Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fly High, Die High - GR Invasion Of OS Ord Mirit


News They Don't Want Heard
Objective: B
Location: Norrin's Mind/Sector 1
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Disciple"]

He missed. Not unexpected. When fighting against someone who could use the Force, even if they weren't consciously trying to use it, they would feel things and be able to avoid them where the non-Force attuned would not. Sometimes Norrin got those feelings, but since he ignored that part of him that could touch the Force, he never really relied on it. As he slid, he flipped the blade around with every intention of making a move to catch the Sith droid off guard, but he wasn't really given the chance to do that, not quickly, as the beam lanced out and slammed through the armor in the left side of his stomach.

The pain was intense, but he shut it out as he always did. He'd had enough bones broken and everything else done to him while hunting down criminals that pain only lasted for a few seconds when he was in a high adrenaline situation.

He twisted on his knees, blood oozing from the open wound, and whipped the dagger back towards the droid, hoping to catch it in a moment of brief weakness, although he knew that moment was likely gone, all things considered. After he let go, his hand reached down to where his blaster would normally be waiting for him, and snatched it up as it appeared in that very spot. If laser weapons were going to come into play, then he was going to make every use of what weapons he had. Still on his knees he would remain as he started to bring the weapon to point.

Turin Val Kur

Objective: B
Location: Sector 6
Allies: The Republic
Enemies: [member="Keira Ticon"]
Robes of the Warrior; Blaster Pistol Father's Silver Bladed Lightsaber - Tertiary Ceremonial Battle Master Green, Single Bladed Dual-Phase Waterproof Lightsaber - Primary x2 Semi-Permanent Magnetized Waterproof Blue Lightsabers - Secondary​
Her fluency in Ataru was evident, but his blades moved effortlessly around her strikes as he slid into a Jar'Kai influenced Makashi defense. Their blades collided and met blow for blow as he allowed his opponent to tire herself out from the demanding and aggressive form. He pivoted his foot, subtly changing the direction of the fight, keeping on the defense, monitoring her breathing and her style.

"You could have been a marvelous warrior of the Light Keira, I'm sorry this Galaxy has left you in the dark." His brow fell into a scowl and a hungry smirk emerged, catching one of her blows with his right saber, letting the Force flow through him, augmenting his strength. He parried the blade to the left and leaped back, and reached his left arm back to throw his saber, guiding it with the Force. Or at least he thought that was his plan. He shouted in pain and fell to the ground with a thud as his connection to the Force was fuzzied. Both of his sabers clattered to the ground, deactivated. A haze fell over his senses and a nagging, yet familiar buzz inched its way up his spine and into the back of his brain.

"What-Is that monster here...?"

[member="Keira Ticon"]
Objective: B
Location: Sector 6
Allies: Sith
Enemies: [member="Turin Val Kur"]
Gear: Personal lightsaber

"Could've, would've, should've." Her voice was uncharacteristically steady when compared to how she was physically exerting herself, but that in part was due to the Force sustaining her stamina. This was nothing Keira hadn't heard before, and from a Jedi Master no less. Going into this fight she hadn't expected anything different, and to have him utter such a cliched phrase was almost disappointing. So much for him being different than the other warriors of light she had encountered in the past. "If I wanted to be a Jedi, I wouldn't have left in the first place. You're wasting your breath." Redemption wasn't an option for her, or at least, not in this moment. Right now she was out for blood.

Such was his mistake in leaving himself so vulnerable. But she didn't strike, at least not right away. For the briefest of moments she was curious, wondering just what caused him to collapse and drop his weapons so readily. Not many would have done so deliberately. This was a far cry from the paragon she had faced mere minutes earlier, and in some sense it was satisfying to witness him being brought down seemingly so easily. "I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear you correctly, Jedi. You'll have to repeat yourself for me once you've picked yourself up off the ground." Sure, she may have been getting ahead of herself, but this was always how she had operated. Overconfident perhaps, but she wasn't without a certain skill.

In the next seconds after she spoke she sent out a wave of the Force that would knock his sabers away, releasing another that would throw him across the room, holding him against the wall and slowly crushing his rib cage. Regardless of whether this immediate attack was successful or not she would let the tip of her blade stray to linger above the skin of his throat, less than an inch away from ending his life. However, she wouldn't kill him yet. That would have ended things far too quickly for her liking. "You shouldn't concern yourself with apologizing. You have more pressing matters to worry about at the moment." Such as the all too volatile Dark Jedi holding a weapon to his throat.
Objective: B.....defeat the Jedi/Pubs
Location: Section 7
Allies: OS l [member="Darth Veles"] l [member="Darth Ferus"] l [member="Darth Ophidia"] l [member="Jardo Snow"]
Enemies: GR l Jedi/Pubs l [member="Aela Talith"]
Engaging: [member="Micah Talith"]
Gear: Lightsaber l Bone Armour l Sisterhood Emblem l Amulet of the Five

