answer she vas looking for. Vhat her Mistress truly was. Only who she was, over the centurys, and milenia. All those diferent indentitys, diferent roles, diferent covers, diferent masks... but no clue on vhat kind of creature Sawa vas.

Stil, Xi did learn a great deal, despyte not finding vhat she vas looking for. Ignoring the glares of the maidens lounging around, she keped reading.

"Lady Xi... you shuld not be doing this! The mistress wuld not aprove." one of the maidens hissed softly, glaring dagers at Xi. Xi smiled, pining the girl vith her sharp, orange gaze.

"Then tell me, slave... who is she, truly? I have seen her in battle today... and she doez not fight like a Sith. She... hungers. Doesnt she?"

The girl just lowerd her gaze.

"TELL ME OR I'L KILL YOU!" Xi snaped, lifting the girl's head vith her strong hand, forcing her to look in the Bladeborn's eyes. She didnt mean it, tho. She vas just frustrated, by her in-ability to find vhat she vas looking for. The girl flinchd, trembling, but didnt speak. It vas obvius she feared Sawa far more, then she feared Xi. All she sayed vas...

"Death wuld be a mercy, Lady Xi. Kompared to vhat she wuld do to me, if she found out I talked of such things. You... you deal death. She... feeds on it."

Insted of geting more angry, Xi reluktantly released the girl. She sighed.

"Maby your right. But I need to know. I need to know vith who am I dealing vith." as she turned away, biting her lip, thinking.

The only thing left to search, wer the holocrons. As she eyed them, the asassin woman hezitated. Opening a holocron vas alvays a tricky busines. They had a life of there own. They culd force her to re-live vhat-ever aspekt of there owner's life story they kontained.

"Please... Lady Xi. Dont..." the girl behind her vhispered, touching the woman's iron-hard arm.

Muscle-tisue shifted under the skin, as Xi stired sligtly. She turned half-way, to look at the girl, and the rest of the maidens. Her hezitation was strong... but her dezire to know was stronger. And the Force caled her to the holocrons. She culd... feel... that her ansvers wer there.

"Get out. All of you. I must know." she ordered them, her voice firm. Her new Mistress intrigued Xi on so many levels, and this vas her golden oportunity to find out vhat she wanted to know.

As the maidens got out, Xi closed and locked the doors. Then she closed her eyes, and, leting the Force guide her, moved tovard the holocrons. Picking one... one vhich feled... right... she taken it off its post, and carryd it to the center of the room. It feled... cold... burning-cold to her touch. Almost alive vith the dark power of its mistress.

Xi put her twin onyx-black, gleaming Tremor blades on eiter side of the holocron, fokusing on there glossy surface, to feed her konektion to the Dark Side.

Those blades have drinked much blood today. They radiated power and death. The Bladeborn woman wuld use her atunement to them, to fokus and center her-self more. She pased the palm of each of her hands, over each blade, feeling the cold smoothnes of them, the deadly elegance, the soul of each weapon, konekting vith her own. Her warrior spirit vhispered to her, as her mind slowly feled deeper, and deeper in-to a trance. The out-syde world shut out for Xi, and her fokus sharpened.

Her orange eyes started glowing vith dark fire, as she slowly moved her hands from the blades, to the holocron in the center. She griped it vith both hands, lifting it in front of her, fokusing her orange gaze upon it. Siting lotos-leg postured on the floor, her tanned skin bathing in the glow of her eyes.

"I vish to know... I must know your secrets. The secrets of your Mistress and mine." she vhispered to the holocron. It started to open, and a vision sudenly springed all around her...

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Xi Rell"]

THe maidens were looking at it and at the woman as they exited. Rali stood there looking and she signed while closing the door until she was ready to contact Sawa... well Midori.... Midori was the name on most of the records currently as she could see the holocron's gatekeeper. It wasn't Sawa or some known sith it was an atrisian girl her spirit had been ensnared and trapped by Sawa for thousands of years. The real Midori stood there looking at the woman and crossed her arms. "It is not that simple... well it is but you don't know Sawa as I did. I remember her when she was a timid little girl who was used to protect the innocence of the princess." The woman was looking at her. "I was her first love and the first one she killed as you can see when she became a sith. The husband I convinced my father to send her two was a dangerous an who offered us power and what is one being to the promise of immortality. He took her off world to a city of the dead and Ni-Ne was forced to flee thinking both had betrayed the others feelings.
[member="Sawa Ike"]

The Bladeborn woman vas a litle taken-back by the aparition of a young girl. She didnt expekt that, she expekted... something more sinister. Even tho the Force worked in mysterius ways, she stil had not got used to just how mysterius it culd be. But the girls words kuickly explained it... to a point. Like all holocrons, they didnt speak plainly. Xi thoght about it, then asked:

"So you wer her princess, and she kiled you? On direktive from some ancient Sith Lord? Her huzband? Who vas he? 'Us'? So you vent with her to him? You wer both his aprentices, and she betrayed you? And vhere is this city of the dead? And Ni-Ne? Whos that? Vas that Sawa's name back then?" trying to clarify vhat she just heared.

