Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Flavor of the Weik

"There are thousands of different cultures spanning the known Galaxy..Im not sure I'd be able to tell you about all of them or make any kind of generalization, and honestly I'm not the one to ask.." When asked the second question, he frowned slightly, continuing to stay reasonably close to Sola Wessiri as they headed up the trail. He didn't know how to word this next part in terms she might be able to understand given the severe tech gap between them, but here goes nothing.

"How can I explain this...800 years ago I was fleeing a planet that was under attack. Our ship was disabled, and to survive me and a few of my compatriots had to go into a sort of medical induced stasis. Well, what was only supposed to be a brief period turned into multiple centuries, and I honestly dont know what to do with myself."

Sola Wessiri

Now she couldn't hide the worry on her face. Thousands of different cultures? That was unimaginable. Her only hope; Weik's only hope was that the Galaxy would continue to not know that the planet existed.

But her gut told her that that hope was merely a dream. Change was coming to Weik and it was more than just the weather.

Again her feelings were tucked away, bottled back inside and replaced with curiosity as Cassus D'Kai Cassus D'Kai told his tale. It was remarkable in it's own way. Yet she failed to determine how it would label him as being crazy. "Some of the people here are decendents of others fleeing destruction caused by a Big Battle. Perhaps some here are related to you. There may be answers waiting for you at the Tower."

A rustling in the underbrush caused her to pause in her steps, reaching a hand out to grab Cassus' arm and encourage him to also stop. Her eyes searched the underbrush for movement but also for misplaced shadows.

A pair of red eyes held her gaze....
Cassus was able to sense the feelings that Sola Wessiri seeming to be trying to suppress, wishing there was a way he could help her feel better. When she mentions her people though, he would smile "That'd be pretty crazzy, I'm extremely curious to meet your pe-" Cassus stopped in his tracks when she put her hand on him, quickly looking from her to where her gaze landed, a shiver going down his spine when he sees those two red eyes, not wanting to make any sudden movements.

Cassus, of course, was more than capable should this turn into a fight with some crazy jungle monster but that was the last thing he wanted to have happen.

Sola Wessiri

Sola let go of his arm, keeping her movements slow and steady as she stepped forward and then crouched down, her gaze never wavering away from those red eyes.

The owner of those eyes moved out from the bushes, revealing a black vask-wolf, head lowered and body stiff. A silent conversation seemed to take place before the vask-wolf turned and ran back through the bushes.

Sola stood straight up once more. "Your ship caught their attention. The pack is curious, but don't worry, they won't attack unless you give them reason." Of course the same couldn't be said to all the vask-wolf packs on Weik. She just knew this one very well because of Shadow.

Cassus D'Kai Cassus D'Kai was again beckoned to follow as she started to continue their journey. "Waking up centuries later and seeing the Galaxy has changed, you'll be a good voice for us to hear."
Cassus watched all of this with a sense of awe, but he would not stray from where he stood. He watched this silent exchange take place, and when the animal seemed to wander off he would finally breaathe a sigh of relief. When Sola Wessiri explained what was going on, he nodded. "They don't have anything to worry about from me."

When beckoned, Cassus would go back to following, though with an added awareness of the goings on just beyond the tree line. "We'll see about that, I'm not sure how good of an information source I would be.."

Sola Wessiri

"Well you have more more information than we do." Weikians had no knowledge of what was out there. They only had very old stories of what once was.

She glanced over to Cassus D'Kai Cassus D'Kai briefly. "Where are your people? How come you are travelling alone?" Yes, Sola was prying, but she had to. He had other crew that had slept as he did. So where were they? Not to mention the people that tended to call him crazy.
"I suppose you're right, but my knowledge of what went on during the time I was frozen is...hazy at best. But I can try." When Sola Wessiri started with the obvious prying, he gave her a grin and a quick shrug. "Scattered to the winds, I believe one may be a Pirate now, but I'm not sure. We were just a bunch of broken individuals trying to find our own way through this mess of a galaxy. How much further until we get to the Tower?"

Sola Wessiri

"My point is that you know more about what the Galaxy is like now than we do. Our isolation, although wonderful, also has it's drawbacks." If the Galaxy was full of Expansionists like Cassus D'Kai Cassus D'Kai had said, then they'd need to forge alliances so that should Warlords start attacking the planet in their flying ships, the Weikians wouldn't be alone.

