Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fixing the Mistakes of the Past (Open to all)

He looked at him nervously, shaken by the explosion of smoke that had filled the air, plus the knocking over of the crate and the giant mess that now lay before them. "M-my name?" he nervously asked. He he breathed slowly and tried to collect himself. "My name is John. John Doe," he replied nervously.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a identification card that read John Doe with the title of Level 2 Clearance Engineer. He was shaking as he held the card up to him. In his mind he was loosing it with laughter. He didn't care if he was caught. Sure it would cause him being detained. But that never stopped him in the past. He knew his way out of situations like this, whether it was now by sly words or later by explosions and a break out.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Apoc"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Trixter"]

The smoke appeared and his marine guards jumped to surround Jaster, as if he needed them. Out the corner of his visor he saw the administraitor drop something into his own hand, could it be. It looked similar to a light saber, 'A Jedi?' Well it could explain a lot, all this saving and what not, but if her was discovered the local goverment would have him killer. He best keep his discovery to himself, he needed this refugee camp as a puppet for his ambitions and to cover his tracks.

Noticing the building supplies on the ground scattered. This looked amusing, but he didn't have time for it. Interrupting the "Jedis" moving interigstion he said, "Don't worry yourself sir, these are the exact reason I brought the Contriction Drones," Jaster allowed on of his Gaurds to bring out a data pad, he pressed a few buttons and one of the drones laying dormant around the shuttle came alive. It scurried over to there position and with its six arms began cleaning up the supplies. "See no harm no foul, now can we continue our conversation, sir." Jaster didn't have time to waste, if there was another camp he had to work out an agreement and then dispatch Quarantine Gaurds, and so much more. Waiting here for a simple dispute was pointless.

Jaster was very impatient at this point, suddenly something came over his comm unit. Holy Rancor Chit.... He knew that voice. Taking advantage of the shock of people watching the construction droid ha walked off to the side having one of his Marines talk to the administraitor. "Your the brat from before..... What are you doin on my command channel," Jaster realized his command channel was a short distance, "better question where the kark are you?"

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
-Zenva Vrotoa

Big Orluk kept walking forward. Maybe the pilot wasn't a complete fool, after all the creature didn't start running when told to hurry. At ten meters, Orluk stopped. That was one ugly wookie. Burned, scared and missing one of his natural eyes. This would not go well if Zenva didn't get into position quickly. The burly Zabrak rested one hand on the hilt of his vibrosword and called out again. His voice deep and booming, "You look a bit lost. Maybe no one told you. This planet doesn't take tourists anymore."

That's it, a little closer. Zenva thought to herself as she crept closer to her target. She had already managed to circle behind the large wookie and was now advancing on him from almost directly behind the beast. As the two brutes, Zabrak and Wookie alike came to a stop, Zenva rushed in behind them. Slamming the charging lever on her rifle as she came to a stop. Several feet separated them as her rifle was leveled on the Wookie's head. When she spoke her voice was full of hatred, "Take another karking step and your a dead man, chit-head!"



-Renesri Aylia

Ren couldn't stop the thrilled giggle that escaped her. It really was the same mandalorian. The laughter stayed in her voice when she replied, "Now pateesa that's very rude." Again she laughed, "Don't you know it's inappropriate to curse at little girls? I'm impressionable. Don't worry about where I am. I'm rather far away but looking at you right now feels like we are back in the bar. All snuggled up. I swear it's like I could kiss your cheek again."

Her voice broke off suddenly. Her rifle no longer pointed at her mandalorian 'friend.' Instead she had returned to watching the masked man in charge of the camp. The masked Jedi! Oh chit. She spoke into the comm again, no longer amused. Her tone was deadly serious in fact. "Pateesa. Who are your friends? Please don't play any games right now."

Her rifle swept back to Jaster. The crosshairs settled on the hollow of his throat. "Pateesa. Why are you helping Jedi? You know this planet is controlled by the Red Raven criminal syndicate, right?"

