Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Flashpoint: Roche OOC


News They Don't Want Heard
It's all well and good to tag, as long as you allow people time to respond to the tag. People do have to work and such. Jonathan got totally waltzed through, as he said.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Well, every staff member but Tef and Asemir is involved in this fight, so we're all in this as RP'ers. When I post something like the above, it sure as heck isn't me-the-Admin spanking Selena-as-RPJ. It's one RP'er telling another RP'er what's up.

Falon Azrakel

@[member="Sev3n"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

I'm a wee bit peeved. I've posted nothing as to my ground force's situation, strategy, location or numbers, and yet you are actively fighting them. Please, hold off fighting my forces and let me post, will you? You're actively destroying my walkers, and I haven't even posted what kind I have! It's really irritating and only serves to make me confused and frankly drives me away from RPing. Have patience for crying out loud!

I'm not going to post until this is resolved or I'm given some form of clarity as to why and what you did. It's really off-putting and quite upsetting.
I was not aware that you were playing them. I was responding to a post made by Sev3n, where apparently they were being crammed on an asteroid, or rather the outer bay. I later tagged you when I heard you were involved.

In the initial post I just had three bombers attack walkers he mentioned (whether the bombers actually succeeded was left open in my post, for all I know the bombers could have been attacked by anti-air or Sith fighters could have appeared). He said the attack on them worked, but then stated it was just a vanguard.

As for my second post, the way it appeared to me hundreds of dropships and vehicles were being crammed in one tight spot and thus would be unable to manoeuvre properly. After all, while the outer bay is supposed to be big, I can't imagine how you can land an entire division there.

I've heard now that many were still in the process of landing, so for all I know I only hit one portion of the actual force and the bulk of your dropships are still landing.

Again while the bombers are unleashing their full payload, they could be driven away (for all I know you also brought vehicles with a-a- defences and as a result I'll be losing bombers - after all, I didn't say whether the attack succeeded).

Falon Azrakel

Siobhan Kerrigan said:
I was not aware that you were playing them. I was responding to a post made by Sev3n, where apparently they were being crammed on an asteroid, or rather the outer bay. I later tagged you when I heard you were involved.
I hadn't taken that into consideration, so good point there. I'd really directed the OOC post at Sev3n, and you'd really based your post on Sev3n's reaction to my post, so sorry there.

Siobhan Kerrigan said:
In the initial post I just had three bombers attack walkers he mentioned (whether the bombers actually succeeded was left open in my post, for all I know the bombers could have been attacked by anti-air or Sith fighters could have appeared). He said the attack on them worked, but then stated it was just a vanguard.

Once again, I'd really directed the last post at Sev3n, and only tagged you because you'd also attacked my forces without me RPing them. I understand that you hadn't actually written the result of the bombing, so thanks there also.

Siobhan Kerrigan said:
As for my second post, the way it appeared to me hundreds of dropships and vehicles were being crammed in one tight spot and thus would be unable to manoeuvre properly. After all, while the outer bay is supposed to be big, I can't imagine how you can land an entire division there.

I'll take that into consideration when I post back. That hadn't occurred to me, as I was unaware of the asteroid's size. I had used an over-abundance of troops though, so that is a valid point.

Siobhan Kerrigan said:
I've heard now that many were still in the process of landing, so for all I know I only hit one portion of the actual force and the bulk of your dropships are still landing.

Thanks for leaving me with that option. Was good of you.

Siobhan Kerrigan said:
Again while the bombers are unleashing their full payload, they could be driven away (for all I know you also brought vehicles with a-a- defences and as a result I'll be losing bombers - after all, I didn't say whether the attack succeeded).

As I said earlier, thanks for that.
Mea Culpa.

I said that the dropships descended and deployed your armored division.

It's entirely my fault.

I am yours to command. Just tell me what you want me to do, Falon.

Falon Azrakel

Siobhan Kerrigan said:
You're welcome. Cool to see we're on the same page!
I just found out you have 3 gunships total. I have 25 AT-SATs. Pain is on its way to your doorstep.


