Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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FNRP - Ruckus on Rishi (Open to All!)

A holodisplay flickered on, tossing up a high-resolution hologram of Gorba the Hutt's face into the center of the Hell's Heralds' mobile HQ. Aside from being a Hutt, he also possessed a rather macabre scar that claimed an eye and much of the left side of his face. All in all, not something anyone would want to see first thing on a taungsday morning.

He alternated between speaking in incomprehensibly deep Huttese and sucking/expelling vapor from a hookah pipe. Thankfully, there were subtitles.

"I am glad to hear you put down the slave insurrection on the plantations."

Big cloud of vapor.

"You are my kind of scum."

Coughing laugh.

"I have another job for you. The droid workers at the Rishi spaceport have rebelled. This is bad for business. Wipe them out and reclaim the spaceport. Coordinate with Imperial forces if necessary. You will be rewarded."

[member="Helix Syndicate"] | [member="Incursion"] | [member="Imperial Storyteller"]


Event Account
[member="Labkahip Mordulla"] [member="Dr. Drex"]

The hospital, fortunately, was in the area where Stormtroopers from Delta Platoon would be moving in to assist.

Unfortunately, in the hospital there were still droids who were ‘inspecting’ patients, and those who could not escape and who could not be protected by the staff often had machines shut down….

[member="Mishel Zanteres"]

The fireball arced out over the space and hit the droid. The protocol droid was blown to pieces by the blast of Force energy, the smoking remnants collapsing in a heap.
A nearby citizen covered in soot and blood from a previous encounter, cheered.
“That’s the style, girl! There’s more of them attacking people down at the shipyard! The Empire’s sending in troops, but they might need help.”

[member="Imperial Storyteller"] [member="C1-TX"]

As the Imperial troops started to filter into the town, they found that the droids continuing the random sabotage and violence showed little tactical application. They simply moved into the attack on whatever was close at hand.

The market was in flames and Beta Platoon would find that the fires were burning rapidly through the old and narrow streets of the area. Several droids, their tasks done, had simply stood there as the flames engulfed them or buildings came down.
Those in the market would be able to exit with the troopers quite easily. [member="Rosa Gunn"] and [member="Xin Boa"] would soon be faced with the option to leave before the flames became too strong.

Charlie and Delta platoons would find the West Town far less affected by the droid dangers. Strangely, few droids here had properly turned against the organics, and some defence droids even were even helping defend against those who did.

It was Alpha Platoon though which would come across the worst dangers. Due to a certain astromech with evil in its heart, the spaceport defences were activating….
Guns which were designed to protect the planet from attack instead targeted the dropships and troopers of Alpha Platoon…and fired.
They also opened up on civilians of all forms, anything which had a heat signature was fair game.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]

Now with a speederbike, Enyo was able to rapidly move around. Imperial troops were moving into position and were succeeding in cutting down many of the remaining droids in the area.

The chip Enyo had pulled had provided some very interesting information. An examination had showed, after some effort with the wonders of mecha deru, that a line of code had been transmitted across all droid control and commlink frequencies. Some droids were unaffected, but most were. The code was a self-replicating piece of data unlike anything Enyo would have seen before. It in effect possessed the droid, taking account of its capabilities and skills and then twisting them to its own end.

Meanwhile, on board the ship, Shoshary and the crew were working on providing a location. As the ship took off though it would come under fire from the activated port defences. Buffeting the shields and jolting it badly.
The Quasar, not designed for this sort of pounding, returned fire as best it could and fought to gain altitude.
“Boss, the signal seems to have originated from an island off the coast. We’re in the air, but we need to get out of range of these guns or we’ll be shot down!”

Enyo would be sent the coordinates of this island but without a ship or a speeder ride over the water there would be no easy way to reach it.

[member="Sam Paige"] [member="Skai"]

The agitated mouse droid, its wheels slick with the blood of innocents in a way [member="Carradine Dukal"] would approve of, finally went limp.
“Bewoop?” it queried in irritation. With the restraining bolt it was unable to carry out its holy mission to burn the organic vermin…so it sat there, waiting.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]

[member="Imperial Storyteller"] would receive Taeli’s information swiftly, with all signs pointing towards an island off the coast from Raider’s Cove.