The adjoining sections were ripe with blaster fire and sounds of connecting lightsabers. Screams of pain and death cascaded into section seven (7) adding to the chaos that was taking place in there. Lord Veles was dealing with the female Jedi, Lord Ferus and Knight Ophidia were busy handing down beatings to the dark-skinned male Jedi. All around the room, soldiers from both sides were falling littering the room with the dead.
And yet Darth Venefica had not taken notice.
Her mind was focused and trained to channel out distractions. She was a perfect apex predator that knew her surroundings, where to strike unlucky prey that carelessly wandered into her lair, unlucky prey that foolishly entangled themselves in her web. Prey whose flesh would slowly rot and fall from the bones that held it together, and it was these bones that would find their way into her hair and other aspects of her outfit. She was not just an apex predator; she was the Queen of Madness and the Bone Collector.
But above all else, she was observant.
The cold and black eyes with flecks of red dancing about watched as the Jedi charged toward her, making his move to bring some kind of technology into the fray. Since he decided to initiate the attack, she would gladly play the role of defender. The tiny little discs came flying toward her when in a blink of an eye, they halted their trajectory toward her legs a quarter of the way to her and hovered for a few seconds as the Sith Lady observed the crude machines.
With nothing more than a whisper from her mind, she shot the discs back at the young Jedi boy changing their return route. One disc careened toward his legs while one cruised toward his saber hand. And to add some flavour to her attack, she reached out in an attempt to grip his throat via Force Choke in hopes of paralyzing the boy in his tracks.
And her lips turned into a sinister smile.

Turin Val Kur

Objective: B
Location: Sector 6
Allies: The Republic
Enemies: [member="Keira Ticon"]
Robes of the Warrior; Blaster Pistol Father's Silver Bladed Lightsaber - Tertiary Ceremonial Battle Master Green, Single Bladed Dual-Phase Waterproof Lightsaber - Primary x2 Semi-Permanent Magnetized Waterproof Blue Lightsabers - Secondary

Turin managed to throw his own Force wave just before hers collided with him. It was getting closer, and he couldn't fight both it and Keira at the same time, though he had the distinct feeling that particular issue would take care of itself. The blasts cloided, throwing up more dust and debris, sending Turin tumbling across the room, saving his rib cage, but no doubt leaving bruises all over his body. A cut on his forehead let a trickle of blood cloud his left eye. He reached for his main saber, but felt the heat of Keira's own blade near his throat.

The wall behind him became red hot as an explosion rocked the room, blowing the heated wall to bits.

[member="Keira Ticon"]

The Hound

Objective: B
Location: Sector 6
Allies: Sons and Daughters of Vahl [member="Keira Ticon"] (?)
Enemies: [member="Turin Val Kur"]
Sith Sword - Vanilla
Red Lightsaber​
He had felt him. The one he had been sent to destroy. The one he had failed to destroy. Not again.

The Force welled through him, sparks jumped from the tips of his great horns as the lightning focused and released in a crimson orb that sen the wall shattering to pieces. He stepped through the dust, a deep growl resonating in his chest. The low hum of a lightsaber filled the room as the debris began to settle. His massive head moved from Keira to Turin and back to Keira. She was a threat to his mission. Drawing his sith sword he let the Force flow through him and rocketed himself forward, his white hand large enough to palm Turin's head, and launched him across the room. The Jedi master tumbled but caught himself in time to deflect a powerful blow from the Vahl Worshiping Sithspawn before scurrying to the left.

The beast flourished his blade once and watched the Jedi for a moment, making sure to keep Keira in his view.
Objective: B
Location: Sector 6
Allies: Sith, possibly [member="The Hound"]
Enemies: [member="Turin Val Kur"]
Gear: Personal lightsaber

Just when Keira had become confident that some sort of victory was looming near, an explosion rocking the room and sending her flying backwards. Instead of expelling any unneeded energy she merely rolled with the impact, cushioning her landing with the Force, but no more. There were bruises already forming, that much she knew, and blood ran from a cut on the side of her head. Hissing quietly in both pain and annoyance she pushed herself to her feet, forcing the pain away to a corner of her subconscious. That was secondary in comparison to all that she had to face now, with the arrival of the stranger that radiated a dark side energy similar to her own. Fething hell...