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Jaster Awaud"]


Blood Squadron Combat Air Commander
Of course he didn't run headlong into a big Zabrak. He was a wookie not a Rancor-brained Twi'lek. His own hands slowly fell to his sides just as Zenva spoke. He would never forget her voice. He didn't step further towards the big Zabrak. He did however turn his head slightly just to see if it really was her. "Zenva? That you? And if I know you..which I'm sure I do..You have a blaster aimed at me right now. Can you drop it? This is not how Honor Family should be treated." With that he ignored the bigger Zabrak and turned fully around. It was a slow precise movement hands still at his side but not resting near his blaster. A quick mental change to his Voice modulator and he spoke the next line in her native language. " I owed you a Life debt Cap. I fulfilled it the night of the bombings. The big one can take his hand off his sword You have me sufficiently covered."

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Foebacca"]

For the love of all that is holy.... If he remembered the info he gathered after there last encounter, little miss spit fire wasn't too bad a shot. She probably had him in her cross hairs right now. "Listen here Bantha kark, I'm working, I didn't know he was a Jedi nor do I care, and technically I'm not here," Jaster looked at one of the few building still standing that could have a clear view of him, "now if you could stop pointing that..." Jaster froze for a second, remembering the other person he was with when he meet the little chit, 'Well kark me sideways.'

"Vrotoa is in charge of the other camp isn't she?" Asked Jaster to the girl, in a very distasteful tone. 'I'm soo regretting coming to this planet.'

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
-Zenva Vrotoa

The rifle dropped a fraction of an inch. Zenva's eyes lost focus, her mind traveling through memory to a distant battle field. "Your dead." Her voice a mere whisper. "That grenade ripped you in half. I saw what was left of you." Suddenly she was yelling, pain and anger waging war, "YOU DIED FOEHAMMER! You stopped breathing! You were fething dead! You son of a..." Her rifle dropped to the ground, forgotten, as the Zabrak rushed forward. Her arms looped the Wookie's neck. "You worthless piece of bantha chit!"

Zenva pulled herself away, looking up at her honor brother. "How the kark did you get away? Your chest was... gone." Only now did she really look at what was left of him. Durasteel mostly. "By the gods. What did they do to you? "

Orluk, thoroughly confused, stepped forward. "Zenva we don't have time to stand here. Renesri needs back up. He can tell us on the way."

Zenva shoved herself back from the Wookie. "Foehammer this is Orluk. My kin alright? Don't break him. But he's right my niece needs help. Come on." She paused long enough to get her rifle again before she started jogging toward the south and the unidentified camp. "Don't fall behind brother!"



-Renesri Aylia

"Cuss at me again, and I'll teach you what the word 'ventilated' means. Do you understand me mandalorian? Why are you even bothering to look around? Like I would really use a building to hide in. Get real. That's way to obvious. To answer your question, yes. My aunt is running the other camp." Renesri put clear emphasis on the word 'aunt.' A way of warning Jaster to choose his words and tone with care.

"Don't be stubborn about this, pateesa. Change teams right now and I won't even tell her you were in the Jedi's camp. Pack up your supplies and change location. Tell them what ever you want but if you keep helping them, I can't do anything for you when The Enforcers start showing up." She remembered his reaction last time the name of Zenva's mercenary group was brought up. Maybe Renesri didn't know the mandalorian but he shouldn't have to die for unknowingly giving help to the wrong group.

[member="Jaster Awaud"]
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Trixter"] @Jaster of clan Awaud

Solan nodded to the man but kept a close eye on him as something continued to feel wrong but he shook his head to look about and then smiled after looking at the side. "Hmm... interesting..." His hand pushed the saber back into his sleeve before speaking to everyone as his mind went to work "Everyone back to work, we needed to help these people recover... and Jaster right, who are you talking to and what do you mean other camp?" Solan had not known about any other camp because simply he was unawares that the Ravens actually cared about people nor that they actually set up one after the bombardment. After all why criminal group would care about a people they merely abused and confused.
Jarven softly touched down on the planet Makeb. Surveying the damage and desolation, Jarven began to walk through the city of New Orleans. (That IS the name of the city, right?...) :) He had found out that [member="Zenva Vrotoa"], a member of the Red Ravens, was attempting to help the people of this planet. Well, more correctly, the few survivors of this planet. He had no idea where she was, though, so he decided to start by searching the inner city. As he was walking through the empty streets, he thought he could faintly hear the sounds of crying. He was right next to a hotel and the sound seemed to come from right inside what seemed to be the breakfast area on the ground floor. He followed the sound inside and he soon found the source. Inside the hotel's Continental Breakfast area, Jarven found a sorry display. The food bins that had been laid out were either ransackedly bare or spoiling horrendously. Sitting at the table, a brown haired boy who couldn't have been more than 6 years old sat at the table, his face down on the surface, sobbing away, with a rotten apple with one bite out of it lying on the table in front of him.

