Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Five Minutes to Midnight (The Family)

“Frakking…!” He nodded as Stilza pointed out that they needed to get this score. He nodded, getting ready to fight. “Ok. This’ll definitely be fun then. Hope they don’t realize how much kick these revolvers have.” He tucked his cloak around Snitch to make sure he had some cover before peeking out and firing four shots into the gangsters before looking around, noticing some around one of the distilleries.

“Hey? Any of the stuff they use to make Spice got a bit of a bang to it?”

Stilza shot wildly and managed to take out two of the goons, or guards, or whatever they were. She looked where two still operational and functioning refining apparati were sitting relatively undisturbed and did some quick calcutations. The half-cooked spice was useless, but the stores of refined product in the adjacent room were what they needed.

"If you are proposing what I think you are, go for it." She said to Jay. She could see Snitch cowering in his long jacket pocket. It was slightly adorable A shot ricocheted off the wall ahead and she dodged it and lay down another spray of fire. "I can lay cover, just tell me where you need me."

Niki Priddy Niki Priddy Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Kruhlaish Kruhlaish Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Dominik Borra Dominik Borra
Jay smirked as Stilza agreed with the one plan. He took a breath, checking his revolvers’ cartridges.

“Ok. On three. One.” Jay new he had to make it this shot count. It could get all the shooting to stop.

“Two.” His mind went back to Concord Dawn for a moment. The fighting with the Sith there. This felt like that to an extent. Outnumbered. Outgunned. Needing to be smart, and…. He refocused on the target. The cookers.

“Three!” He would wait to see Stilza move then pop up, quickly aiming his pistols for a cooker each, then pulled the triggers. Particle bolts flew, the added bang hopefully helping to spark thing. Right after the trigger pulls he would move to duck down, making sure Stilza got back behind cover too before….


Viz Harridan Viz Harridan Niki Priddy Niki Priddy Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud [/USER] Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Kruhlaish Kruhlaish Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Dominik Borra Dominik Borra
“Three!” He would wait to see Stilza move then pop up, quickly aiming his pistols for a cooker each, then pulled the triggers. Particle bolts flew, the added bang hopefully helping to spark thing. Right after the trigger pulls he would move to duck down, making sure Stilza got back behind cover too before….

The explosion certainly had more magnitude than she had anticipated, Stilza crunched down further into a compact little ball, her plump body contorting so her head was protected. She gave an ecstatic "whoop!" as adrenaline from the bang surged through her. She loved a lot of things, but explosions just took the cake.

Once the smoke had cleared and the debris had settled, she popped up from her crouch, nearly bouncing in elation. She laughed gleefully, and Snitch jumped from Jay to her shoulder, patting her wild kinks of hair and squawking like a mad villain. The shooting had indeed stopped, and whatever opposition was left had fled or were scattered in pieces around the room. It wasn't pretty, but she shrugged off the carnage the way she usually did, with little care or mind.

"Let's go."
She strode with purpose to the antechamber and tried to slide open the blast door. It didn't budge.

"Son of a Schuta." She hissed and ignited her lightsaber. The new blade made a satisfying hiss, its gold glow casting shadows in contrast over the metal door. She quickly sliced through the control panel and the door slid open.

A blaster bolt zinged out from the chamber and hit her to the right of her collarbone. Her pulse sung in pain and she let out a clipped cry. Snitch jumped out of the way, doubling back to Jay as Stilza struggled to maintain her balance. Another bolt caught her above the knee and she howled, the sound more rage than pain. She ducked behind the frame of the door and gestured widely for Jay to do the same, unable to use her lightsaber to deflect the bolts in the immediate.

Viz, who's astral form was hovering above the din, shouted down. "It's an auto mag gunner... rigged to blast anyone who forces their way in. The frakking thing was booby trapped. You'll have to get in and disable it."

Stilza let out a hoarse and ironic laugh, despite the pain. "great, I'll get right on that." She turned to Jay and yelled. "Any ideas?"