Her chest rose and fell visibly with each breath, amber gaze shifting between the two. With a twitch of the fingers her lightsaber was in her hand once more, orange blade humming into existence as she considered what variables had been added to the situation. The unknown entity was armed, Force sensitive and fully capable and willing to exploit his talents in both areas, proving that his skill wasn't lacking in either categories. Just because he'd thrown the Jedi Master across the room didn't mean he was necessarily a friendly. Her eyes narrowed imperceptibly, and she made certain to split her attention between the two now in front of her.

Spinning her blade once she tilted her head to one side, regarding the stranger with a thinly veiled curiosity. What she wasn't verbalizing he could likely sense, and there wasn't any point in attempting to disguise her suspicion. "You're in my way." Those words were spoken with a careful sort of nonchalance, an unstable intelligence evident behind her eyes as she studied the fellow darksider, scrutinizing him for any visible weaknesses while doing what she could to disguise her own. There wasn't any doubt that he had been helpful, but that meant little. "You have no place here." Arrogant and overconfident, but this was her fight. She didn't need any outside interference.

"Kark off."

Turin Val Kur

Objective: B
Location: Sector 6
Allies: The Republic
Enemies: [member="Keira Ticon"]
Robes of the Warrior; Blaster Pistol Father's Silver Bladed Lightsaber - Tertiary Ceremonial Battle Master Green, Single Bladed Dual-Phase Waterproof Lightsaber - Primary x2 Semi-Permanent Magnetized Waterproof Blue Lightsabers - Secondary

"Keira, no!" The Jedi Master shouted, fear etched in his voice. He stood to his feet finally. The throw had left him with a light head and an ache in his neck, but he had to fight through it. He drew upon the Force to ease his pain, healing minor wounds and dulling the pain in his neck and head. "Don't provoke it!" Taking one of his lightsabers he activated and threw it in one motion, activating the silver blade and sending it flying at the beast. The white blade bounced of its shoulder and was sent flying across the room. Cursing under his breath he found his two blue sabers near the rubble and called them to his hand, connecting the two into a single saberstaff, activating the blue blades.

He engaged the beast, its powerful strikes putting Turin, the original attacker on the defense almost immediately. Turin kept the beast at a distance with his weapon's superior range but even still the Jedi Battlemaster was finding it difficult to find any moment to strike. He could only hope that Keira's pride meant she would aid him in taking down this abomination. Its mere presence limited his connection to the Force somehow, which was what he was assuming was making this fight seem so one sided.

With his head full of a strange Force-based radio feedback it was becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate on anything but the purest fundamentals of combat. He had watched this beast run through a Sith Vanguard just to get to its target.
Location. B7
Objective : Bellatrix!
Allies: [member="Aela Talith"] @zaren boqui [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
Primary enemy: [member="Darth Venefica"]
Music: Smack my Schutta up!

The disks flew at him, but without the normal spin bolas would take. That made it easier as the Talith pumped the Force down his legs and went airborne. He jumped high and up in an arc, the bolas flying under his feet harmlessly just as the Force choke took him. The pressure would clinch against his neck, but the Angraal crystal sliver in his saber hilt kept him calm and relaxed, reinforcing and strengthening the connection to the Lightside of the Force, and in turn, more powerful.

He may not be able to take a breath of air due to the choke, but that didn't mean that he was without the air he had in his lungs. He was born and raised on Boreleias, where he free dived and swam to hunt for oysters and abalone. On Atoa? He lived on alpine mountains where the air was thin, prompting he train his lungs from the age of four to make due.

Panic is the real reaper of death in a Force Choke. And Micah would not fall to panic. Instead, he was focused. Calm. One with the Force as the glint in his eyes went flaring a bright orange hue like the Twin Suns of Tatooine. While the Force Choke was enough to hold him in the air, the Talith would swing his free hand up and forward palm out towards the schutta.

He felt the Force surge through him like a white hot wave, a tsunami of power that would charge down his arm and then pool at his hand. One had to see their opponent to choke, and if he learned anything from his mother, it was how to blast stuns out when required.

A blinding flash of energy emanated from Micah's hand, manifesting as a brilliant and overwhelming burst of light that would overload a target's vision, causing temporary blindness. A powerful tool of the light side, this would be used to obfuscate an opponent's sight, making it difficult for the adversary to spot and attack him -- or in this instance, drop the choke.

Oh one could use Force sight to counter it, but without knowing his intent with what specific aspect of the Force he'd use, he could catch the sith unaware for the blind to occur and set him free.

Zion Krayt

Location: B-7
Objective: Not Die.
Allies: [member="Aela Talith"], [member="Micah Talith"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Ophidia"], [member="Darth Ferus"], [member="Darth Veles"], [member="Darth Venefica"]

The human shaped Sith Lord that was Darth Ferus spoke of kneeling. The usual sort of stuff that came out the mouth of Sith. You got used to just ignoring people who said irrelevant things on the field of battle though.

