Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fly High, Die High - GR Invasion Of OS Ord Mirit

Galactic Republic Invasion Of Ord Mirit
1. 5 Allies each Faction

2. 2 chars allowed per writer. ( Characters must identify the One Sith or the Republic as their "main" faction for their character, being active in the faction as of the cut off date of June 23 within the last 30 days.) Padawans/Acolytes are excluded from this rule.

3. Objectives determine victory - PvP focused, NPC add to story but don't determine victory. Only defenses that have been in place through RP up to June 23 or in verifiable Canon will be allowed. Moving between objectives must be done over the course of 3 non-spammed posts.

4. Two week time limit starting from July 19 through August 2 -- Opposing Faction Leaders must decide on the outcome. If no outcome can be decided within 48 hours of one side proposing victory, an unaffiliated RPJ will be assigned to us by the SWRP Staff Team.

5. No second chancing the first RPJ's decision. We accept it and move on.

6. Both Faction Owners agree to preemptively inform all members of the opposing factions that all problems that occur within the invasion that cannot be solved by PM must be routed through the opposing Faction Admins in an effort to handle the issue at the lowest level possible.

7. We ask that for any NPC use that any characters who use them write down their exact numbers to begin with and post it clearly in each and every post.

8. NPC limits based on rank.
Padawans/Acolytes --- 100 Npcs only
Knights --- 200 Npcs
Lords/Masters --- 300 Npcs.
NFU's number of npcs should be dictated by experience and rank. However, their numbers are not to exceed 300 NPC's (agreement can be had between FA's on a case by case basis). For those who use NPC's, you must use them from your initial post. Failure to do so, either in some form of pre-deployment or immediate use, and your usage of NPC's will be forfeited for the extent of the invasion.

There is also no swapping of NPCs between chars.

9. NPC infantry may be traded for vehicles:
50 for an AT-AT scale walker
30 for gunships
20 for heavy artillery
20 for a main battle tank
20 for a tank sized walker
10 for other vehicles
If in doubt ask!

10. 24hr cut off before a PC character may move on if their opponent does not reply or if they are not engaged. (Unless conversation with the opposing writer has been agreed to wait more.) Last invasion, we had a lot of issues with the mention button. We would suggest pming your opponent each time you post against one another, in order to collaborate. However, if no response is given, please communicate with the FL's, with your pvp partner in the pm, so everyone is aware of the conditions and the movement forward.

11. Nothing larger than a starfighter can enter atmosphere once Objective A has been 'completed'. They may engage other starfighters that move down from the fleeting objective. They may also engage any gunships and other flight vehicles that were over the field from the start of invasion in Objective C. They may not orbitally bombard the planet or otherwise direct firepower at ground troops. IF, AND ONLY IF, ENGAGED BY GROUNDFORCES, CAN STARFIGHTERS TARGET SAID GROUNDFORCES.

  • A. Naval Battle of Ord Mirit: Above Ord Mirit the One Sith and Galactic Republic fleets meet. 5,000 meter limit for each side.
  • B. Secure Fuel/Supply Depot: The Galactic Republic must seize control of the Supply Depot and OS must successfully defend Supply Deopt through PVP only to determine victory.
  • C. The Battle of Ord Mirit: Ground Battle. NPC military forces meet on the ground to fight over the planet of Ord Mirit (i.e., think fleeting but on the ground). 5,000 troop max limit on both sides.

Republic Allies:
  1. [member="Solan Charr"]
  2. [member="Alva Calvarona"]
  3. [member="Andras Garon"]
  4. [member="Weiss"]
  5. [member="SC-4486"]

One Sith Allies:
  1. [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
  2. [member="Keira Ticon"]
  3. [member="Irys Arist'lar"]
  4. [member="Disciple"]
  5. [member="Lucianus Adair"]
Required Template:
PC Template
Objective: What is your character doing?
Location: Where is your character?
Allies: Who is is your character fighting alongside?
Enemies: Who is your character fighting against?
Gear: What weapons, armour, and equipment do you have?

NPC Template
Unit: What is the unit?
Strength: How many NPC are in this unit?
Objective: What are the NPC doing?
Location: Where are the NPC?


PC Template
Objective: A
Location: Gir Quee's command ship
Allies: The Galactic Republic
Enemies: None
Gear: Cloudburst Gauntlets, Greaves, Jerkin

Ord Mirit, a former key world of the Republic throughout its' existence had somehow, through a twist of fate and the hand of Akala, fallen out of the grasp of the Republic and into the clutches of the One Sith. The darkness would need to be cleansed from this world and returned to its' rightful place within the Galactic Republic. It had been quite a long time since the Republic had directly engaged the Sith on an offensive front. That would all change. today. It was anticipated that there would be an enemy fleet above orbit, and thus the Republic prepped their armada. A massive ground force was likewise being readied to breach the planet's orbit. Jedi and infantry alike were filing into drop pods and dropships, gunships and heavy armor.

For some, today would be their last. For others, a day of triumph or sadness. Soldiers would die, Jedi and Sith would fall, destruction and devastation guaranteed. All things a part of war. All things the Republic strived to prevent, however to rid the galaxy of evil and corruption the Republic would endure such difficult times, to overthrow oppression and darkness. To cleanse the galaxy of hatred. The Sith would taste what defeat was like once again, like so many generations before, just as they always had.

