Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fly High, Die High - GR Invasion Of OS Ord Mirit

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
Objective: B
Location: Section 1
Allies: Republic/Jedi
Enemies: Sith/[member="Disciple"]
Gear: Republic Combat Armor, Gados Graphite Reed Armor, Vibro Electro Blade, M837 Riposte Blaster, MkI Bolter, Hold-out Bolter, G-20 Glop Grenades

He approached the facility on foot, along the leading edge of the ground forces as they engaged the Sith in mortal combat. At this point he could lead his men into battle, watch them die, and then write home afterwards, but that wasn't really his taste. He'd given orders and they were to follow them. Truthfully, in this engagement, it almost didn't matter what they did. This wasn't the maneuvering of a city, but the open battle of siege warfare. Some would make it inside, but he planned on being one of the few that actually did, in order to spare them the horrors of dealing with close quarters combat. The troopers he'd been given were utterly green. They would fare better within the greater mass of the army.

As he approached, he witnessed a strange occurrence. A being, some sort of something, was taking body parts from the dead and combining them. This is the most bizarre thing I have ever seen in my life, but I have no doubt that this being is not deserving of the life it has been given. He came to a stop a little ways away, watching for a moment, and keeping himself out of sight of enemy guns as he sized up the situation. He could charge right in and fight, but he didn't really know what he was up against.

Thumbing the safety on his bolter, he brought the rifle up and took aim. A part of him felt like this was the wrong way to go about this. Shooting an oblivious opponent was akin to shooting someone in the back. It was callous, without mercy, and cruel. That was precisely why he pulled the trigger, sending a bolt flying at [member="Disciple"]. War was callous and cruel. This thing had chosen what side to be on, and therefore didn't deserve the common courtesy of a real fight. If one happened to come of this, so be it, but he was going to start by going straight for the kill. It wasn't like there weren't other enemies out there for him to take on in battle, after all. If they were going to win, quick and methodical was the way.

He waited to see what effect the bolt would have, finger ready to pull the trigger again, head tilted to look down the sight. No chances.
Objective: Scout
Location: LLS-4 Devastator-class Assault Gunship Echo-1
Allies: Republic-Imperial Remnant Allied Forces
Enemies: One Sith
Gear: lightsaber, lanvorok, various common items listed in his bio

NPC Template
Unit: Echo Group
Strength: 2 LLS-4 Devastator-class Assault Gunships
Objective: Scout
Location: F-10
Gunship loadouts (same for each gunship): concussion missiles (2 missile launchers), calmant missiles (1 missile launcher), Ball Bearing Missiles (1 missile launcher), C-22 Fragmentation grenades (1 grenade launcher, Plank Gas Grenades (1 grenade launcher).

NPC Template
Unit: Foxtrot Group
Strength: 1 Arachnid-AT Walker
Objective: Hold the ground
Location: E10

NPC Template
Unit: Golf Group
Strength: 1 Arachnid-AT Walker
Objective: Hold the ground
Location: G10

It's almost pretty here,” observed his gunner.

Hm? Yes, the desert does have a beauty of its own,” remarked Travot, gently guiding his ship's yoke around.

Rays of sunlight passed from directly behind him to suffuse the tan-colored hull of gunship as it surged forward. Several dozen meters away to his right, the other nearly identifcal gunship of Echo group mimicked his ship's maneuver, as far as they were away from each other. Typically the gunships would have flown closer together, but keeping such a distance apart from each other lessened the chance that they'd be detected or easily targeted by the same weapon system. Travot's green eyes swept across the horizon, scanning for any incoming threats via visual means and through his limited understanding of the Force. His gunner, with all of the passive sensor readouts and interpretation software of modern technology probably had a better idea if there were any opponents nearby. Flying so low to the ground lessned their sensor range considerably, but it also meant that it would be very difficult for them to be detected by radar and many visual means. And if the enemy could see them, more likely than not, the gunship would be able to see them. The gunships neared the edges of the small plateau, and Travot brought his gunship almost to a halt meters before the edge of the cliff. So what do we see?

The other elements of the Republic vanguard moved into their positions. Hundreds of meters away from Travot, Arachnid-AT walkers crawled along the floors of the canyons towards the river, but abruptly halted before they would be revealed themselves from behind the cover of the plateau and the canyon walls. The padawan's stomach briefly contorted, just as it always did before he entered a fight.
Location : B - 7
Objective : Arrive at the depot - Fight the blonde kitty
Allies: [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Timoris"] 1 vs 1
Music: Don't you worry child~

There was a time...
I used to look into my father's eyes.

The odor of solid fuel propellants, machine and industry would blast Micah's face as the dull gray doors of the fuel depot on the east wing open. Republic personnel had managed to slice an entry way in, leading them towards Section Seven. However, this was no beach walk on Borealis.

In a happy home...
I was a king,
I had a golden throne...

No, he'd muse to himself with a growing set of determination over his eyes. This wasn't home.

Those days are gone...
Now the memory's on the wall...