From such close ranges it didn't take a Master of the Force to realize that their force blast had augmented the power of their enemy. Coupled with the fact that they also turned off their lightsabre, it usually got you thinking, especially in such close ranges? In the time that he had turned his head back around to Ferus. Contrary to thought, his actions didn't take as long as one would think, the slipping of the phrik knife into his palm was a longer process than throwing and force pulling [member="Darth Ophidia"]!

The only problem was that he didn't moved, and he decided to make amends of that as he twisted his wrist again, and in the split second before he felt the force being wrapped around him, he had released the two phrik blades, one to the each of them. This time however, he applied a guide to the blade heading for the Hand of the Dark Lord, and a blast of compressed air to push it to even greater speeds as it sped towards his chest with hopefully enough force to prevent his large gathering and expending use of the Force.

The Force hit him, and he could only struggle so much as he felt the lightsabre cut across the back of his leg instead of actually through the joint where it should've been, and in that spare moment, he felt the Force tightening upon him and although he was no Jedi Consular, or even a Master of the finer sides of the Force, he focused all of his own power on simply compressing and crushing the space that was [member="Darth Ferus"]'s head. It was a well trained ability, a more advanced telekinetic ability when it came to that side of the Force. It was an ability that in his time, you picked up fast. In the day and age that he currently lived in, it was most likely considered taboo, and against the 'Jedi Laws,' but Zaren's Jedi Order had engaged in numerous Jedi and Sith Purges, using numerous formerly dark sided techniques, saved only for the more reserved and close quarters reliant combatants.

It wasn't the typical, force crush that he applied around the skull of the Sith Lord. No, it was akin to two walls closing in upon you, and then eventually crushing you into nothingness. Instead of the walls moving slowly, they closed fast and with all of the power he had left. His previous actions had only been meant as something to buy him time in this fight.

In his next few breaths, he wasn't sure as to whether it'd be a skull exploding, or a body of armour being compressed.
Objective: B-7
Location: Outside the Depot
Allies: [member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Zaren Bouqi"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Veles"] | @Saiah | [member="Darth Ferus"] | [member="Jardo Snow"] | [member="Darth Venefica"]
Gear: Drexl Leather Armor, Lightsaber, Covenant Ring, Hair Pins, Bracers

Since Aela was already on the ground, having fallen backward and landed on her rear before she let go of the force repulse, the tug on her legs did not send her crashing down or disorient her.

Instead it rather comically pulled her across the floor, something that caused her to flail her arms for half a second before she once again regained her stature. She skittered, the treated leather that covered her butt and back being oddly slippery on the strange duracrete floor that had been waxed the day before to prevent spillage of fuels and other materials from sticking. As she slid across the floor Aela righted herself, the lightsaber in her hand sprang to life with a loud snap, hiss.

Pink jumped from the hilt, and as the Sith Lord charged her Aela acted.

Still sliding towards him Aela dug her lightsaber into the duracrete, slicing into it and throwing slag and hot melted rock into the Amphibians face, hopefully blinding him, Quickly she followed the attack up with a horizontal slice to his shins, her feet kicking out to avoid ramming into him, instead letting her lightsaber do the work as the slid forward.
Objective: B
Location: B-9
Allies: The One Sith
Enemies: The Galactic Republic | [member="Vol Nanna"]
Gear: Lightsaber, Outfit, DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle

Greta's heavy-handed blow was rewarded with her first somewhat successful strike of the duel. It didn't exactly pierced flesh, nor was it a stab, but she got dangerously close. The stench of burning flesh and fur assailed her nose, as it crinkled up in response. Shyke, that stang. Although she had been the one to land the first blood, she would been a fool if she thought that it would mean that the duel was going in her favour. Sure, she knew that landing hits was always a good thing, but when faced with such a creature who craved battle, it also tended to rile them up with extra ferocity and vigour. The acolyte seemed to be facing such a case now, as despite the burn the Shistavanen had suffered, he seemed to press on with more ferocity than ever before.

While exchanging blows with the Jedi, Greta had came across several thoughts. The main ones were about her opponent that stood before her. His style of combat, the way he fought, reminded her of many of the Sith she knew. Not all Sith were completely evil, without any sense of decency at all. Her master was one of them. [member="Darth Venefica"] was often referred to by most as being mad, or insane, but her apprentice disagreed with that judgement. preferring to call her eccentric, instead. During all their time together, Greta had gotten to really fancy the Sith Lord. The two of them had shared quite a bond.