One of Taeli’s aides approached nervously. “Miss Raaf, we could probably direct a guided ion blast to the sections taken over by the droids. It would knock out the life support and electronics there, but….”
In the background the remains of the ruptured corvette started to break up, parts of it starting to burn up in the atmosphere….

And then, suddenly, the reports started to slow. Those droids on the shipyards which had survived attempts to destroy them suddenly started to come out of whatever madness had possessed them.

A protocol droid holding a bloody vibroknife suddenly looked down at it. “Oh my, what a terrible dream!”
The worker it had been menacing took the opportunity to flee….

Incursion said:
The code was a self-replicating piece of data unlike anything Enyo would have seen before. It in effect possessed the droid, taking account of its capabilities and skills and then twisting them to its own end.

In Enyo's opinion...that kind of stuff was, like, totally awesome! She really needed to copy it. Presumably the DM would not allow her. Mean DM. Or it would have to be awfully nerfed to get through the Factory.

Anyhow, her bike raced, dashing towards the cliffs while Rishi was rocked by violence. From her vantage point, she took of the situation as she found herself close to the spaceport. The Quasar was trying to get into the air, flak cannons were giving it a pounding. The ship was designed for stealth and speed, not this kind of punishment.

"Come to me. Keep the hatch open," she said blandly, unemotionally. The energies of the Force flowed through her cyborg shell. Enyo had power, though not because she was a genetic duplicate of Siobhan Kerrigan.

Contrary to what some cheesy holofilms might indicate, Force power had very little to do with genes. Undoubtedly there were many descendants of Revan, Nox and Luke Skywalker running around who lived completely mundane lives and had never even lifted a pebble with their mind. No, she had power because she had been forged in the fires of the Age of Steel and become the stronger for it. She had been tested in the fires of tribulation.

Thus she focused. Her mechu-deru was unleashed as she focused her power upon one of the flak cannons. Affected by her manipulation, the heavy gun overloaded, producing a brilliant explosion. Then she raced across the cliff and shot through the air.

The winds whipped at her craft, flak fire flew everywhere and, like a bird returning to its nest, the bike crashed through the open hatch of the Quasar with a loud thud. Enyo tumbled off the bike as the hatch closed. "Get us to the island," she ordered gruffly. She needed some heavy a minigun or a cannon. The Quasar shot through the air, making its way towards the coordinates.

Rosa Gunn

She deactivated her saber and jerked her head towards the flames. "Lets get people out, and put droids down." She didn't wait for a reply, turning on her heel and heading towards the centre of fear, she reached out in the force for as many minds as she could touch in the immediate area and encouraged calm, seeking those who were in the most immediate danger.

A gust of wind, caught the flames and smoke, drawing them towards Xin and her. A protocol droid advanced on a young woman trapped beneath a fallen beam. Rosa darted forwards, organge blade flashing again, cleaving the droid in two. With great effort sh heaved the beam off enough fro the woman to wriggle free, sobbing her thanks and she got to shaky feet. But something was wrong, so very very wrong. The womans eyes widened in surprise and she slid down Rosa's front, a smoking hole in her back.

For a moment, everything around Rosa' seemed to slow, she felt the woman' pain slide away as death took her, her heart trembled wavering at the thought of having saved her only to have her die. Anger flared briefly and was instantly quelled. Now was not the time to lose focus. She loosed a breath, letting go of her emotion and the woman and the world rushed back to her in full speed.

With a burst of speed she was back in front of Xin, standing incredibly close she enveloped them both in a force shield as blaster fire rained down from the perimeter walls. "Ideas?" sh asked him.

[member="Xin Boa"]
Prepare for your... examination.
"Helping you just killed my patient, and now I'm going to kill you", Lab smiled wickedly as the vibro bone saw cut deep gashes into the droid, the sparks and metal flying everywhere. It may not have been blood but the destitution caused by her attacks were enough to keep the Twi'lek doctor in a state of insanity, only caring about the destruction of the droid in front of her.

