Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Frozen Heart

Creative soundtrack: The Interrupters "Bad Guy" (Billie Eilish cover)

The further into the Kuunga River valley the teams traveled, the more intense and profoundly powerful the storm became. The natural shape of the valley funneled the weather and shaped it into a ruthless mass of energy. The Lordess frowned as the bubble of energy she’d created was buffeted time and time again. It was not unexpected, but it did not prevent her annoyance from adding an additional layer to the construct. Trapping a sliver of air between the two stabilized it and let her withdraw a measure of her concentration.

Kassandra was glad for it a moment later, as she stood and stretched, briefly pulling her gloves off to tuck an errant curl behind her ear. The sled had stopped as the teams sought to reorient themselves, looking for the markers that were to be placed and activated by the ground troops already out in this mess. She winced to think of them out there in mere all weather and cold gear, without a Force adept to ameliorate some of the worse conditions. That oversight would have to be remedied, and drew her to send a quick message back to those coordinating the efforts from Anishina.

The datapad was tucked away even as the young woman...the young Jedi, that was, approached her. A soft smile found its way to her features and the brilliant white of her weather-bound gaze cleared for a moment to its natural blue. ”Indeed we have not. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Nylea. My name is Kassandra, and please, do not feel as if you have to apologize. It is a natural reaction, and I’m delighted that you came to speak to me in spite of it. Thank you for that.”


Elisea Apollodor

While Nylea and Kassandra got acquainted, the Lieutenant got everyone back on the sled and the Ursidaan Elder started the dogs up once again. Needan wasn't going to go easy on them, the storm seemed to worsen and the signals were thankfully bright enough for the dogs to follow. The footprints of the stormtroopers had already been covered and there seemed to be a long dark tunnel between the two groups. Lieutenant Braña had finally heard back from the troops ahead, "nothing so far, maybe there's something a little further up?"
"Pray that it is so, otherwise I fear we are too late and we're merely here to collect the dead and dying," Makittuq replied with a somber tone it would be another winter and another season of dead humans. They were not built for the climates this far North, but they had stubbornly decided to settle and if only for the natural resources nearby. On the sled itself, Elisea laid back against the thick, dense pack of animal hide, Dosuunian cotton and leather that covered the long handles of the sled.
Something moved where the Kuunga River had frozen over and Makittuq's features changed. "We must hurry, the Orcinos are close." Orcinos were a reputable lot for sure, while few were friendly - far more were aggressive, and served only themselves. The flash of black beneath the dense ice was enough for Makittuq to worry spoke to the Lieutenant. "Warn your people to stay away from the river, there are predators about and they can break the ice."
:: LT Braña to Mastmot Scout Besh-Senth-Two, we've got tangos underneath the ice - they are considered to be dangerous, stay frosty. ::

Though Nylea's reaction was likely not entirely unique amongst Jedi, the source of her apprehension was perhaps a little more potent than the average. Her introduction to the Dark side was and involuntary one, yet also one that became deeply personal. For years the echani had been led to believe that the Dark side was all there was and as she was forced down that path, she had become compelled do commit acts that still haunted her. She wasn't herself, but that was no excuse. It shaped her view on the Dark and those who embraced it, but she was slowly learning that the galaxy wasn't completely black and white.

That said, Nylea was still a little surprised by Kassandra's easy-going nature around someone like herself.

"I-I suppose you are welcome," the echani responded, though she sounded unsure of herself as she said it. "I am not really used to being in crowds like this, but I still wanted to help," she explained. When lives were in danger, her own reservations meant little. This experience wouldn't convince her to join any imperial side, but it was helping her understand that they were still people, something she was able to learn because of Elisea. Luckily nobody had been really alarmed by her presence, either.

"Elisea here told me about what was happening, and I couldn't sit idly by," Nylea said as she looked at the Avalonian laying down next to her. Even though she didn't outright say such a thing, it wasn't difficult to figure out that Nylea and Elisea knew each other well at the very least, and likely more than that. "Hopefully we will find them soon."

Peering through his own sensor block, he filtered it through to the glass viewport that would allow him to more literally lay 'eyes on' what was outside. Finding the stormtroopers digging, he swore lightly as he realized whoever had been inside was dead. Likely, they'd simply frozen. So far as ways to die went, there were much worse.

Sighing, he lifted his head and turned it, listening to the voice of Baseplate in his ear.