She wondered what it would've been like if the Shistavanen was a Sith instead of a Jedi. He didn't seem to display any of the Jedi ideals and characteristics she knew, but then again the girl was no expert on the Sith's ancient nemesis. He leapt up and over her, his big furry form landing on her side with a whoosh of singed fur. He aimed for her shoulder, his blade almost moving too fast for her too react. Fortunately, with her limited knowledge of precognition, she was able to avoid the most dangerous bit of the blow with a quick side-step, only causing the blade to graze the sides of her outfit. The heat seared through the outfit though, and she was taken aback by the relatively unexpected blow. A burn of some sort, no doubt.

Kark, that hurt.
Objective: B (Battle the Grandmaster)
Location: Section 1
Allies: The Dark Side
Enemies: [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Gear: Lightsabers, Singlet, Arm, Eyes
Theme: Heresy by Nine Inch Nails
Audacity, presented directly to the Sith Lord. Perhaps it was misguided, perhaps even unintentional and still yet unaware, but the words Corvus spoke challenged not the words that had left Atrophia's lips but her own integrity as a Jedi. She could almost see the pride within the Grand Master with that statement, and it enraged her that the woman had not caught on directly with the request by the Sith Lord. "Perhaps your naivety protects you yet, Jedi, but I do not seek answers to what I already know. You possess no answers." The Sith Lord replied in turn, making her way towards the Grand Master. "Show me your mind, Jedi, and I will do more than spare your life; I will spare you the shame of defeat." She said quietly, knowing full-well that her bargain was more than a gamble, and a risky one at that. In truth, the Sith was being quite honest in her speech for once, interested in 'seeing' the Jedi for what she truly was and much less who she pretended to be. While the Grand Master walked behind a sheet of steel to maintain that image, she knew there was stress, anxiety, and countless other emotions. It was not by accident that the Sith had chosen Corvus to be her plaything, and it was not within the Sith to break that which she toyed.

While the fight between the two hadn't lost its luster, it was becoming increasingly clear that the Jedi had remained closed from views not her own. Part of that was admirable, the resolve that kept up such defenses being rather remarkable, but it was more or less disappointing. She could feel the potential lurking within the Grand Master to act out, the seed that needed fostering and sustenance to grow and bloom into the darkness that swirled through and around the Sith Lord she opposed. There was a way in through the Jedi's curiosity, but it seemed more of a debilitating weakness than an exploitable thirst. It differed from the pride she was so oblivious to in that it was likely to cause her eventual demise rather than a fall to the dark side. Atrophia knew there needn't be any tricks or words if she wished to kill the Jedi, but to satisfy those thrills of dragging her over they were more than necessary. Sadly it seemed that she simply shut out the possibilities of turning away from the light for even a moment. "But I already know your answer, Jedi, and it must be increasingly more clear that I have not made many attempts on your life - such is not my place, nor is it your time." Atrophia whispered, glaring in the direction of the Grand Master. "So tell me, Jedi, why do you resist me? I care not of the force in this context, nor of your ideals, tell me why you find yourself unwilling to move. If you cannot..."
Objective: B
Location: Section 2
Allies: The Galactic Republic, The Light Side, Right
Enemies: [member="lucianus adair"]
Gear: Winter, Jedi Guardian Armor
Lucianus Adair said:
“I take it you are not here to worship according to the edict of the Dark Lord,” he said, with a vocal depth that hooked ears into listening in most cases, “that your faith does not bring you to ascribe to the tenets,” and he was hardly so faithful, either, not since his youth, “no, you are here to redeem, are you not, Jedi?”
Dair's face was devoid of emotion, his mind having fallen into the icy depths of his center in the force. His breathing was even and deep, and his bearing was almost relaxed as he took a moment to peer around the section of the station. Dair nodded absently and turned his attention back to the dark being. The power emanating from the man across from him was powerful, Dair would have to be particularly careful to not make any mistakes in the battle that was likely to come.

"I am not here to worship your Dark Lord, nor practice any tenet of the Sith Code." Dair said, his attention was now fully on the dark lord. "Indeed, I am here for quite another reason. The One Sith's aggression toward the Galactic Republic and it's Jedi allies are going to be met in kind. Your forces took Telti. We will take Ord Mirit. Your Dark Lord needs to learn that there are consequences for his actions." Dair felt the comforting weight of Winter in his hand and took another deep breath. "Bloodshed is not my goal here, only support of the rightful Galactic government. I hope you will see reason and remove yourself from the field."