This was until the robot extended its needle full of anesthetic and jabbed at her, Lab quickly regained a proper state of mind just in time to see the needle coming for her body. Instinctively she moved her hand in the way the needle sinking into the skin, she took a step back to try and dislodge the needle from her palm, succeeding but tripping over onto her backside.

The Twi'lek frantically scrambled to get up, her hand starting to feel the effects of the dose delivered, "Why of all days do the droids start to kill everyone while I'm here".

[member="Dr. Drex"]
[member="Incursion"] | [member="Sam Paige"] | [member="C1-TX"]

She would have retorted that her mother wasn't going around trying to kill all of them....... but in truth Skai was pretty sure that's what she would have done, if she had witnessed what had happened to the jungles of Rishi. The spirits were displeased and it was only the mission that kept Skai from lashing out herself and making an issue out of it.

"What use is one little mouse-" The Dathomiri witch was about to ask, before all her danger senses went tingling. She didn't wait, instead she lunged at Sam, sending her crashing over a barricade, following in pursuit.

One second later the barricade was being shot at from six different directions.

At least for a moment or two, until the life-form detection found other targets to track and left them alone. More and more this mission was starting to sound like suicide for her... run?

Cerbera would probably kill her for that.

"Is that one of your buddies?" Skai asked the mouse-droid, who whirred triumphantly: weeeeeeeeeeee-woooooooo. "Can you deactivate the defenses? Or turn them against the droids?" This one was directed to Sam.
[member="Gorba the Hutt"] | [member="Incursion"] | [member="Imperial Storyteller"]

Location: Hell's Heralds Mobile HQ
Objective: Nothing

Another fine, fine day of work indeed. Clelon of Pol'Zuum had to admit that crushing slave insurrections wasn't as glamorous as fighting for king and country, but it sure beat being frozen in a carbonite slab. Or jammed into some sort of incinerator as had previously been threatened. Clelon could not abide a second retirement anyway. Idle wings are the devil's things, as the old Toydarian saying went. He just never felt quite comfortable if he didn't have a regiment of soldiers to command. And command he did! Another fine day of commanding this had been. Rounding up slaves wasn't challenging, but no job was too small or too violent for the Hell's Heralds.

Previously having been lounging on an elevated pedestal with some cushions on it, Clelon twitched and sat up when the holoprojector fired up on the other side of the room. It was his supreme girthy-ness, Gorba the Hutt. A fine, fine benefactor he was. If a bit, uh, overeager. Imperial forces were not going to talk to a band of mercenaries fresh off crushing a slave revolt. Especially if they were on edge from some kind of... Droid rebellion? What? Hadn't that happened, like, three times already? Some things never got old, apparently. Even after five hundred years on ice. Slowly, Clelon's wings began to flap and he lifted ungracefully into the air. He pitched forward, hovering closer to the holoprojector. "You," he said, two fingers pressed to his thumb, he gestured, "You come to me, on the last day of my contract, and tell me now I must do some other thing?"

Clelon made some sort of dissatisfied sound. He hovered away from the projector to another pedestal, this one with a jewel-encrusted goblet and a silver flagon of wine. Flagons are so antiquated, someone had said to him once. Why don't you pour it the bottle? they said. That goblet looks uncomfortable to hold, they also said. Well, they were a bunch of swine. Everything tasted better poured from a flagon. And cups encrusted with gemstones! To illustrate this, he poured some into the goblet. Once he had a nice, full goblet in hand, he hovered back over to Gorba.

"And with who? Imperials? No, no. This is no good." He took a surprisingly delicate sip of his wine, then pointed at Gorba somewhat accusingly. "My price goes up for such things! Double-"

Clelon paused, considering, then snapped his fingers when he had a new figure in mind.

"No! Triple." Another sip of wine, more triumphant this time. "Why do you even ask me to do this? The Imperials will do it for free."

Mishel Kryze

"Attacking people down at the shipyards!"

