Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For Their Own Good (Galactic Empire Invasion of Fondor)

Protectorate Soldier
In Space with the Fleet
Objective: Defend Home

Miles sat inside an OS-G1 starfighter, in formation around Dauntless in command of three squadrons. He had them separated into three units; A bomber unit designated Halo, an Interceptor unit designated Raven, and his own unit of fighters designated Valkyrie

He received the order from Admiral @[member="Jonathan Walsh"] to protect the Carriers and deal maximum defensive damage.

Halo-1 I want your unit to focus on those Frigates. Don't let them get by. Frigates weren't the best against smaller craft, they were better at line-ship to ship combat. Miles would use the bombers to take out the meat of the Invasion forces.

Raven-1 I want your interceptors on Hunt/Kill duty. Take out anything that gets too close to our flagships. I want a tight, neat mop up you get me? The Interceptors were faster and more agile than bombers or standard fighters. Enough tactical superiority in each one to take out the slightly stronger enemy fighters.

Alright Valkyries, our mission is to take out any and all enemy small crafts that come this way. We are going to be running Gorilla Tactics. Stay loose, unpredictable. Call your vectors and targets. I don't want any Friendly Fire. Strap on your big kid pants boys and girls, we are going to show these yellow-bellied Imps what it means to fight in a REAL army, he opened his comm to all Omega Protectorate and Omega Allied vessels in the sector, FOR THE PROTECTOR!!!! FOR FONDOR!!!!!!FOR OMEGA!!!!!!!!!

From all wings he heard a resounding HOOOAAAHHH!! over his comm.

@Sargon Vynea @Ventasia Terana @Lylin Osh @Kathryn Langley @Noah Corek @Lilicky @Talia Al Ghul @Sarge Potteiger @Jorus Merrill @Diana Moridena @Spencer Jacobs @ARC-052 Dish @Kiskla Grayson @Ivy Lasranae
Objective: Repel Invasion Forces (If they make it that far. Let us see how they handle the Fleet)

Nyos stood atop the Protectorate Barracks. His cybernetic eye scanning the horizon for the incoming invasion forces. He hoped they wouldn't even reach the ground, because if they did. No single Imperial would leave this planet alive.

This is 2nd Lt. Nyos Val, Reporting no Imperial Forces near the city. HQ what are you sending us just in the off-chance they manage to reach the ground? Commander @Noah Correk, I know it's you I'm speaking to. Show an old friend some love with a battalion of tanks and speeders won't you?

Nyos gave his ship over to the Fleet to aid in the Defense and Medical Aid of the Fleet vessels. The Phoebus' crew were now experts in combat medicine. In the last year they have survived Hell[literally] and dozens of dominions. They would do just fine.

Nyos was sporting his usual Omega SI breastplate and his signature Mask. His vibrosaber slung across his back and a heavy bolter holstered on his hip. His advanced cybernetics gleaming in the light. Nyos looked down over the massive army of the Protectorate, they were all itching for a fight. Ready to prove their metal to their Lord Protector @[member="Ayden Cater"]. A great and powerful leader, worthy of all of his soldiers respect.

All right men, lock and load. Get ready for the big fight. We're gonna take this Imperial "Invasion" apart. Whoever gets the most kills, I'll buy them a round. Heck, I'll buy everyone a round when this is over!! For Omega!!

@Sargon Vynea @Ventasia Terana @Lylin Osh @Kathryn Langley @Noah Corek @Lilicky @Talia Al Ghul @Sarge Potteiger @Jorus Merrill @Diana Moridena @Spencer Jacobs @ARC-052 Dish @Kiskla Grayson @Ivy Lasranae


Professor of Sentientology

Objective: Repel Invasion Forces (If they make it that far. Let us see how they handle the Fleet)

@Talia Al Ghul @Preliat Mantis @Noah Corek

Her fingers barely had brushed over the extended OPSR-1 when the Mandalorian took it in his grasp instead. Her right brow shot up high on her forehead, hiding under long brown bangs. Amusement went glinting over her eyes, taking instead the other weapon Noah had offered now that the Mando had decided to take point.