A reassessment of the situation indicates I overreacted. Sorry.


Professor of Alchemy
Sev3n said:
Mea Culpa.

I said that the dropships descended and deployed your armored division.

It's entirely my fault.

I am yours to command. Just tell me what you want me to do, Falon.
I am willing to allow you to take commands from the walker pilot now, but I will not tolerate such commitments enduring after the battle.
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
@[member="Jonathan Walsh"]

1 Perservation Class Star Defenders
2 Salvation Class Star Defenders
10 Emancipation-Class Heavy Cruiser
20 Liberation-Class Cruiser
20 Freedom-Class Assault Frigate
20 Expedition Class 1 Frigate

That is an absurd number of ships. The entire Empire fleet would be outnumbered 10 to 1. If you wish to keep those do so, but I'll be posting in response that the Empire's main battle line got a 50 more frigates.

For equity purposes, please edit it down to 10 frigates/corvettes, 2 cruisers, and the Preservation star defender. Or 4 star defenders. Or 3 cruisers, 4 frigates, and 2 star defenders. I understand you are an admiral in charge of a fleet, but that is a ridiculous number of ships.

Also, please tag @[member="Falon Azrakel"] and the other people on G99 as its his walkers you're shooting at. Thank you.
Seth Shorn said:
@[member="Jonathan Walsh"]

1 Perservation Class Star Defenders
2 Salvation Class Star Defenders
10 Emancipation-Class Heavy Cruiser
20 Liberation-Class Cruiser
20 Freedom-Class Assault Frigate
20 Expedition Class 1 Frigate

That is an absurd number of ships. The entire Empire fleet would be outnumbered 10 to 1. If you wish to keep those do so, but I'll be posting in response that the Empire's main battle line got a 50 more frigates.

For equity purposes, please edit it down to 10 frigates/corvettes, 2 cruisers, and the Preservation star defender. Or 4 star defenders. Or 3 cruisers, 4 frigates, and 2 star defenders. I understand you are an admiral in charge of a fleet, but that is a ridiculous number of ships.

Also, please tag @[member="Falon Azrakel"] and the other people on G99 as its his walkers you're shooting at. Thank you.
@[member="Seth Shorn"]
I thought that was a decent size fleet... I mean I did get a little crazy adding corvette's and stuff, but I felt they were still fine.. I was under the impression we were allowing bigger fleets, and thought that was adequate, considering the sith has like 3-4 fleets... and all is going to hell but then again I tend to underestimate my ships.. So how about
1 Perservation Class Star Defenders
2 Salvation Class Star Defenders
2 Emancipation-Class Heavy Cruiser
5 Liberation-Class Cruiser
5 Freedom-Class Assault Frigate
5 Expedition Class 1 Frigate

Lord Ghoul

that's still a lot.... I don't feel comfortable with those numbers. Cruisers are just one notch below a star destroyer. And that's a lot of cruisers. In your initial post you said you had a lot of frigates and corvettes. Could you just change the cruisers to frigates please? You still totally outclass everything in the surrounding area.

@[member="Tyrin Ardik"]

I kinda didn't see that part of your post and just posted that Mikhail slaughtered the verpine. Oh well.
Mikhail Shorn said:
that's still a lot.... I don't feel comfortable with those numbers. Cruisers are just one notch below a star destroyer. And that's a lot of cruisers. In your initial post you said you had a lot of frigates and corvettes. Could you just change the cruisers to frigates please? You still totally outclass everything in the surrounding area.

@[member="Tyrin Ardik"]

I kinda didn't see that part of your post and just posted that Mikhail slaughtered the verpine. Oh well.
I had a distinct feeling that would happen anyway. It's the thought that counts.
Sorry @[member="Kamon Vondiranach"] @[member="Jonathan Walsh"] has me under his watchful eye and isn't going to let me go anywhere. I think he's more worried about @[member="Turin Val Kur"] though. I rather not him demote me or anyone else for my actions. I'm staying at G99

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