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Fleeting System Update

Another month, another system. With a skirmish between the Coalition and Primeval taking place soon this is the latest iteration of the system I will be using.

Superseded material below. See next page for latest version.
As I always put in disclaimers, my use of this does not mean anyone or everyone else I face has to. This merely helps me rationalise and fairly distribute damage.

One area still being worked on is attack craft as can be seen from the incomplete entry below. Suggestions of how to do it with/without dice are welcome as it is the one area I am completely stuck with.
General feedback welcome too.

The only ‘enforced’ rules agreed to with the opponent is the listing of shield and hull points the same way, the speed restrictions and ‘line of sight’ restrictions.
Damage, manoeuvre and critical damage etc are not enforced and are decided by the other player and they do not have to use the system.

There is a link below to the Excel document I use for working things out and creating damage.

SWRP Fleeting System 2015 v2

Unlike previous systems, this one has very few random elements, and instead relies on the calculation of factors to determine damage.
These factors include:
  • The composition of the firing ship’s guns.
  • The relative speed of the ships.
  • The range from one ship to another.

All ships using this system must have been approved in the factory. Those ships will fall into a variety of classes defined using the Anaxes War College System. During this document, these classes are further subdivided into types. The types and classes are listed below.
Attack Craft
  • Fighters
  • Interceptors
  • Bombers
  • Elite Fighters
  • Gunships
  • Transports
  • Corvettes
  • Frigates
  • Cruisers
Capital Ships
  • Heavy Cruisers
  • Destroyers
  • Battlecruisers

There are few ‘rules’, and such as they are listed below.
  • All ships have a shield and hull rating. This starts out as being equal to their length in metres. Thus a ship which is 600 metres long begins the battle with 600 shield and 600 hull points.
  • Ship speed is determined by the following formula: (21 – S /2) where S equals speed, scoures rounded up. Thus a ship with a speed of 10 can move 6 hexes a turn. If a ship was submitted through the old factory 1-10 scale the movement amount is instead (11 – S).
  • The number of turns a ship can make is dependent on its manoeuvre rating. The following are suggestions for ship manoeuvre.
    Ships with a manoeuvre rating of 1-6 can make any number of turns and face any direction.
  • Ships with a manoeuvre rating of 7-12 can make up to three hexface turns each round.
  • Ships with a manoeuvre rating of 13-18 can make up to two hexface turns each round.
  • Ships with a manoeuvre rating of 19-20 can make up to one hexface turn each round.

[*]Opposing ships cannot end a round in the same hex. They move ‘through’ a hex meaning the ship moves close by above or below.
[*]Only one capital ship can occupy a hex at any one time.
[*]Ships cannot fire through a hex containing a capital ship unless either attacker or defender has been written as being substantially above or below the ‘plane’.
[*]Regular weapons have a maximum range of 10 hexes. Weapons designated ‘long-range’ have unlimited range and have reduced range penalties.
[*]Defence guns have a range of one and can be used to support other ships, adding their defence guns to another ship within 1 hex.
[*]Shields recover at 10% base total per turn. Redundant shields or other special shielding tech increases this to 15% or 20% depending on the specific tech. If shields are reduced to zero, residual damage is applied to hull. Shields cannot begin to regenerate if fully down until they go a round of not being fired on.
[*]Ships with especially reinforced armour, ablative plating etc have a base damage reduction of 10% to all hull damage.
[*]Ships being fired on from the rear or into other weak areas take 10% more hull damage and do not benefit from special armour or plating.
[*]Each time a capital ship does hull damage to an escort or other capital ship roll a D20. On a roll of 20 the damage is increased by 50% to represent a critical hit. If this happens, roll an additional D20. If this also is a 20 (a 1 in 400 chance) the target ship is immediately destroyed, representing a catastrophic hit.
[*]Attack craft engage in combat by moving into the hex of an enemy. After this attack they are moved to the nearest unoccupied hex.
[*]For attack craft attacking escorts or capital ships see below. This assumes squadrons of 12 attack craft. If squadron count is different, scale the below appropriately.
  • Bombers inflict 10 damage on escorts or capital ships per surviving bomber in the squadron. This is increased by +2 if the bomber is carrying unusual ordinance or has some other special armament. This damage ignores shields. Roll 1D20 for a whole squadron if it inflicts damage to check for critical hits, not one for each bomber.
  • Fighters and interceptors inflict 2 damage on escorts or capital ships per surviving craft in the squadron. This damage ignores shields. Roll 1D20 for a whole squadron if it inflicts damage to check for critical hits, not one for each craft.

