Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Free kills for everybody...

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Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Isis Fontana said:
She's dead, CIS basically shot her in the head and lied about me giving them permission to execute her...besides I think I am done with this site for a while, my characters are weak, so why would you want to rp with one?
Whether or not a a character is weak has nothing to do with why someone would want to RP with a character. Kara Vi'Dreya was recently made a Sith Knight, but was an apprentice for a long time and lots of characters of varying strength levels enjoyed RPing with her.

Furthermore, your character doesn't have to be weak. Sure, everybody has their limits and those of a padawan or knight are naturally going to smaller than a knight/master respectively, but htat doesn't mean people can auto-hit or disrespect your character. If you believe someone is overexerting themselves or isn't giving you a chance to respond how you get hit you can set up a PM with them, and if that doesn't work we have the report button for a reason and an RPJ or an Admin will help you out.

I think you should take a little while off before trying to kill your characters Isis. You can kill them off now, but if you decide you want to still RP with them later you can't, but if you just let them sit there for a few days and you still think you should kill them off later you can still do that. You've put a lot of work in, and you've progressed a lot as a writer, and I'd hate to see you throw that away after a fight gone wrong.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
The fringe didn't say you were an idiot. They said IC actions have IC consequences. If the rules were broken then report it. The RPJ's are here for everyone and Sarge is very good about not letting people get away with stuff. We have pointed out for you several times that your learning and are improved a lot since joining the Fringe. Take a break and relax, Sargon is correct in his advice (although several dead PC's have come back one because he found death boring) You just had all that work put in with Ashin to prepare yourself for master rank. We are all trying to help you and work with you. So just please rest, get a cool head and come back to this is the morning or... Whatever time it is.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Isis Fontana said:
You know what I am done explaining this, I'll be back in another year..maybe five from now when you all obtain new brains.
This is the problem. You can't get your way, so everyone is an idiot, suddenly. STOP INSULTING PEOPLE, AND INSTEAD TRY TO BE NICE. Then maybe some will take your side.

Look, Isis. I'm trying to help. But you're just making enemies.
So let me get this straight, now you're all telling me what is best for my characters? Do you really have a say in it truly? I mean last I checked I created them, so if I decided to kill them, it's my choice, and it's only pissing me off more than your now trying to dictate what my characters need to do....

Jekk Reth

Defensive Specialist
Kill them, save them, burn them - it's your choice. We're only trying to give you some sound advice.

Clearly, you're not being rational. As @[member="Syn"], @[member="Sargon Vynea"], and @[member="Elijah Rowlin"] have all told you, take some time off, or at least wait a good 24 hours before killing off your characters.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Well I did had a look at the post in question, and I think it was GM on CIS side and that an RPJ could prompt them to edit it, especially if there was an OOC agreement that Haven would escape they broke as I heard there was
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
We don't want you to go and waste all the time and effort you put into your character. Yeah, I've suffered some pitfalls with my main, Circe, but I relaxed, worked them out, and stuck around. You still have so much to contribute, @[member="Isis Fontana"]. Please, don't throw it all away.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."


You are making an instant decision based on something that shouldn't have happened. NO. We're not telling you what you will do, we're telling you what you shouldn't do. We do have no choice in the matter. We're just trying to keep you from making stupid decisions that will affect your real life reputation.
So. Tell me again why, if someone 'shot you in the head', you should just - kill off all your chars?
You know what, it doesn't matter to me if this characters live of die, I was just going to in time recreate them into NFU's since no matter what I do, they are never ever any good, besides... I don't like them anyway.

But yea, figure it out and maybe call me for a new thread... either way, it doesn't matter to me.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
No one is trying to dictate what your characters need to do. We're just asking that you take a little time to think about your decision. If Isis Fontana really does need to die, and she really does need to die now, then if you take a break and don't RP you can do that and nothing changes IC on how it would have happened. But if you kill your character off and then decide later you didn't want to do that you can't change it.

If someone is GMing in a fight with you and shoots you in the head or lights you on fire or whatever it was, that's them in the wrong, and you can take it to an RPJ and they'll fix it. Their issues and problems in writing shouldn't dictate what you do with your characters, especially on such a permanent basis.

All we're asking is that you take a little time. You have nothing to lose if you just don't RP and wait as you think it out, so why be so hasty? Why not give your characters a grand death instead of a spontaneous one? Plan it out, make it something to remember.


Well-Known Member
@[member="Isis Fontana"] I gotta say, in a matter of mins this many people have issues with what happened to you, and are backing you. We all understand, me more so considering my recent issues with GMing. Just play around what they said, ignore it. If they did that, I'd be like:

Haven launches quickly to the side, just in time to avoid the attack, then with them focused on the shot, she cuts their arm off. (Lol they did it why can't you.)
Haven, being mid motion, narrowly dodges the blow.

Then you don't have to even appeal to their ego, or can.
Jaxton Ravos said:
No one is trying to dictate what your characters need to do. We're just asking that you take a little time to think about your decision. If Isis Fontana really does need to die, and she really does need to die now, then if you take a break and don't RP you can do that and nothing changes IC on how it would have happened. But if you kill your character off and then decide later you didn't want to do that you can't change it.

If someone is GMing in a fight with you and shoots you in the head or lights you on fire or whatever it was, that's them in the wrong, and you can take it to an RPJ and they'll fix it. Their issues and problems in writing shouldn't dictate what you do with your characters, especially on such a permanent basis.

All we're asking is that you take a little time. You have nothing to lose if you just don't RP and wait as you think it out, so why be so hasty? Why not give your characters a grand death instead of a spontaneous one? Plan it out, make it something to remember.
Yea well take into account here that I was just told in fringe chat that no matter the circumstances the character died because the CIS wanted to be (I am bleeping this out) and invade a thread that had no real threat to them, just because of an NPC being hunted to further a character line, and on top of that Fringers decided to let me know that CIS was in the right for taking control of my character because I was on their world, I did nothing wrong as of yet but I am the bad guy? Really?

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
I mean, if I were to die, I would die by keeping everyone safe, while sacrificing myself by holding off a giant asteroid or something.

Or something.

Isis, if you want to go out, try it in the Rakatan thingie. IF. Just... cool down and think about it.
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