Objective: B (Battle the Grandmaster)
Location: Section 2
Allies: TheOne Sith
Enemies: The Galactic Republic, The Jedi Order, [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Gear: Lightsabers, Singlet, Cloak, Arm, Eyes
Theme: Mr. Self Destruct by Nine Inch Nails
Sweet, delectable nectar. Sticky, irony. Blood. It dripped from her left arm, which was currently occupied being embedded in the chest of some ridiculously foolish Jedi, perhaps a padawan - perhaps not. But it did not matter, she had not been preparing for this day simply to rust her prosthetic arm with the blood of some teenager unworthy of a lightsaber duel with the lady. Her eyes gleamed red, a mild touch granted by the alteration of her appearance slightly through the force - in a far more perfect form than the use of the 'mask' ability. But, ah yes, where was she, exactly? Standing in the midst of what appeared to be the start of an invasion of a fuel station - the importance of which on a planet over its capital she had no idea - was the Sith Lord, former Voice of the Dark Lord's first and third sectors, slayer of the Dark Lord's apprentice-turned-traitor, Darth Vitium. But that name, by now, was obsolete. In place of the whorish woman that had won over the heart of the corporate titan of Titan Industries was the nightmarish Sith Lord that had been the cause of her own master's death, Darth Atrophia. Her very flesh, sickly and pale, reeked of the dark side in all its unpleasantness, the SynthFlesh covered prosthetic arm attached to her left shoulder plunged into the heart cavity of a teenage girl that had previously been a rather inexperienced and stupidly brave Jedi. Her red hair, crimson almost in color, hung straight and down, reaching below her shoulders at her back while being geometrically cut to hang above her ears and then an inch or so above her eyebrows in a rather organized hairline. She wore a black cloak customary of traditional Sith Lords that had not delved into the use of armor, and beneath that was a blood-red myriad singlet that would act as her clothing. In her right hand, her dominant one, was the unlit lightsaber that had caused countless deaths in the years leading up to her adulthood as a teenager.
"Poor child, dying a fool's death rather than surrendering to her fears."
The whisper of pity fell on dead ears, the body of which was shrugged off of her mechanical arm as to let it drop to the ground. Not a moment had been spared on removing the blood from either her cloak or her false arm as it hadn't bothered her, but instead she advanced forwards at a slow, deliberate, pace. Reaching back with that same blood-soaked hand, Atrophia pulled the hood of her cloak over her head and lowered her head slightly as a smirk formed. She may have 'retired' from being the Dark Lord's voice by her own will, but she had become anything but softer - anything but "lighter". A dark presence that symbolized her being a monstrosity, etched into her very soul, tugged at the heartstrings of those she passed, Sith and Jedi alike, and opened them to their fears. She was no possessor of super-human strength, no telekinetic 'god' of the force, but she was a sorceress, and as far as she was concerned the copy-cats in the One Sith had a long way to go before they could ever be considered equals by her in the arts of Sith magic. "Despair." No sooner had the hushed voice left her lips that an aura of unease, similar to the subtle unease given by her presence in the dark side but purposefully stronger, expanded in every direction within a reasonable distance from her. Those who had thought to confront the Sith Lord that merely strolled towards the entry point of the Republic troops began to shy away, cowering even, and though she had hardly shown any designation that she might be a Sith Lord - the simple application of force speed to impale the previous Jedi on her arm wasn't exactly impossible for a knight to perform, there was no denying it. Stopping at the point between the first and second sections of the facility three words rang out.
Location: Section 2
Allies: The
Enemies: The Galactic Republic, The Jedi Order, [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Gear: Lightsabers, Singlet, Cloak, Arm, Eyes
Theme: Mr. Self Destruct by Nine Inch Nails
"Poor child, dying a fool's death rather than surrendering to her fears."
The whisper of pity fell on dead ears, the body of which was shrugged off of her mechanical arm as to let it drop to the ground. Not a moment had been spared on removing the blood from either her cloak or her false arm as it hadn't bothered her, but instead she advanced forwards at a slow, deliberate, pace. Reaching back with that same blood-soaked hand, Atrophia pulled the hood of her cloak over her head and lowered her head slightly as a smirk formed. She may have 'retired' from being the Dark Lord's voice by her own will, but she had become anything but softer - anything but "lighter". A dark presence that symbolized her being a monstrosity, etched into her very soul, tugged at the heartstrings of those she passed, Sith and Jedi alike, and opened them to their fears. She was no possessor of super-human strength, no telekinetic 'god' of the force, but she was a sorceress, and as far as she was concerned the copy-cats in the One Sith had a long way to go before they could ever be considered equals by her in the arts of Sith magic. "Despair." No sooner had the hushed voice left her lips that an aura of unease, similar to the subtle unease given by her presence in the dark side but purposefully stronger, expanded in every direction within a reasonable distance from her. Those who had thought to confront the Sith Lord that merely strolled towards the entry point of the Republic troops began to shy away, cowering even, and though she had hardly shown any designation that she might be a Sith Lord - the simple application of force speed to impale the previous Jedi on her arm wasn't exactly impossible for a knight to perform, there was no denying it. Stopping at the point between the first and second sections of the facility three words rang out.