Ahead of him, the room beyond was about eight meters wide and twenty meters in depth. Every surface was made of dull grey metal, with what would appear to be another few stories above, grated bridges across various fuel ports providing high profile areas of observation. Areas that he wasn't too keen on seeing. They were out in the open here. Wide open.

There were two doors, one to the right and the left, the latter which had running towards them about two dozen troops armed with blaster rifles. There was no need to guess Sith were among them. A few expectant bursts of red flashes of light and that distinct snap-hiss was a clue enough.

Micah brought his lightsaber out, the gauntlet hand snapping the orange blade into life, reflecting against the walls with an orange glow reminiscent to the twin suns of his eyes.

See, heaven's got a plan for you...

Out beyond, he caught sight of one particular figure ( Sup blondie ), his blade moving in a practiced move in front of him as he began to deflect and redirect the volley of red bolts now coming downrange. They were not intended to be fatal, but incapacitating attacks. Strikes to the legs and arms. So he had a little of his mother in him with that; incapacitate, not kill.

Soon, his stride would bring him near to the woman, and that little boy smile would lash out. Granted, it was followed by a deflected blaster bolt directed straight at the woman's left thigh.
Objective: Defend a canyon
Location: Somewhere near [member=Weiss] and [member="Alva Calvarona"], F8
Allies: GR, IR, blah
Enemies: OS
Gear: Storm Commando Armor Rest is here with some expections

SC-4486 was sitting slouched in the cockpit of an AT-ST with a fellow Storm Commando next to him, Helmet somewhere on the floor, He had been taking a small nap to get him ready for the battle ahead, personally, he wished he wasn't he that much, but he would do anything for the Empire, There were about 6? barges that were commanded by him flying down, three of them had one AT-FAT inside of them, two of them had two AT-STs inside of them and the last one had an AT-ST and thirty battle ready Storm Commandos, SC-4486 was in the last barge, He had made sure that the walkers he had were piloted by the best he could get, He would not allow the Remnant to lose against the One Sith again, He would NOT allow them to be pushed back again, He hadn't been at Crina when it fell as he was on a series of missions, but he felt the hatred against the One Sith from the soldiers who managed to get out of Crina in time, It had been bad, SC-4486 wanted nothing but pure revenge, and to restore the Remnant to it's former glory as a major galactic power.

He was pulled from his muse by a certain Crinan's voice on the comms "This is Captain Calvarona of the Imperial Military, we will deploy as requested Captain. . . Hadrix. Lieutenant Weiss deploy your forces as Captain Hadrix instructs. Get your infantry into our walkers with free space once you're able. SC-4486 I want you to do the same, but keep your Commando teams ready. We may have great use of them later. If not they will perform their duty to prevent their position from being overrun should we be pushed back.", SC-4486 quickly sat up and opened the comm frequency to respond "This is Lieutenant Corvax of the Storm Commando corps, reporting in, Our walkers are ready and our commandos are eager, ready to receive orders and to move up the canyon." He said into the console, searching with his hand for the helmet on the floor, finally finding it under his seat, he picked it up and put it on, making sure it was secured so it wouldn't fall off in the middle of the battle, he closed the comm frequency, and opened the hatch on the top of the AT-ST and climbed up to address his men, "Alright commandos, today we show those stuck up Sith how the Remnant does things, how they can't mess with the Remnant and expect us to do nothing, this is going to be a retaliation against them for what they did to our brothers and sisters on Crina! This is our chance to prove that we are superior to them! That we will have our vengeance!" He yelled courageously to his commandos, receiving numerous ayes in response, and with that, he climbed back in and ready for when they reached the surface.

They were going to do this, and this time, they were going to win.
Objective: A

PC Template:
Objective: A
Location: Deploying from the Metellos-class Carrier Dasher, Hex 0203 by Irys' map.
Allies: [member="Gir Quee"] | [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] | [member="Torin Varik"]
Enemies: [member="Irys Arist'lar"]
Gear: x1 Stealth X, x1 lightsaber, x1 Korr's Combat Armor

NPC Fighter Wing:
x12 XJ-7 Stealth Xs
x18 Scurrg H-6 Bombers
x18 R44 Snubfighters
x12 Shrike U-wings

Dark shapes screamed out of the Dasher's hangar bay and into the silence of space. They quickly arranged themselves into a fighter screen in front of the Metellos-class carrier.

A voice came over the comm, more clipped than cool. "Sable Lead to Dasher, Wing is deployed."

"Copy that Sable Lead, relaying to Agincourt."

The SuCoR, or as he was commonly known among the aviation crews "Sucker," was onboard the Agincourt. Supreme Commander of the Republic. His presence at the forefront of this engagement spotlighted the desolate straits of the Republic, evoking memories of legendary figures like Admiral Ackbar and raising a question. Would any of them be remembered? And by who?