No worries, I was traveling back from Florida the past few days and dealing with a number of AC units going bad at the same time, cleaning the house, etc. I just got back on today, so good timing!
Objective: B
Location: B - 4
Allies: [member=Sena Lassiter] and [member=Tes Dralyn]
Enemy: [member=Andras Garon]!
Uhm..... Lightsaber? Some fancy robes. Yeah, that's about it

Just like Anaxes. Well, not completely. She hadn't been touched by enemy fire on Anaxes. She was a fast and agile creature. Guns-Guy had caught her by surprise. And there was of course that smokescreen. The blonde cursed herself, a hand grasping her thigh. When she looked at her hand, there was blood. She'd be fine though. No amputations or damage that'd impair her walking in the future. Or so she hoped. She wasn't a doctor. She was just a girl who liked to kill things, yo.

She felt Sena through the Force, her anger, as she blasted telekinetic energy towards the man. Even in pain, through gritted teeth, she smirked. Her friend had her back. Together, they were a lethal duo. The smoke screen was slowly dissipating, urged on by Sena's telekinetic push as well. She couldn't make out if it had had a lot of impact on the man though. Was he still standing?

"I'm okay!" Ameli replied, though unable to hide the pain in her voice. She hadn't really thought the answer through. Was she okay? All that had mattered was that as soon as she heard Sena call out that question, Ameli had to answer immediately, to kill any fear and concern immediately. She'd be alright. Sena was here, right?

Through the shadows of fading smoke, a third one appeared. Like them, she was a girl, possibly around their age even. More importantly, she sensed the Force about her. Dark. Good. Had the duo just become a trio? Before she could follow up on Sena's advice and get up, the scene before her unfolded. She just watched with amazement as the other girl came from out of no where, and jumped him. He'd struggle with her, to be sure.

The man took a little beating from the lightsaber and blades, before he went down, new girl with him. Then he jetted off. But he'd left a present! Ameli didn't have to look at it long to know exactly what it was. Or, she didn't know exactly what it was. She knew it was bad. Bad in the shape of a grenade. By the feet of her friend? Nu uh! Her pain swelled up within her, she let it fuel her as her eyes lit with an urgent fire. "NO!" She sounded a little pissed. Force gathered around the grenade, as with a telekinetic brush she flung it across the room, back where the third girl had come from. She could've tossed it after the man, but then she might've hit their new ally.

The man fired again. This time, with less precision though. Ameli stayed down. This was definitely not the best time to get up, against a wave of incoming bullets, sprayed all over the place.Though as he jetted off, and the incoming wave of bullets stopped, the blonde acolyte finally pushed herself to her feet. She had been careful to not put a lot of pressure on her leg, in fear of the damage being greater than she had anticipated. But as she put it down, she realized, it wasn't that bad. She would be able to fight on. Lightsaber in hand, this time, it hissed to life. It was orange, like Sena's. Saberbuddies.

Ameli made her way over towards Sena, but kept a safe distance between them, in case he should target them with another round. Though considering his little journey around the floor, he probably wouldn't have time to reload. Did he even need to? Ameli didn't know. With a determined nod to Sena, it was time to close the distance and move on the guy. She had a debt to settle.
Objective: B
Location: 7
Allies: [member="Darth Venefica"], [member="Darth Ferus"], [member="Darth Ophidia"], [member="Jardo Snow"]
Enemies: [member="Aela Talith"], [member="Micah Talith"], [member="Zaren Bouqi"]
Gear: Clothes, lightsabers

The woman came closer, somewhat aided by his pull, her pink bladed lightsaber painting a menacing glow over her. Who was going to strike first though? The question’s been answered with the Jedi’s blade burying itself into the floor, dragged over it like a hot knife cutting through butter, bound to emerge sooner or later. This alone heavily indicated an upwards attack, most likely aimed at his legs. The Force screamed in warning and Avreet had less than split second to decide whether to duck or sidestep to avoid the incoming danger; the Makashi practitioner’s experience and skill worked almost as an instinct, automatically moving Avreet’s legs in a jogging motion to the left. Just a moment later, a hot shower of molten metal splashed through the air where Avreet’s large head used to be.

Still, despite the effort and the Sith’s flawless footwork that focused on dodging, the pink blade still kissed Avreet’s right boot and burned its way through, licking the flesh and bone while sending a painful reminder to the amphibious assassin to be more careful. Given the situation, Avreet could do little more than hope it was nothing serious – aside from the burning pain in the entire leg, the Mon Cal still found it possible to move his leg as normal, leading him to believe the lightsaber must have only grazed him. Still, he regretted committing to the Light Side for the duration of this fight, as the Dark Side quite literally filled the battlefield around them. With each death, it grew stronger – the Sith Lord’s pain would have been an excellent tool to bind that power and use it against the Jedi. The Light Side still proved itself as a valuable ally when Veles utilized his basic knowledge of Force heal to help with the pain, removing one of the distractions even if the wound still begged to be medically treated.