" The Professors of Scientific Academy of Advanced Technologies have been trained for this scenario ever since the Clockwork Rebellion. Considering the significant breach our scientific department faced, it was to our prerogative to ensure all personnel were able to defend Fondor if called to again." She stated plainly, her fingers drawing over the weapon to check for it's readiness. For a scientist, her hands expertly went through the motions of checking the powercell and function of the rifle.

" I may be a scientist, gentlemen," she said, " but I am still a comrade in arms. All Omegans are." there was a confidence in her voice, an assurity. "We protect our own; to the death." there came the snap-click and then an audible hum of a charged powercell as the lift doors closed. There came a small shift, then the lift began to ascend, lights from each floor flickering over them through the clear glassteel of the reinforced walls of the turbolift.

Her eyes went drifting up, catching sight of the Fondorian landscape as they rose higher and higher, the all too familiar hazy smog covered horizon catching her breath.


It was good to be home.
Assisting the Protectorate, Jedi Aide, Prex Tower.

It was a good thing that Antares Windu and his Master had gotten onto the planet or else they would have been stuck in the space battle.

He walked side by side with his Master @[member="Kiskla Grayson"] and eventually found the Prex Tower, where they found some of the soldiers preparing for battle. His black robes were open with his brown robes visible along with the lightsaber he wore. He thought it was quite evident he was a Jedi along with his Master and they were there to help them of course.

And then he laid his eyes upon the Knight who was known as Preacher. Antares highly doubted that was his true name but...He could only wonder if the Knight had actually been a Preacher. What a silly thought. He thought when a few of the troops ran by him.

But in the time that he had he looked around and admired the interior of the Tower and Security Barracks. It was quite a scene. But he doubted that those on the ground had anything to worry about. "The planetary shield won't fall." He said, just barely above a whisper.

@[member="Sarge Potteiger"]
@[member="Jorus Merrill"] (Dem gifs, I can't help it! It's Chloe!)

Kas tulisha abia al port.
~Chaos opens the door to opportunity.

Her lines were familiar, achingly so, for a brick like her. There were scruffs aplenty, scorch marks here and there. Definitely a few upgrades, Chloe mused to herself, her hands sliding into the pockets of her faded green flight suit, unzipped halfway with the arms tied around her waist. But there was no denying her, for Chloe knew that boat like the back of her hand once upon time. The Gypsymoth.

"Hello Old Girl," came her soft greeting, full of affection. Big blue eyes went staring out the Aurora Dawn's viewport, having rushed up to the bridge at the klaxon's call of alarm. The way the sun cast it's red glow through the clouds on top of the Gypsy was enough to give the Warden pause, her grimey face turning to one of surprise. She had felt a heaviness in her heart, one of growing alarm, causing her a measure of concern. But why did she feel this way? It wasn't until after the alarms had rung that the sensation faded. There was a familiarity to it, but even a master like her, could not fully comprehend the vast skill and strength of battle meditation from her former Master, Je'gan Olra'en.

However, her focus wasn't on that particular man, but another. One whose cybernetic eyes she'd selected herself after he'd lost them in a botched healing attempt by Je'gan. Jorus.

He was there. That much she knew. At one time, Chloe had been able to feel the presence of her fellow Warden without a second thought. Now, only the faintest tinge of sensation crept through her as she stared at the ship she'd once called home. Questions came to mind. Mainly Mara, for the little half Zeltron girl had captured Chloe's heart as much as her daddy had. How big was she now? Was she eating well?

A questioning whistle and hoot drew her from her thoughts, causing Chloe to withdraw from her reverie to face the astromech droid at her side. A soft smile came next, her hand extending to brush the curved metal crown in comfort. "Just a little daydreaming, that's all Arr-Nine." she told R9-C4.

"Get the ship prepped, looks like things are gonna get busy soon," came next, the long length of her blonde pony-tail swaying at her back as her head went drifting back to the viewport at the landing pad some two spots down. Nervousness was dancing within her breast, her teeth nibbling at the fullness of her lower lip. Her attention fell to the small black box of her handheld comm, one where she could easily switch to his frequency to hail him. Ahh, but the question was if she should even do it at all.

Then again, she lost him once for hesitating. If anything, she knew all too well what the results of waiting too long were.

