Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For those wanting new signatures...

@[member="Subject 13"] - Got more for me to go on than that? You're using artwork, which is fine, but you'll either need to supply the images or tell me what you searched for to find yours. Otherwise it's gonna be a little tricky providing the appropriate style for you. Sorry.
Tirdarius said:
@[member="Subject 13"] - Got more for me to go on than that? You're using artwork, which is fine, but you'll either need to supply the images or tell me what you searched for to find yours. Otherwise it's gonna be a little tricky providing the appropriate style for you. Sorry.


Quote: They tell me the force is a why do i feel like its a curse?
Use whatever of these you feel like useing XD

Darren Onyx

I'd like one. Just use my profile picture. And also, could it just say Onyx. Drop the Dark part please.
I'd like one, actor is Scott Eastwood. Can you try to use one of him in something formal with a sly type of grin? Or anything really, your making it so I don't really want to be very picky. :p

Thanks a million man!
@[member="Subject 13"] - that was a really hard set to work with, but had an idea for it once I saw the kneeling picture you sent. Hope it meets expectations!


@[member="Monty Jusik"] - just touched up the hair a little and brightened up the eye colours, since he's blonde and you want brown hair :p Hope you don't mind the austerity - honestly, it just looked right when I was putting it together.

@[member="Sophia Walsh"] Must admit, yours was the one I had most fun making, but that's mostly because I grabbed a truckload of new brushes and got to play around with them. It's funny when the signature started out as something completely different and then ends up as the now-finished product. Enjoy :)

@[member="Shawn Drax "]- the claws were a real nuisance to work on, but I *think* I managed with them. Not quite what I wanted, but finding them in the right orientation was tricky to do. Hope it looks the way you wanted.


@[member="Satara Hawk"] I'll get right on that.
yaaaahhhhh, sorry for all the people who have been requesting, its hard enough to rp on the site right now but ive got tons ofstuff im doing right now so I don't have the time

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