Jarven softly touched down on the planet Makeb. Surveying the damage and desolation, Jarven began to walk through the city of New Orleans. (That IS the name of the city, right?...)

He had found out that [member="Zenva Vrotoa"], a member of the Red Ravens, was attempting to help the people of this planet. Well, more correctly, the few survivors of this planet. He had no idea where she was, though, so he decided to start by searching the inner city. As he was walking through the empty streets, he thought he could faintly hear the sounds of crying. He was right next to a hotel and the sound seemed to come from right inside what seemed to be the breakfast area on the ground floor. He followed the sound inside and he soon found the source. Inside the hotel's Continental Breakfast area, Jarven found a sorry display. The food bins that had been laid out were either ransackedly bare or spoiling horrendously. Sitting at the table, a brown haired boy who couldn't have been more than 6 years old sat at the table, his face down on the surface, sobbing away, with a rotten apple with one bite out of it lying on the table in front of him.
Jarven's heart went out for this little one.
How long has he been here?!? He's quite a strong individual to have lasted this long...Jarven had brought a small pack of food, just in case he had a harder and longer time searching for the camp. As he started to unzip the pack, the boy's head perked up immediately, his eyes puffy and tinged with fear. Screaming in fear, he tried to run past Jarven and get to safety. Jarven quickly grabbed the boy saying, "Hold on, now! I'm trying to help you!" But the boy was having none of it. He struggled and yanked to get away from Jarven's embrace. When that didn't work, the boy angrily started pounding on his chest plate and screaming "No! NOOOO!!!". Jarven kept a hold on the boy until he felt the boy's meager strength fail. Jarven then pulled the boy to him and held him there, rubbing his back and hair reassuringly. The boy's outcries soon turned to more tears and a desperate embrace once he realized that Jarven wasn't there to hurt him.
Oh, little one. The trials you have gone through. Jarven's hand moved to his unzipped pack and he pulled out some water. "Here, little one. You need this." The child was too exhausted to take the bottle himself, so Jarven undid the top and put it up to his mouth. The boy started to drink thirstily from it and he accidentally choked a little on it. As he coughed, some of the water was spilled to the ground. "It's okay" said Jarven. The child shifted himself so that he was sitting in Jarven's lap, who was sitting indian style. The boy took the water and started to drink it down quickly and carefully. As the child finished up with the bottle, Jarven started pulling out some small sandwiches, unwrapping them, and giving them to the child. The child quickly accepted the food and started to chow down. "Careful, now" Jarven said softly. "I don't want you choking to death on me". The little boy only responded by looking at him with sadness and fear when Jarven had said the words "choking" and "death". Jarven really wished he hadn't said that. The boy turned back to his food and continued eating, albeit much more cautiously. After a while, the boy finished eating and laid tiredly against Jarven.
"I'm going to find other people who can help us. Will you come with me?" The boy sleepily nodded his head "yes". Jarven pulled out his second and last bottle of water and gave it to the kid. "This is for you and I to share, okay?" He didn't wait for the kid's response before giving it to him, picking him up, and putting him on his head. Jarven then stood up and walked out of the hotel. Jarven could feel the pressure of the kid's head laying on his helmet. Under the armor, he was smiling. Jarven continued his walk through the city until he saw people and a camp in the distance. He started waving his right hand to get their attention, but they didn't see him. He got close to the camp and a guard saw him. The guard quickly leveled his gun at the armored figure, but then became hesitant and unsure of himself when he saw the child. "Hey! This kid needs help! You wanna' help him or keep waving your gun around!?" The guard barked for some help from people nearby, and two civvies quickly came forward, reaching for the kid. Jarven lifted the kid off of his head and passed him to them. The child, waking up to hands grabbing him, dropped the water to the ground and soon started bucking and saying, "NO!!". The civvies wisked the kid away before Jarven could see what else happened. He glanced down at the open bottle pouring out onto the ground, which was creating mud. Jarven started to go after the child when he was stopped by the guard who was leveling the rifle at his head.
"Don't move!!!" barked the guard. "You are not cleared to enter!!" Jarven was getting agitated, so he moved another step forward while clenching his fists and saying, "I just brought a refugee in and I want to make sure he's okay!" "Stop!!!" yelled the guard. "We'll figure out what to do with you. In the mean time, STAY PUT!!!" The guard started murmuring into his comm and Jarven took a couple of steps back to sit on a duracrete divider. He was getting REALLY angry now and he hoped that, for this man's sake, the leader of this camp would make his move soon...
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Trixter"] [member="Apoc"]