Ryan Korr did not have time for such idleness of thought. Upon this gambit rested both the lives and the freedom of countless beings. Sable Squadron was one of the few remaining XJ-7 Stealth X squadrons after Incom abandoned the Republic. One of the only locked-in Sabacc cards they could still play.

"Sable Squadron this is Sable Lead," Korr eyed the opposing Destroyers across the deep blackness of space, their forms huge even at this distance. Tiny specks swarmed around them like gnats. Starfighters. There were hundreds of them. Korr clenched his jaw.

"Lock S-foils in attack position."

Turin Val Kur

Objective: B
Location: ??? Ouside ???
Allies: The Republic
Enemies: [member="Keira Ticon"] eventually
  • Robes of the Warrior; Blaster Pistol
  • Father's Silver Bladed Lightsaber - Tertiary
  • Ceremonial Battle Master Green, Single Bladed Dual-Phase Waterproof Lightsaber - Primary
  • x2 Semi-Permanent Magnetized Waterproof Blue Lightsabers - Secondary

The dropship touched down, dark smudges adorning the hull of the shuttle. The doors to Chaos opened and the Republic soldiers flooded the battlefield, going to where ever they were destined to. There it was. That taste of metal in the back of his mouth. The taste of battle. Under his helmet he smirked, it had been far too long since the last time his blade had carved through the Sith plague. The transgalactic Battlemaster of his Jedi Order looked down to his belt, laden with lightsabers, more than most carried. Taking the two identical lightsabers he flipped a switch, activating the semi-permanent magnets at the ends, connecting them into one saber staff. The blue blades activated with a dual snap-hiss.

He charged forward, towards the Depot.
[SIZE=14.6667px]Objective: C[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Location: Mobile Command Center, The Thanatos. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Allies: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Enemies: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Gear: Non-Applicable.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Unit: Shadow Strike[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]1 ACS-501 Devastator Heavy Assault Tank - [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px][/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]2 Umbra Class Dropships - [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px][/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Objective: C (Of Course)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Location and Statistics: 200 NPC[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Mythosaur Designate Thanatos - I7[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6667px]Action: Movement to I8[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Armor: 100%[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Weapons: All Operational[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Shielding: 80%[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Infantry Loadout [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6667px]20 Alive[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Mythosaur Designate Hypnos - F8 [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Action: Movement towards G8, Half a Square[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Armor: 100%[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Weapons: All Operational[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Shielding: 100%[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Infantry Loadout[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=14.6667px]20 Alive[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Devastator Designate Polyphemus - C8[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Actions: Movement towards E9[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Armor: 100%[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Weapons: All Operational[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Shielding: 100%[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Umbra Designate Michael[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Actions: Hold over E7[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Armor: 100%[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Weapons: All Operational[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Shielding: 100% [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Umbra Designate Lucifer[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Actions: Hold over E7[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Armor: 100%[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Weapons: All Operational[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Shielding:100%[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.6667px]Solan looked over the tactical display with a smile on his face, eyes scanning over the display and ran a hand over his chin as he leaned against it in his chair. This was going to be a battle for sure but the thing that surprised him was how quick to the trigger these sith were, already he was getting contact information about the Hypnos being struck with the weaponry of the Sith. Limited Shield damage from the hit from the reports he was getting. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]"I want the Hypnos to divert all power to the shields necessary systems. Then once the danger is over to start moving for the edge of the cliff and down to the canyon floor. They are to link up with us as quickly as possible." The Hypnos should have no trouble getting out of the danger, the cliffside it was heading in not being a steep drop and only so. Thankfully there were points of gradual decline which would allow it to continue on. The only problems came in that the stones nearby would be shaken loose by the plasma shots generated by the long range creatures. Once that was through his attention was diverted to the Umbras.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]"Umbras Lucifer and Michael, You are to hold position and keep watch, the Remnants are going to need the cover but i want you on high alert in which you can move in and take position near my position. The moment i give the command you are to intercept and dangers for my battlegroup or Alva's." His hands ran to the console as he looked in and stared at it. Generally flat ground in the area, maybe a little rocky but nothing that would allow the two dropships to be hindered. He would need them to move closer if things become too hot. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]His hands opened up the comm systems to the Devastator. "I want you to move towards my position, as soon as possible, all weapon power diverted to shielding until then." He waited and stared out as he made sure about the terrain of the canyon the Devastator. Rocky like the cliffs but the blasts caused a number of stones to litter the area which would normally cause trouble but luckily the way the Devastators were built there would be no problems in getting it done. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]"Lastly, we will be moving up, like the others i want us at speed and shields alone, do not allow them to breach our shields before we arrived... and get us behind those stones." He smiled as he saw a low lying rock wall that seemed to be left over from the formation, it would provided a bit more defense towards the legs of the walker. This would allow for a extra protection of such while allowing if needed a way to protect itself with the main cannon. [/SIZE]
Objective: B-7
Location: Outside the Depot
Allies: [member="Micah Talith"]
Enemies: One Sith
Gear: Drexl Leather Armor, Lightsaber, Covenant Ring, Hair Pins, Bracers

Aela watched her brother go with a nod.

