As we all know the battlefield is a fluid place, and objectives change as the battle progresses. All old objectives are still valid. Also unless I read something wrong, both the Verpine Representatives have been Evacuated. Meaning the score is currently "tied" 1-1 on objectives. So here are some new objectives for Nickel One;
1. The munitions factory took surprisingly little damage during the battle. Less than projections on each side estimated. These factories could prove vital to military production in the coming days. Your mission is to take the facilities and hold them against enemy assault. If your position becomes untenable then you are to sabotage the production facility and disallow it from falling into enemy hands.
Alright guys you both want it, but only one of you or none of you can have it.
2. The speed of the attack caught the Verpine off guard, and simply put they didn't know who to fire at. Nickel One's defenses, including three planetary ion cannons (one pointed at each of the other locations) are offline. Verpine saboteurs, from whichever, ruined the connection to the batteries generators in hopes that the guns wouldn't be used against their allies fighting. In addition the command and control facility has been abandoned during the fighting. In order to use the guns you will need to reestablish the power link and take the command anc control center. Be warned there is only enough power to activate one of the three guns at a time.
Well there you have it. The Gun's of Navarone. One side will be able to control the battery (think a scaled down planetary ion cannon) and the other side will have to neutralize the big guns. Who will take control first?