Seraphina, though no longer a Jedi of the Order, sat quietly aboard the Republic's capital ship, commanded by admiral [member="Gir Quee"]. Unknown to even the admiral, the Jedi had snuck aboard, quietly residing in one of the boarding rooms, in the event that she may be needed to engage boarding parties, to interrupt Sith illusions or magic that they so loved to attempt to use on Republic fleets, or to assist with a key objective if necessary. Her mind slipped into quiet meditation, the voices and noises surrounding her calming to a distant echo. The tides of war would soon be upon them.


Objective: B
Location: Space | Personal Ship
Allies: The Galactic Republic & Allies
Enemies: The One Sith & Allies, [member="Vengeance"]
Gear: Personal Lightsaber, Blaster, Covenant Ring

After numerous times of standing against the Sith and darkness nearly alone or with the help of a few others, it felt kind of strange to, as a member of the Galactic Republic, go and fight against the One Sith as a collective, trying to invade the planet of Ord Mirit to the fullest. Her thoughts pondered on the fact that there was no turning back now and that she was going to be fighting against the entirety of the Sith along with Jedi and their allies. It was... breathtaking to know that.

She prepared her gear which mostly consisted of a typical set of clothing, her lightsaber and a pretty simplistic blaster. She'd heard many people fighting at the battle had armour which was whatever-proof, but i) she didn't have such an armour and ii) she had no clue of where to get that. So she had to hope she was able to defend herself so that she wouldn't even need armour.

It was going to be a difficult battle, she felt. They were always quite full of panic, drama and whatnot. Now that she was going to fight, she understood completely why there was so much fuss about it. It was a big deal to go against the enemy faction and try to gain control over a part of their influence cloud. After losing many times to the One Sith, it was time for the Republic to win.

And she would do anything she could to help them achieve that.
Objective C Map:

PC Template:
Objective: Objective C, Mounting up in cognition throne, initial battlefield shatterpoint
Location: H18
Allies: One Sith, [member="Vrag"], [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="Nerius"], [member="Sabik Dhami"], [member="Darth Raven"]
Enemies: Pubs
Gear: Vonduun Skerr Ygdris, Chom-Huun, Roecnar Lightsaber, Amphistaff baton

The re-purposed Sh'rip Sh'pa had served it's purpose, releasing the yorik-trema from the lattice surfaces of the structure, as the forces of the Legion had descended upon the planet in meager preparation for incoming forces. The prominent location: a body of water running shallow through a deeply carved canyon, resembling a grape vine with nooks and divided sections. The walls of the canyon were far from uniform, ranging from 50 to 300 meters tall, allowing adequate concealment of forces throughout the geological structure. Vegetation was sparse but flood lines indicated expansive rise and fall of water, heavily influenced by flash floods. However, time was of the essence, as reports were communicating inclement weather with a chance of death.

The cognition throne opened up, dropping upon it's six legs, carapace scraping against the ground.

"What is your plan?" The commander spoke through the hidden visage of a vonduun helmet.
"I will leave you to lead the Warriors. I will commune with Yun-Yammka, afford you the blessing of the Yun'O."
"You dare claim position of prophet?"
"No...humble interpreter. The High Priest has ordained it, communicated through Cognition Throne." He paused and smiled a haggard expression, the commander looking awry beneath a brow of scarification. "Trust me."

The Warmaster lifted himself into the breathing beast, lunging into the deep cavity of it's body. It was time to begin the shift in his mental imaging of the battlefield, the neural cusp wrapping his head in conversing tendrils as the fleshy sac gave him a tight hug, lifting off from the ground and backing against the canyon wall. With the appropriate shift, the monster found almost perfect camouflage against the wall as a Nuhlrokka rested upon the cliff face, just above.

"Commander...lead your warriors to glory." Gabriel spoke quietly and almost absentmindedly, the world turning into a communication array of cognition throne to villips and blazebugs. It was then that he turned towards his more specialized force power, Shatterpoint. If he were to explain it to a Yuuzhan Vong, it would be searching for the imprint of the Yun'O against all things created. Scratching the surface to see what kicks up, but in truth, it was far more complicated than that. Dual minds, hidden within the body, would attack this purpose as one.

The commander left without knowledge of what was occurring, maps spread about with the glow of blazebugs altering to indicate the landscape outstretching from their initial position. He would search the tendrils of potential, quantum possibilities spinning over upon themselves only to come to singular fruition at every cusp of a moment. A rock falls from the chasm, knocking a warrior off balance, igniting a singularity mine, killing ten soldiers in one fell swoop. The Warmaster would perform preventive maintenance, communicating through blaze bugs and villips and the force as he moved his troops about, with purpose, congruous with other Legion members on the field of battle. Just small bursts of force utilization, that rock from the chasm would waste away as a potential, never to occur.

On the field, 100 vonduun clad Yuuzhan Vong warriors would move forward and secure the location. Packed tightly in hermetically sealed vonduun crab armor, they would begin amounting defenses. 50 mern kane would preface the back lot with an upended position, aiming blast bug launchers down the corridor in servant like nature, so calm and collected. Rakamats, often dubbed the moving mountains, would move slowly at the back end of the nested position, prepared to fire massive Yaret Kor at incoming forces or off into the distance, guided by the cognition throne. Warkeepers would move at the front line, aimlessly, as dovin basals and armor soaked up the incoming volleys. Along the walls and perimeter, commbuzzers would signal the incoming flux of visitors, not currently residing on One Sith frequencies or using villip communication. And Lumpen would work in tandem, identifying non vong from vong, as Tohklor Tallow prepared to descend upon open areas at the command of the trained Yuuzhan Vong warriors.