She was more than capable of taking on any foe, and as they moved into the supply depot she began to search. Attack was not her specialty, in fact it wasn't in her wheel house at all. Instead she would move with the group of soldiers. While Micah dealt with the enemy, Aela would aid in taking the Supply Depot.

Her pace was steady, her boots struck the ground.

A Sith trooper raised his blaster rifle, her blade ignited and his shot bounced into the searing pink of her lightsaber. The bold rebounded and struck the man in the shin, felling him in an instant. Behind him came more and more troopers, first a handful, then dozens.

“Go!” She told the soldiers as a wall of blaster fire began to rain down upon Aela and her squad.

The Rogue Master deflected bolt after bolt, sometimes raising her palm and crafting a wall of nothing in the air, letting it crack and shatter as a blaster bolt struck against it. Slowly she and the Republic Soldiers closed the distance, pushing further and further into the supply depot.
Objective: C
Location: L-18
Allies: [member="Reverance"] | [member="Vrag"] | [member="Sage Bane"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Nerius"] | [member="Sabik Dhami"] | [member="Darth Raven"]
Enemies: [member="Alva Calvarona"] | [member="Solan Charr"]
Gear: Armour | Weapon | Book

Unit: Anja's Forces
Strength: 300

The Host Lord confined herself inside the Strategic Mobile Platform where in her view was a detailed holographic tactical display of the battlefield allowing her and the officers to coordinate attacks with ease, using the data collected by the SMP's sensory array. Flanking the SMP were two Siege Walkers, essentially an AT-AT that packed a bigger punch, and just ahead of the pack were four Akure-class artillery tanks waiting for orders. Finally, a detachment of the Golden Banner 5th had positioned themselves on the nearby canyon.

"The Sith have begun their attack, Your Worship." One of the tactical officers alerted the witch of her ally's defensive efforts. The One Sith did not find themselves fighting defensive battles very often, so it wasn't a surprise to know that they would be dealing the first blow despite the circumstances.

Viewing the battlefield from the display, Anja looked the data they've gathered thus far of both the terrain and enemy positions. "Order the 5th to fire napalm here and here," she pressed a finger on the holographic display precisely where she wanted them to fire upon.

Quickly the SMP's crew coordinated with their Canyon troops to assault the enemy with napalm rocket fire, the launchers were quite simplistic in design but effective. She could recall how damaging they were at Wayland, and trusted them to be no less effective here. Within moments of giving the command, the sound of rocket fire roared the distance as one hundred and sixty napalm rockets from their launchers. The warheads followed each other in sequence, assuring that there was enough spread between them to prevent chain-reaction detonation should the enemy have counter-measures.

The rest of Anja's forces remained silent, the battle had only just begun.

> Firing 80 napalm rockets at F-8
>Firing 80 napalm rockets at E-9



The Second Seal, broken.
Objective: C
Location: I-15, in the air with the rest of the Otliq
Allies: [member="Reverance"] | [member="Yurzhoc Shai"] | [member="Sage Bane"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Nerius"] | [member="Darth Raven"] | [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Enemies: [member="Alva Calvarona"] | [member="Weiss"] | [member="SC-4486"] | [member="Sanya Val Lerium"] | [member="Taneas"]
Gear: Vonduun Skerr Ygdris, Vonduun Skerr Dhaladii, Chom-Huun, Lightsaber, Vulcan Blaster Rifle + disruptor

Objective: Kill
Location: I-15 (2x Yorik-Vec, 5x Nuhlrokka, air), J-7 (1x Yorik-Vec, 5x Nuhlrokka, air), I-16 (Hunters, on the cliffs)
1x Nuhlrokka = 10 NPC
3x Yorik-Vec with full loads of Grutchinya = 90 NPC
Legion Yun'Do:

100x Hunters = 100 NPC
1x Otliq'Nuhlrokka [10x Nuhlrokka] = 100 NPC​
The wind, if she could feel it, would be howling past her ears, high-pitched and roaring as the Otliq soared high-above, cutting through the gathering clouds at breakneck speeds. Vrag was glad now more than ever that she'd had practice riding the giant insects, so that her focus didn't have to be spent on controlling the whirring beast that buckled underneath her along the gusts and ebbs of the air currents they were riding upon.

And having some attention to spare was hellishly important when your oggzil was alive with information from both kinds of forces under her command, troops and Yuuzhan Vong alike chiming in, often all over each other. The cognition hood helped, in its own odd way – it still weirded her out to a point – but it only aided in their efficiency on the battlefield, and at the end of the day, that was all the Hand of the Dark Lord cared about in the given circumstances.

Her overview was an eerie mix of the Force, a familiar taste of copper and spice left in her mouth when Gabriel brushed up against her, and of the information lent to her by the Tall-yor and all the minds connected to it. whatever remained went the old-fashioned way; the commlink.