Niki Priddy Niki Priddy Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud [/USER] Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Kruhlaish Kruhlaish Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Dominik Borra Dominik Borra


Objective: Find Zerø
Weapon: 'Revy', "The Klaive" - PDW
Equipment: PCA/EA, Priddy Plates, x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Force Warning Necklace Pendant, Paralyzing Lipstick, ENVC-370 Bodyglove, Tinfoil Hat Band, Earsculpt Comlink, Magno-grip Formal shoes
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"
Ship: The Tourist
Droids: x6 Nuisance Engine Mark I Droids capable of producing Nuisance Droid Mark I and SD-3 Firebee Security Droid, two separate crates of Jitterbugs

She stared at the body that hit the ground, the shot opening up their cranium for her to see as the confidence seemed to flee. The finger slid back from the trigger and her mind raced at what she had actually done.

She'd avoided conflict for almost her entire career till now.

The slight spark from the cranium drew her gaze however from the spiraling thoughts, and showed her that she had not in fact shot a person. A sophisticated Droid by the looks of the internal workings. The anxiety that had enveloped her slowly fell away as she let the tense feeling ease from between her shoulder blades.

"Onward then." She managed, moving to the door and pushing before quickly pulling on the handles. The latter movement found the doors to be unlocked as the one swung wide, her shielded form entering without reservation.

<<Setting up at the point. Will inform you if I see anything.>> Matthew informed her as silence filled their personal comm again. She didn't react as the chaos inside became known to her. Bodies filling the space as droids moved to attack near and far. The smoke inside was clustered to a section behind the storage racks as something was happening further into the building.

Between all the blaster fire and slugthrower rounds, she heard the mechanical clinking of her droids as they did their work.

The skin tight shield shimmered as blaster fire ran across the bubble of protection, and her weapon was slow to rise in greeting. The snaps of her own gunfire a deafening sound as thunder seemed to reverberate through the building with each squeeze of the trigger. The torrent of goons was beginning to dwindle, most awake an taking anything they could.

A small office, set beneath the floating section that had been visited by Ket came to life, metal shudders blocking off the inside of the large former receiving office. The lights inside dimming as Niki struggled to see in between the flashes and low power lighting.

<<"The target is moving.">> She spoke into the comm to the assorted Family members assisting her. Uncertain if anyone would get to the target before Zerø attempted to escape.


The inhalation of cold, dry air. The twitch of an eyelid. The strain of stretching skin as lips curled into an inhuman grin. Canine teeth nearly twice as long as a normal human. No sweat, no anxiety, no fear. Pure, unadulterated terror. This was what stood there, in front of the locked door to the floating office as detonators exploded, as blaster bolts flew past and shots from slug-throwers rang out. Droid doing the bidding of their rad-haired master, and others here to help her in her objective. This was all well and good, but the Old Wolf was here now for one thing, and one thing alone; Blood.

Darkened, near obsidian eyes looked upon the door mere feet in front of him. With a deep, almost ragged breath, he began to manipulate the machinations of the Force, drawing upon it's influence on all things. He would use the Force to augment his own body, tensing up, and strength unknown to most coursing through his musculature. He raised his left leg, and with one fluid motion, it shot forward, the sole of the boot hitting the door with a massive thud, denting the durasteel as the door flew off it's tracks and slammed into one of the good beyond the thresh-hold of the now open doorway. It was only a moment, but in that moment, all eyes of the various lieutenants, soldiers, and gangoons inside the floating office were on him, and he always did love a captive audience.

"EvEr DAnCe WITh thE WoLf in THE pALe MooNLIGht?" he asked, the pure madness dripping from his tongue.


As twin sabers ignited with a familiar snap-hiss, the one in his right hand would be hurled at a large Gamorean toward the back of the room. It would almost seem as if time slowed down to the Lupine, as he burst forth with mind-numbing speed. A quick flick of the wrist as he darted forward, and a gangoon's head would separated from his body, falling toward the floor. Blasters were raised in kind, as they began to shout over one another, barking orders left and right as bolts of red and yellow hues began to fly toward him. Twisting the saber-hilt he still had in his hand to invert his grip, he dived toward the office floor, his free hand shooting out. Using it as a pivot point, his legs came up through the air, either foot slamming into the chests of a pair of human goons next. As the soles of his boots caved in their rib-cages, loud, sickening cracks could be heard as they cried out in pain, broken bones now tearing through flesh as they slammed into a nearby wall. Massive bloodstained remained as they slammed down into the floor, but Ket was already on his next victim.