NPC Modified Template:
Units: 50 Yuuzhan Vong Elite Warriors
50 Mern Kane
3 Rakamat
2 Warkeepers
1 Nuhlrokka

Objective: Crush incoming invaders and stuff, just setting up
Location: H18, H17, I17

Yuuzhan Vong Equipment and Munitions:

Singularity Mines, Plasma Eel, Grutch Nul, Chitin Carbines, Blorash Jelly, Amphistaff, Thud Bugs and Variants, Huun, Firejelly, Blazebug (maps), Lumpen (ident), Tohklor Tallow, Grutchinya, Hermetically sealed Vonduun Skerr Kyrric, Vonduun Skerr Kraetos, Magma Pebble, Cloak of Nuun

Objective: Waiting for the battle to start
Location: Objective B
Allies: The One Sith, and rudeness
Enemies: Republic,
Gear: 2x Lightsabers Hide armour 2x handcannons and stashed away encase I need it later 1 disruptor cannon and ammo

​Harley was waiting in the rear with other acolytes, and stashed her disruptor cannon away as she may need it later. n her back was two hold out blasters, designed to punch through beskar. Though using them was painful, but not as painful as they where to the target. She was also wearing her hide armour, as this gave her protection form other force users. She was nervous as usual before the battle surrounded with other acolytes, all waiting for chance to prove themselves in battle for there great lord, the emperor himself as he watched everything.

She was sat down crossed legged the lord and knight where near by, all they could do was eat McYoda and hope the fat content was not true. She sat down checking her hand cannons where loaded, and no one else new where she hidden the cannon, as she may want that later. As watching thing turn to ash was fun, especially when they blew up on to there friends.
Objective C: Take the fight to the Pubs
Location I 21
Allies: One Sith; [member="Reverance"] [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Vrag"]
Enemies: Republic, anyone who stands in my way
NPC: 200 troops; J20 K22 I20 I22; Sisterhood + Droids; gear: E-11 Blaster rifle Missle Launcher; 10 peices.
A bold move had been made by the Republic. After the One Sith had taken so any planets out from under their noses the Republci had finally come to take some back. Word had spread as soon as the eenmy fleet had reached orbit. When it had come to Darth Raven she had dropped everything she was doing to prepare. Gathering what infomation she was working on and needed she had it all downloaded onto a file that she kept secure. After that she assemlbed her troops. A few of the sisterhood troopers along with a handful of droids. She felt it best to bring a mix of coordinated and operational forces with her at all times; especially in the wake of a coming battle.​
Exiting she ordered her people to mobilze, both groups slipting into two teams. Given the layout of the area there was only one way into the notch of a vally which had four smaller notches before reaching the base where Raven was. Spliting 50 troopers between each group she had them all taking positing at each notch and setting up blockades at each of them. If anyone was going to attack they would have to come through them, and would be horribly wounded in the process. But they needed the bait to bring them in striclty through this canyon.​
Darth Raven walked to the mouth of the vally, despite her troops advising againt it. She had her dark cloak over her usual clothing while having both lightsabers drawn and at the ready. Her fingers circled against the buttons of the hilts as she awaited for someone to come and try to take her. Waiting was always the hard part.​
PC Template
Objective: Hi.
Location: B
Allies: Sith
Enemies: Republic/Sith[?] Eventually, [member="Norrin Fulk"]
Gear:, lightsabers [two]

Realistically, he was supposed to be fighting the Sith - nominally in the name of the Republic. But in this instance, he was fighting 'for' the Sith. Why? Who cared! Reasons and stuff. The 'why' was not a question that got answered with him, because it inevitably came down to 'What's it matter?' He wasn't going to answer. That would ruin the fun. Curiosity was fun. Dying to know was better.

Especially when they were literally dying.

A swing band was playing in his head, and he hopped from one foot to the other, dancing his way around the supply depot like an old-school holo-actor. Nearby, a Sith soldier stood and looked between his squad mates, wondering when this droid had last had a memory wipe. Protip: Never. Swaying over, Disciple took the man by his hand, forcing the blaster from his hands to fall slack on the strapping.

"Let's dance, baby." He says, grinning, wheeling off into a swift moving tango that the man was so utterly unprepared for Disciple 'accidentally' wound up dislocating his shoulder. A yelp of pain, a hurried apology and a twisted neck later... and the man was out of his misery. "Sorry, old boy. There's no pain anymore." Grinning, Disciple wished desperately for a nose. He wanted to smell the man joining with the Force.

He needed that. But alas, part of being a droid was losing that; for now, at least. It would be back later, once he figured out how to make that work. As for the rest of those pesky soldiers who were no doubt wondering their fate? Well, just you wait, dear reader.

Just. You. Wait.
Objective B
Location: Unremarkable shuttle - en route to go planetside.
Enemies: Ask [member="Darth Carach"]’s momma, yo.
Allies: Ask me.


Some revelled in it, others feared it.

Doctors tried to delay it and murderers tried to speed it up.