It was all Mishel heard, she was off in a flash pulling from her natural forceborn reserves rushing down toward the sounds of battle. Battle, and I brought my heels. Damn it, girl. She knew she should've packed her boots. It wasn't every day that the Daughter of Seiger Ren could play the role of hero, and as the sounds of cannons whispered in her ear. The Tygaran grinned, an unholy grin came to her face. Force speed as her wind, whirling by leaving only the embers of her flames to rest in her wake. The idea of droids attacking civilians brought only the memories of Mustafar back to her. Where she had gone through her own personal crisis, determining that the truth she would accept would be the one that led her to reject the idea of her bloodline. As much as she adored the power that ran through her veins. Up ahead she could see the all too familiar plastoid armor and for a moment she thought she was back on Mustafar. Stormtroopers to the right, Stormtroopers to the left with the onslaught of Jedi ready to rip the Knights of Ren from the face of the planet. The teenager drew on her experiences and as she reached the end of her quarter mile run.

She came to a sudden stop and eyed down the cannons. Mishel moved swiftly out of the way rushing for cover, these were not her Imperials they were not the image of her father Seiger Ren but droids would always hold her ire ever since the fight on Mustafar. For now, her idea of shattering the cannons with her own power would have to wait. She could abandon the Galactic Empire to their own problems but then she supposed whatever misguided sense of honor [member="Hazel Zanteres"] had attempted to teach the girl would have gone to waste. Her face now seemed dirty and greasy as she watched the Shipyard erupt with the swift hand of destruction. Mishel only wished she had her lightsaber with her, as she moved out of cover and brought up a small force barrier when necessary as she headed down into the fray.



Event Account
[member="Enyo Typhos"]

Sadly, such a magic toy could not be freely handed out. There had to be some advantages for conquering hordes!

The flak cannon exploded in a flash of flame and smoke, allowing Enyo to fly aboard. Of course, driving a speeder bike up the stairs was hell on the paint and finish, but it was successful and looked very cool!

Shoshary came down and stopped, staring at the wreckage, complete with impassive Enyo.
“Uhh…that was quite an entry, boss!” She remembered the priority. “We’re on the way, but it might be well defended.”

As if on cue the ship bucked. “You might want to hang on to something, we’re going in hard!” Faelar called out over the comm.

The ship skimmed over the water and ended up on the beach. They were out of the arc of some defence cannons setup on the island.

“We can give you support, boss, but you need to take out those guns first!”

The speeder bike was not too busted, and so might be helpful here.

[member="Rosa Gunn"] [member="Xin Boa"]

The blaster on the wall above, having terminated one organic, turned on the Jedi, opening a heavy fire.

However, it was not ideally placed to fire, and there was a series of low buildings nearby which would allow a skilled Force user to use them as steps to leap to the top of the wall and deal with the guns if no method from the ground worked.

[member="Skai"] [member="Sam Paige"]

The mouse droid beeped some comments which were too rude to print. Possibly if Sam knew binary she might be shocked by how such a cute mouse droid could ever suggest they do…that…with plasma torch.

@Mishel Zantares

Another organic in the fray did not go unnoticed. At a security checkpoint an automated gun, having killed its human gunner, was scanning for targets. Already several troopers and civilians were down. It now targeted Mishel and opened fire a hail of bolts.

The bike shot from the ship's ramp and onto the sandy dunes. If there had not been a battle going on, this would have been a fun vacation spot. Enyo was not one for vacations. She could not get a tan anyway. As a matter of fact, she was very much against vacations.

Her minion Neda, a heavily cyborgised Zabrak, was in the passenger's seat, balancing a missile launcher. She called it Bianca. The alien woman had been severely injured during a raid, and so Enyo, being a very considerate boss, had gifted her with cybernetics...and made some adjustments to her mind.

Regardless, the somewhat damaged bike dashed across the dunes, while scarlet rays of laser fire shot towards the ship. Coming to a halt upon a dune, the pair disembarked.

Enyo took up position, wielding a rotary blaster cannon. Bit like the one that dude in Rogue One used, just more powerful because 800 years had passed since the first death star's rampage. "Light one up. I'll provide cover," she grunted.

