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For those wanting new signatures...

Entirely my pleasure. Finding the right quote was actually the hardest part. Was tempted to go for something bitingly sarcastic, but I felt an ambiguous quote worked better - you could take that one in several ways. I'm glad you liked it :)
skin, bone, and arrogance
I wonder if you are still making signatures? If so, could I request one? Brooklyn is Leigh Lezark. I'm partial to pictures like these, which show her distinctive hairstyle, but you're the artist!

Of course, if you are no longer taking requests then I respect that as well :)


Well-Known Member
So I'm wondering if i may get another. I recently decided on Zaidens face. Could i get one with the same armor, just add a picture of David Gandy? Also maybe a little more dark and shadowy feel to it. DON'T TAKE THAT AS I DIDNT LIKE THE OTHER lol

Aluk Magar

The Dark Eldorai Renegade
Hey, Tir, glad to see you still have patience to make these,

I needed one for this char, I was thinking of something along the lines with this pic used for head-shot/upper-torso

On background of

But I trust your abilities if you would be able to find something better,
Also his name "Aluk Magar" on the signature and a quote "Yar-har, fiddle-dee-dee, being a pirate is something to be! Do what you want, 'cause a pirate is free! You are a pirate!" would be great

Thanks for your time!
Hey Tirdarius, I'm thinking on a new sig to more match my character.

With this for the backround

No name, but use the same quote as before.

And if you can, see if you can photoshop the droid out of th first pic. Thanks in advance! :)

The Hound


Idk if you are still doing this...but if you were it would be greatly appreciated if you could do something with these:
Yo Tir guess i could use another one when you get time.


Remember this day,
For this is the day you realize there are things in the night
For this is the Day that fades to black, as you lie weeping
For this is the day you learned that monsters were real
The day you die
Darth Fidelis, Sith Master, Republic Turncoat
If you are still doing signatures and all ... I'd love to have one.

Playby: Susan Coffey
Text on it: Jedi Master Coryth Elaris
Some Warriors look fierce, but are mild. Some seem timid, but are vicious. Look beyond appearances.

With something of these:

Am not at all picky in anyway, so feel free to run and play with it in whatever way you deem best =) Don't even worry on using all images or what not. Just do whatever you think best.


Heyhey! :D

Could you perhaps do a Suhr2.0, and use the following image in a style similar to the one I currently have?

And if you do, can the text simply be "Suhr Dista". Cheers! :D

Also, could you make the image 127 high x 300 wide? ^_^
@[member="Avadreia Lacroix"] @[member="Elijah Rowlin"] @[member="Jusik"] @[member="Aluk Magar"] @[member="Andreas Wintergreen"] @[member="Gherron Vael"] @[member="Turin Val Kur"] @[member="Arumi Zy"] @[member="Coryth Elaris"] @[member="Naamah Aesham"] @[member="Suhr"]

Hey guys - I've been ignoring doing signatures for a while, but I'm due to start a two-week vacation tomorrow, so I'll be taking requests again for a while. Since you guys asked and didn't get, you're top of my list. If you all just drop me a PM with your requirements (if you still want one), I'll take those updates and get them done this weekend. My way of saying 'sorry' for the delay on these.

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