It may have been a while since Ruusan got attacked but it still felt like only yesterday that Kana had laid eyes on the dead corpses of the people that had become like an extended family. Each of them which had seemed at peace. There were no smiles on their lips and no frowns, there were no joy beaming through their vibrant irises nor despair. They were just there and no matter how hard Kana had tried to fix it all they still remained what they would always be: empty and devoid of life.

Younglings, padwans, knights and a master. All of those whose names were imprinted on her mind just like good friends tended to be. Each of them had come by her clinic and each of them were dead. A part of her had been torn and in it’s place the Sith had left a void which would take long enough to heal that even a healer such as herself doomed the prognosis bleak beyond measure.

Yet to say Kana was coming to Ord Mirit out of vengeance would be a lie. It wouldn’t matter how much blood she would have be sullying her hands with today. No matter what she would do within the next twenty-four hours it wouldn't fix things and none of the people she had cared for would want to be remembered as the cause for another dark jedi in the filthy hordes of dozen others. Indeed, Kana had only signed up on a whim. Perhaps to seek death. Perhaps to find a cause, or perhaps a bit of both. In reality she wasn’t quite sure herself.

Everything was a mess just like she was.

But perhaps it took a mess to rid the galaxy of another. For now all Kana could do was to hope the nightmare was going to end someday.

She didn’t have any high expectations that today would be it.
Objective: B - Defend the Depot
Location: Objective B
Allies: One Sith, [member="Harley"]
Enemies: The Republic, Anyone wanting a Duel.
Gear: Alchemised Knife

It was coming fast. Not only could she feel it, but she could see it in the green mist protruding from her hands.
Oh, how she couldn't wait. Others around her seemed nervous, apprehensive and the like, but she knew death would not come for her today. No, it would come for the Republic. She had only her knife and the power of magic, but that was enough. With the spirit's guidance she would bring her enemies to their knees in surrender or death. The spirit ichor dissipated into nothing, allowing her gaze to turn to the future battlefield.
Once it started there would be no going back; the faintest smell of impending death would drive her to deliver it. She was confident, and she had reason to be after the last time the Jedi had fought the Sith. They had fallen, and they would fall again. Not only that, but they would continue falling until Onderon itself fell, just as Coruscant had before. Slowly they would lose grip on the galaxy, and the Sith would rule in their place.

And she would have done her part, and the spirits would be pleased...

A sharp outtake of air brought her back to reality, as she prepared herself for what was to come.
Objective: B
Location: Section 5
Allies: OS l Anyone that want's to join me in fighting rude l [member="Darth Veles"] l [member="Jardo Snow"]
Enemies: GR
Gear: Lightsaber l Bone Armour l Sisterhood Emblem l Amulet of the Five


Reeling at their defeat at Telti, the Republic had decided to invade Ord Mirit, a weakened sign to prove to the galaxy that the rest of their worlds were safe from the Sith war machine. Unfortunately, fear had already infected the minds of their citizens. Whispers and demonstrations raged across their held worlds that the Republic had been debilitated by the worshipers of the Darkside.

The general consensus was that it was time for new leadership, that the senate had grown fat with greed and complacency. Even now as their heroes marched toward the maw of the Sith, their faith in the Republic was now in question. And worse, their beloved ones, dying for a dying Republic, would be masticated and spat out, their bones decorating the landscape of Ord Mirit.

At the depot, several Sith ran about in preparation for the incoming Republic forces; some eager to kill while some eager to face their first Jedi. For the Dagobath Sith, who was currently sitting on the ground weaving more bones into hair, it was about teaching lessons to the infidels. More to the fact, to crush the invading forces and return their broken bodies back to the Republic with one simple message attached, "Send your husbands, wives, children, and Jedi to us.....and we will return them to you in the forms of withered husks."

When the reports began flooding in that the Republic had indeed arrived, The Sith Lady rose to her feet collecting her helmet to complete her armour and slowly made her way to her position. She had not singled out anyone in particular, but that was never her style; her modus operandi was opportunity. Only fools rushed headlong into battle, the bones that adorned her armour of falling opponents standing witness to that testament. Passing by the others that had sworn their lives to the preservation of the Sith teachings and philosophy, she could only smile at the force that had gathered here at the depot to repel the intruders.

"Kill them all," she bellowed, "The Dark Lord commands it!"
Objective: B
Location: B, section 5
Allies: OS, [member="Darth Venefica"]
Enemies: Pubs
Gear: High quality clothing, lightsabers

It was time for another slaughter of Republic forces to happen; this time directed by the Republic itself. It made little sense for the Republic to try and attack the planet in light of their constant and ever-present losses and actually made one wonder if they’ve developed some sort of a secret weapon to demonstrate in this very battle. If the senate and their Jedi puppies simply wished to throw the lives of their soldiers away though, the One Sith certainly wasn’t going to stop them. It was also entirely possible the Republic government found itself losing public support in this endless war; their only chance to survive being a successful invasion to prove the Republic stood a chance of surviving if not defeating the Sith.