So it was with a deep steadying breath that her hands withdrew from her pockets and went to work. A couple of clicks later, his frequency was selected, and the voicebox comm held before her lips. With her heart thundering in her ears, her thumb pressed the button that would relay her voice to his ship.

" Gypsymoth this is the Aurora Dawn." came the soft drawl of her voice as she sent Jorus her first greeting in a long... long while.


Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
@[member="Nyos Val"] @[member="Talia Al Ghul"] @[member="Preliat Mantis"]
Fondor Shipyards
Apartment Complex Rooftop
"You have a point ma'am." Noah agreed with her as the elevator sped towards the roof. "All for one and one for all." Noah said aloud to them both. Noah then watched as the scientist caught her at the sight of Fondor's skyline. "I was born on Coruscant,its nearly the same as Fondor,minus the smog. I consider this place my home now though. In truth,I live in this complex on the 37th floor." Noah informed them as the elevator began to slow as it came to the roof. Once the lift stopped,the doors opened to reveal an open rooftop with a lot of space. On the southern side was a large sign in Aurebesh advertising the complex. Noah walked over to the sign and looked for anything he could set his rifle up on. He found this in the form of some canvas bags full of sand. He grabbed three of these bags and set them up so that there was a small hole in the middle of the bag,so therefore Noah could see through the hole with his scope and still have room for the barrel to fit. Once his hide was set up,he grabbed a pair of macrobinoculars off of his belt and used them to watch the main road.
@[member="Chloe Blake"]

The shell gun gleamed with solvent and loving care. Soft brush, softer cloth, nine kilos of scarred Mandalorian iron. The breech snicked closed as easily as if he hadn't once lost it to a capship core breach or gone head to head with Bando Gora priests and Sith Masters.

Gun like this'd be with ya til the day you die.

Gypsymoth's scanners told an odd tale, one that assuaged his brain's worry but didn't quiet his gut. Seems orbit had gone all to nine hells. It'd be raining debris for months. He caught himself wondering if ODF would contract out the cleanup, but that wasn't a worthy thought. He rested the shotgun against the scanner console and leaned back in the pilot's chair where he'd spent the bulk of his adult life. A little meditation never hurt -- not that any Jedi would take it seriously, consisting as it did of tossing a baseball in the air and watching its arc stall an inch before it struck the ceiling panels with their ranks of switches.

The comm crackled just as he was starting to get into a rhythm. Once upon a time, he'd have cracked himself in the head with the baseball, but this time he made the catch anyway. The seat back came up. Fast.

He blinked at the comm for a long second, then toggled the return. "Aurora Dawn, this is Gypsymoth. Ofax ets burrin tehn. Valle volgoth ol'val? Min min vin abia al port, chumani." It's rough out there. You want a break from that crap? I'll crack the hatch for ya, friend.
Well it was time to bounce. Dredge knew a losing fight when he say one and he didn't need to be losing a bunch of his men for what was about to happen. The incoming fire from enemy ships rocked the hull of the warship before they had done a full turn around. It was time to go, this was a clear loss but at least they would live to fight on. "Let's go home" the Vong ship flew no colors, no anything. Luckily they had not opened communication with the republic or any of it's allies. The retreat was called and the shop carrying the two czars and all the Vong jumped to hyper speed and got the hell out of there.
The event had not gone as hoped, but rather as feared. The Republic had sent a ridiculous amount of naval power to the Protectorate home world, despite the Lord Protector having refused an alliance with the Republic. Their arrival made no sense, but then sense seemed to matter little to the power hungry Jedi these days. And given that the Empire did have a treaty with the Republic, unlike the Protectorate, their arrival boded ill. What made even less sense that the Republic's appearance was the Fringe forces defending those that would see them destroyed.

Either way things boded ill for the Empire.

"Order the retreat," Lord Nedo said. Then he activated a com channel to the Lord Protector. "It is unfortunate that matters could not be addressed peacefully, and without interference by externals powers who would rather claim this system as their own. The gluttonous Republic has turned its sights to the west now that the Sith Empire is no more. We shall see who, if any, remains before the beast's appetite is sated."

And with that the Imperial fleet retreated.