A grin blossomed upon her lips, cold and humorless even as she ordered half of the Otliq forth, their buzz drowned out by the sound of the Yaret-Kor spewing shot after shot from their anchors upon the backs of the Rakamat. The five, commanded by well-trained elites, would accompany a single Yorik-Vec that still kept to its height, aided in navigation and targeting by the interconnected minds communication through the cognition thrones.

Just as the fires of the Host Lord started raining from above, the small contingent would dive from the skies and down upon the unsuspecting victims below, the Yorik-Vec expelling a good half (420) of the Grutchinya in its belly at the beasts of metal and flesh awaiting below. Better armored and more easily controlled than their space-based counterparts, and capable of digging through rock to boot, the swarm of insects would descend hungrily upon the infantry and vehicles alike, spreading out immediately as it searched for more technology to eat through with the help of its copious acid. Their undeveloped siblings would begin maturation at an astounding speed as soon as space was freed within the hold of the vessel, drawing sustenance from it in order to expedite their metabolism. The countless larvae embedded in the fleshy walls of the ship would begin to squirm and thrash, their need to burst out along with the rest of the swarm growing ever stronger. Even as the insect-like creatures poured out of the transport (like the ripe eggsack, dehisced with a slick, wet sound) the ship would fire from its quad and pair of Yaret-Kor, adding to the fire of the artillery strike.

As soon as the grutchinya were released from their confines within the belly of the Yorik-Vec, the vessel itself would pull straight up, its dovin basals meant to protect its rear as it climbed back to safe heights, trailing the anti-laser aerosol secreted by the depleted Otliq flying alongside it.
Objective: B.....defeat the Jedi/Pubs
Location: Section 8 ---> Section 9
Allies: OS l [member="Darth Veles"] l [member="Jardo Snow"] l [member="Saiah"] l [member="Darth Ferus"]
Enemies: GR l Jedi/Pubs
Gear: Lightsaber l Bone Armour l Sisterhood Emblem l Amulet of the Five

The Dagobah Sith could not only feel the presence of Jedi, but she could smell their stench of fear and apprehension close by. Like tiny little flies buzzing about, they miscalculated their flight projections and were now about to wind up caught in the web spun by her and the others. No doubt they would see their tragedy laid out before them, as all hope was now lost. Defeat was inevitable. Also, she knew there was vital information stored in the databanks here in the fuel depot; schematics and future plans hidden deep inside encrypted codes. But codes could be sliced. She recalled how a slicer ten years ago hacked the Republic's database back on Kashyyyk, and it nearly crippled the Republic.
With a push of a few buttons on her comlink, the direct link to the system acknowledged her password and essentially put the entire fuel depot system into shut down mode, transferring the files offworld. No further need for the comlink, she dropped it on the ground and smashed it; with only one sole person now in possession of the codes and all the files. The Dark Lord himself, where he was tucked away watching all the events unfold via holofeeds that had been established throughout the entire facility. Eyes and ears where everywhere. Only his dedicated and loyal followers would be safe from his retribution.
"It is time, she said to the others as she crossed into the adjoining section, chamber number nine. "We shall give the enemy a proper and cold welcome."
Methodically she removed her lightsaber, but kept it powered down. The system locked down, the codes and files safe, and all that was left was to expel the enemy from Ord Mirit. She glanced over to the others and grinned sadistically, knowing that they too, were eager to get on with the killing and fighting.
Today was going to be a day the Republic would remember, a day where nightmares roared into reality.
PC Template
Objective: C
Location: D16
Allies: [member="Sage Bane"]
Enemies: Scum
Gear: Stolen Cyan Lightsaber | Nerius' Phrik Armor | 2 Stolen DL-18 Blasters | E-17D Sniper Rifle

NPC Template
Strength: 2 AT-FAT | 30 Camo Snipers | 30 Vonduun Yuuzhan Vong
Objective: Awaiting Battle
Location: D11

Holding his hand up, Nerius made swift gestures, then began to lead his Vong ahead. The signs would be spotted by his snipers, who would then follow from up high. However his signs also alerted the FAT's to follow but at a distance.

Charging swiftly, Nerius stretched his legs until he was nearly 6 feet tall, so as to allow longer strides. It was difficult keeping up with the much more massive Vong, whom wielded their weapons at the ready: Chitin Carbine's. Even partially weighed down by the rest, they were extremely fast.

Bearing down on the river that split his men from the enemy, he jumped in, paddling with long slow strokes.
Objective: B. Take the Supply Depot
Location: Just strollin’ to a rendezvous
Allies: Strictly a 1:1 affair
Enemies: [member="Darth Atrophia"]
Gear: The Force and a saber...
Theme: And I’m feelin’ good

‘Stars when you shine, you know how I feel
Scent of the pine, you know how I feel
Yeah, freedom is mine and I know how I feel…
It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life
And I’m feelin’…good.’

‘There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.’
“There is no death, there is the Force.”

The last line was spoken out loud. She had entered Center of Being and could defend unconsciously from even the most flowing random attacks. But the Force did not instruct her to do so. Instead she walked through the mayhem around her as if she were in the eye of the storm – undistracted and undisturbed by the conflict around her.