Jarven's heart went out for this little one. How long has he been here?!? He's quite a strong individual to have lasted this long...Jarven had brought a small pack of food, just in case he had a harder and longer time searching for the camp. As he started to unzip the pack, the boy's head perked up immediately, his eyes puffy and tinged with fear. Screaming in fear, he tried to run past Jarven and get to safety. Jarven quickly grabbed the boy saying, "Hold on, now! I'm trying to help you!" But the boy was having none of it. He struggled and yanked to get away from Jarven's embrace. When that didn't work, the boy angrily started pounding on his chest plate and screaming "No! NOOOO!!!". Jarven kept a hold on the boy until he felt the boy's meager strength fail. Jarven then pulled the boy to him and held him there, rubbing his back and hair reassuringly. The boy's outcries soon turned to more tears and a desperate embrace once he realized that Jarven wasn't there to hurt him.

Oh, little one. The trials you have gone through. Jarven's hand moved to his unzipped pack and he pulled out some water. "Here, little one. You need this." The child was too exhausted to take the bottle himself, so Jarven undid the top and put it up to his mouth. The boy started to drink thirstily from it and he accidentally choked a little on it. As he coughed, some of the water was spilled to the ground. "It's okay" said Jarven. The child shifted himself so that he was sitting in Jarven's lap, who was sitting indian style. The boy took the water and started to drink it down quickly and carefully. As the child finished up with the bottle, Jarven started pulling out some small sandwiches, unwrapping them, and giving them to the child. The child quickly accepted the food and started to chow down. "Careful, now" Jarven said softly. "I don't want you choking to death on me". The little boy only responded by looking at him with sadness and fear when Jarven had said the words "choking" and "death". Jarven really wished he hadn't said that. The boy turned back to his food and continued eating, albeit much more cautiously. After a while, the boy finished eating and laid tiredly against Jarven.

"I'm going to find other people who can help us. Will you come with me?" The boy sleepily nodded his head "yes". Jarven pulled out his second and last bottle of water and gave it to the kid. "This is for you and I to share, okay?" He didn't wait for the kid's response before giving it to him, picking him up, and putting him on his head. Jarven then stood up and walked out of the hotel. Jarven could feel the pressure of the kid's head laying on his helmet. Under the armor, he was smiling. Jarven continued his walk through the city until he saw people and a camp in the distance. He started waving his right hand to get their attention, but they didn't see him. He got close to the camp and a guard saw him. The guard quickly leveled his gun at the armored figure, but then became hesitant and unsure of himself when he saw the child. "Hey! This kid needs help! You wanna' help him or keep waving your gun around!?" The guard barked for some help from people nearby, and two civvies quickly came forward, reaching for the kid. Jarven lifted the kid off of his head and passed him to them. The child, waking up to hands grabbing him, dropped the water to the ground and soon started bucking and saying, "NO!!". The civvies wisked the kid away before Jarven could see what else happened. He glanced down at the open bottle pouring out onto the ground, which was creating mud. Jarven started to go after the child when he was stopped by the guard who was leveling the rifle at his head.

"Don't move!!!" barked the guard. "You are not cleared to enter!!" Jarven was getting agitated, so he moved another step forward while clenching his fists and saying, "I just brought a refugee in and I want to make sure he's okay!" "Stop!!!" yelled the guard. "We'll figure out what to do with you. In the mean time, STAY PUT!!!" The guard started murmuring into his comm and Jarven took a couple of steps back to sit on a duracrete divider. He was getting REALLY angry now and he hoped that, for this man's sake, the leader of this camp would make his move soon...

