Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Flashpoint: Roche OOC

@[member="Mikhail Shorn"]
Sirella Valkner said:
2. The speed of the attack caught the Verpine off guard, and simply put they didn't know who to fire at. Nickel One's defenses, including three planetary ion cannons (one pointed at each of the other locations) are offline. Verpine saboteurs, from whichever, ruined the connection to the batteries generators in hopes that the guns wouldn't be used against their allies fighting. In addition the command and control facility has been abandoned during the fighting. In order to use the guns you will need to reestablish the power link and take the command anc control center. Be warned there is only enough power to activate one of the three guns at a time.

Well there you have it. The Gun's of Navarone. One side will be able to control the battery (think a scaled down planetary ion cannon) and the other side will have to neutralize the big guns. Who will take control first?
Apparently he destroyed all the rail carts leading towards it. Once the munitions facility is taken care of, I'm going to take care of this as well.


Special Agent Joker
Tyrin Ardik said:
2. The speed of the attack caught the Verpine off guard, and simply put they didn't know who to fire at. Nickel One's defenses, including three planetary ion cannons (one pointed at each of the other locations) are offline. Verpine saboteurs, from whichever, ruined the connection to the batteries generators in hopes that the guns wouldn't be used against their allies fighting. In addition the command and control facility has been abandoned during the fighting. In order to use the guns you will need to reestablish the power link and take the command anc control center. Be warned there is only enough power to activate one of the three guns at a time.
Well there you have it. The Gun's of Navarone. One side will be able to control the battery (think a scaled down planetary ion cannon) and the other side will have to neutralize the big guns. Who will take control first?
Got a good five minutes of stalling XD
@Akura Yavis

We need you to take out the Ion Cannons on Nickel One, which is where @[member="Jesta"] is. Go stop him, don't come into the munitions facility as i have that handled with my alt Mikhail Shorn.
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder

You cannot shoot an intercontinental ballistic missile out of the air with an F-22.

Neither can you shoot two baradium missiles, along with forty-four proton torpedoes, out of the air with a squadron of x-wings.

Please edit.

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
I haven't finished reading yet lol. Catching up. I got a skype message saying they were bombers. Either way, before anything was even launched I told republic chat to assume there was shields on the thing. Also if you're at nickel one with a cap ship. Walsh's fleet arrived there a few posts ago.... So you would be busy.

Lord Ghoul

Go now, Tyrin. I can handle both Jedi at once.

Sirella, I have long range missiles that I fired from a ways away. I'm fine with them being destroyed, but Jesta needs to do it properly.


News They Don't Want Heard
A missile can shoot down a missile. See patriot missile for proof. A targeting computer, a good one, would be able to track and target an ICBM style missile.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler CAN shoot down long-range missiles with starfighters. Happens all the dang time in SW. Not with perfect success -- some would still get through -- but you can, absolutely, shoot down missiles with an X-Wing.

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