Pausing a moment as he stood upright once more, his head fell back, and he let out a roaring howl, using the Force itself to propel it throughout the entire building. A signal that the hunt was indeed upon them this night. His free hand shot out toward another one of the lieutenants, this one in a rather nice suit, not the usual off the rack fare most of the wannabe gangsters wore. He grabbed the man by his tie, and without even speaking a word, sank his elongated teeth into his neck, and bit down. With a mighty contraction of his own neck muscles, Ket's head came up, the man's larynx firmly within his mouth, blood and sinew dangling, dripping. The well-suited man tried to scream, oh how he tried. Yet, all for naught, as there was no voice with which to make any noise. The Old Wolf's eyes locked with his, and Ket drank in the terror like a fine wine, before grinning once more and twisting around, kicking him in the head, and damn near tearing it off the spinal cord. The suited man dropped, and died almost instantly as Ket spit the flesh from his mouth.

In the chaos, a few of the smarter gangoons who were witness to this scene of utter destruction had hauled themselves out of that office as fast as they could, and he let them go. No doubt one of the others would deal with the stragglers. This left only two goons left. They both stood there, starring at the Lupine, shaking, yet trying to maintain as they kept blasters pointed at him. Ket began to walk slowly toward them, blood dripping down his chin, a pitter patter upon the tops of his boots as he walked ever so slowly toward them.

"Hey, man, s-stop right there!"
"Y-yeah, we'll shoot you!"

And Ket obliged them, stopping about 6 feet in front of them. Slightly shocked, they pushed their blasters forward, as if getting ready to fire. Yet, Ket lifted one hand up, and pointed it at the goon to his left. Slowly, the goon would involuntarily point his blaster slowly at his partner...

"Hey man, what gives?!?"
"It's not me, I swear! I'm not doing this!"

Pausing but a moment, Ket's outstretched hand closed into a fist, and the goon fired his blaster, effectively sending his partner into the sweet embrace of oblivion. The gangoon looked on with horror and utter disbelief, he began to tear up and cry as he fell to his knees, grabbing at the man dead by his hands.

"You monster! Why? You coulda just offed us both... He, he was my brother!"

Ket took the opportunity to squat down next to the grieving man as he wailed away in emotional agony. "mY COnDoLeNCES. WrONg tIMe, WrOnG pLACe, i SuPPose..." he said, venom laced within every word he uttered. Patting the man on the back, he stood up, and began to walk away, toward the door that would lead back out into the warehouse proper. As he reached the landing just outside, he snapped his fingers, and turned, a look of surprise and realization upon his features. "OH! weLL wOUlD yOu lOOk aT ThaT? AlmOST forgOT!"

Reaching out, Ket's saber, still humming away inside the torso of the now dead Gamorean, twitched and wiggled. Then, almost as quickly as all this had began, it was over as the bright lime blade came ripping back to it's master, but not before it passed the still weeping gangoon, and slicing him through the neck, severing his head. Ket then deignited the sabers as the twin hilts reunited within his grasp. Crossing his arms, he slid the saber hilts back up into his sleeves, a click from each to signify they were secure in their home. Turning, Ket began to walk down the stairs. And a light thud could be heard from the office, as that last gangoon's head would slide from it's resting place upon the neck, and roll over a few times, before resting on the bloody stump, it's eyes forever locked in agony, shock, and pure disbelief.

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Bombs for Throwing at You

By the force. Those droids were monstrous.

They swarmed in through the front doors, leaping, slashing, and exploding. He saw one latch onto a man's head. The man screamed and tried to pull it off, but the thing detonated. The droid and the man's head were simply gone, and the body became a sack of meat that fell to the ground. Dominik actually stood there a bit stunned as he watched it all. Whoever made those, whoever wanted the Zero gang dead, was not messing around. He was more than glad that those things weren't after him, and he huffed out a chuckle. It was a disgustingly violent and bloody scene, but Dominik was more impressed, in awe of the things and their creator. He had seen many battle droids in action, but these things were on another level.