[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Trixter"] [member="Apoc"]
[member="Jarven Zexxel"]

Solan looked up and groaned. "Lower the rifle, this man is trying to help. Lower it or i will remove it from you..." His eyes bore into the guard before he stepped back and let solan sigh. Looking at Zexxel now Solan moved closer and held out a gloved hand as he stared at Zexxel behind the mask. In his voice was shame and an apologetic tone that his words would soon match. "Excuse them, im sorry they are only suppose to keep people like who caused this from damaging the relief efforts, did you come to help or do you need medical attention?"
This guy doesn't seem familiar...Could be that he's not a Red Raven...Oh well, he's still here to help. Jarven stood up, moved forward, and (stabbed him in the gut...JK JK. That would be pretty big plot twist though. haha) extended his hand to shake the leader's outstretched hand. "Jarven. Jarven Zexxel. I'm fine. I found out about what..."happened" here only recently. I heard that the Red Ravens were trying to start up a relief effort here, but you don't seem to be Red Ravens...Anyway, I haven't found them yet, but you guys seem to be helping just the same. So, I might as well pitch in here."

Jarven peered over Solan's shoulder to see the worker behind him. The man seemed...giddy? Quite frankly, it was hard to read this man ([member="Trixter"]). He faintly noticed scars on the man's face before turning his attention back to Solan.
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Foebacca"]

..... I'm so gana be shot. "Listen up, best I can do is split up the supplies between the camps based on population, the people I work for are willing to put more supplies on the table, not much more, but we made a solum swear that we would help all in need, and if you would have led with 'Jaster we need those supplies' You probably wouldn't have a scout droid right on top of you, ya sorry about that, and now your probably gana shoot me...." Jaster sighed, he really didn't want to be there now. Out of 300 refugee camps in the galaxy, he chose to go to this planet, and now he's gana get shot for it, what a shame.

"Let me talk to your aunt and come to an agreement on fraction of supplies, so can this whole 'shoot me in the throat' thing, I really need to get back to work." Well I'm sure she's not gana settle for a fraction of the supplies, but of he picked and chose camps to help, the guild master would be angry with him, and to be honest getting shot would probably be better.


Blood Squadron Combat Air Commander
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]

Foebacca did that half laugh half growl that Wookies did when she finally saw who he was. After Zenva took off Jogging towards her other Kin He caught her shortly then slowed his pace since he took bigger strides than her. Keep up...HA! He explained how his body was dead but his brain stayed alive long enough to bring his body back. He was indeed blown in half when he jumped on the detonator. " I'm mostly Durasteel now." His voice modulator clicked and whirred as it tried to translate his words." I got fixed, took most of my credits to get me healthy again, walking was the hardest part. My search for you took the rest. Some other female Zabrak said something about all of the Enforcers being dead. Is that true?"

Foehammer drew his T-6 from his hip and clicked down the fore grip. There was no doubt the Wookie was ready for battle. Muscles twitched causing what fur he had left to shake violently. " What happened here Little Sister?"


The Nameless Soldier
Maintaining his distance from Solan, Apoc continued to watch. He had seen everything that happened. From the smoke that could've been a potential attack, to the arrival of a visitor. The new visitor to the camp spiked his interest. Fully clad in armour, obviously armed and he looked dangerous. Solan must've been hoping he wasn't a bounty hunter... The increasing amount of people present inside the encampment worried the nameless man. If someone figured out who Solan was and attempted to claim the bounty, the situation could be get out of hand extremely quickly, which would compromise Apoc's task of keeping the Rebel alive.

Soon, he would move up closer to Solan in a hope that he could get a better undertsanding of the situation and who the armoured man was.

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
-Renesri Aylia

"Well Jaster, I didn't know your name so how was I going to ask you anything? And if there was a droid on top of me." The comm cut out.