This invasion actually placed Avreet on the defending side. He wasn’t entirely used to it, yet he welcomed the change nonetheless. If nothing else, he did not have to depend on someone else to get him on the battlefield, usually the pilot of his dropship to be precise. To put his life into someone else’s hands while the only thing he could do was to hope for his ship to land safely… he hated those long minutes that felt like hours. Now it was time for the invading “defenders of peace” to taste the feeling of sitting in a massive metal coffin and hoping nobody shot it down. Naturally, Veles hoped for the exact opposite; the more of those dogs vanished before having a chance to land, the better. Far less mercy would be granted to his opponents; as a defender, Avreet had every right to do whatever necessary to protect the crucial fuel depot. Taking off the proverbial gloves, the Sith Assassin decided not to play nice this time. No more chatting with his opponent, no more chances for them to get up and continue fighting. Like a precise surgical tool, he intended to deliver one fatal strike and end his enemies.

Sitting on the ground, big orange eyes focused on the sky as he watched the invading force. Despite the battle being imminent, he relaxed; drinking his favourite tea and feasting on the Dark Side as well. Passion collided with peace in his mind, and for a moment the Mon Cal emptied himself of all thoughts. The Light Side listened to him as well, provided he willed to extinguish all passion burning within his heart. Much like Zarrah commanded the Dark Side, her amphibious apprentice wished to extend the same mastery over the Force as a whole. This would be his triumph card in this battle; the utilization of both aspects of the Force when his opponents expected him to use the one traditionally associated with the Sith Order.

The last drop of black tea disappeared in his large mouth. Setting the cup aside, the amphibian clapped his hands and got back on feet.

Shaking the dust off his cloak, he masked his signature and presence in the Force and embarked on the journey to find an enemy. It was time to slay a few Jedi.
PC Template
Objective: B
Location: Ship -> Planet near Fuel Depot
Allies: Republic
Enemies: One Sith
Gear: Winter, Jedi Guardian Armor

Dair had absented himself from much and many for the past few weeks, he had a great many things to think over. He also had visited his home planet and gone on a mission for Master [member="kian karr"] that involved stealth and not much else. Now he was getting back into battle, and his blood was at war with his training. His blood, the blood of Valkyri warriors going back generations, was excited to be placing himself in harms way for the purpose of testing himself against an enemy in the contest of life and death. His training, the training of a Jedi Guardian, was decidedly calm. His training had him understand the need for the current action, but did not relish the fight. People would die, chaos would ensue and while order would come after said chaos, it was still regrettable.

Dair stepped into a drop pod that would send him hurtling at the ground at speeds to fast for most anti aircraft weapons to hit. He set the location, near a fuel depot that was crucial to the Republics taking of the planet, and set the timer. The door closed and sealed with a hiss of air. His ears popped as the pod was pressurized, and then he was shot out into space, towards the planet. Dair's heart leapt up into his throat, despite having trained in drop pods before and knowing what to expect. Dair inhaled through his nose, closed his eyes and exhaled through his mouth. He extended his senses and let his connection with the force guide the pod to a hard landing on the ground, about three thousand meters away from the fuel depot. He steadied himself for a moment, then popped the seals and exited the pod. He looked for an enemy to fight.

I may be able to post once a day, but I can guarantee nothing, I am on vacation with my family until next monday. If anyone is ok with that, I will fight anyone.
Objective B
Location: Unremarkable shuttle - enroute to planet
Enemies: This could be you! (PM us)
Allies: [member="Ameli Trahir"]

The sound of laughter would call out around the small ship as two girls were discussing last week’s hunting trip. Sena ran through her usual list of planets as she had oh-so-many times before to [member="Ameli Trahir"]. For example that Nar Shaddaa offered the best resistance when it came to it but had the greatest of rewards. Anaxes had left the prey mushy and Republican whereas Coruscant was good for a quick fix.

Oh yes, the two girls had come a long way since their first encounter. Alleyways and unknowing guys were still a local favorite, but why would they spread themselves around just the one planet when the Sith held so many others in their pocket?

Ameli was like a bad relapse. Just a small one, but a slight relapse was still a relapse. The voices in her head, the insatiable thirst driven by a hazed mind had returned. Quelled once by the masters around her and now reined in by the girl herself. As much as she had been told to not get carried away in her sacrificial duties Sena would find herself a reason every now and then.

But at least she was finding a measure of balance in the struggle between going killing for fun and killing just the one random guy for the sake of not going insane. Really, she should be commended for the efforts she was going through to teach someone else do these things rather than herself.

“Do you remember that one guy outside-” Sena was cut short by an incoming message on the comm terminal. She looked to Ameli “I should probably answer that.”

Sena stepped over to the console. Ord Mirit, under attack? From who? Sena perked her brow. The Republic wasn’t known to do this, what were they doing? It didn’t matter. Sena grinned and turned to Ameli.

“Duty calls, wanna go to Ord Mirit and help our sisters against the Republic?” Sena didn’t really offer her friend any time to respond. “Too bad, we’re going.”

And just like that Sena made the ship turn around and head over to Ord Mirit. What was she hoping to find? She didn’t really know, but she had been on Prakith when the Republic invaded. That was where it all began and the idea of being there when the Republic tried something as equally silly again was far too tempting to not follow through with.

“It’s going to be a walk in the park, trust me.” Sena was still grinning as she took her seat by Ameli. “What could possibly go wrong?”

