Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Flashpoint: Roche OOC

@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Mikhail Shorn
Don't you think its a bit unfair that you blew up a facility in one post..? XD

Lord Ghoul

It's a power generator.

If you want me to edit, I can.

Note: I edited. If you have any further problems please contact me.


Special Agent Joker
So he just randomly summoned a platoon? How about you he fair to everyone and make a post thats sense and gives others a chance to react. Not only is that not fair its godmodding. As a Knight does it really makes sense for one sith to take out EVERYONE and know were everything is? Not only that but the railcarts as well as the tracks are out. So how you got there os beyond me. Honestly that entire post is just unbelievable in every way shape or form. No one does that in one post. It took Jesta like...5-6 post to get to to gun and do everything he is now. So realistically it should take you at least ten post to do what you did in one.

Lord Ghoul

1) Darren was summoning platoons all throughout our fight.
2 ) I edited and did not destroy it in one post. Please reread. Thank you.
3) you only need railcars for transportation in and out of the nickel one inner city. I did not leave the inner city
4) I am not taking out everyone or knowing where everything is, I'm using an NPC.
5) the platoon force is no where near your ion cannon, they're in nickel one, you're on top of it. They are going for the giant power generator which supplies a goodly portion of the city, including the power generator et al above with the Ion Cannon.
6) I always edit when people ask me to. I've edited once, I can do so again.

The Hound

OKay, where is the space fighting happen I don't want to sound stupid and post like
Space Somewhere Between Nickle 1 and G99
And then post as if there is combat but...there isn't. XD

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