The ships above had never ceased in their duty, their engines providing a steady thum of background noise. The six armed construction droid kept working to clean the spilled equipment. People continued moving about the camp, talking, working. The ruined city was still and silent.

Crack! Crack!

The thunderous report of the fifty caliber rifle echoed across the city. Two shots ripped through the silence in the space of a single breath. A scream followed. A sound that made the blood run cold, a mixture of pain and fear from the lungs of a sixteen year old girl.

The droid had found Renesri and she had fought back. Her two rounds had torn the droid's chest apart, leaving it inactive. Unfortunately it had taken hold of her leg when she tried to get away. It's iron grip locked on her ankle and for some reason the hand continued to close despite it's destruction. She clawed frantically at it's arm trying to free herself but simply couldn't. Desperate, she pulled her data pad back over to her, and tried to open the same comm channel again. She couldn't think past the fear. Instead of singling out the command channel she had before, she tapped into every open channel in the area. Personal comm, civilian channels, every airwave that could receive a call. The panicked voice of a young woman filled the air, "Jaster! Shut it off! Please! I was joking, I swear! Shut it off!" The wet crunch of bones braking echoed over the call and a shrill cry that ended abruptly as the woman passed out from the pain. The comm fell silent once more.

[member="Jaster Awaud"] [member="Apoc"] [member="Trixter"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]


-Zenva Vrotoa

Zenva laughed as Foebacca caught up with seeming ease. "Ha. Alright big guy. You want to make a race of it!" Her jog escalated quickly into a sprint. She laughed again as she hopped over ruble with uncanny grace. The pair rushed onwards. Exsileration, pure and simplistic. By all the gods, it felt good to be running toward the unknown with her oldest friend beside her again.

Faster and faster. Over ruble and under broken ledges. After a time Zenva called out, her voice bubbling with laughter. "Hold up, Foehammer. Wait, wait. We left Orluk behind." Slowly she came to a stop. With a vicious little smile, she stepped past the Wookie. "I win." She barked in the language of The People of the Trees. One of the only sentences she had learned to speak properly.

As they waited for her kinsman to catch up, Zenva's eyes scanned the city. She pointed to the south, "There. See those ships. They must be right over the other camp. I don't recognize them though. What about you, Foehammer?"

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]@Apoc@Solan Charr

The comm went dead. "Brat.... Hey brat you there?" Jaster was confused, he waved over one of the marines controlling the flouting scout droid. He looked into the monitor that showed what it was seeing, a droid he didn't own or recognize was trying to injure the girl. 'Chiiiiittt' thought Jaster.

"Marines, move over to her position now," he through the droid contols to one of the marines, "send that droid on a suiside run with the other droids arm that got a hold of her leg...."

He was inturrupted by the girl on an open Comm channel, "Jaster! Shut it off! Please! I was joking, I swear! Shut it off!"

He turned to the operator, "Do it now!!!!" He activated his jetpack and flew over to her location.

As the girl squirmed trying to get loose of the droid, the little hand held scout droid flew right into the forearm of the attacking droid. The small explosion caused the arm to detach from the hand of the droid. Still alive the droid made another attempt to harm the little female, reaching with it other arm to the girls face. Just before it could achieve the goal it reached for, two blaster shots rang past the girls head by mear inches and striking the droid first in the reaching hand then in the joint connecting the head central core to the rest of the body, this severed the droids head and it dropped dead to the ground.

Jaster flew through the opening Renesri used to aim at him landing on top of the droids head, smashing it beneath his heavy armored boot. He turned with his full gear on to face the girl he meet back in the bar. He was not entertained that this girl was seconds from killing him to only instinctively protect her. Ither he was gana regreat what he was goin to say or own up to it, "you know a thank you might be good once in a while," he turned to the droids body, "looks like a scouting droid from the rebels, must have currupted and attacked the first person it saw." As he finished talking, he felt a shiver go down his spin, 'Not good?'