Through several shelves, he was just able to peek a glance at a red-haired woman walking through the door with several others from The Family. That would be the droid's creator. Well, time to continue the mission then.

His attention was pulled back by several screams and pleadings for someone to stay back, and Dominik looked up above him to the floating offices. Blood had sprayed across a window, running down in sheets, and there was some deep, growling voice that was too muffled to make out coming from inside. Two men burst from the door opposite Dominik, so he didn't see much but there must be another catwalk leading down over there.

There was also a lot of commotion coming from Dominik's right, which would be the Spice processing area. Some automatic fire, an explosion or two... The Family really was attacking from all fronts. Their benefactor was getting their money's worth, whatever they paid The Donna, that was for sure.

And then he looked straight ahead, at an office just below the floating offices. He saw rapid movement inside, a briefcase shut by someone barely seen, and pulled off the desk. But the movement was away from the door on the right. The only door. He ran forward and peeked through the window on his way to the door, seeing a dark-skinned human in gaudy furs and clothing closing a trapdoor. Their eyes made contact for half a second, then he was gone.

"Zero's heading out through some underground passage! I'm pursuing!" Dom called through the comms before he kicked the door open, breaking the lock and heading inside. The trapdoor was poorly hidden by an expensive looking animal rug. Dominik pulled it open and nearly had his nose seared off by a blaster bolt. Dominik pulled his head and let the trapdoor shut before recovering, pointed his rifle down the trapdoor, and fired blindly. The client wanted him alive, but he had just nearly killed Dominik. At least he wasn't tossing a thermal detonator down there.

After a moment of firing, Dominik chanced another peek down the trapdoor. Zero was gone. With a muttered curse he descended the ladder into the underground passages, keeping his gun trained to fire. He could hear the echoes of the worm's pounding footsteps, and Dom ran after him. Dominik may have more weight in gear on him, but he was also a trained soldier. This Zero guy was a gangster who, though powerful on Denon, probably didn't train his body to be athletically capable of beating anyone he came across. The space was cramped, but Dom took the corners smoothly, always aiming down his sights for a moment in order to catch Zero. He was able to fire a couple of shots off, but the velocity of the bolts was just too slow to catch him before he turned a corner, singing his coat and one hit the briefcase. Damn, he wished he had his slugthrower.

| Niki Priddy Niki Priddy | Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Viz Harridan Viz Harridan | Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora |
Jay sat their for a moment panting slightly and closing his eyes. This was.... It was the first time he was in something like this since.... Then he heard laughing. He looked to see Stilza laughing and excited by the sight of the explosion. He looked out, and as he got up he stopped his rough breathing, and started laughing too.

"I didn't expect that big of a boom." He got up, seeing everything around him. For once in a long time, he didn't care as much. The bounty hunter would quickly follow his cohort as they got to the doors. He watched as she cut her way through with a lightsaber.... Interesting. Then.... "Frakking!" He felt Snitch jump back to him as blaster fire started. He could see Stilza get hit in the leg, and could definitely hear how painful it was. He looked around, thinking on what to do before hearing the question for any ideas.

Detonators? No. Would destroy the Spice they were after, and inside a build might just take them with it. He didn't have any droid poppers. He shook his head a bit. "My cloak's Beskar-weave, but I've never exactly stress tested it against an autoblaster, and needless to say it isn't plate. If you have a droid popper we might could fry its circuits."

Meanwhile, Ki'tala continued to be a little knife wielding menace to the gangsters around her.