"Oh, I must have missed the 'dangerous predators beneath the ice' part of the briefing." He said with only a touch of dry sarcasm. Killing the link, he gave the gunner a pat on the shoulder from his seat.

"Keep a lookout. Finned Bandits beneath the ice."

"Ozzel, I want us drifting when we aren't moving. Don't stay in one place too long."

Caz Ozzel

To die by freezing. It sent a shiver down his spine despite the warmth emanating from both his personal thermals as well as the ambient heat from the tank's systems. It was hard to tell how long the craft had been out there, no heat signature was present. It could be worse. he supposed, thoughts of varying methods of death running through his mind. It was C D's inquiry which drew his eyes back to the scopes. "Uh... That doesn't look right." he mused. It didn't look like a human shape, and if the derelict craft in front of them was anything to go by there was very little chance anyone would survive outside without protection. Their Sergeant's directions confirmed the two soldier's suspicions.

Before he had the chance to utter anything further, he had received more instruction. "Aye Sarn't." he abbreviated, quickly checking the proximity sensors before manipulating the control mechanisms. It was an asymmetric pattern of movements, the tank shifting rearwards, sideways, then forward at an angle. The transitions weren't exactly smooth but with his eyes glued to the scopes it was far easier to avoid any large chunks of ice, rock, or the snowtrooper support on foot. "Still can't see much. There should have been more than one craft, right? Maybe there's more ahead." Maybe cave systems? he thought silently, eyes scanning the sensors. If anyone could survive out here, they'd have to have found some sort of cave system or break in the ice. Wind chill alone would be enough to freeze someone in minutes.


Kim Dae-Hyun

Dae's Thunderbolt hit the storm at a lowered speed, and was instantly glad that he had the foresight for the fighters to spread out. Without that, he was sure that they would have had multiple collisions. The wind slammed his fighter, shoving it laterally to the left. The TIE groaned in protest. "Not the most aerodynamic ships," he observed to himself. He deployed sensors and followed the prescribed flight path, flying lower in order to get finer detail of the ground-based temperatures, life form readings, and other readouts.

He flipped open a channel to the Control and Command team. "Control and Command, this is Black Leader," he said calmly. "Please confirm that you are receiving Black Squadron's sensor data." He waited a moment for them to confirm. "Please be aware that the weather conditions are very difficult here," he said into the com channel. "We may need to break off and return with other ships or sensor options."

"That's a negative at this time, Black Leader," said the Control and Command officer. "Your mission stands. Please obtain critical sensor data and continue to upload to FleetCom."

"Acknowledged," DK said tightly, switching over to the squadron's channel. "Status report. How are your fighters holding up?"


Tycho Desyk

:: Slow Speed, Deploy Sensor Feeds :: Desyk echoed the given commands. Taking one hand from the controls, he shifted over slightly and pressed a few buttons on the pad to his right. A small hydraulic hiss emanated from below his feet and he felt his fighter shudder as the sensor pods deployed causing increased air resistance. Quickly re stabilizing his TIE, Tycho keyed up. :: Sensor Feeds Deployed. Data streaming. :: A quick glance at his sensor display revealed the data was reaching the pods sufficiently but his transmission rate was far below the recommended comm minimums. He hoped the data wasn't too fragmented, it would be a real pain to get any lower in the muck.

:: Depends, Black Two, if by this you mean the headings sure, if you mean the other readings, probably ::
Hidden by the faceplate of his helmet, the TIE pilot raised an eyebrow. Other readings? Maybe his surface scanners weren't functioning properly, or maybe there was some ice beginning to form. He couldn't tell without visually inspecting but that wasn't going to happen. At least he icing alarms haven't gone off yet. he thought to himself, hoping he hadn't just jinxed it. :: I meant the rough air Black Three - feels like I'm riding a Devaronian Watchbeast! :: Another pocket of warmer air shook his fighter from right to left, his arms wrangling the controls back into alignment. At Black Leader's inquiry, he replied with a touch of irritation at their circumstances. :: Holding up as well as can be expected. Might have some ice forming on my targeting sensors, not getting the same readings as Black Three. ::

Creative soundtrack: Sweet Dreams + White Stripes Mashup | Pomplamoose ft. Sarah Dugas

Whatever the young woman’s history with those numbered among her brethren, she came through it with an undeniable strength. Kassandra’s aura and energy no longer bore any trace of the light that had set her on her Force journey. It was, at best, a writhing morass of darkness and hunger, and off-putting even to those who shared her proclivities. The girl still sounded uncertain of herself, and the lordess smiled as she drew back a measure of her energy to set her more at ease.