Cedric Dorn

Prex Tower
Ayden Cater's Apartments
Diana blinked a few times as she watched Yuuzhan Vong ships and Imperial ships alike fall back. Green streaks of turbo-lasers lessened and red hot plasma became non-existant within the space above Fondor. The macrobinoculars came away from Diana's face and the Jedi Master looked at her chrono. This had perhaps been one of the fastest invasions she had ever seen, with the Empire coming forth and leaving in what was about an hour.

Another gust of wind struck her and the silk blanket fluttered slightly.

Letting out a sigh Diana opened the sliding door to the apartment and stepped inside, getting away from the cold wind and back into the warmth of luxury. Slowly she wandered over to the built in bar, the blue underglow on the wood flashing slightly as a tray of various alcohols was extended outward towards her. Slowly the Jedi Master poured herself a drink of the finest Corellian brandy.

She sipped it, holding the silk blanket in place and then letting out another sigh.

The Empire had begun something today. They had attacked an ally of the Republic, but more importantly they had attacked its capital. Ayden would not be pleased by this, and she knew that he would like want payback. Woefully the Jedi Master smiled, a sad smile that a mother would give when she was disappointed.

More war was coming.
Prex Tower
Security Barracks

Sarge was surrounded by a beehive of activity. Sergeants shouted orders and privates moved power packs to crew served weapons set up behind makeshift fortifications. A battered holotable had been brought in to keep him updated on the fights, and it was over this table that he stood, palms down.

His attention was solely on the formation of the soldiers under his nominal command, but every now and again he spared a glance to the feed of the orbital battle.

And then the unexpected occurred.

Slowly at first, like a trickle, and then in a torrent not unlike the breaking of a dam, the Imperials retreated. "Sir, they broadcasted something." A comm officer shouted over the quickly silencing soldiers who were already slowing and staring. Hushed words were exchanged, because to them there was only one reason to retreat - they'd accomplished something.

What it was? That scared them. They didn't know.

But with a nod, the message played over the intercoms where it reached even the men outside. There was several long moments as the importance of the words sunk into the adrenaline-addled minds of the soldiers who'd been ready to defend their home. He sighed, pushing himself up to a standing position and nodding to the comm officer to cut off the signal.

"Well... we won."


Then a cheer. And another. Suddenly, his ears were assaulted by the sounds of clapping, cheering, exuberant soldiers who'd just found out that they weren't going to die. Not today.

But all Sarge could do was stare at the feed from orbit, eyes locked on where the last of the Imperial ships winked away into the nether. Deaths were coming for both sides. You didn't bring an invasion fleet for 'peace.' There would be reprisals. More blood would yet be shed.

And for that reason, he had nothing to cheer for.
Spencer blinked and broke the concentration of the Battle Meditation. Sitting in the meditation room she looked around then looked towards the radars that labeled the ships leaving. Spencer stood and ran her hand through her hair and made her way out the door. Passing the soldier that guarded her so vallently she patted his shoulder.

"You did good work Bobby go relax and celebrate with the crew, I think we've survived another day."

Continuing, she headed up to the bridge where Sargon was she stood next to him and frowned. The woman had confusion written all over her face, quickly she questioned Sargon mostly to see if this was a joke or some sort of trick.

"Are they really retreating? I didn't sense any foul play about it it..."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
@[member="Noah Corek"] @Talia Al Ghul @Sarge Potteiger @Jorus Merrill @[member="Ayden"] Carter
Omega Protectorate Space

Nearby Fondor

Soon enough,
Fondor would be able to pick up signatures of more ships jumping, a small group, when pinged they would send back older codes bearing markings of Abregado-Rae and the Protectorate, this would be confirmed when the ship came into view, exiting hyperspace.

It was an older Nebulon B7 Frigate, bearing colors of Abregado-Rae and the Iron Knights, on its deck stood a tall figure, looking over the battlefield by means of a holo-projector.
Voice rang up from behind the figure, long grey cloak cascading off of his shoulders.
"We have arrived."
He nodded simply, speaking up in a electronic monotone drawl
"Finally, I can not even estimate how long this journey felt."
He would turn back, almost mechanically, to his crewmen, metal-grey coating of the droid could use another paintjob to renew the old shine.
"Contact the Protectorate, let them know that the Iron Knight has arrived, better late than never."
He would motion back to the holoprojector
"Now prepare all guns and fire at my or-"
"Speaking of which sir!"
His yeoman interrupted him, he looked back to her, scanning with the dull red glow of his photoreceptors.
"The enemy is retreating, seems we are too late for battle."