Blood Squadron Combat Air Commander
A race. She wanted to Race the Wookie? Well hell sure why not. He took off with her Until they had to stop for the slower Zabrak. "He is a slow o.." Crack! Crack! " The Frak! That sounded like the slugthrowers we used to use on assassinations. Who the hell is shooting?" His eyes instantly started scanning what rooftops there were left and the rubble when there wasn't a roof to shoot from. There wasn't a zip near his head nor a buzzing in the air to indicate the rounds were meant for him and the sniper missed. " Maybe it's that one we are supposed to be back up for."

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
With Jarven's reactions still being very enhanced, he jumped in front of [member="Solan Charr"] and in-between he and the sound source of the gunshots. He then heard the scream. His protective nature immediately proccing, Jarven turned to the leader and said, "Someone's in trouble!" He was about to take off when something horrible happened. Not only did it play out on every comm here, but the message "Jaster! Shut it off! Please! I was joking, I swear! Shut it off!" was heard quite loudly inside of his own mind!

How the frell did she communicate on my comm implant?!?!? It was already painful because he had become quite used to not having anything come through that comm. It made it even worse that the sound of a young girl crying out in pain was being mixed with the sound of breaking flesh and snapping bone. Jarven stumbled somewhat, clenching his head and screaming out in pain. However, he soon recovered and took off with as much haste as he could muster. His mind had a razor sharp clarity and he was incredibly angry at this Jaster and whatever droid was harming the girl.

He climbed high and zoned in on the source of the disturbance, his HUD helping a lot. Once finding the general location, he zoomed in and found out where she was. He could see her lying on the ground with a large droid hand clamped to her leg. He could also see a male armored figure hovering just outside, staring at her ([member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]).

Jarven wasn't in the right mind set to ask questions first. This girl was hurt and it was safer to assume that this man was Jaster, since he didn't appear to be helping her. He climbed higher and then deactivated his pack, falling silently at the man, his legs straight out in front, aimed for the man's right shoulder. He quickly unholstered his repulsor rifle and aimed it downwards, right above his feet. It didn't take long before he surprised the man with his attack.

"You son of a---!!!"As his feet made contact, Jarven was able to quickly fire off his rifle as well. The kick would hurt the man and put some momentum into his attack, but it was his repulsor rifle that was going to cause this man to rocket away. Whatever happened next to the man would be through chance of the surrounding area and his jet pack and his skill of regaining control. Jarven wasn't aware of the pain likely caused by his attack due to his current state.

Jarven knew he had a limited amount of time and he knew that getting this girl to safety was the primary concern. He landed next to her. It seemed as though she was barely conscious. He didn't know if she'd be able to speak anything or not. He looked at the situation and found that only the robot hand remained on her leg. His mind flooded with concern and fury, he grabbed both sides of the robot hand and peeled it off of her leg. It went easier than expected since the hand wasn't being commanded to clench by the droid anymore. He started gathering her stuff and slinging it around himself. He saw the rifle, picked it up, and placed over her chest. Almost instinctively, the girl seemed to grasp and hold the rifle (vertical-wise/along the length of her body). He grabbed his comm and held it in his hand as he used his free hand and free arm to pick up and securely hold her.

After that, he quickly took off outside and into the air. He used the comm, "Red Ravens, calling any and all Red Ravens in the area! I have a young, female zabrak who's injured and in need of medical attention! Please respond, over!" Without waiting for a response, Jarven switched over to ping mode. Luckily enough, he found a ping on the radar and went straight after it, knowing it to be a Red Raven ping. He made all haste to get there. When he did, he found a zabrak female and a large wookie male standing on top of a mound of rubble. Trying to land as gently as possible, he landed at the bottom of the mound where there was sturdy ground.

He yelled up to the pair, "Help! She needs help!"

