Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Flashpoint: Roche OOC


Special Agent Joker
@[member="Tyrin Ardik"]

Ok really? How would they know in the slightest thay Jesta is an agent and thay the Rep is wearing plain cloths? There is no possible way of thay being said...and whsipering? Whsipering happens for a reason. So no one hears.
Jesta said:
@[member="Tyrin Ardik"]

Ok really? How would they know in the slightest thay Jesta is an agent and thay the Rep is wearing plain cloths? There is no possible way of thay being said...and whsipering? Whsipering happens for a reason. So no one hears.
Presumably Verpine can distinguish themselves from one another more easily, so it would be relatively easy for one Verpine to spy a more famous one among a crowd, even if he was wearing plain clothing. The same way you would recognize Barrack Obama if he wasn't in a suit and, say, a t-shirt and jeans. As for Jesta being an agent, it would be mostly a guess on the mechanic's part, seeing an abnormally alert non-Verpine lingering around an important one.

I never presumed the mechanic knew what Jesta was saying- only that his mouth was moving and he looked to be whispering.
Tyrin is traveling with four (4) other Umbaran Shadow Assassins, making them a team of five (5) in all. All in all, not really, as they're more concerned with offing the pro-Republic faction leader. If it comes down to an engagement, they will flee as soon as that's happened, likely merely wounding you in the process.

Though that's more optimist thinking on my part.

Rekali the Hutt

Hey guys, I'd like to say I set a really bad precedent and these conversations should be conducted via PM, not clogging the OOC thread.

EDIT: If we're conducting Roche via standard protocol.

Lord Ghoul

@[member="Rodo Mass"], just fyi you're not at the munitions facility yet. You have to enter the garden dome or a hangar bay, take a rail car through to the core, and then go through Nickel One city to actually get to the facility. So no spawning on my face, please. Thank you.

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