[*]For attack craft attacking other attack craft, or for defence guns firing at attack craft please see below.
[*]Victory is determined by the amount of metres destroyed. Ships reduced to less than half of their starting hull points count for ¼ points. Only ships entirely destroyed or reduced below half hull are counted.
Valiens Nantaris said:
All ships have a shield and hull rating. This starts out as being equal to their length in metres. Thus a ship which is 600 metres long begins the battle with 600 shield and 600 hull points.
So the bigger the ship is.. the better its hull rating is? What if a ship was 600 meters but had a very substandard hull made of a material that was used to cut costs, like desh-terenthium?
[member="Lily Kirsche Kuhn"]
I'd compensate by making it 10% more vulnerable to damage, or whatever was deemed appropriate.

A base shield/hull rating for all ships is essential...then you can play around with modifiers.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

I'm curious. A starship like the Victory III with Advanced, Redundant shields, advanced hull design, and Advanced, Redundant armor, plus the EMP/Ion protection... What sort of stats, bonuses, or modifiers would be applied to it in such a system?

I like how you're using starfighters in this. You should take a look at Battlefleet Gothic's rules for starfighter squadrons providing protection for a carrier or a nearby ship against torpedoes and hostile bombers.
[member="Captain Larraq"]
It'd be a queen to take down.
Recovering 20% shields a turn and 15% hull damage reduction.

Battlefleet Gothic is my go to with a lot of things...except attack craft. See, they are much, much more significant here than in that setting.

My main struggle is reconciling how I:
  1. Deal with enemy losses when my enemy might not be playing with the system.
  2. Convert defence guns into a way of calculating against attack craft squadrons.
  3. Deal with how fighters etc attack each other.

The first one is easy since I assume even if not destroyed that proportion of the enemy are 'neutralised' and unable to harm me that turn.
The second one is puzzling since the scaling is massive. A battlecruiser can have 300+ defence guns. But it's also much larger and less effective than a cruiser with 80. Doing it without dice is almost impossible.
And again with the third one. I have some ideas, but it really has to involve dice at some level since unlike capital ship fire there's a lot more uncertainty involved.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

2. Ships are typically fairly 6 sided. Fore, aft, port, starboard, dorsal, ventral. Divide point defense by 1/6th. Point defense does 1/6th its total value in damage to incoming starfighters/bombers/missiles per approach vector (with each interceptor/starfighter/bomber taking 3-4 damage before desth). Damage is applied to starfighters first, bombers second, and torpedoes third. If the total attack value exceeds a capital ship's ability to shoot down in a single turn, the ship takes heavy damage. Standard missiles (from any source) do X damage. Heavy missiled do 2X damage. "Assault" grade missiles do Y damage.

That 300 point defense ship? Can only destroy 12-15 bombers/starfighters/interceptors per turn (on a single approach vector). And has to target starfighters/interceptors before bomberz.

3. generally 50/50 odds of one killing the other. Faster starfighters get a dodge/invul save. Bombers are highly vulnerable to hostile starfighters. PC controlled starfighters "return to hanger" after being beaten. Elite starfighters get a +1 Attack or +1 Defense or special invul save if they are particularly good. Maybe give bombers and such with "tail gunners" or other turret weapons a point defense rating of 1.

1. Add repair crews to the hull point system, add a number of "critical hit boxes", and roll randomly to decide if they nail the critical components or not. Bridge, Hanger, Fire Control, Reactor, Maintenance, Ion Drives, exc. Reactor shuts down shield regen. Maintenance shuts down hull regen. Hanger shuts down fighter/bomber repair/rearm/relaunch. Fire Control shuts down weapons. Ion Drive shuts down speed. Bridge shuts down steering.

Dice roll each damaged critical location per turn. Critical success repairs the component. Ship doesn't die until all shields and hull are at zero or all components are destroyed.
Lily Kirsche Kuhn said:
So the bigger the ship is.. the better its hull rating is? What if a ship was 600 meters but had a very substandard hull made of a material that was used to cut costs, like desh-terenthium?
I've had an idea that goes along with such a ship, and that's categorizing hulls with speed and armor modifiers.

1) A light hull such as one made out of desh-terenthium may have weaker hull, but would be correspondingly faster and more maneuverable.

2) A standard hull (basically what everyone uses now) would be an even mix of speed and protection, and as such would not have any modifiers.