"On it. Time for Bianca to get some air," Neda quipped. With Enyo acting as a spotter, the Zabrak balanced the launcher on her shoulder and took aim. Her finger activated the weapon, and a warhead roared out of it, sailing through the air with blast and heat. When it slammed into a flak gun, it produced a magnificient explosion. Enyo, meanwhile, began to focus her power while the horned alien reloaded her weapon.

Mishel Kryze


It now targeted Mishel and opened fire a hail of bolts.


The heat of the cannons rained down a cacophony of pain down upon Mishel, as she could only maintain her force barrier for so long. She focused on the checkpoint turning in her sprint for the defended mark. No force wind behind her this time, the teenager looked around and noticed several large pieces of debris. The brunette tucked and rolled toward a set of debris, hoping to avoid any mark of blaster fire. Luck would not be on her side she felt the heat of the blaster score across her shoulder as she reached out for the debris. A large chunk of metal that turned and absorbed the heat of the next round of fire. Every step, every moment drew her closer to the droid at the check point.

Clouded skies of muted gray and white, seemed to cackle above. She recalled the words of Varas and her father, the wretched man whose obsession with Lord Vader had drawn him away from the Order of Ren's ideals. She further concentrated on the man's venomous hate for her bloodline and his hypocrisy in creating a spawn. I am no degenerate, Varas of Kyrel. I am more than you or your father could ever hope to be. For there once was a time where I may have agreed with you - that I would be some abomination but I am not. I am Mishel Zanteres and though my days in this galaxy have been short my journey has been long. I possess a bloodline far greater and far more powerful than the likes of you and your kin.

The rage, the burning rage and the growing disdain for how she had been treated grew. Mishel channeled her rage and concentrate it back into her force reserves. Admittedly she had to pause her momentum to do so, making it a lot easier for the droids manning the guns rain down upon her but she held her make-shift shield in place and closed her eyes. Summoning the will of the force, drawing upon it the memories of her own bloodline. Blessed Ashira guide me, may my feet be swift and my hand be steady. May I one day see the grace of your glory, blessed are those who have not seen your light and blessed are the few for they will be made to feel like many. Mishel opened her eyes and moved with the force, in all out charge, her unholy fire billowing around her as she ran straight for the droid manning the gun. Make-shift shield glowing with heat, and then it met with the droid's body.

And in the quietest of breaths as the conflagration of her rage swept forward.

"I am more flesh and bone than you shall ever be, Varas of Kyrel."
She was just happy that the restraining bolt had worked. Caught up in that, she didn't realize anything else was amiss until [member="Skai"] tackled her to the ground. Her arms tightened around the droid, despite everything happening, protecting it as they fell. With arms full and engaged, she hit the pavement hard, scraping the side of her face raw in the process, and throwing off her glasses.

Struggling to sit back up, the sound of blaster fire filling the air and a very rude droid beeping up at them!

"That's not just gross, that's physically impossible," she muttered down at it.

She tucked it, whirring angry little wheels and all, under one arm as she started looking around for her glasses.

"I d-don't think so? I, um. I don't really. Know. I'm not. I mean. A slicer. Maybe? With, you know, enough time?"

They didn't have time though. Not with the fire growing.

The fire....

"It's not shooting at the droids," she murmured, more to herself than Skai. "So it's locked onto movement and heat signatures."

She looked up at her.

"We can get out of here if we stay close enough to the fire to confuse the sensors."

By this time the vibro-bone saw had damaged a good part of Dr. Drex, but she still moved around the operating room.

"There is a sharp cultivated conformational migration to the backside of the active cyclin-dependent retroposone."

This would not make sense to any of the nurses or the Twi’lek doctor who now lay before the medical droid, indicating that spewing random medical jargon was either part of the malfunction, or a result of the saw cutting into the language part of her processor.

“Sleep now,” she said, kneeling about to jab the ivory Twi’lek with another anesthesia-filled dose from the needle.

Around the perimeter of the hospital, the Rishi police had erected a durasteel barrier around the crime scene and droids which still rampaged as they waited for the Imperials to do something about the mess.