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Foebacca"]
[member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Foebacca"] @Jaster of clan Awaud [member="Zenva Vrotoa"]

Solan was already moving the moment he heard the shots tooand was running across the ground and through the streets in the direction that Jaster had gone. He groaned internally, seriously he had brought only a few troops to protect those that were recieving treatment and of course someone decided 'oh lets go attack makeb again'. God he hated people sometimes but for now his saber to his hand and he came up to the scene as the saber entered his hand once more and he ran the droid through, pulling it up and cutting through the metal like butter before lifting his hand and making sure the thing would not be moving any longer. Only then did he look at the girl and at Jaster as well as Jarven. His eyes focusing on the girl though for a moment as Jarven was attempting to lift her. "What happened here... are there more?"
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Solan Charr"]

Jaster layed on the ground from the sudden attack from Jarven, he was still very awake and very much in pain. He needed to stop that Gank from taking her. He stood up, his shoulder was stinging in pain, 'Must be broken he dislocated.' With his free arm he opened a Comm Link to his squad, "All units, receive young female Zabrak, priority number one." He then got off, holding his shoulder. He noticed Solan standing there. After comprehending the question Jaster looked at a solid wall of the building he was in, he slammed his shoulder into the wall and readjusted it into its socket. He then faced Solan and said, "Small girl with sniper trying to negotiate supplies at gun point," kicked droid on the floor, "attacked by rouge droid, I save her, your friend attacks me, I'm trying to detain him, got it? Good." Jaster slowly walks off with a slight limp. This just wasn't his day.

Marines follow Jarven and catch up to him, "Sir, surrender the female and return to camp for immediate medical attention, this is an order from the 'Healers Security', do not resist, non-lethal force has been authorized." They flew closer to Jaster no weapons in hand.

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Zenva flinched at the sound of rifle shots, crouching low for a moment before looking around, "What no wizz, no pop?" She glanced sideways at the big Wookie. "Slug throwers. Yeah, big ones." Her voice trailed off. Zenva moved to higher ground, the top of a large pile of rubble. A building once. Her eyes scanning the area below. Spotting one of her troopers, she began flashing quick hand signals to him. The two relayed back and forth briefly before Zenva turned back to [member="Foebacca"], "We have company. Come on."

Zenva shouldered her rifle and began forward again. Which is about the time an armored figure dropped from the sky to land at the bottom of her hill. The Mauler rifle snapped up to aim directly at the man's face. Zenva's eyes widening briefly and her arm swung out to the side. Obstructing Foebacca's line of fire with her own weapon. This man ([member="Jarven Zexxel"]) had Renesri in his arms and firing on him would put the young woman in danger.

Zenva started down the hill slowly her weapon still held out to the side. Her gaze moved to the mandalorian marines that had chased after her niece. When they demanded that the girl be surrendered something changed in Zenva's demainer. Concern and worry for her kinswoman were swept away like leaves before a hurricane. Leaving only a white hot burning rage.

[member="Jaster Awaud"] was struck with the realization of exactly who was moving towards him. It was as though Renesri had suddenly become a grown woman, refined, perfected. The family resemblance was uncanny. The tattoos around the eyes and mouth were identical, markings of the daughters of Clan Vrotoa. They even dressed similar. While Renesri had been seen stomping and kicking about in over sized combat boots, Zenva's slim knee high riding boots drifted across rubble and debris like a spector, disturbing nothing in her wake. Renesri's 'artfully' torn skirt and leggings had matured into Zenva's attire, without a rend or loose thread to be found. Finally, the young woman's 'glare of pure death' had become a whole different creature. Zenva's unwavering yellow-red eyes were like the portals to hell itself and they tracked the man who had come to demand her kin.

Reaching the bottom of the hill her arm lowered slowly, rifle pointed to the ground. She passed the man carrying her niece, her terrible gaze meeting his for a moment, "Move from that spot and I will kill you. Do you understand." It wasn't a question. It wasn't a threat. It was a statement, a fact as far as she was concerned. She continued forward to meet the advancing marines.

"Suppression team." Zenva's voice was flat, void of any emotion. Yet it carried across the ruins to be heard by all that had come to investigate the shooting. The meaning of her words made clear as a dozen clan warriors came out of hiding. On rooftops, from inside burned out buildings, under rubble and atop broken walls, Zenva's forces creating a half circle around the outsiders. The two heavy repeating lazer rifles came alive, their rotary barrels whining menacingly. No one dared fire however. The matron had not given the order.

Zenva's hellish gaze locked on the eyes of the mandalorian leader. "The next man to move toward my niece gets cut in half. Clear?"

[member="Solan Charr"]

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