Location: C18
Allies: [member="Reverance"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Darth Raven"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Nerius"] [member="Sabik Dhami"] [member="Yurzhoc Shai"]
Enemies: NA
Vonduun Skerr Kyrric
Sessile Triostaff
Chitin Carbine
3 Pouches of Blorash Jelly
2 Plasma Eels

NPC Template
Units: 100 Yuuzhan Vong Elite Warriors
20 Mern Kane
2 Rakamat
2 Firebreathers

Objective: Setting up
Location: C17, C18, D18

Yuuzhan Vong Equipment and Munitions:

Singularity Mines, Plasma Eel, Grutch Nul, Chitin Carbines, Blorash Jelly, Amphistaff, Thud Bugs and Variants, Huun, Firejelly, Blazebug (maps), Lumpen (ident), Tohklor Tallow, Grutchinya, Hermetically sealed Vonduun Skerr Kyrric, Vonduun Skerr Kraetos


The coruscations of battle had begun as fleets crowded the skies in the space over Ord Mirit. The Galactic Republic was headed to the Sith-controlled planet to try and wrest the world from the stygian grasp of the galactic behemoth that was the One Sith. A herculean task some might say, since the Sith craved war like sustenance, and today, the feast would come to them. On the rocky ground, in a canyon with deeply rutted veins and a river running through the middle, the table was being lovingly set.

With a look of grim determination painting his face, Hand of the Dark Lord, Sage Bane assembled his forces and munitions on the battlefield. Spread out among the crevasses were Reverance, The Wrath of the Dark Lord, and Sage's fellow Hand, Vrag, along with the fiercest battle commanders the One Sith and their allies had to offer.

If war was a symphony, these beings were the maestros.

Sage himself was clad in a slate-black set of bioengineered crab-shell-plated Vonduun Skerr Kerik armor worn by the Legion Yun’Do. The pale, roguishly-handsome Sith Lord was an unlikely leader of an army of the Yuuzhan Vong Warrior Caste. However, the Vong loyally followed the Sith Illusionist not only because the Hand had proved himself as a subjugator of worlds, having recently lead the operation to conquer Csilla in Unknown Space, but also because he himself was Vong-shaped. The Sith Lord had endured the painful fitting of his Sessile Trio Staff biot in a Selvaris gla. The amphistaff arm he used in combat was as much a part of him as his slowly beating heart, and in the eyes of the Yuuzhan Vong, the Chiss hybrid was accepted as a member in the Legion Yun’Do.

Along with his Vong and Mern Kane forces, Sage also commanded a number of other bioengineered war beasts, such as the Fire Breathers, spindly-legged leviathans with flexible proboscises that could spray streams of gelatinous flame at their foes. Also chomping at the bit were five majestic Rakamat, reptilian colossi, replete with yorik coral spikes and devasting Yaret-Kor. The beasts roared with delight and stamped their feet as if beating out a series of war drums. The sky over the battlefield was a bloodshot pink oracle, predicting the bloodshed that would soon unfold.

Yes, dinner would soon be served.
Location : B
Objective : crack jokes, be cool, be Aela's bodyguard.
Allies: [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

Well here they were. Ord Mirit. A proverbial dustball that at least wasn’t as bad as Tatooine. With the wind blowing in his hair and flicking sand and grit onto his face, there was no denying they were here. Arid air and all.

The only difference is that this time, instead of the Sith surprising the crew at McYoda’s, this was them taking it straight to them with the full intention to fight. Things had certainly changed.

The first wave of transport shuttles that managed to survived the ground to air artillery touched dirtside. A flutter went through his belly, was it a forewarning? Nevermind, no time for second guesses now. His hand would wrap around the covenant saber hilt he had recently replaced both of his sabers with. He wore medium dark duraplast armor plated along Terentaktek leather. It was the first version he created, time to test it out. It had the benefits of reinforced duraplast over all critical areas but also the flexibility to move.

He also had his bracers, circlet and talisman. Not to mention the phrik gauntlets which under he wore a covenant ring. Moph blaster was tucked at his hip on a bodo bass gunbelt, with a warden cloak completing the outfit. He also had another few tricks up his sleeve, but this was just the beginning. He wasn’t one to weigh himself down.

Jumping off from the transport into the dirt, his boots absorbed the impact. A glance would dart over to his sister, Aela.

Objective B

Location: Shuttle, en route to B

Enemy: Dear 'ol [member="Jacen Cavill"]

Allies: [member="Cyrene Grayson"]

Gear: Jedi Lord Armor | 3X Lightsabers

"More blood to spill?" Shlurk rumbled. Cyril shook his head. "If neccessary. I doubt the Sith will surrender though, and we need this victory, so likely. There are going to be a lot of Sith down there - they can influence you. Stay with the ship, make sure nothing happens to it."



The old warrior bowed his scaly head, and pulled something from the folds of his robes. He held it out, palm up, as if it were some kind of holy relic. He did not speak another word. The object spoke for him. A mask of silver gleamed in the shuttle's pale light; the familiar lines and grooves carved into its visage tore Cyril from the moment at hand. Nostalgiatook him.. A planet encased in flames. A massive Sith Lord meeting his end in the caverns of Utapau. An army sweeping over Kashyyyk, annihilating all in its path.

"You brought this?" He asked in what was barely a whisper. His old friend simply nodded. The errant Jedi Master drew in a sharp breath. If there was ever a time for such things...

