Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fixing the Mistakes of the Past (Open to all)

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Foebacca"]

Jaster was stunned by the speed at which the worriers moved and appeared. The marines landed on the ground, still hands devoid of weapons they put there hand up in surrender. Jaster looked at the armored man holding the only evidence he was trying to save, but the female in front of him seemed familiar. Past her.... 'Holy Kark', the wookie from the bar as well. Instead of throwing his hand up in surrender Jaster laughed, he fell on his butt smiling at the pure bad luck he was having today.

A call came over the highest secure line he had available, Jaster still smiling grunted a yes responce and looked up at the female that looked just like Renesri. "You have got to be kidding me," he looked at the clock that was located inside his helmet, "not even 2 hours on planet and here I am at gun point, hey Ry'anes, gata be a new record."

One of the mariens answered back, "Ya, sir, probably not the best time to joke."

Jaster was sitting, he did as they asked, 'Not a step.' If he remembered, well he didn't. He looked up at the women pointing the barrel of her gun at him, "What will it be for today, 'Zenva', your niece there needs Immediate medical attention and as far as I can tell I'm the nearest one with medical equipment, we can point fingers later hmm?" That should at least surprise her a little enough to delay.


Blood Squadron Combat Air Commander
Silly Mandolorians. Once some badass military.. now its just a weak shell of what it used to be. Foehamner holstered his blaster since the suppression team had the marines sufficently covered. "I know that youngling. She about got herself killedthe last time we spoke. Called me a liar and an idiot." He stepped forward to take the girl from Jarven. "I will take her little man." His eyes saw the failure of a mandolorian that fell and laughed on the ground. "You! I should do the universe a frakking favor and crush you all right here. Lucky for you there is more important things to do."

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Apoc"] [member="Jaster Awaud"]
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Foebacca"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]

"I'm afraid taking her from here just won't cut it," Jaster stood, as he stood seven Mandilorian Marines popes out from hiding locations with weapons at the draw. Then three landing craft with twenty men total appeared from the dust infested sky's, piercing they clouds of rubble. "Don't worry they are all set on stun, my men are just a little over protective, I don't want a silly scuffle here over misunderstanding. 'Stay calm Jaster, stay calm.' He tried to reassure himself that he could get a handle of the situation already way out of hand.

"Now all I want to do is help the girl, unless you guys have an extra bacta tank just laying around, healing her wounds before permeant damage is very unlikly," Jaster needed to think on his feet, there's no way they were willing to have her moved to the 'Jedis' camp, and the trip to there camp is too far even with his gunships..... 'Wait?' He looked at the landing craft, 'It's a little stone age but it could work.' He looked back at the wookie and Zenva, let one of the landing craft land and it has a on board bacta tank, we can let her soak and have a proper medical droid take a look at her, he's already gone too long without medical attention, Fobacca, you know I'm not a true Mandilorian so I'm not trying to kill you," he took off his helmat and looked at Zenva strait in the eyes, "if you find me untrustworthy, just shoot me then."

'This is my last card, I'm totally not leaving this planet without one trip to the Regeneration Baths.' He said to himself closing his eyes.
ooooooooooooooooooo, kark...Maybe they weren't Ravens after all...As the zabrak female ([member="Zenva Vrotoa"]) passed, he made eye contact with her terribly hellish gaze. Ah. Family. :) Jarven knew that the threat was real, but he understood the motive. Therefore, he was unperturbed, for he had no intention of working against these people in any way.
Jarven's attention was drawn to the zabrak warriors who started to appear, but then his attention was quickly brought back by the sound of a...talking...wookie..([member="Foebacca"])..A talking wookie?!? I thought their throats weren't capable of anything past grunts and roars!?! Jarven had seen strange things before, but this currently topped them.
Jarven answered the wookie, "Well, you seem to be with her and she didn't say I couldn't hand her off to someone who can help her. But first, promise me that she's not going to kill me for stopping to protect this girl and handing her off. Then, I will happily comply and you can have her."

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Zenva's eyes stayed locked on the mandalorian leader. She heard the shuttles moving in, likely carrying more forces. She simply didn't care. This mandalorian had revealed a horrible weakness in his forces. She smiled to the man, a smile like a shark rising up from the depths. She spoke, though not to him, "Boy, the best thing you can do right now is give the girl to the Wookie. Then you check the back of her armor. There is a pack built into it. Open the access panel and make sure the bacta pump is working." ([member="Jarven Zexxel"])

Zenva stepped closer to the mandalorian. Again she raised her voice to be heard by those around her. "Orluk pick your targets, two for each. Wait on my mark. Irons, you pick up the spare." Atop the hill of rubble a large Zabrak male lifted a FC-1 Flechette Launcher to his shoulder, tracking the approaching shuttles.

On a nearby rooftop another Zabrak trooper laid his rifle down only to stand again with his shoulder mounted missile launcher, he called back to his matron, "Hot and locked! On you, Zenva."