“You know I think we have things under control.”

“Dex’s Diner?”

“You read my mind.”

The two Rishi police partners headed towards the popular galaxy donut chain to snag a couple of those famous iced donuts sprinkled with shredded Ishi Tib-cracked coconut flakes.

[member="Labkahip Mordulla"] [member="Incursion"]

Imperial Storyteller


The captain of the stormtrooper company hit the ground with a thud, a scorched helmet falling off of his head. The entire spaceport was lighting up with red as automated defense guns fired all over; Downing drop ships and stormtroopers alike when they attempted to quell the droid insurrection. They weren't the best that the Empire had to offer, but they were still highly trained shock troopers nonetheless, and with the way that the defenses were slaughtering them the entire situation seemed to be spiraling out of control.

A shoretrooper squad leader dived behind a duracrete barrier, utilizing the comms in his helmet system. "This is Lieutenant SP-4298! Cap' is down and we're being obliterated out here! We need reinforcements!" He yelled, peeking over the barrier until a blaster bolt impacted on his visor. Repulsorlift tanks that appeared from the alleyways and roads were subsequently blasted on sight, fire piercing through their armor and killing the crews within before it exploded in a shower of steel.

That was when something peculiar sounded from beyond the bay. Loud splashes could be heard as if it was being suddenly displaced. A light shroud of fog cleared to reveal a massive mechanical head, quad medium laser cannons mounted to the construct's chin. A company of All Terrain Armored Siege Walkers, eight in total, were approaching Raider's Cove from the sea.

"Fire on my command!"

"Target sighted."

"Reticule placed."

"Locked on."


At once, the heavy Imperial walkers began their barrage of pure hell-fire; directed exclusively at the spaceport with the active defense grid.

[member="Incursion"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Mishel Zanteres"] | [member="Labkahip Mordulla"] | [member="Xin Boa"] | [member="Skai"] | [member="Rosa Gunn"] | [member="Sam Paige"] | [member="Drios Rapux"] | [member="Dr. Drex"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"]

"No, that would be more trouble than it is worth," she replied, shaking her head at the suggestion they ion pulsed those sections. The problem with that solution was that it was indiscriminate and hard to keep isolated from effecting other parts of the shipyard that weren't suffering these issues. The issue became moot as reports started to come in of droids snapping out of whatever had caused them to go rogue. Taeli, while believing the reports to a degree, was a cautious individual to begin with.

"Shut them all down," she ordered. "Every astromech, every mouse droid, even the power droids. I want diagnostics run on all of them, tear apart every scrap of code they have in their databases and computer cores over the last forty-eight hours. If anything looks even remotely off, I want it isolated and extracted. I want to know what type of code or virus was in that microburst transmission."

"Right away, Lady Raaf," the aide said, running off to make sure her orders were carried out to the letter.

"Get me a casualty count, dead and wounded, for our workers," she continued, turning to another aide. "And get some teams out there, actual workers and not droids, to calculate the cost of damages."

"At once, Lady Raaf," the aide skittered off and Taeli walked over to the large viewport this particular hallway had that overlooked the construction zone. Her lightsaber was back on her belt, hands clasped behind her as she waited for the reports. She couldn't shake the sense of foreboding the Force was giving her, her thoughts turning to the island where the transmission originated from. She was tempted to go down and investigate herself, but it wouldn't be proper until she received her reports from her aides and the security teams that would be going around and deactivating every droid they hadn't shot and destroyed.


Event Account
[member="Enyo Typhos"]

As the cannon shattered apart, a second one turned to target Enyo. However, as it did, suddenly the barrel drooped. The last gun which had been firing at the Imperials likewise fell silent.
An eerie silence fell over the island.

Enyo would see that there was a central facility on the island, a broadcast tower and relay station. That must have been the source of the mystery signal.

There was no sign of activity inside the tower, but through the Force she might detect the presence of something not unlike her…mechanical…but with the Force. And it was on the move towards a landing pad where an idling craft waited….