She had given her life to Soresu – over a dozen years of training in this Form alone. Approximately 13,140 hours of practice – not that she was counting of course. It was an natural as breathing to her. She was a Jedi – a Republic Jedi of the Order. She focused on self-defence, using the Force for knowledge and defence – never for aggression. Her saber and shoto remained clipped to her belt. A Jedi never ignites his saber unless he is willing to take a life – and she had taught the tenet over and over that a Jedi honours life. Murder is murder, however you dressed it up and a life could only be taken in a life or death struggle and it must always be the last resort.

She was, as ever, emotionless. Or rather her emotions were behind a protective wall in her mind – a by-product of being a natural empath. For twenty years she’s learned to lock them away – not let them connect from her inner brain to her outer cortex. To most this made her a cold-fish. It mattered little to her. She made decisions without emotion – a Jedi edict. If she faced her sister here, she would arrest her and take her life if she had to. She was a Jedi. First, foremost and only.

And yes, her sister was here – her younger one. She sensed it and accepted it. She had no external loyalties. Hers was to the Jedi Order and to nothing else.

As she walked she felt empowered – different somehow. If this Sith was who she remembered then she’d faced her when she was coming to terms with being a woman and a Jedi. She was a recently appointed Master at the time. The caterpillar was becoming a butterfly.

But she’d felt the sun on her wings for many years now, and was comfortable in this new skin. For a while she’d carried the mantle of GrandMaster like a burden – worrying about the expectations. But in truth she was simply a Jedi. And all Jedi were equal – just some had learned things others had yet to be taught. That did not make anyone more or less important. Dooku was right in this regard. She was simply Corvus. Corvus Raaf. A Jedi.

As she drew closer to the woman she simply knew she would have to face, she reflected on the day. It was essentially a new dawn, a new day, in some ways a new life.

And she was feeling…good.
Objective B
Unremarkable shuttle - Stepping out
Enemy: [member="Darth Carach"]
Allies: 1v1, so none.

The shuttle touched ground and Kana placed herself at the top of the loading ramp. This was it, the moment she had waited for or at the very least told herself that she had. By either side of her the soldiers disembarked yet amidst their ranks strode the lone Jedi Master holding her saber by her side. The familiar hums of the heated blade wasn't calling out for an opponent yet, there was no need to broadcast her presence so soon. For now it was just Kana, the rushing soldiers and the enemy trying to hold their fort.

Once the men and women of valour had passed her by she raised her weapon by her side and ignited. Any other day she would have known better but today wasn't a day to 'know better' in the slightest. The blue plasma pointed to the ground like a beacon begging to be found behind the lines of soldiers. Soldiers who each of them spread out until there was nothing left but Kana and the clearing in which she marched towards their target.

There was no use in hiding, she wanted to be found and she wanted to be engaged. All she had to do was wait for someone to answer her summons.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Objective: B. Defend the Supply Depot
Location: At the Supply Depot
Allies: Strictly a 1:1 affair
Enemies: [member="Micah Talith"]
Gear: The Force and a saber…
Theme: Spin around

Spin around
I’m standing so high, high above
And I’ll never be falling
Spin around
Look into my eyes
If you want me then
You’re gonna have to chase me down
Chase me down

Listen closely as there’s something
That I want to shout
Scream out loud, never a whisper

The lights are on and we’re ready
But you’re watered down
And I’m a bonfire burning.’

Darth Timoris stood alone. On occasion she’d have a squad of Sitherhood troopers to hand – but today she stood by herself – this was no mere dominion of a planet – this was more serious. Timoris lived to serve her Master and the glorious Sith tradition. And the Sisterhood – who are no less powerful for being hidden. They grow in the darkness. They gain strength from it. They circle their enemy, the Jedi, and they do not know it.

Timoris laughed at what they think of as their power. Fools and liars, the Jedi think they have tapped the strength of the Force. Yet they ignore the Dark-side. It is their most profound mistake, the deepest foolishness of their Order.

They say: We do not seek power. Yet they have it. Why do so many in the galaxy admire the Jedi? Because the Jedi tell them to. But one day the galaxy will see where true strength lies. She does not assume the Jedi will be easy to defeat, yet she remembers the power the Dark-side will give her. She is confident, and she is prepared.

And now she sees one Jedi move out from the crowd. He is redirecting blaster bolts with ease – why will the troopers never learn?

As he approached her, he deflected a bolt straight at her leg. With her Teräs Käsi knowledge she saw it coming a fraction of a second before it hit her thigh. Given the speed her martial art afforded her, she could have avoided it entirely, but instead she allowed it to graze her thigh. The pain was…delicious. The wound entirely to her advantage. Her robes were now smouldering and the smell of burnt flesh filled the air. Her flesh…her blood…his spiteful attack.

