Objective: Eliminate the wolves
Location: LLS-4 Devastator-class Gunship Echo-1
Allies: Republic-Imperial Remnant Allied Forces
Enemies: [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Gear: lightsaber, lanvorok, various common items listed in his bio
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After pelting the Rakamat with fire, the two gunships quickly parted ways before the enemy could bring comprehensive firepower against them. Travot deftly guided the his gunship up into the clouds, concentrating on evading any enemy firepower that might come his way. He briefly concentrated on the Force, letting it guide his actions, but his brief meditation was interrupted by his gunner's words pouring through his headset.
“Some kind of beasts are attacking our allied forces, take us to grid J-12, and let's bring the heat.”
Travot quickly complied, bringing his gunship through the clouds towards one side of the cliff below. Before he could even see the groups of wolves, his gunner was already hard at work, launching a flurry of fragmentation grenades that quickly boxed in the first group of wolves before letting loose streams of quad laser fire to hopefully dispatch any survivors. The gunner briefly paused his firing to select the location of the other group of wolves for a concussion missile. The warhead rocketed towards the group and exploded on the ground, releasing a concussive wave that would likely kill most living creatures caught in its blast radius. Travot gently guided the yoke to his left, making his gunship circle the grid while his gunner took over the light quad laser cannon to rip apart any of the surviving wolves with bursts of laser fire.
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Echo Two sped away from the besieged Rakamat to ascend into the clouds above. Lieutenant Aquina turned her eyes around, looking for any incoming objects, but also enjoying the beauty of the natural world above. The sky seemed so peaceful and serene compared to the war zone below. Her headset briefly buzzed.
“We're going to join Bantha group in an assault, or so the commander says, take us to I-16 ma'am. We've got some soft targets to pop. Just let me engage the jammer first.”
“You got it Pops,” said the brunette, glancing her sensor readout.
It quickly turned into static as the ship's jammer began to flood the area around them with random sensor noise. Looks good to me. She pushed her yoke forward, causing the gunship to dive in on the enemy position. Sergeant Wright, never really known for being conservative in his use of firepower, let it loose the brimstone on the Golden Banner infantry below. Both grenade launchers fired, peppering the area with clouds of fragmentation grenade shrapnel and metal-eating plank gas, all while raking the immediate area with streams of quad laser cannon fire. A hundred meters from the surface, she pulled up on the yoke and twisted, corkscrewing away from the target area and towards the obscuring clouds.
Elsewhere on the battlefield...
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Sergeant Wilkes warily watched as his walker surmounted the canyon walls before warily having it crawl forward. The Arachnid walker quickly scurried to occupy the high ground. The non-commissioned officer looked through the vehicle's sensor display, ready to blast apart anything that entered his scope.
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Sergeant Baucom peered through his scope, ready to fire on anything moved. His walker continued to crawl forward on the cliff top, all while he moved the mass driver back and forth in a sweeping motion. They wouldn't catch his walker offguard.
Location: LLS-4 Devastator-class Gunship Echo-1
Allies: Republic-Imperial Remnant Allied Forces
Enemies: [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Gear: lightsaber, lanvorok, various common items listed in his bio
NPC Template
Unit: Echo One
Strength: 1 LLS-4 Devastator-class Assault Gunships
Objective: Eliminate the spirit wolves
Location: J-12
Gunship loadouts (same for each gunship): concussion missiles (2 missile launchers), calmant missiles (1 missile launcher), Ball Bearing Missiles (1 missile launcher), C-22 Fragmentation grenades (1 grenade launcher, Plank Gas Grenades (1 grenade launcher).
Strength: 1 LLS-4 Devastator-class Assault Gunships
Objective: Eliminate the spirit wolves
Location: J-12
Gunship loadouts (same for each gunship): concussion missiles (2 missile launchers), calmant missiles (1 missile launcher), Ball Bearing Missiles (1 missile launcher), C-22 Fragmentation grenades (1 grenade launcher, Plank Gas Grenades (1 grenade launcher).
After pelting the Rakamat with fire, the two gunships quickly parted ways before the enemy could bring comprehensive firepower against them. Travot deftly guided the his gunship up into the clouds, concentrating on evading any enemy firepower that might come his way. He briefly concentrated on the Force, letting it guide his actions, but his brief meditation was interrupted by his gunner's words pouring through his headset.
“Some kind of beasts are attacking our allied forces, take us to grid J-12, and let's bring the heat.”
Travot quickly complied, bringing his gunship through the clouds towards one side of the cliff below. Before he could even see the groups of wolves, his gunner was already hard at work, launching a flurry of fragmentation grenades that quickly boxed in the first group of wolves before letting loose streams of quad laser fire to hopefully dispatch any survivors. The gunner briefly paused his firing to select the location of the other group of wolves for a concussion missile. The warhead rocketed towards the group and exploded on the ground, releasing a concussive wave that would likely kill most living creatures caught in its blast radius. Travot gently guided the yoke to his left, making his gunship circle the grid while his gunner took over the light quad laser cannon to rip apart any of the surviving wolves with bursts of laser fire.
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Unit: Echo Two
Strength: 1 LLS-4 Devastator-class Assault Gunships
Objective: Scatter and Maim the Gold Banner
Location: I-16
Gunship loadouts: concussion missiles (2 missile launchers), calmant missiles (1 missile launcher), Ball Bearing Missiles (1 missile launcher), C-22 Fragmentation grenades (1 grenade launcher, Plank Gas Grenades (1 grenade launcher).
Strength: 1 LLS-4 Devastator-class Assault Gunships
Objective: Scatter and Maim the Gold Banner
Location: I-16
Gunship loadouts: concussion missiles (2 missile launchers), calmant missiles (1 missile launcher), Ball Bearing Missiles (1 missile launcher), C-22 Fragmentation grenades (1 grenade launcher, Plank Gas Grenades (1 grenade launcher).
Echo Two sped away from the besieged Rakamat to ascend into the clouds above. Lieutenant Aquina turned her eyes around, looking for any incoming objects, but also enjoying the beauty of the natural world above. The sky seemed so peaceful and serene compared to the war zone below. Her headset briefly buzzed.
“We're going to join Bantha group in an assault, or so the commander says, take us to I-16 ma'am. We've got some soft targets to pop. Just let me engage the jammer first.”
“You got it Pops,” said the brunette, glancing her sensor readout.
It quickly turned into static as the ship's jammer began to flood the area around them with random sensor noise. Looks good to me. She pushed her yoke forward, causing the gunship to dive in on the enemy position. Sergeant Wright, never really known for being conservative in his use of firepower, let it loose the brimstone on the Golden Banner infantry below. Both grenade launchers fired, peppering the area with clouds of fragmentation grenade shrapnel and metal-eating plank gas, all while raking the immediate area with streams of quad laser cannon fire. A hundred meters from the surface, she pulled up on the yoke and twisted, corkscrewing away from the target area and towards the obscuring clouds.
Elsewhere on the battlefield...
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Sergeant Wilkes warily watched as his walker surmounted the canyon walls before warily having it crawl forward. The Arachnid walker quickly scurried to occupy the high ground. The non-commissioned officer looked through the vehicle's sensor display, ready to blast apart anything that entered his scope.
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Sergeant Baucom peered through his scope, ready to fire on anything moved. His walker continued to crawl forward on the cliff top, all while he moved the mass driver back and forth in a sweeping motion. They wouldn't catch his walker offguard.