Objective: B
Location: Norrin's Mind/Sector 1
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Disciple"]
He missed. Not unexpected. When fighting against someone who could use the Force, even if they weren't consciously trying to use it, they would feel things and be able to avoid them where the non-Force attuned would not. Sometimes Norrin got those feelings, but since he ignored that part of him that could touch the Force, he never really relied on it. As he slid, he flipped the blade around with every intention of making a move to catch the Sith droid off guard, but he wasn't really given the chance to do that, not quickly, as the beam lanced out and slammed through the armor in the left side of his stomach.
The pain was intense, but he shut it out as he always did. He'd had enough bones broken and everything else done to him while hunting down criminals that pain only lasted for a few seconds when he was in a high adrenaline situation.
He twisted on his knees, blood oozing from the open wound, and whipped the dagger back towards the droid, hoping to catch it in a moment of brief weakness, although he knew that moment was likely gone, all things considered. After he let go, his hand reached down to where his blaster would normally be waiting for him, and snatched it up as it appeared in that very spot. If laser weapons were going to come into play, then he was going to make every use of what weapons he had. Still on his knees he would remain as he started to bring the weapon to point.
Location: Norrin's Mind/Sector 1
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Disciple"]
He missed. Not unexpected. When fighting against someone who could use the Force, even if they weren't consciously trying to use it, they would feel things and be able to avoid them where the non-Force attuned would not. Sometimes Norrin got those feelings, but since he ignored that part of him that could touch the Force, he never really relied on it. As he slid, he flipped the blade around with every intention of making a move to catch the Sith droid off guard, but he wasn't really given the chance to do that, not quickly, as the beam lanced out and slammed through the armor in the left side of his stomach.
The pain was intense, but he shut it out as he always did. He'd had enough bones broken and everything else done to him while hunting down criminals that pain only lasted for a few seconds when he was in a high adrenaline situation.
He twisted on his knees, blood oozing from the open wound, and whipped the dagger back towards the droid, hoping to catch it in a moment of brief weakness, although he knew that moment was likely gone, all things considered. After he let go, his hand reached down to where his blaster would normally be waiting for him, and snatched it up as it appeared in that very spot. If laser weapons were going to come into play, then he was going to make every use of what weapons he had. Still on his knees he would remain as he started to bring the weapon to point.