Viz Harridan Viz Harridan Niki Priddy Niki Priddy Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud (The Donna) Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Diocletian Kahmen’’a Diocletian Kahmen’’a Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Kruhlaish Kruhlaish Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Dominik Borra Dominik Borra


Objective: Find Zerø
Weapon: 'Revy', "The Klaive" - PDW
Equipment: PCA/EA, Priddy Plates, x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Force Warning Necklace Pendant, Paralyzing Lipstick, ENVC-370 Bodyglove, Tinfoil Hat Band, Earsculpt Comlink, Magno-grip Formal shoes
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"
Ship: The Tourist
Droids: x6 Nuisance Engine Mark I Droids capable of producing Nuisance Droid Mark I and SD-3 Firebee Security Droid, two separate crates of Jitterbugs

She heard someone give chase to her person of interest, cursing to herself before giving a glance to Marcella and the fellows that had followed her inside.

"I'll leave this to your capable hands." Niki hissed, her long striding steps forward closing the distance to the office that Zerø had fled from. Shots shimmered along her shield, a solid hit even throwing her off course briefly as she leveled Revy during her walk.

Allowing her eyes to triangulate everything along the length of the barrel as she held it sideways. The position of each hand, referenced against the knowledge of where the tendency was for shots to fall the mere meters away she was to her intended goon target. Her arms flexed as the trigger snapped backwards with another round ringing throughout the warehouse.

The cover the offending shots had come from blasted into small shrapnel and fine pieces as she never paused in her walk to the office.

<<"Coming down into the escape hatch. Shoot me and I'll hang you up by your toes and use you for ballistic testing.">> She snapped across the comm-line. The weapon slung around her clacked lightly as she descended, eyes squinting against everything as she heard the harsh footfalls of a chase.


He knew time was short. Whoever had stormed the warehouse had come prepared. An army seemed to have formed from nothing and he had to get out while they were distracted.

At least mostly.

The small swipe of his briefcase against the wall keyed in a panel as laser tripwires engaged throughout the hallway. The linked explosives and noxious gasses a solemn final aid in his escape as he stomped his way through the underground.

<<"Coming down into the escape hatch. Shoot me and I'll hang you up by your toes and use you for ballistic testing.">> She snapped across the comm-line.
Well. That was certainly an image. The client was also quite testy. That explained the absolute carnage those bots of hers dealt. She wasn't messing around, was angry, and frustrated that Zero had this escape route. He quickly relayed Zero's movements and turns so far through the tunnels, hoping that the client either knew a shortcut to cut him off, or could follow without getting too lost. He didn't wait up for her either. Zero knew these tunnels well and that meant that the few half-seconds Dominik took at each intersection to find where he turned Zero gained a little before Dominik's superior athleticism got him back to even.

As he ran through the tunnels, there was a tiny beeping sound that echoed from ahead, and then he noticed, down at the ground level near his feet on one wall, was a tiny glowing laser dot. Dominik had to wonder what it was, what it was doing, what that might mean, as his foot crossed it. He had no time to react, he was already moving to quickly forward, he couldn't stop himself. So instead he threw himself low on that step on pure instinct.

The world was sound and dust and shrapnel. Dominik's hearing went from reverberating footsteps, pouring water, his own breathing, to nothing but the highest ringing pitch imaginable. His vision changed from the dark, hardly lit interior to absolute blackness. His feeling went from the rush of adrenaline, his own gear and clothes on his body, the gun in his hand, to dull pain. Everywhere. He felt nothing but pain, his nerves registering something wrong on every part of his body. He forgot everything but his lengthening experience of sound and pain and blackness.

But as terrible as it all was, there was an upside to it. He felt it. It meant that he was alive. And pain all over his body meant that he still had them attached to feel.

After a subjective eternity, Dominik's feeling started coming back. Pain was still everywhere, but he could feel water on his face, the grittiness of sand and gravel on his hands. With determination and a will to survive, he began crawling froward. He felt something heavy on his leg shift and fall as he dragged himself out. He couldn't hear himself talk and didn't know if the communicator still worked, but he spoke into it as clearly as he could. "Lasers. Tripwires. Careful." He coughed his lungs out for about a good few seconds, his tight grip on the communicator transmitting it all. "Explosives." As he looked behind him and flipped on a small flashlight he had on him, the way had collapsed in rubble. The only way he could have survived by diving from an explosive set in the wall would be... "Directional Charges. I lost Zero." He coughed some more as he struggled to get to his feet. Something was wrong with his left robotic arm, it wasn't moving right, unresponsive and erratic. Must have gotten damaged badly. His right arm was sore, he could feel cuts and abrasions everywhere. "The way I came is blocked. I'll try to find him again." He ended his transmission and began walking and stumbling forward, forcing his body to move faster. His head was still spinning and his vision a little hazy. He wasn't even sure how long he had been out.