Her eyes flashed yellow for a second but returned to their natural baby blue hue. Oh, she was going to have fun with this one. Dun Möch was something she’d been learning in earnest and he’d brought a banquet to a starving woman’s buffet.

She returned the smile, her hands still simply by her side. Then she gently shook her head. “Tsk, tsk. You appear no raw Padawan yet you bring so much disgrace to the name of the Jedi. You have attacked me without any provocation. I mean, what sort of a Jedi do you call yourself? You’re supposed to be tapping into the Light-side of the Force. Your tactics are more Sith than Jedi.”

She cocked her head to one side. “But then you seem more…Dark-side to me. Yes…yes. You have so much potential. From attacking an unarmed foe to killing one. It’s a short step. One that I know you want to take. Yes…I feel it now. Your hatred for the Sith…it is a good feeling, yes?”

“I mean, what if you’d misjudged – or severed a major artery and I bled to death? If I…a weak girl not much older than you had tried to avoid your malicious and cowardly attack and taken the blow to a major organ?”

“But you don’t care, do you? You want to inflict pain, to attack malevolently those not armed. It is within you…I sense it. Why not…give in to it? Strike me down now.”

She moved her arms slightly away from her body, still at her sides but with her palms now facing her adversary.
Objective: B
Location: Sector 8 - Sector 9
Allies: [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Darth Veles"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Saiah"] [member="Darth Veles"]
Enemies: Republic!
Sith Assassin Armor, Lightsaber, DL-44 Blaster, Sith Hidden Blade

Slowly Jardo watched as Venefica crushed the comlink she was using. He had always noted she was a little insane, a little abnormal so he chose not to question it. The Jedi were close, the guys were near enough of top of them. Something he'd always noted since learning how to control the force is that he could sense anything different, unusual or strange around him, and the Jedi totally gave out those strange vibes.

Removing his lightsaber, he spun the hilt in his hand slowly, eyes fixed upon it. He was an addict, an addict to dueling, thus he knew that this lightsaber was going to see some action. The day the republic were outnumbered, out skilled and beaten. He would laugh harder than he'd laughed in weeks.

"Time to fight"
Objective: 2
Location: Section 8, moving to section 9
Allies: [member="Darth Venefica"], [member="Saiah"], [member="Darth Ferus"], [member="Jardo Snow"]
Enemies: Pubs where beer is too expensive
Gear: His usual attire, 2 lightsabers. Pretty eyes ☺

Avreet lengthily gazed at each and every member of their party, amber eyes swivelling as if searching for something, observing a certain thing he could not actually see, only feel. The way they appeared in the Force, almost like some twisted portrayals of their souls. Darth Veles’ own signature remained hidden, perfectly erased from the great board of the Force as if it never existed, but he could feel his comrades still. Some more, others less, yet each of them radiated the Dark Side as if they’d bathed in the power before the battle. Which they might have – through meditation, it was entirely possible to immerse oneself in the Dark Side or its opposite, the Light Side of the Force, bask in it and let the power of one’s chosen aspect flow through one’s veins, almost like the crimson liquid. As he stared at his companions, he realized something and the infamous roguish smirk of his washed over his expression. He had an idea of balancing the party a bit, surprising the Jedi and somewhat increasing the Sith chances of victory. The Jedi and this small group of Sith neared each other, confrontation was inevitable.


Avreet wanted put a big, bloody dent into their ranks.

Lady Venefica moved to the neighbouring section, again. Silently following her example, still in possession of that mysterious smile, the Mon Calamari joined the woman once more. In a reaction to her words, the amphibious Sith Lord turned his head to gaze upon her, covered in bones of the dead. The woman was a typical Sith, the same sort of figure that often appeared in Republic propaganda. Completely corrupted by the Dark Side. Exactly the person their opponents expected to find. Same with other Sith in their party, more or less.

“They came to fight Dark Side users,” Avreet spoke calmly, pointing out the Jedi usually dealt in stereotypes and could not comprehend something that could not be placed into a category, “It’d be a shame if they happened to find another who controls the Light Side, no?”

The smirk grew wider as the amphibious Sith slowly fell to his knees and closed his large eyes. His body and spirit alike resembled a perfect balance between the Light and Dark for now, a perfect position that allowed him to swiftly shift to either aspect of the Force. Fires still burned in Avreet’s hard, those had to be extinguished – or at least appeased to not burn so brightly. Deep breaths cleared the Sith Lord’s mind and the Light Side of the Force lazily and slowly started to wash over him, pour inside his body. It was nowhere near as filling as its darker sister, but luckily for the Mon Cal, the powers he intended to use were not restricted by the user’s alignment. He did not depend on the Dark Side as most Sith; combined with his belief Sith, as true masters of the Force, should utilize the Force as a whole and not restricting themselves to only one aspect – the Sith Code spoke of breaking chains, after all – and therefore Avreet found it fairly possible to use the tool of the Jedi as well. If he needed to revert, it would be even easier; passion and emotions were natural to all sentients, plus the death and destruction that would fall on the planet only empowered the Dark Side. For the Mon Cal Sith, reverting to the ways he knew much better was like slipping into a cool mass of water.