Zenva leaned in toward the mandalorian, "We don't have stun settings. Incase you were wondering. We will die with honor for our clan. What will you die for mandalorian?" Her voice rang out again, "We are free!"

Each Zabrak answered in unison, "Bound only to each other!"

Zenva's smile deepened, "Harm one, harm all!"

"The survivors must average!" Her warriors roared in answer. The weapons that had not been readied came alive then. Changing levers slammed into place, slugs entering chambers and power cells humming to life.

Even Little Renesri, barely conscious, mumbled, "Average." As she was passed to the Wookie.

Zenva's smile didn't waiver as she watched the mandalorian, "Leave this place mandalorian. It's the only way you get to keep breathing."

[member="Jaster Awaud"]
(Foof. Yeesh. 6'2" and I've been relegated to "boy". And yes, it was safe to assume that I passed Ren off to Foe. Ha ha ha.)

Folllowing the zabrak's orders, Jarven (wisely) handed the girl off to the wookie. When she was secure, he opened the back panel. The pump inside wasn't moving. He tapped it twice with his fingers *tink* *tink* and, sure enough, it started pumping again. He shut the back panel and turned around to face the unfolding increasingly escalating spectacle (being careful not to move an inch from his relative positioning) and watched with interest and his arms crossed.

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud "][member="Foebacca"]
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Foebacca"]

'For the love of all...' Thought Jaster, 'seriously I'm trying to defuse the situation and this Bantha Breath is just pissing me off, I have half a mind....' Jaster took a deep breath, 'Just calm down, master said help the planet not start another war.' He looked back at the Jedi, 'Good help he is.' He looked back at the girl with the bacta pump back pack, he didn't even know those were made let alone refugees having them. He didn't much care, his ship gets blown up they just keep sending them till the 2,000 guards in space run out, he dies they send another. This planet will be helped even if he's not there to see it.

But he couldn't do anything, he waved his troops away. The troops disappeared into the rubble like ghost, the landing ships, guns still pointing at the people with guns, increased there altitude and was washed away by the dust clouds washing the sky.

Jaster still standing in front of Zenva's gun said this. "This planet it under Healers Guild Refugee Assistance protection till Red Raven sends troops with offical notice and relief supplies, unless you have scientist, doctors, and guards for your people on this planet accept the help," Jaster took off his pouch with medical pills and bacta scrub, he proceeded to throw it at Zanva's feet, "I don't know how that things work but she needs medical attention in the next half hour, or she will loose that leg." Jaster turned and walked away, "Don't be stubborn, we aren't the rebels," he put his helmat on and turned his head slightly. "GIRL." He activated his jetpack and flew into the rubble cloud to avoid being shot at.
Jaster of clan Awaud said:
and turned his head slightly. "GIRL."

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud "][member="Zenva Vrotoa"]

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
Zenva's body shook with anger. The nerve of that mother karking son of a! The knuckles of her right hand popped audibly as they squeezed the grip of her rifle. She watched the mandalorian disappear into the dust choked sky before her gaze moved to the package he had dropped at her boots. Snarling, she kicked the package away and turned her assault blaster on it. A fire storm of red energy bolts turned the package to scrap in moments. When the weapon clicked empty Zenva didn't seem to notice, her finger squeezing the trigger several times before she roared in frustration. A wordless bellow of pure hatred. She turned to face those gathered around her, "ORLUK! Get Zuko on the line. NOW! Renesri needs extraction. Sniper teams to me. I want the footage from every weapon camera on my data pad. Someone better have that chit-head's face on cam. The rest of you sweep the area. Make sure none of those bastards are hiding around here. You!" Zenva spun on the armored man that had brought Renesri to her, "Vrotoa clan and The Red Ravens thank you for helping one of ours in her time of need. Make yourself useful or get off my planet. Foehammer, with me. We're falling back with Ren."

[member="Jarven Zexxel"]
Well...That was anti-climactic thought Jarven. He spoke to [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] "Well, I'd like to make myself useful. For starters, would you like a picture of Jaster when he was about to pee his pants from my surprise attack?" Jarven started to roll through his own feed, trying to pause and capture that golden moment when Jaster had turned his head to the incoming Jarven, the look of shock and surprise on his face.
[member="Foebacca"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Solan Charr"]

Jaster and his men were no longer welcomed by the local forces. They still had a mission unfortunately, they would have to evacuate the civilians that wished to leave. Jaster knew this would be difficult, but how many refugees really wish to live on the ruined planet.jaster jumped on his radio after he landed in the camp. "Command, this is Admiral Jaster Awaud, we need three transport ships as soon as possible, we are evacuating the refugees to the planet Monestary until further notice."

"Roger that Admiral," responded one of the Comm Officers from his ship in orbit, "we have a medical transport ship inbound in ten minutes, two other civilian transport craft will be arriving in 30 minutes, evacuation will take about two and a half hours."

"Good work trooper." Congratulated Jaster. Now he needed to clear it up with the Administration on weather held be leaving or not. The security forces surrounded the camp site, most were on there first mission.

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