The droid slightly tilted his head.
He looked back to the holoprojector
@[member="Jorus Merrill"]

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to see the relief go bathing across Chloe's face at the sound of her familiar Olys Corellisi spoken in Jorus's voice. It was achingly familiar, and enough to bring a smile to her face.

"Gīese, " Yes of course, came her reply crackling through the comm. "Aurora Dawn, out." She cut the comm, setting the handheld transmitter back in it's cradle just as the report came in from the Omega Defense Force. The invading ships were retreating. Blonde brows gave a slight furrow at confusion, but who was she to question the will of the Gods. None the less, there was a slight flurry of activity at the pit of her stomach. Was it due to nerves at the thought of seeing Jorus or merely a concern at just what would come of this.

Arr-Nine had been in the midst of preparing the Aurora's engines for pre-flight, and hearing the conversation brought another series of beeps, boops, and a questioning hoot.

"Keep her hot, Arr-Nine," she told him with a faint smile, starting to untie the arms of her jumpsuit at her waist to roll it back up, slipping her arms through the sleeves and zipping it shut over her chest.

"I'm just a comm away." Chloe added, making her way out of the cockpit. The rest of the trip was a bit of a blur. Truth be told, the Gypsy wasn't too far away, just two landing pads to the right. But for Chloe it felt as if she was back on Ruusan, as if walking through a thick mist only to find herself standing in front of the Moth.

A gust of wind blew long blonde strands of hair away from her face as she approached, her boots a light steady tattoo as she came up towards the hatch. What Jorus would greet would be that same whimsical smile, along with a "Ol'val, Jorus."
Onboard the Starfall
In High Orbit over Fondor
@[member="Talia Al Ghul"] @[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Basaba Willamina"] @[member="Noah Corek"] @[member="Knight"] @[member="Corvo Anattolius"] @[member="Jonathan Walsh"] @[member="Miles Varden"] @[member="Nyos Val"] @[member="Chloe Blake"]
@[member="Spencer Jacobs"] @[member="Lady Exedō"] @[member="Preliat Mantis"] @[member="Gilamar Skirata"] @[member="Ivy Lasranae"]
@[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

Stunned silence ruled over the bridge. As the ships vanished handfuls at a time, Ayden could only watch with an expressionless face. What was this? They had been in the system barely thirty minutes and were already jumping out. They had marched up to the Protectorate's door and slapped them, and when their force had been met with force, they broke.

Ayden idly scratched the tuk'ata hound at his side absentmindedly while staring out into the void. Though the battle had been short, they had still taken some damage. It would have been a very different fight had they not had the advanced warning they did. But the pit of anger that continued to roll in his gut, Ayden knew that this wasn't the end. They had the audacity to spit on him and then saunter off like they were in the right. The Corellian curled one hand, each muscle tense like a coiled viper.

"Open a fleet-wide channel." Ayden strode out to the edge of the command platform in the center of the bridge. With a nod from the com officer, Ayden turned his attention forward with a fire in his eyes. "The enemy force has retreated, for now. They came here in arrogance, so sure that we would bow to them. They had the audacity to demand our surrender then claim moral superiority before turning tail and running." All eyes on the bridge were on him as he continued.

"This travesty... this insult will not go unpunished." An alert caused him to pause long enough to see the Leviathan drop out of hyperspace with an assembled fleet, eliciting a slow Corellian grin. "We're going to repay the favor, and we're not going to stop at some paltry speech. I want every military vessel not part of the Fondor Defense Fleet capable of fighting ready for jump in thirty minutes. We're going to show them how 'weak' we are." Cheers erupted across the bridge, the fleet, and planet.