Xi rekognized a patern, too. This girl... she speaked very much like Sawa. Saying alot, and at the same time giving more kuestions then answers. Stil, it did konfirm that Sawa vas as old as she claimed. So if this vas from the time she vas a girl... that wuld put it at about the time of the ancient Sith War. Maby a litle earlyer... the Exar Kun war... ? Xi's ancient history vas a bit hazy, but the years about fit.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Xi Rell"]

The image spirit thing looked at her. "You are curious... it is going to be funny when she rips your head off and mounts it." She laughed a little but spoke. "But meh the answer is no we were not anything equal. I was the princess, her father served my father. I saw her sent away with someone who wanted me instead. So gave him someone more agreeable and eager to make me happy, So she was prepared or so I thought she really wanted to run away with someone else. A diferent sort in Ni-Ne... and when the two of them fight now oh the tears and rage she has." Midori was snickering though while she watched her and this one seemed to be getting frustrated so it would go a long way. "I'll give you a hint though her real name is Sawa, she was born here on this world all that time ago."
Xi culd tell the spirit vas toying vith her. She wuldnt get any real ansvers from it, unles she turned that back around. Frustration vas a game that two culd play. Insted of geting angry, Xi smiled... mockingly.

"Oh your right... you wer not anithing equal. She vas obviusly your superior. After all, shes out there, hale and helthy, vith a palace full of slaves and servants obeying her evry vhim, and feeding on Jedi, five milenija later... and your stuck here in this pathetic litle box of yors."

The Bladeborn woman's mocking smirk widend anoter notch.

"Definitly royalty, litle girl. She haz taken all that vas yors, including your life, and your mate, and she maked it hers. How doez that make you feel, honey?" she purred sweetly.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Xi Rell"]

Midori moved and looked at her almost like she was sitting there to listen. "And do go on, tell me all about how it is... why I should care. You realy haven't gotten it have you. Sawa feeds on everything she flesh, blood, tears, the force, your emotion. You think she just killed me, ended my life and bound me here.... She tortured the woman she loved for over a hundred years. Ni-Ne was the most precious to her and even she wasn't safe. Her body preserved with energy and power taken from others so that they would both stay young looking and alive." She was looking at the woman. "I am dead, my body is dust, Sawa will one day die as well and when she goes to the afterlife I will be there to get her.... well not me me, the me that died as she tore my soul apart and bound some of me here in a box to torment. It gets really complicated but really I don't need to have instant satisfaction child. I just need to wait until the stars burn out."
[member="Sawa Ike"]

Xi smirked, mirthlesly. "Then youl be waiting for a very long time, honey. From vhat I seen of her, she is a very very long way away from dying. How about insted of sulking here, you actualy tell me something konkrete? Something I can use agenst her, if she ever tryes to feed on me? How about you start geting your revenge a bit early, insted of waiting for... the stars to burn out?" she shaked her head, almost feeling sory for the girl. That kind of passive-agresive revenge never vorked. One needed to get more... pro-aktive, in it.

"And you can start by teling me exacly vhere is this... this... vhat did you call it... city of the dead? I think I'l pay a litle vizit. Also, who exacly is Ni-Ne? Her... counter-part of some kind? Vhere is she? Is she as old as Sawa now? Can she tell me more?"

The Bladeborn woman looked at the girl vith some simpathy. As hardened and brutal as she vas, Xi had a soft spot for those taken advantage of. And the more she learned about Sawa here, the more she dis-liked her. She vas like a leech, a parazite. And if she thoght Xi wuld ever become her sustenence, she vas sorely mistaked.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Xi Rell"]

"Hmmm she was maybe a year younger then us growing up. [member="Nine Lives"] is what I jokingly called her." SHe said it though watching her. "YOu have come for all of this information and you think what that I know much about what is beyond this room? THe murals that are on the wall tell more. her children and grandchildren, her husband who she killed much the same as she did others. She hated him and she cared for him... such isn the sith way yes to kill your master. Well she succeeded and then." She was pointing to the murals. "The jedi came, Ni-Ne came and fought her being captured and tortured to try and turn her in any way that would be possible... but she failed and then was willing to let her die."
[member="Sawa Ike"]

"Yes, yes, dont tell me of the Sith way... I am a Sith. Wel... close to one, aniway. Vhich is exacly why I need to know how to protekt my-self from her... feeding... on me, if it comes to that." Xi replyed distraktedly, as she valked over, past the girl's spirit, to look at the murals.

