White Peony
congress chambers ❀ rothana ❀ outer rim
"同様に" he responded absently and with less warmth than she had given when greeting him, his voice trailing... simply because his attention was on the other participants in this first gathering. Ardin's dark eyes were finally drawn to his cousin and away from the assembly when she asked his thoughts, but just as soon drifted, following the small gift bag with muted interest when she slid it his way. There were words on his tongue, the start of his response, but he delayed speaking as his manicured fingers gently tugged the opening of the gift bag apart just enough to take a peek.
"ありがとう" he said with a small smile - he certainly had use for the cosmetics - before continuing on to give Zhuan his undivided attention, and his response, releasing his light grasp on the gift bag's opening, "思うに..."
And his words just as soon died, being interrupted by the voice of Vemric Keldra , who was addressing the assembly once again. Ardin's head canted minutely to one side as he paused to listen, then his attention turned to the head of their government in full - who was a handsome man, let it be said. The terms of the vote the Sephi laid out caused the half-Atrisian Lord to reassess his response to his cousin, a mild cheshire smile curving his lips, his thoughts churning.
"...私はもう少し判断を保留しようと思う" he concluded, settling back into his seat, glancing to Zhuan as he spoke. "これについては後で話そう。"
They had much catching up to do, indeed. For now he would wait, withholding his vote until he could see how other representatives reacted to the president's voting terms.. and the votes, stances, and opinions of others, and they didn't disappoint. Only one voted without further commentary, and the rest had much to say to back their votes. Some passionately so. Ardin returned Zhuan's smile after her vote with one of his own, that was more of a firm line than anything else - Mandalorians had a poor track record with diplomacy not only in recent times (he had heard a supposed Mand'alor had stormed out of a summit with the Galactic Alliance in a tizzy only so many months prior) but far back beyond the span of his life, and struggled with unity amongst themselves for as long. You meet a Mandalorian, and you have met just one Mandalorian; any decision with respect to them had to come with caveats... which both Zhuan and Xazzex Xivar did, though they landed on opposite sides of what was becoming a clear divide.
One he could prolong... or not.
Ardin Paskal - the Lord Seijirō Tanaka - made to speak, and did so without liasing with a translator, his voice coming through the speaker system with a mild Atrisian accent, speaking Galactic Basic. "I pray you are able to speak with the tongue of a warrior, Marquis Nargath," he began, looking to Tertius C. Nargath , "if you wish to treat with one." Neither his plain tone, nor his impassive expression gave any indication as to subtext. He also felt no need to include Zhuan in it by naming her, despite her aligning with the Eriaduan noble. Ardin continued on, speaking to the assembly as a whole. "If this body elects not to hold our hand out in diplomacy towards the Mandalorians at this time, it is not the equivalent of ignoring them. Nor is it leaving our door open and unguarded, if we elect to step towards them," he gestured with one hand to Zhuan, to the left of him, "so mentioned already. To do either of these things is perilous, blind."
Was that not what an intelligence service was for? His House retained personnel in such respects, looking out, as much as in.... but he didn't wish to insult the intelligence of this body by elaborating further. He then looked to Xazzex.
"But it is near as you say - we will... decide whether to cross that bridge if we arrive at it, and until then, we will keep our eyes open for any, hmm--" how should he put this? "--malicious 妖怪 that may or may not have inhabited the space beneath it?" So to speak. Ardin gave a thin smile and tipped his head toward the green-skinned woman, then looked back to the rest of the assembly, and the president. "Rishi votes 'aye', at this point in time."
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