Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For those wanting new signatures...

@[member="Thraishe Krine"]




Enjoy, gents :)

Rekali the Hutt


If you're still making signatures I'd like one please. Most Arkanian male images will do as long as they're not too young. Background some sort of Republic/Political image. I want the quote "Fighting for the Republic today to ensure a peaceful tomorrow." to be in it if you can fit it.

Rhurek Thane

Dr. Cantanker0us, M.D.
I'm not really in any position to refuse a new sig, so if you have the time or would like to, then sure.
You already have my preemptive thanks.
And feel free to let your creativity fly.
Alright, here we go...

@[member="Spider ZanQualto"]

@[member="Lucien Cordel"]


@[member="Serra Sol Rhia"]

@[member="Ardak Serifen"] - Having a little difficulty with yours, but I'm working on it! Bear with me.


Can I get one? :3

Any images with Hutts, Death Sticks and money is fine. All of them, one of them, or something inbetween. :) Take your creative liberties.

(I've already spoken to you about you being potentially over-encumbered. Feel free to say NEIN!)

Rhurek Thane

Dr. Cantanker0us, M.D.
I know it's quite difficult to create a signature worthy of SWRPs Hottest Male of 2013, but you knocked it out of the park. I greatly appreciate it, my friend.
I shall add it to the rotation immediately.
Great job, Van Go.

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