3) A heavy hull would have an increased number of hit points, but would also be slower and less maneuverable.

Such as a system would allow heavily-armored battle carriers to be fielded, or fast but lightly armored battlecruisers. But this would probably be more of a factory idea than one suited for the Fleeting system.

For starfighters specifically...

Captain Larraq said:
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

2. Ships are typically fairly 6 sided. Fore, aft, port, starboard, dorsal, ventral. Divide point defense by 1/6th. Point defense does 1/6th its total value in damage to incoming starfighters/bombers/missiles per approach vector (with each interceptor/starfighter/bomber taking 3-4 damage before desth). Damage is applied to starfighters first, bombers second, and torpedoes third. If the total attack value exceeds a capital ship's ability to shoot down in a single turn, the ship takes heavy damage. Standard missiles (from any source) do X damage. Heavy missiled do 2X damage. "Assault" grade missiles do Y damage.

That 300 point defense ship? Can only destroy 12-15 bombers/starfighters/interceptors per turn (on a single approach vector). And has to target starfighters/interceptors before bomberz.
While I'd agree that we could easily imagine a ship with those six firing arcs, especially with large and cumbersome weapons, I don't think that works out well when it comes to point defenses. I think the Millenium Falcon is a pretty good counter example in the fire arcs of its quad laser laser cannons to have nearly a 360 degree fire arc laterally, plus the ability to shoot "upwards" in various directions.

For capital ships, the iconic Imperial-class star destroyer's wedge-shaped hull was specifically designed to not only maximize forward firepower, but also allowed it to present half of its weapons in a broadside.

In short, I think that a six-sided system as currently presented would address the role that hull shape and weapon concentration plays into ship design and battle (what if the ship's R&D explicitly had all of its point defenses arrayed forward? Would it still only get to use 1/6 weapons in a forward arc? Would it be able to use its defenses in the other arcs?).

I also would not be a fan of the automatic prioritizing of targeting fighters/interceptors over bombers, unless it was explicitly stated by the opposing commander that the said fighters/interceptors were screening the incoming bomber rush.

I do like Larraq's suggestion about having specific critical hits. I'd even argue for the idea of being able to target specific subsystems to achieve those specific systems hits at the cost of overall damage to the opposing ship.

I do tentatively like the rest of the system, but I'd like to do some playtesting with it before I make any suggestions, especially when it concerns attack craft.
[member="Captain Larraq"]
I like your idea about criticals hitting specific components. Hmm, what about if every ship, as it reached 80/60/40/20% had a random one of those systems damaged and offline? That could work well!
That represents the ship starting to fall apart, but not in an absolutely predictable way.
Ships could then try to repair the damage each turn.

I love your ideas about the starfighters. What I'll do is have escorts have better coverage (so 3 zones instead of 6 maybe?). Each zone can handle a certain amount of incoming squadrons at once. That stops the enemy just swamping 20 squadrons on one ship at once since that would allow all the defence guns to be brought to bear.

[member="Gir Quee"]
Remember, the ship submission already handles the speed aspect. Ships which have heavy armour and redundant shields can't be fast as well.
Having a -2 speed difference is the same in the system as having heavy armour, so it works out.

I agree that fire arcs, if they're explicitly stated, need to be followed when firing.

Thank you both for your suggestions, and keep them coming!

Would either of you like to try this out with me? My opponent for the skirmish has just gone on permanent LOA....


Well-Known Member
[member="Captain Larraq"] cheers, I try work this fleeting at some point. Though every time I get chance some thing happens or some else can't make it.

Though if you like to do a fleeting dom at some point, as offered to [member="Valiens Nantaris"] I would be more than happy to try and get the empire involved.
I can work this into a Dominion for the Galactic Empire. We should be going major in a few days time.

I've got three Dominions planned out... and fleeting/starfighter combat was going to be the focus of one of the threads anyway.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

easily. I plan on all opposition being Mnggal Mnggal zombies controlling random ships around Mugg Fallow. Anyone can join in to play opposition, but must fill the above NPC role, can bring any ship that would reasonably be at that location, must not push the NPC fleet beyond 1.3x the Galactic Empire fleet, and understand that I'll step up and GM damage if either side is not taking appropriate damage.

Using your fleeting system/template would be mandatory for the thread.
I'm glad to see that Larraq and the Galactic Empire can help provide some of the play testing. I'm not quite as active as I would like right now between a pair of real life events going on right now, but once they pass, I'd be happy to help playtest it as needed.

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