Ayden turned and stepped back from the platform while plucking his personal com unit out once more.
"Preacher, I want you up here five minutes ago. Your stuff is where you left it." Taking a minute to plug into a com station, Ayden found the channel he needed and made a second call, this one a bit quieter. "Yun-Harla, I appreciate the gesture and what aid you gave. However, I think it might be best if you leave the system for the time being. I don't want to risk a possible incident with things how they are right now." Ayden stopped and considered for a moment before adding, "I hear tea is a good drink to relax with."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
@[member="Ayden Cater"]
Aboard the Siege Tower
"My lord, message from the Starfall, we are to prepare for counter attack on the Atrisian Empire, we have thirty minutes to prepare for a jump."
Communication officer aboard the aging frigate spoke up, to these words HK nodded simply, his metal hand moving over a simple hilt of lightsaber on his belt.
"Send confirmation to Starfall, good to know old Ayden is still kicking around. Also, ask the Starfall for permission to come aboard, tell them I wish to see Ayden in person, it has been a while after all."
The yeoman nodded, tuning in to frequency to contact Starfall as HK began moving off of the bridge.
"Have my armor prepared and bring it to the hangar."
One of his attendants nodded.

Soon enough, Starfall would receive transmission from the Siege Tower,
"Starfall of the Protectorate, this is the Nebulon Frigate Siege Tower, of the Protectorate, flagship of the Iron Company and Abregado-Rae, we are confirming call to counter attack and preparing to join you for the glory of Protectorate. First Baron Observer Iron Knight requests permission to come aboard in unarmed shuttle in order to see Lord Protector Cater."
@[member="Chloe Blake"]

"Clear skies fer sure," he said. The hatch was low enough that when he looked out it he rested one forearm on the lip, and he sort of hung there for a bit, taking her all in. She'd put on a year or two, somewhere around the eyes. She'd never been flighty, but now she moved a bit less like a girl and a bit more like a woman. Lived in, you might say. Grown. Having been a married man a good while, you might say he had different eyes. Looking at Chloe, he saw more than he'd seen when he was living with her. Some of those thoughts were just a sort of appreciative acknowledgement, and some just weren't appropriate. He blamed the latter half on not having seen Alna or that yellow bikini in two weeks.

He pushed back from the hatch after a moment too long, and ushered her inside. "Come on in. Got some ribenes heating up if you want to take a bite outta something. Extra tomo-spice, extra Karkan." The Gypsymoth did, indeed, smell like processed meat and thick spice. "It's just me here these days. Got a little price on my head, Alna an' Mara are lying low." Bit of an understatement there. Million credits, and you couldn't lie much lower than a pre-technological planet in the hyperspace disturbance at the galactic edge. "You need a drink or nothin? Ayden just called for the fleets to jump for Atrisia. I need to make a couple calls in a minute."
It hadn't occurred to the Zabrak to bother switching on the interdiction field yet, who came to fight then left that quickly? Turning to @[member="Spencer Jacobs"] the man simply shrugged, "They didn't think this through, one way or the other, my best guess is the Protectorate is about to hunt them down like a dog to their home world of Atrisia." Turning back to the holo display of the forces around them started to form up he simply shook his head. "Time to go home, Fleet set course for Fringe space, job well done."

Droideka 0793

Watching in the corner of the Gypsymoth was Jorus' unavoidable at time's hanger on, Droideka 0793, his sensors rather sullen about the lack of action he'd been hoping for. Yes him, *he* had long ago decided he was a he, God had explained the difference between men and women to him and he had more to do with men then women, or at least he was pretty sure he did. He'd thought about adding another cannon to make it more obvious, but Got had refused him quite blatantly. The new signature was definitely a woman by the soft curves, Droideka Timmy, liked soft curves. Of course he was Timmy, though Ted still did sound nice, soft skins had is sooooo much easier being named instead of naming themselves.

Finally waddling out of the corner in his odd gait the battle droid which had once been a terror to the Republic tried to cock it's radiation sensor equipped head in curiosity, and promptly fell over.

Master statement: I fell and got a booboo!

@[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Chloe Blake"]
Stunned was an understatement but then the response he wanted came out, they were pursuing He hit up @[member="Ayden Cater"] on a com
" Greetings Lord Protector, I ensure that the fleet is ready to jump on your order."
The fleet was a mess of communications and supply runs and quick damage repairs. They needed to be ready to go, and 30 minutes really was a short time when you thought of it. This was going to be hell, he thought but the Empire had poked a sleeping giant and no one was going to like the result. The gears of war were churning and the omega protectorate was on the move.

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