Circling clockwise around the Jedi, his lightsaber’s tip pointed at her chest to keep the Jedi at bay through Makashi’s superior reach, Avreet watched the woman’s moves with stern gaze, free hand outstretched towards her as well and ready to summon the power of the Force if needed. Careful and certain pacing slowly moved his entire body, like a predator waiting for the right moment to strike.
Objective: Childminding
Location: B-7
Allies: [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Micah Talith"]
Sleepy: [member="Darth Timoris"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Veles"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] [attempting to directly engage] | [member="Jardo Snow"] | [member="Darth Venefica"]
Jacen heard Micah’s warning shouted across the hall, and turned to see the gesture. The sith girl had been thrown over his shoulder, she wasn’t that small, but she was light enough to carry fairly easily. However, the Talith children were already knee deep in violence again, so there would be no time to have her properly secure. He looked around his surroundings, choosing a narrow gap between a metal crate and the wall. He strode over in that direction, accelerating over the last few steps to throw the girl unceremoniously out of plain sight.

“Sorry,” he muttered half-heartedly as he unclasped his lightsabre from his belt. Hopefully he hadn’t broken anything. Turning on his heel he returned to the melee – and it was a serious one. No less than seven combatants had entered the fray, each darting back and forth with the agility that only came with the Force.

A long drawn out sight indicated his resolve. There was no use trying to his rifle or handcannon. The Occluder was a useful weapon against a Sith, but either direct friendly fire, or a deflected bolt presented too great a risk to his allies.

Instead he reached out with the Force, targeting the bald female sith. Building the telekinetic wave, he tried to yank hard on her shoulder. It wasn’t a particularly strong application of the Force. It wasn’t designed to do any harm, merely take the pressure of his ally, or give Zaren the chance to counter. At the least, it would probably gain her attention.
Objective: B (Battle the Best)
Location: Section 1
Allies: The Force
Enemies: [member=Darth Atrophia]
Gear: Lightsaber, shoto
Theme: I kept everything inside…

‘It starts with
One thing I don't know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
To explain in due time
All I know
Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
It’s so unreal
Didn’t look out below
Watch the time go right out the window
Trying to hold on but didn’t even know
I wasted it all just to watch you go

I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when...

I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
I had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter

One thing, I don’t know why
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme
To remind myself how

I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I’m surprised it got so (far)
Things aren’t the way they were before
You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me
In the end’

This was not Dun Möch. And it was nowhere near the ramblings and cheap baits she’d typically endured in these situations.

Which truly confused Corvus.

Did this woman seek to truly understand her or simply find a way to break her down? The likelihood of Corvus opening up her mind to the Sith was non-existent – they both knew that…surely?


Was Corvus still so naïve as to misunderstand the Sith’s intentions? Certainly it was a facet of her life that was lacking – misguided even. She’d been a Jedi since she was four and had broadly denied herself emotions since that day. She had people she called friends but didn’t experience the same camaraderie that others did. At least she didn’t think so. Perhaps they were friends in name only? Was that why, at her age, she was all alone?

She was slowly coming to terms with being a sister and as for romance? She had no idea what it was to love or be loved in that way. She’d never even kissed anyone romantically – or at least she didn’t think she had. And the whole range of emotions in-between? She was learning them – or at least some. She’d never known anger and had sensed jealousy once. Or it might have been envy – she had no reference point to check against.

So when a purely cold and analytical conversation moved into another gear, she was lost. There were no obvious non-verbal clues as to the Sith’s intentions. She’d chosen not to give her name, so Corvus surmised she was not acting in a friendly manner – but what if this were banter? Corvus could not suppress the small shake of the head as she contemplated this.

Were they here to fight or to talk? Corvus valued redeeming the Sith – but if that were not an option, what was the purpose of the chat? To turn Corvus? The thought hadn’t even crossed her mind until now. Balaya had tried and failed. She’d resisted the Sith ring and even that slither of Gate-keeper until now. She was strong wasn’t she? Only the weak turned didn’t they?

Why would the Sith even be trying? Corvus was an open book as far as she was concerned. Many told you what they thought you wanted to hear or what they thought would get them what they wished for. Corvus was as Corvus did. She believed in the Code 100%. She was a Jedi first, foremost and only. In truth there was no Corvus – there was no time for her. She was a Jedi every waking minute of every day. There was no time off, no evenings out or social events. There was only time to be a Jedi.

"But I already know your answer, Jedi, and it must be increasingly more clear that I have not made many attempts on your life - such is not my place, nor is it your time."

At least they seemed to be in agreement on this score.

"So tell me, Jedi, why do you resist me? I care not of the force in this context, nor of your ideals, tell me why you find yourself unwilling to move. If you cannot..."