"If she has lived as long as this by draining others, vho is to say she wuldnt do that to me, as wel? Wel... I plan to be prepared." the Bladeborn woman aded, as she examined the murals. These wuld take time to figur out, time she did not have right now. She vas alredy on the clock as it is, and she figured Sawa wuldnt be away at the Jedi fortress for much longer.

The murals looked like something of a... map. Probably a way to this dead city, or vhatever. Vas that vhere Ni-Ne vas now?

"Be as good place as any to start, I supose." Xi thoght. Finaly, she got something out of this. She wuld need to find this... Ni-Ne, and learn more. If she vas realy the one to survive Sawa's draining eforts, then she wuld be the one able to tell Xi how to protekt her-self from it, as wel.

Taking a detaild picture of the murals, on her data-pad, Xi wuld study them in detail, later. For now, she realy needed to end this seance, and get out of Sawa's chambers. Turning back to the spirit, she smiled at her.

"Its a start, at least. Maby we'l talk agen, some day."

Vith that, she sit down next to the holocron agen, and put her hands on it, wiling it to close. Once it did, and the vision vas over, she put it back vhere she found it. Then, sheathing her Tremor blades, she un-locked the doors, and left the chamber.

Outsyde, she looked at the maidens... "Lets keep this litle event betwen us, shal we? The Mistress need not know. For my sake, as wel as yors. Because if you tell her, I wil know. And if I get punished, I'l make sure to kill you all, first." she speaked softly, looking at them. There vas explicit threat in her orange eyes.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Xi Rell"]

THe maiden's were looking at the woman and mostly just remained quiet as they moved back into the room. Rali the closest to a leader spoke. "You do know she is going to smell you in there right? Her senses are far stronger and there is a reason why no one enters the maiden's vault." She said it and was motioning the others inside when they went to sit down. SHe lounged back in her seat near the edge of the waters and ran a hand along them watching. Meanwhile Sawa was moving and had returned as she stood there. A small case under one arm as she set it down and was looking at Xi with a look on her face. "Feeling better" She said it with a grin while stretching out and wiping a little blood from the corner of her mouth. "I am absolutely sated for now... such delicious little morsels now come along." She said it and motioned as three robed women walked in and were heading into the vault. Bite marks on their necks and dull expressions as they listened but didn't really so emoton or effort to resist what she was telling them.
"Not bad at all, Mistress. In fakt... my day just keeps geting beter!" Xi smiled at her, as they pased-by, a flash in her orange eyes. She didnt ask about vhat vas going on in the captured fortress, she figurd it vas all under kontrol, if Sawa vas so... relaxed.

She glanced brifly at the robed women, and there expresions. She didnt miss the bite-marks on there necks, too. Or the blood in the corner of Sawas mouth.

"I alvays belived vampires are a myth. I mean sure, tasting a bit of blood here and there in batle, vhen you kill a enemy, is fun, but feeding on it... thats just mesed-up. I almost feel sory for those 3... she wil probly feed on them a few more times, until they got no blood left. Then just dump the drained bodys over the wall. It wuld be more mercy-ful to just put them out of there mizery now..." Xi thoght, shaking her head to her-self, as she rounded a korner, out of Sawas sight.

She glanced down, at the data-pad she vas holding by her side. And the mural pictures she taken on it.

"But if you think you wil ever do that to me... mistress... you got another thing coming."

After a brief meal, Xi retreated to her own room, to rest, let her injurys heal, and study the murals, in peace. She did take a few prekautions, tho. She maked sure to let evryone know she vas not to be disturbed, that she needed to recover from the mission, and she sealed the doors vith a akcess code she picked her-self. Nobody wuld be able to enter her room vithout her permision. Not even Sawa.

* * *

A week pased, and Xi vas more or less geting used to living at the Dawn Palace. Her injurys have healed, and she did make some progres in reading those murals... but not yet enogh to figure out the location of the city of the dead. Stil, it vas only a mater of time. For now, the two over-riding prioritys for the Bladeborn woman wer; for Sawa not to find out she has akcesed the holocron, and to make sure her service to her vas efektive and eficient, to negate even a suspicion of betrayal.

So, Xi spent her time training the Onna, as she promised at the start, teaching them the intrikacys of melee and un-armed combat that they didnt master. They wer good - solid fighters, strong, fast, durable... but they didnt have the expirience she had, and they tended to expend to much energy vhile fighting. Lacking ekonomy of movement in there tehnikue, and generaly leting bravado influence there fighting stance to much. They wer good soldiers... but they had far to much chest-thumping pride and ego to be proper warriors. She wuld be careful of korse, not to train them in evrything she known, since she didnt want them to ever suplant her, as the "go-to" problem solver for Sawa. Since that wuld make Xi's value to Sawa drop, and make her redudant. Not even the big captain, Chujo. She growed to like him, and the feeling semed to be mutual, as they spent a couple more nights together... but that didnt mean she wuld train him to become her equal in battle.