He took the helmet from his old guardian's hands. Without a parting word, Shlurk slipped back into the scaffolds of the shuttle Those other aboard the ship paid the creature a wary eye, though none moved against him. Cyril cast his gaze down toward his armor. It had been treated recently, and the many impurities in the phrik had long since been erased. Years since he'd worn it, and it still fit perfectly. Almost as if it had been awaiting him.

We're landing shortly. Get ready to move once we touch down!" The pilot crackled over the intercom. Cyril drew in a deep breath. Now was not the time for contemplation - it was time for action.

Before he could come up with an argument strong enough to dissuade himself, he donned the mask. The HUD came online immediately, along with the various other systems that kept him aware of his current health. "Just like old times..." He said to himself, drawing up to his full height.

The shuttle door slid open. Cyril dropped to the ground, kicking up a small cloud of dust from the impact. "Back to it."


The Second Seal, broken.
Objective: C
Location: L-16 (air)
Allies: [member="Reverance"] | [member="Yurzhoc Shai"] | [member="Sage Bane"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Nerius"] | [member="Darth Raven"] | [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Enemies: GR
Gear: Vonduun Skerr Ygdris, Vonduun Skerr Dhaladii, Chom-Huun, Lightsaber, Vulcan Blaster Rifle + disruptor

Objective: Kill
Location: L-16 (airborne), L-16 (ground)

War. War never chan—

Oh, you know what? Feth that. Of course it does. If it didn't, they'd still be beating each other over the head with clubs and screaming which cave was whose, and who had more valuables, and who got to be the keeper of fire.

And that would be just ludicrous, wouldn't it?

It was an excerpt from a short, witty piece she'd caught in one of the holomagazines she still subscribed to these days — not that she got much time to actually read any of them — but the scathing tone of the article had made her chuckle, and it was a good thing, being able to smile while in transit towards what would soon turn into a bloody battlefield.

A few years back, Vrag would have been the only one smirking behind her visor, but now she was accompanied by Vong, and they knew full-well how to appreciate the unique taste of war; oh, did they ever. It was alongside these people that the firrerreo felt at her most relaxed, curiously enough, relishing their willfulness, their zeal for what was now just over the horizon. The air seemed… charged, somehow, when they touched down, the Hunters pouring out into the open along with the Otliq, with none other than her own mount at the front. The elite Warriors would linger in sight only for a few seconds, and then the cloaks of Nuun clinging to their flesh would assume the texture of the surrounding stone, and where once there was a group of Vong, there would now be naught but the barren face of the rock.

Were she here to appreciate the vista, Vrag would have surely spared a few moments to truly relish the intensitiy of the moment, but she wasn't, and practicality was bound to win out against her sense of aesthetics. She afforded one last glance over her shoulder to the departing Yorik-Vec, and then the Nuhlrokka took to the skies as well, trailing the ships for a few moments before changing trajectory and shooting off past them into the long, milky-white cumuli rolling slowly above the canyon.

The wind was slightly cooler up here, the electricity nearly tangible at the tip of her tongue as she grinned behind her skull mask, an expression born of genuine excitement and joy, unnoticed and forgotten by history that would only ever remember her as a killer.

Rightly so.
(Because dat jam too tasty)

Objective: Objective B
Location: Room 8 (Where errybody in the club gettin' tipsy)
Allies: The One Sith
Enemies: The Republic

"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by lions" ~ Alexander the Great

And so they had come. The seventh year of their war was approaching swiftly, and there seemed to be no end to the tenacity and vigor in both sides that fought for land, for glory, and for vengeance. Vornskr cared only for the very latter, the bitter defeat at the hands of the Jedi on Dac still burned darkly within his mind, and his mouth split into a horrible snarl at the memories of himself being trussed up and bound like some vagrant slave, hauled off to await the justice of pacifists and politicians. An ignominious end for sure, to be killed in such a sterile manner that was reserved for those unbecoming of the warrior's lifestyle, and as his end veered closer and closer he had nearly fully given into despair and resignation.

Then they came for him.

The people he would soon call brethren, the men and women of the One Sith who had been shown the truth of the Sith and had flocked to the Dark Lord whom deserved to be Dark Lord, not the withering creep they found shackled in the bowels of a Republic prison galley. He had submitted to their teachings, had been shown the true way, and in the end he bent the knee to the Dark Lord on Prakith and was marked as one of them. He found renewed strength, vitality, and purpose surrounded by his new family and with them he laid waste to the Republic who had degraded him to the point of such weakness that he had actually considered giving up entirely.

He never forgot that, and he never forgave. And his fiery retribution was smeared across the worlds that had fallen prey to his band of butchers, entire populations laid to waste for the glory of the master and partly for his own self-serving hunger for death and carnage, although in the end he professed that it was all done for the glorious vision. Even death could not stop his commitment, and he cheated his own vile end to be reborn in glory, and returned to the side of the Dark Lord to continue the long war. Now, fresh from his battles on Telti and Wayland, Vornskr stood alone in one of the many storage chambers of the central Ord Mirit depot, immersing himself in the Dark Side of the Force as he could feel the light coming from beyond the stars to try and burn away the darkness, but the darkness held firm and now the Republic had no choice but to fight another bloody engagement.

Whatever the outcome, blood would be spilled by both sides, and on the mere thought of such carnage he drank deeply from the chalice of hate, gorging himself on darkness as he fanned the flames of the iron furnace within his heart. Sharp memories of his past failures flashed through his mind, and his rage festered.