Somewhat attuned to the Light Side and with peace reigning his mind, the Sith Lord stood up again, undoing his heavy cloak as he did so, though not disposing of the cloth yet – it remained hung over his shoulders.


Objective: B
Location: Fuel Depot | Landing Near 10
Allies: The Galactic Republic & Allies
Enemies: The One Sith & Allies, [member="Vengeance"]
Gear: Personal Lightsaber, Blaster, Covenant Ring

Lilin's ship landed near the fuel depot where she was supposed to go, and for a moment she just sat silently, thinking to herself. It's a real battle, so she had to be careful. It was a war, anything could happen. Nobody was sure they would return from the battle alive. There was no guarantee, no rules. Like they said, there were no rules in a war. Whatever was going to happen, she would have to let it go. If she got to kill somebody, that was it -- she wouldn't make a huge number out of it. If she was going to be killed, it just had to happen. The Force worked in strange ways.

She left the ship, headed towards the Depot. Her heart raced, she felt a strange unease inside. As if she had something moving inside her, trying to break out. Her nerves were typically not that bad, but that was also not a typical situation either. Fighting was a real deal and a real battlefront, that was a thing she had not experienced yet.

Her legs brought her to the Depot, to the room 10. She would see if there was anybody to fight there, like she expected most of the people there were going to do. There had to be Sith all around the place and it was not a surprise if she were to bump into one. And then it would turn into a fight which was most likely supposed to end with one of the duelers' death. Running away was not that possible anymore, considering the planet was going to -- if it wasn't already -- be heavily defended.

Ugh, even the thought of that made her shiver.
PC Template
Objective: Defend the fuel depot. (Objective :cool:
Location: Room 7 of the fuel depot.
Allies: One Sith and allies
Enemies: [member="Lilin Imperieuse"]
Gear: Standard Dark colored robes and red blade Light Saber.

NPC Template
Unit: Sith Trooper Platoon
Strength: 30 Trooper
Objective: Providing interesting background for Vengeance.
Location: Room 7 of the Fuel Depot in defensive positions

Vengeance smiled to himself. Sure this was not any ordinary day or any ordinary trip. He had been sent here for one purpose and one purpose only. To kill anybody present who was not Sith. Normally he liked to be the one doing the attacking. However this time the enemy had decided to come to him. That suited him just fine.

With him he had 30 trained and dedicated Troopers with him. All set up around the room in defensive positions. He looked at the all with a smile.

"Look sharp boys. This time the prey comes to us. Check your targets there are a lot of Sith here today all itching to get into some action."

Vengeance watched as a few of his fellow Sith passed through the room headed to other objectives. Each time they would get a nod of acknowledgement from Vengeance while the Troopers remained in place ever vigilant in there duties. Truthfull he hated waiting and it was beginning to wear on him as he started to pace.


Objective: B
Location: Fuel Depot | Room 10, Moving to 9
Allies: The Galactic Republic & Allies
Enemies: The One Sith & Allies, [member="Vengeance"]
Gear: Personal Lightsaber, Blaster, Covenant Ring​

Lilin made her way to the Room 10, from which she decided to go on. She wanted to go deeper into the battlefield so that she would feel more useful. Her eyes moved around with rapid speed, trying to ensure nobody was going to fight her. She also tried to stay hidden because she was sure there were people who were hiding around and just waiting to catch her. Truth to be told, this was the very first time she felt kind of uncertain about her actions. Mainly because at all previous times, she had been trying to prevent the One Sith from gaining dominance over a planet, yet this time the Galactic Republic was attacking Sith territory. There may have been traps and whatever else to destroy the Jedi and other good people.

She sighed very quietly as she neared the end of the room and started getting closer to 9. Her thoughts were all around the place, she couldn't even tell what she was doing anymore. Adrenaline seemed to only pump up more in her and she started to wonder whether it was possible for a person to have adrenaline overdose. She would have to check that out if she got home. Well, if she came back from Ord Mirit alive. There may have been extremely powerful Sith Lords there, waiting for the Padawans like her to fall into a trap so that they could be killed.

Her lightsabr hilt was in her right hand and she held it with a very strict grab. She wanted to be sure she was ready for all surprise attacks and whatever the Sith might have planned. But as she got really close to the other section of the Fuel Depot, she started feeling a little bit better. She'd managed to get so far without much trouble and truly hoped she would get closer and closer to the center of the whole site. But something inside her told her she would be facing some enemies, more and more of them as she neared the center of it.

Maybe she should have waited until the Sith came to attack the Republic again so that she would be in a role of defense like she typically were? A few moments later, she understood it was a lame thing to think. A good person must have fought for their faction, doing anything they could to make the faction thrive and stand for their ideals. The Galactic Republic ideals were not quite her thing, but she did want to help them because they had one same goal -- to get rid of the Darkness, particularly the One Sith.

That thought was nice in her opinion.

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