Niki Priddy Niki Priddy | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud | Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld |


Objective: Find Zerø
Weapon: 'Revy', "The Klaive" - PDW
Equipment: PCA/EA, Priddy Plates, x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Force Warning Necklace Pendant, Paralyzing Lipstick, ENVC-370 Bodyglove, Tinfoil Hat Band, Earsculpt Comlink, Magno-grip Formal shoes
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"
Ship: The Tourist
Droids: x6 Nuisance Engine Mark I Droids capable of producing Nuisance Droid Mark I and SD-3 Firebee Security Droid, two separate crates of Jitterbugs

She probably cleared the ladder with a bit more speed than needed as she felt the sting of landing through her feet and into her hips. She ground her teeth, nostrils flaring as her target attempted to escape.

A deep breath in had her sprinting through the tunnels below with a hunters grace. Her finger astride the trigger assembly as she leaned into her run, the nanoseconds of processing with her eyes giving her a chance to prepare what was around the next corner as she spied the blocked path ahead and continued down the hall to the next intersection.

<<"In the lower tunnels. Trying to cut him off.">> She called back across the line, the faint glimmer of something catching her attention.

Her eyes widened as she dove forward into a roll.

Revy slammed into her gut but the tripwire remained intact as she counted the seconds between in hopes of survival. The shielding system was in recharge still, and she couldn't afford to bleed out in this place without some payoff to it all.

She righted herself, holding her stomach as she moved forward.


He was huffing and breathing hard as he ran.

Escape was close by. A way out of the nightmare that had erupted in his hangout and business place. If he got out now, there was still a chance to figure out who had been behind it all.

Couldn't have been one of the other gang's. They'd been solid so far about not wanting to tangle with the corpos.

So who did that leave?

A question when he was in a different hideout. In a safer place away from the wackjobs that had stormed his place. He could taste freedom as he rounded the corner, an explosion behind him earlier not letting him ease up just yet.

He swiped the briefcase again, having to stop and swipe it again to hear the beep as he turned back round and found something hard rammed into his face.

<<"In the lower tunnels. Trying to cut him off.">> She called back across the line,

Dominik heard her response over comms. Hopefully she wouldn't hit those tripwires like he had. He had come incredibly close to dying, it wasn't even funny. If Zero had gotten cheaper explosives to blow out everywhere instead of focusing the blasts at shoulder level, Dominik would be stew meat.

He stumbled for a while, huffing and puffing as he tried to figure out where Zero went in this maze of tunnels. Eventually he was able to force his legs to work regularly and run straight. He was certain he had lost Zero when he heard a heavy impact and a grunt of pain from around a corner. He moved that way and found a man he hadn't seen before. He pointed a handgun at Zero who sat on the ground, a small cut on his cheek. From the sniper rifle slung across his back and the word about Niki Priddy Niki Priddy 's sniper friend going to try and get Zero as he escaped...

"Matthew?" He asked. He looked to Zero on the ground, briefcase in hand. Dominik pointed his gun at the man as well, eyes flicking back and forth from Zero to who he presumed to be Matthew. "Good catch."


Objective: Find Zerø
Weapon: 'Revy', "The Klaive" - PDW
Equipment: PCA/EA, Priddy Plates, x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Force Warning Necklace Pendant, Paralyzing Lipstick, ENVC-370 Bodyglove, Tinfoil Hat Band, Earsculpt Comlink, Magno-grip Formal shoes
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"
Ship: The Tourist
Droids: x6 Nuisance Engine Mark I Droids capable of producing Nuisance Droid Mark I and SD-3 Firebee Security Droid, two separate crates of Jitterbugs

<<Caught your rat. Go slow Sour. Badger out.>> Came the message across her other earpiece. The huffing run slowing as she allowed herself to take note of the dangers rather than calculate her chances of dodging them.