@Mishel Zantares

As she charged, the droid attacked vainly, but could not stop her. She struck, and the droid shattered into flaming pieces, the gun turret and barricade likewise broke apart into fragments.

When that was over there was no retribution from other enemies. All was falling into a deceptively peaceful quiet…or relatively so.

[member="Skai"] [member="Sam Paige"]

The firing on their position slowed, and finally ceased. Even the maniacal mouse droid slowed its threats and obscene remarks.
“Bwoo…boop?” it asked curiously…as if it had not just been a firebug advocating illegal acts.

[member="Imperial Storyteller"]

At first the approach of the siege walkers was greeted with a hail of fire. However, as the emplacements all across the spaceport were torn apart, those not struck seemed to hold their fire….

The Imperial soldiers swarming into the breaches would find the droids which had before been attacking them were now returned to normal. Security droids even saluted as Stormtroopers approached, whilst protocol droids and astromechs continued their former tasks as if the city was not burning and dead were not laying in the streets.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]

Things had gone silent. The droids now were not resisting shutdown, and a detailed diagnosis of their behaviour cores could commence.

A downcast aide approached. “Preliminary casualty reports, Ma’am. We’ve lost at least 58 personnel, another eighty hurt in some way.”

It would take some time to examine the deactivated droids, but frustratingly the message would be the same for all of them. At the moment they had returned to normal, whatever had been corrupting them had been erased.
However, examination of droids disabled before this happened would show a completely alien design of code which adapted to the purpose of the droid and turned it homicidal.
What could do such a thing?

The droids are powering down, leaving the dead, wounded and fires in their wake.

Tarishee just had exited hyperspace, as he was so bored he could feel pimples growing under his chin, as he was just a teen, he put away all of his silly thoughts and just sat there. A couple hours passed and his boss named..boss would contact him assigning him to an odd mission, one that seemed out of place. He arrived at the planet and would then enter the atmosphere slowly and after a 10 solid minutes he'd engage landing gears as he got closer and closer to the ground. He landed successfully and would power off his ship and sweep the surroundings around him. Opening the ship ramp and door he'd go over to his locker opening up the cage with a speeder inside, then walking it out of the ship, as he does he closes the ramp/door behind him and would continue onward, hopping on the speeder and moving forward with the mission. The trail road would lead far beyond Tarishee's destination as he knew he'd be on for a quite long trip. Undertaking the will of power to his boss he was put on a pause in the middle of his journey ahead of him. An older Mandalorian would swiftly speed over with a volley of laser beams flying in every direction, as Tarishee tried to think he was still being interrupted by the continuing sound of blaster fire and seeing what could possibly lead to his death fly past him with a red glare. He then notices something strange, this wasn't any ordinary Mandalorian, it was a hired mercenary just like Tarishee. Tarishee zoomed over boosting his speed and put full stop on his speeder as he stopped fully, the other Mandalorian would then fly off of his speeder after hitting an uneven surface exposure in the ground.

A few moments later of silence Tarishee sighs and looks over, he approaches the Mandalorian and would remove his helmet seeing that it was his rival, an old enemy from far ago, when he was young. "Not in my taste buds to help some one like you, negh..hell with it!" Tarishee would slightly move his hand over his arm and would then pick him up using his strength as he'd toss him over his shoulders. Tarishee then proceeds to carry him to his speeder where there is barely enough space and room left, he kept on and would then pick up the pace on his mission. "Damn, if i wasn't so rudely interrupted i'd be there!" Tarishee looks behind him and starts talking to himself, creating random and odd conversations.

"Hmph"Tarishee said as he gestured and would stop the speeder again, he looked in the mans inventory."I know this guy, i need to know his--Kack Fusuu? This guy?! Oh no no no i cant bring him along!"He then quickly put it back, as he'd somehow notice a note underneath it, he slipped it out and opened it reading and revealing the information within"B-boss?"Tarishee knew he had to get out of there, just as he did he'd then carry Kack's pack instead and would continue, forgetting the mission. He came across a town a few minutes later and laid Kack's restful body near a fence, taking his valuables and a few other things not noticing he had a tracking device implanted directly inside of the backpacks fabric, deep and inside. Tarishee knew something was wrong but ignored it. "Damn, damn dammit!" He said before zooming off beyond and into the sunset as he rode past, he'd later on reach his ship. "Phew"

A flak cannon blew up in a flash of flame and smoke, a secon one turned towards them...and then powered down. Silence descended upon the island. It was almost eeriee. Enyo did not like the quiet. She spied the facility and the tower. There was no sign of life.