"We'll be at the Tower soon." That was as vague of an anwer that she'd give. Yes, she felt as though he could be trusted, but still, Cassus was an Outsider first and foremost. "We have Pirates here too. They sail their wind-ships and like to attack and pilliage the trade ships. Sometimes they come to the mainlands as well. Even to Vossport." His calm demeanor was a nice change from others that she had come across as of late. "Is it really a big mess out there?"
"Unfortunately. There are so many different factions out there with their own goals and intentions, all of them either fighting or trying to maintain peace, a mess is a nice way to put it. Back in my day our biggest threat was only the Sith." Cassus thought for a moment as they walked, eyeing Sola Wessiri briefly, thinking of his next words carefully. "Tell me more about your kind of told me about their beliefs but I would like to know more about what I should expect."

Sola Wessiri

Sola wasn't too thrilled with the news that there were so many fighting out there. Of course Weik wasn't exactly a peaceful world itself. But war wasn't constant. It came in waves.

As Cassus D'Kai Cassus D'Kai posed his question of the Paladins, she tilted her head to the side a little in thought. "We are healers, scholars and protectors. I was trained to be a protector, both of the lands and the people." She was also the Head Paladin until Valknor was returned safely. Varlo Varlo and the other Lucites had him hostage. She hoped that he was still alive.
"Sounds a lot like the Jedi, to me." Cassus said with a grin, if only because he found it more than a little humorous that the Galaxy would produce what seemed to be a weird divergently-evolved Jedi Order that hasn't had contact with the outside universe. How...interesting.

Letting his words linger in the air for a moment, he slides his hands into the pockets of his jacket as they walk.

Sola Wessiri

"Jedi? Were they sorcerers too? Did they wield sunfire swords or regular blades? We carry both. Although some use them less than others."

Cassus D'Kai Cassus D'Kai seemed to have a knowing smile on him, as though he knew some secret that she did not. "What is it?"
"Some have called us sorcerers or wizards, though I'm not sure that necessarily counts, the way the Jedi interact with the Force isn't really based in magical thinking. The Jedi, across the order's various iterations, have always been those seeking to advance the cause of peace and hope throughout the Galaxy.." Cassus looked a bit perplexed as Sola Wessiri asks about the Sunfire Blades, he hadn't used that term. "Maybe? We call them Lightsabers...and I just thought it was kind of familiar how separated you are from the rest of the Galaxy but still have some of the same basic institutions."

Sola Wessiri

"It's the others that call us sorcerers, those that lack the ability. But those of us that do are taken in for training if we are chosen to do so." There was a whole festival dedicated to it and a summit. Many look forward to it, including herself.

However the Lucites had tainted it as of a few years ago with their attacks. Other than chaos, Sola couldn't guess what they were planning. Varlo Varlo was always a great strategist. Unfortunately he knew that she wasn't...

"Light Sabers? That's a funny term for them."

In regards to Cassus D'Kai Cassus D'Kai 's comments on the Paladins being similar to his Jedi, well...she knew that there was probably a reason for that. And he'd learn of that at the Adamite Tower.

"What kind of training did you have? Are you a scholar? A healer? A protector? Or something else?"
"Good question, I was always trained to take a more thoughtful, balanced approach to my life, at times I've been a scholar and a protector.." Cassus pondered Sola Wessiri 's words for a long moment, mulling them over and not being able to help smile at the thought of this strange woman asking him a question he's found himself asking more and more. "What about yourself?"

Sola Wessiri

Cassus D'Kai Cassus D'Kai smiled a lot, she noticed, whereas Sola kept most of her emotions to herself. It wasn't always that way, however....

"I'm a protector." And now a leader. But that was something that she didn't openly say. She didn't want it to seem final or as though she was usurping command. Valknor was still out there and as far as she knew, he was still alive. Surely Varlo Varlo would have boasted if it were otherwise.

Sola remained silent for a while as they walked, lost in her own thoughts as she tried to get a grasp on the future; on Weik's future. "If you manage to fix your airship and fly out of here, are you going to tell others about Weik and what you've found here?"
Cassus listened to Sola Wessiri intently as they moved along, and when she asked if he was going to tell anyone about Weik, he shook his head. "Only if you want me to, I don't want to be the one that causes everything that you love to come crashing down around your ears.." He'd say. stopping briefly as he said that. There was a sort of passion behind those words of his, his gaze not leaving her.

In this brief time they've been together, he has grown to trust her immensely, and doing anything to harm her or Weik, even accidentally, was enough to make him cringe. "You have my word."

Sola Wessiri

Sola stopped a split second after Cassus D'Kai Cassus D'Kai did, holding his gaze as he gave his word. She gave him a respectful bow of the head with her first to her heart. "Thank you, Cassus."

She continued on, already making out the light of the lanterns from between the branches of the trees. "I'm afraid of more airships falling from the sky, disrupting our lives and causing more chaos. Change is coming and with it a lot of danger. I can feel it..." And how do they prepare for it? It was hard to predict what the Outsiders would do without knowing just what they were capable of.

"If it's not too much trouble, I will need your help."

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