<<Copy that.>> She called back, breathing finally as she began her walk forward.

<<Caught your rat. Go slow Sour. Badger out.>> Touching his earpiece, he shouldered the rifle as the sound of another came round the corner.

He was midway through grabbing the suitcase when he found himself at the other end of a gun.

His expression of exasperation hidden behind the helmet.

"You must be one of the...them." He hadn't meant to come off rude, but his helmet flicked between Dominik and Zerø. Was a sore spot to be called by his name in front of a target.

The wounds looked superficial from what he could see, but he righted himself before fishing into a pocket and throwing Dominik a pair of bacta patches.

"Boss lady is on her way." The short report given as he watched Zerø rub his face and groan. "You keep the pistol ready. I'll deal with her."

A cryptic remark from him as he sighed and relaxed against the wall, crossing his arms before nodding to Dominik.

"Moonlighting or professional? Decent gear either way." He made small talk for the moment, keeping the target in his peripherals for the time being.


"You must be one of the...them."

Dominik somewhat nodded, more tilted his head back and forth. He was a recent addition to The Family and was still mulling it over, really. But for the purposes of what team he was on it worked. Matthew tossed him some Bacta patches and Dominik was happy to have them. Keeping an eye on Zero he tore into them and applied them. One on his neck, the back of his right hand, his shins. He was really scrapped up from the blast and a couple of close calls with blasters up above. He'd need a proper Bacta dip, of which he was not looking forward to. He might just heal naturally, honestly.

"Boss lady is on her way." The short report given as he watched Zerø rub his face and groan. "You keep the pistol ready. I'll deal with her."
Dominik nodded and kept the gun trained on Zero but also relaxed somewhat. If Zero made a break for it he'd get shot in the leg or back, but he didn't have to be so tense.

"Moonlighting or professional? Decent gear either way."

He shrugged. "Moonlighting for now. Thinking of going professional. Used to have a much different profession. This is a step down in intensity, honestly." Dominik looked down at his DC-17m and other gear. "This is reliable stuff from that time. Served me well. A bit outdated but it works perfectly fine for me."


Objective: Find Zerø
Weapon: 'Revy', "The Klaive" - PDW
Equipment: PCA/EA, Priddy Plates, x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Force Warning Necklace Pendant, Paralyzing Lipstick, ENVC-370 Bodyglove, Tinfoil Hat Band, Earsculpt Comlink, Magno-grip Formal shoes
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"
Ship: The Tourist
Droids: x6 Nuisance Engine Mark I Droids capable of producing Nuisance Droid Mark I and SD-3 Firebee Security Droid, two separate crates of Jitterbugs

"Old never means bad. Sometimes the new stuff doesn't have the same tricks. Sometimes they have too many." Matthew shrugged, the tell tale footfalls coming down the hallway behind Dominik as Niki emerged from around the corner.

Revy rose to her cheek, spying the body on the floor as her eyes widened.

She ignored Dominik for the moment, steps heavy as Matthew sidestepped Zerø and put the rifle against the wall. He made to step in her way as she fussed with the Sling around her body and shoved her gun into Matthew.

Her eyes still wide and angry.

"Move chithead or you're next." She snapped, pushing him aside as she stated at the man beginning to orient himself on the ground.

"Now-Hey!" Her helpers voice rising as she picked up his discarded rifle by the barrel and swung it low with a force she usually saved for material testing.

The butt of the rifle cracked against Zerø's face. The sound resonating against the walls of the tunnels. Niki's voice behind the thud sharp with rage as she swung again before the pleading started.

Blood already flinging from wounds she tore open with brute force.

"Nuh! Phrease nuh!"

"Shut! Up! Just shut up! You aren't worth the air you breath or the-the-Rraaahhh!" She gave up trying to string a curse together as she made to swing again with an overhead ax motion.

Rage unleashed as she shook from that same anger.