"Well, that was easier than expected," Neda commented, feeling a little suspicious herself. "Raid and burn, boss?" she seemed to notice that Enyo was distracted. "Something up?"

"I sense a presence," Enyo spoke, sounding just a bit off-kilter.

"Droid army, Sith, Blue Hawks?" her minion prodded.

"No, like me," her eyes flashed a menacing crimson. "We shall intercept. I would prefer the unit intact. They must intend to escape." She was more than a little curious about this model. Quickly, the two boarded the speeder and fired up the engines. The bike shot across the ground at breakneck speed. On the way, Enyo transmitted a message to the Quasar, ordering it to get into the air. It was not built for combat, but if the other hybrid wanted to escape, it could do its part to cut off their retreat option. It just happened to have ion torpedoes.
Rosa Gunn said:
With a burst of speed she was back in front of Xin, standing incredibly close she enveloped them both in a force shield as blaster fire rained down from the perimeter walls. "Ideas?" sh asked him.
Blaster fire lashed against the iridescent barrier she had surrounded them in. Xin had shrunk away from the first bolt, tensing up as he feared the worst. There was a touch of embarrassment as he straightened himself out again.

“Yes…” he replied. “…keep doing that.”

She didn’t seem amused. The turret firing upon them was a fairly standard repeater model in an automated cradle. The muzzle fired through a blast shield mounted to the front making in a tricky target. Xin shook his head. Short of any ingenious plan he decided the least he could do was something a little dicey. Xin followed his gut when the kark hit the fan and it had kept him in one piece, if not out of trouble altogether.

He rushed forth out of the protective bubble. He skidded to a halt as he allowed his right leg to give. Xin came to a halt on one knee, raising his blaster towards the emplacement. The blaster fire trailed after him, tracking to reacquire the target. There was a fraction of a second left for the shot. He squeezed the trigger.

The bolt struck the front leg of the tripod, melting the strut clean in two. There was a groan and the turret started to tilt forwards as the rear two legs buckled. Xin closed his eyes and felt a wash of heat. A moment later he forced them back open as the turret fell from the wall. A line of scorch marks were glowing on the concrete path beside him where the trail of blaster bolts had nearly cut him in two.

As Xin stood he trained his bolter on another droid, but this one came to an abrupt halt. All around the droids seemed to stop and then look around as if awareness had returned to them. The other turrets fell silent. He turned towards the Jedi. She would know best. In the distance he saw beams of light cutting through the smoke. He assumed they were more shuttles, but on a second look he realised he was wrong. The ground started to tremble.

“Imperial walkers,” he gasped. “Heading into the city. Look, I want to help but I don’t want to be stuck in a city flooded with Stormtroopers.”
The nictating membrane slid across Gorba's eye in a slow, contemplative motion. Gorba stared at the Toydarian. Lips closed around the stem of the hookah pipe. He inhaled deeply, letting the euphoric drug in the vapor fill his lungs. The effects did not work as well as intended. Gorba Bareesh Laglan was, quite literally, fuming. He expelled what the hookah experts had assured him was "harmless water vapor" out through his nose.

Either he could waste time haggling, or he could watch the spaceport which funneled his spice supply slide into the hands of this droid revolt.

"These Imperials. They are not competent. Heralds get the job done. You will be paid the original amount agreed on in your contract. What would I do if all my contractors came to me on the day before their contract was up and threatened to stop working unless they were paid more? It would be bad for business."

He waved a stubby-fingered hand dismissively, then clamped his lips down hard on the pipe, speaking through the side of his mouth and becoming even more incomprehensible. "You will receive a bonus on completion, equal to the amount you want."

[member="Helix Syndicate"]

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