But soon he would have an outlet, and he would stain his hands with the blood of Jedi and drink deeply from their ruined corpses.
Objective: B
Location: Outside the Depot
Allies: [member="Micah Talith"]
Enemies: One Sith
Gear: Drexl Leather Armor, Lightsaber, Covenant Ring, Hair Pins, Bracers

Her knuckles cracked.

“Lets go.” Those were the only words that Aela had said in nearly an hour. She had been silent up until then, completely quiet. Father and Mother had no idea that they were here, the two Taliths had taken their own initiative to join the invasion forces.

It hadn't really been all that hard, they hadn't needed to stow away or anything. Most soldiers were surprisingly accommodating when it came to Jedi, and luckily with a little white lie from Micah and a bit of a stuck up attitude from her and they had been escorted right aboard as though they were part of the council itself. Quite simple really.

Now they walked with soldiers.

Only a dozen or so of course, their mission was to take the supply depot. More than these had been sent, but Aela had had a good feeling after talking with some of them, more than a few were from Onderon, a second home to her. Her lips thinned and she moved forward, her lightsaber drawn into the palm of her hand, her brother beside her, soldiers at her back.

She was ready for this.
OBJECTIVE: B; Break bones, maybe get boned
LOCATION: Fuel Depot, Square 10
ALLIES: One Sith Lassies and Laddies
ENEMIES: Republic/Bathrobe Brigade
GEAR: x2 Dissuader KD-30 pistols, x1 CZ-840 Shotgun, Armor, x2 Lightsabers

"It's rather... hot in here, isn't it, my Lady? Perhaps you should remove some of that armor..."

Ire'Rain Sekairo, 87th champion of [member="Darth Vornskr"], was not quite sure why her tour guide was flirting with her. Yes, she was by many means a moderately attractive woman, even with her scars. But was now really an appropriate time for such things? The lass was here on business. Not for some sort of vacation. Didn't the worker understand that?... Maybe she simply hoped to achieve something 'special' after they finished walking through the facility. That was a tad more reasonable, at least to the Sith.

For a moment the idea of romping around with the engineer-turned-guide didn't seem so bad. Perhaps they could have some fun once their business was concluded. While the Epicanthix usually had no interest in romance or physical outings... the occasional distraction of flesh against flesh pleased her. It was a nice way to pass time. And the woman before her was certainly good looking- with her athletic frame, sharp chin and cheekbones, a soft brow, and a wondrous smile. If she had read the signals correctly then she was likely in for a good night. If only she knew about the Republic ships incoming. Then she'd know just how great of a night she'd be getting.

"I'm used to the heat. A little smoke 'nd flame won't hurt me," Ire replied, running a hand through her raven-colored hair. "Plus... I imagine it might get even hotter if I removed my armor. Don't you agree?"
Objective: B
Location: Fuel depot, sector 5
Allies: Sith
Enemies: Galactic Republic, eventually [member="Turin Val Kur"]
Gear: Personal lightsaber

It had been ages since Keira had fought against the Jedi. The last battle she had attended in the name of the Sith had been on Kashyyyk five years ago, when she'd been nothing more than a Padawan and the Ravens had still been fully operational. Now things had changed. Instead of belonging to a criminal syndicate she was now a member of The Primeval, and instead of a learner she could now claim the title of Master as her own. But the generality was much the same. Still she didn't find herself particularly loyal to either cause, her position akin much more to a spectator looking in. Given the party she currently affiliated herself with, however, the offer had been extended for her to join the defending party. And, being who she was, she had accepted. After all, what was another fight?

This wouldn't be anything spectacularly new for her. It was just another battle on another unimportant planet against the same Jedi Order she had faced down previously, relying on the same orange plasma blade to keep her alive for the duration of it all. No armor, as always, just that one weapon. She was acutely aware at the disadvantage that placed her at against those opponents that chose to don some sort of protective attire, given that the Jedi tended to be the cautious sort. But she couldn't complain, not really. That would just make everything all the more interesting and worthwhile, and that was really have the reason she'd agreed to come in the first place. Nothing was quite as interesting as a battle in which you were at the disadvantage. Something within her was eager at the chance to clash with the peacekeeping sect, for better or worse.

But for the moment she was resigned to waiting, watching the Republic dropships descend from the sky. It was strange for her to be on the defensive, as she was well-adjusted to being the one instigating any sort of conflict. To be a defender was an entirely different thing, but she would make the compromise if it allowed her a chance to further hone her talents in the more deadly arts. Combat was where she thrived, and the moments before spent in silent contemplation allowed her a chance to focus and centralize her thoughts, bringing her mind entirely to the task that lay ahead of her. However, instead of doing this through meditation, she merely relived the battles she had gone through previously, analyzing the mistakes made then in order to ensure they wouldn't be repeated in the present.

Taking a breath, she let those memories of the past hang in her subconscious, not allowing them to dictate how this day would transpire. They would be a guide rather than a strict rule book to follow. Amber eyes smoldered with a renewed fire, her left hand brushing across the hilt of the saber at her waist. Drawing on the Force she stretched out with her senses, searching for an opponent, whether temporary or permanent for the remainder of the battle. There wasn't any telling how this would resolve, or whether she would walk away with a few new scars to remind her of just what her enemy was capable of. No matter what chanced to transpire, one thought remained clear: this was going to be fun.

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