Then of corse, there vas the mater of seniority. Far as pecking-order vent, Sawa vas at the top, and Xi vas right under. She intended to stay that vay, and be too valuable to Sawa to konsider replacing, even if her... suspekt loyalty... to her vas diskovered. Checks and balances. The Bladeborn woman vas aware of the tight-rope she vas walking on. It vas likely that eventualy, her Mistress wuld discover vhat she did vith the holocron. She had to be valuable enogh for Sawa not to punish her for it.

And the final korner she wuld hold, vas to be a eager student. Just becauze she didnt fuly trust her Mistress, didnt mean Xi wuld not take the oportunity to learn evrything she culd, from Sawa.

Siting at the long table, at lunch, munching on some delicus food at the usual noon repast, the Bladeborn woman leaned over, to ask her Mistress:

"Lovely meal, as usual, my Mistress. I vas wondering, wuld you be able to teach me, that ability to mask my-self in the Force, like you did for me at the infiltration of the Jedi fortress?" eagernes in her eyes.

She vas dresed a bit more casualy today. Fore-going her usual Bladeborn atire, Xi vas now in a flowing, loose kimono-like silk robe, much like Sawa. It vas black-on-blue, vith a intrikate rose-patern on the back.

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Xi Rell"]

Sawa had spent the week organizing it and everyone. The first order and refugee's from some of the colonies had been active. The leader of the Atrisia Navy was skilled while bringing some of them back to the planet after the sith were seeking to wipe them out. A dangerous proposition to be in but accepting their people meant the planet would recover and productive people on a planet brought in purpose and business. More so as she stood tere in the one room Midori was looking at her. "You know she was in here right?" THe apparition spoke to her, a bound spirit one of the first alchemy and magic lessons she had learned when she was younger.

"Yes, I figured she would try something why do you think I left you here instead of in a vault like so many of the other things?" She said it and standing there while she relaxed in the steaming waters. The others in the room were lounging around half in the water for some of them or others with grapes and chalices of wine and sake. She was enjoying the feeling and in the center of the hot waters was the small island of her bedding.. massive yes but it was wonderful before she was looking over at it. The spirit seemed to make a face before disappearing and Sawa went to what she had as the week went by.

She had spent it with the people, making sure everything was set up. The fortress was there yes but there was also the work on the Perfumed Sleeve and Pillow Book. THey were being set up as fronts to recruit and find force sensitives before the Tiantai or Keisei take them under their wings. THe bases they had in the mountains were dangerous and served to protect the different force groups witht heir long histories. Sawa though was eating and the rice with fish, chicken and beef ws glazed in different sauces. Noodles, drinks, veggies with herself. THe sith sat back little in her seat and sipped at her drink. "Concealing yourself in the force is no esy task but I see no real harm in showing you... Should be amusing."
[member="Sawa Ike"]

"So... vhat do I do first?" Xi asked, moving on-to the dessert. Not normaly a sweet-tooth type, the sight of melu-fruit puding on the table vas apealing. She scoopd-out a few spoon-fuls, and slowly munching on it, looked at Sawa.

She vas very interested in learning to hide her-self in the Force. For a assasin, it wuld be a valuable skill to have. She vasnt lying, vhen she told Sawa right at the start, that she culd think of a 100 uses for that ability. It vasnt striktly necesary, but it wuld be very useful indeed, insted of haveing to rely on Ysalamiri evry time she wuld be asigned to hunt a powerful Force user.

As she waited for instruktions from her Mistress, Xi also reflekted on her own... limited... Force afinity. It vas no secret, among her clan of Bladeborn. She vas in-famous for haveing the lowest midi-chlorin count of any of her clansmen. Barely reaching 10.000, barely over the treshold for one to be any kind of half-profisient Force user. It vas a curse, that folowed Xi thru-out her life. She had to train that much harder in any of her Force talents, to over-kompenzate for the louzy card her genetics given her. Haveing to endure the mockery of her siblings, for being the "weak one" in the Force. But it only feeded her rage, and maked her stronger. And once she killed a couple of them, during training, they wer cured of making fun of her.

How-ever inferior she vas in the Force, it only maked Xi more determined to pursue the martial aspekt of it all. Reflekting on it... it vas that inferiority komplex she developed, that motivated her to over-perform as a warrior, and become the first Masterblade of her clan.

Stil, her lack of Force afinity wuld once agen come in-to play here, as she wuld try and learn to mask her-self in the Force. It wuld no doubt be dificult as a rezult of her... handicap, but Xi vas determined to learn it.

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