Corvus’ nose wrinkled up. It was such an odd question. For a start, how could she answer without the context of the Force? It was central to the Code and the Code was the measure of a Jedi.

“I do not resist you.” Corvus’ voice was calm, slow and conversational, as if talking to her sister. Her older sister. And at that point she realised she found her connection to her younger sibling weaker. When that had happened she knew not – but now, in the relative peace of the conversation – despite the fact they were surrounded by a ring of fire, she was aware her sister was fainter. Injured perhaps?

But that was irrelevant, wasn’t it? She was a Jedi and her sister was a Sith. A sworn enemy. The fact they shared the same genes was not a significant factor. Their ideology was. That was…normal wasn’t it?

“I am a Jedi, you are a Sith. We approach life from two quite different viewpoints. I…I…I struggle to answer you.” It was clear Corvus was unsure how to respond. “How can I explain why I will not open my mind up to you without speaking of the Force. Of our differences.” Confusion was written across Corvus’ face. She’d been schooled in Forms and Abilities and Lore and diplomacy and history – but nobody had ever taught her how to converse emotionally.

She was…a Jedi. That was enough wasn’t it? It was all she had.

She looked the Sith in the eyes. Was that the heat or were her eyes misting over? “I…I…don’t know what to say. Help me…”
[SIZE=9pt]Objective: B.
Location: Section 7.
Allies: [member="Darth Venefica"], [member="Darth Veles"], [member="Jardo Snow"], [member="Darth Ferus"].
Enemies: [member="Aela Talith"], [member="Zaren Bouqi"], @Mica Talith, [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Hidden Blade[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Assassin Armour[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Portable Shield,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] DL-44 heavy blaster, and a vibrodagger.[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]

[SIZE=9pt]As Ophidia was already coming within striking reach of Zaren Bouqi -obviously using her momentum to go behind him rather than get in the way of a raging Darth Ferus- it was easy for her to avoid the second knife. However, the thrust of her blade did not connect in any useful way. Furthermore, before Ophidia could capitalise on her position, she felt an unseen and unforeseen force grip her shoulders and yank her back. While it was no exceptionally powerful application of the Force, she did fly a few metres back. The heels of her feet touched the ground barely before she landed, which helped her land more softly and roll up to a standing position while turning her right shoulder to the source of the pull. Ophidia was cautious enough to keep from hurting herself with her sabre, having taken quite a few tumbles before.

Her eyes set on Jacen Voidstalker, and she identified him as the most likely source of the pulling action. In her eyes, he was just another large man in armour, and she could smell the stink of the light on him. Darth Ferus would have to deal with Zaren on his own, and she would trust him to manage. Ophidia had a new playmate. She wasted no time before assaulting her new opponent. Ophidia stepped forward and moved her left hand in a vicious motion while reaching out with the Force. She was attempting to attempting to grip and pull Jacen sideways. Not in a lofty throw, but to grind him against the ground. Her eyes like fire, searing with a cold and calculating hatred, stared out from under her black hood. The alchemised terentatek leather lining the inside of the hood kept her surface thoughts from leaking out.
Location: B-7
Objective: Kill the worm.
Allies: [member="Darth Veles"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Jardo Snow"]
Enemies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Micah Talith"]

Sadly for the Jedi, Ferus didn't take a long time to do his action either. In the time it took him to Force Pull his apprentice his blast was unleashed, pressing down with an overwhelming pressure of the Force. The daggers Zaren threw out would be caught by this, instantly going from the air to the ground. The Sith was content with just forcing his opponent to his hands and knees, but that changed when the pressure formed around his head.

A Jedi, using a power so attuned to the Dark?

This infuriated the man of Darkness himself. It wasn't because the attack hurt, or he felt threatened. No, it was because this Jedi was not a Jedi. To use such a dark ability was an insult to them both, and more importantly, the sign of weakness. Ferus had a respect for those who strayed away from the temptation of the Dark Side. While it made them weak, there was stills strength of will. Jedi were all like that, and thus they had his respect for it.

This man tarnished it.

What ever pressure this man had felt on his body faded instantly, but the same could be said for what ever pathetic attempt of a crush he tried on a Sith Lord famous for such a move. A quick pulse of the Force around Ferus's head removed what ever pressure may of been there.

The Darth was still overflowing with both their power, and no longer was the Sith focused on toying with his prey. Both hands, still void of an active lightsaber, would go to grip his throat with all their combined power and close, to instantly snap his neck. There was no wait, no hesitation. Thousands of times Ferus has used this move, and no amount of Phrik could protect the Jedi's throat from the Force.

This time, he would learn what happens to Jedi who think they can use the Dark.

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