"How many lives have you ruined!? How many people couldn't stop you!? No more!" Her hands clenched, purpose driving her finally as she steeled herself and swung.

"Old never means bad. Sometimes the new stuff doesn't have the same tricks. Sometimes they have too many."
Wasn't that the truth. He shook his head and smiled before looking up to see Niki Priddy Niki Priddy walking down the corridor. He watched her, wondering how the client was going to handle her target. He wasn't expecting her to shove her gun into Matthew, to push him away and threaten him. Her eyes were wide and wild, filled with fire and hate for the man on the ground. He was expecting some talk and then an execution. But this... the way she was just beating him.

Did Zero deserve such a death? Most certainly. He deserved more. He was about to turn around, let her have her payback against him. She lifted the gun, body tensing for one last swing. And then he realized something about her. Dominik's flesh and bone hand grabbed the stock of the gun, something he wished he did with his robotic hand, and he stepped infront of her. He was in shadow, no light being down here to illuminate the group. While he could see her well enough, he wasn't sure how much she could see of him. His voice was hoarse from choking down duracrete dust and the rough activity of the day.

"He deserves it." He said it straight, eyes boring into hers if she could see him. His arm and grip was solid against her strength. "We all know he does. But you can't be the one to do it. Not you."


Objective: Find Zerø
Weapon: 'Revy', "The Klaive" - PDW
Equipment: PCA/EA, Priddy Plates, x2 Hutt Cartel Kidnap Jabber Rings-One on either hand, Force Warning Necklace Pendant, Paralyzing Lipstick, ENVC-370 Bodyglove, Tinfoil Hat Band, Earsculpt Comlink, Magno-grip Formal shoes
Augmentation: PGEM-SAP "Amber Eyes"
Ship: The Tourist
Droids: x6 Nuisance Engine Mark I Droids capable of producing Nuisance Droid Mark I and SD-3 Firebee Security Droid, two separate crates of Jitterbugs

Matthew was beat to the punch by their new friend. Something he was silently thankful of as he watched Zerø blubber and throw his arm up to defend himself blindly.

She didn't know if she was angry or thankful someone had stopped her. Mind ablaze with conflicting emotions as she tried to breath. Tried to keep from crying as she stared at the blank shadowed face before her. Her chest heaved as she found herself caught between anger and anxiety.

"Breath." Matthew reminded her.

Zerø struggled to breath or see, feet pedaling air as she looked at Dominik sternly.

"He-! I-I. I can't." Her arms went slack. Her eyes slowly closing and opening again. Exhaustion painting her features as she sagged into a deep breath.

"Someone. Just. End it. Please." Her eyes closed before she let go of the rifle. Hands clenched as she shrunk into herself. Stumbling backwards, she leaned against the wall before sliding down until she sat and curled into herself.

She felt like she had failed. Like all of it had been for nothing when she'd faltered in the final moment. Now someone else had to deal with the fallout.

Matthew let his diaphragm relax, watching Niki before nodding to Dominik. He knelt down, letting a hand linger on her knee while he left the other to finish things.

Niki Priddy Niki Priddy breathed as Matthew reminded her to and slumped, her strength weakening and he held the gun while she let go. She slid down the wall, her friend joining her to help comfort her. Dominik had been right. Zero had wronged her, hurt her, maybe others that she knew too. She had been ready to take that revenge. To kill Zero. And in turn she would...

He stood in shadow more, but looked down at her. He took a few deep breaths, looking to Zero and back. "I know what happens when you take a life." He whispered, though audible in the quiet tunnels, his lips hardly moving to form the words. "You lose a part of yourself. Not everything. Just the part that matters the most." He looked away. He was in shadow, but he didn't want the sudden wetness of his eyes to be shown.

He couldn't have let Niki kill someone. Not like that, not coldly, deliberately. In the heat of battle it was slightly different, but execution? He knew that too well. He didn't want another innocent to have that part of themselves dead, like Zero or Dominik himself. He turned and calmly put three rounds into Zero's head, silencing his pain and whimpering. For the first time in over a decade, Dominik shut his eyes when he did it. It didn't affect his accuracy.

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