Though that could have been simple confusion, Kassandra mused, considering that most Sith confronted with a Jedi would have gone into destruction mode. In her much younger years, she might have given it thought, but the woman and the Sith Lord she was now was far more experienced and pragmatic. She preferred to get to know someone before deciding if they needed murdering simply because they ascribed to a different set of teachings than she did. Her once dearest and closest friend had been a Jedi Master, after all, and though he had been one with the Force for centuries, she still remembered what that friendship had taught her.

“Crowds take some getting used to, certainly. It speaks volumes that you came in spite of your reservations. I came for a similar reason, to be honest. I could not sit idly by and not lend a hand when my abilities would be so singularly useful.” she added relatively softly, though allowing for her voice to be heard in spite of the conditions as the teams began moving once more.

Kassandra nodded, intending to echo Nylea’s hopeful sentiment even as she took a moment to observe the pair. There seemed to be a nascent bond flickering between them, though she refrained from saying anything about it. It would be rude to do so without explicit permission. It still made her smile, though. “I hope so as well. These are no conditions for our people to be out in, as unprepared for the severity of it as so many of them are…”

Her voice trailed off as something brushed up against the edges of her senses, and her gaze flicked from glowing white to pitch-black in an instant. Though she maintained control over her bubble, fingers tightened over the sled railing she stood beside. Her ear had caught Makkituq’s mention of the Orcinos, and now her predator’s senses were on full alert. She could feel them close by as he’d said, but could not pinpoint their precise location...and that was infuriating.

And alarming.

The Lordess nodded briefly to Nylea and Elisea before canting her head to the side as she turned to face forward, before murmuring an apology to Nylea as she unmasked her aura completely and extended her senses further outward. At her core, without the Force, Kassandra was an apex predator, and she did not like being at a disadvantage.


Resurgent Narrative

Cee Dee gulped as his brows furrowed with concern, finned bandits? Beneath the ice?! Nervously the kid could scarcely feel his sergeant's hand on his shoulder. Still, he heard the order and sat up straight after clearing his throat. No, no finned bandit or whatever was gonna get him or his crew that was for sure or his name wasn't Callis Deastris! Right? Right. He steeled himself and took a deep breath and exhaled, he could hear the gun rotate as he shifted it left and then right. The bucketheads outside were still shoveling and walking, markers were laid down and scanners went to work once again.
The Kuunga River supposedly wasn't too wide up ahead, it narrowed, which was both good and bad. Good because it would make finding people easier or so Cee Dee thought, but bad because it was also where the mountains were at their steepest and it was easier to cause an avalanche this way. Things began to get quiet around the tank and Cee Dee found that it had grown a little too quiet. "Sarge?" He said as a question rathern than addressing the man in charge. "It's... it's quiet."
Nothing on his scanners and the sounds of the Snowtroopers had been drowned out by the whipping winds that now blitzed by the tank and on occasion seemed to tip it ever so slightly one direction then another. Cee Dee had a bad feeling about this.
Confirm and repeat, Niance went to work and relayed the information once she confirmed it. :: Sensors up, data feed is now live :: She felt easier once both hands were back on the controls. Silently she too was grateful for their squadron leader's foresight, the winds were horrendous and it was hard enough to maintain control of the eyeball in the middle of this storm. :: Copy, Black Two, I think the Watchbeast might be easier than this :: it didn't sit well that her squadmate wasn't getting the same readings. Maybe the ice had clogged up on the bird's equipment, or maybe she thought to herself, the magnetic pole wasn't too far away and in that case, it could be messing with her systems.
:: Bird's doing well, but I think ice has got my equipment clogged or something, Black One ::
She was sure it was nothing more than that. Visibility was crap all she could see was a bright sheet of white at best. Indicators for her position within their squadron helped a lot and for once the color of their birds also seemed to help them stand out against the storm. Everything else seemed relatively normal as the data began to stream back, albeit most likely with a degraded integrity thanks in part to the storm and in other parts due to the fact that their birds weren't cut out for this kind of weather.
"No, actually, I was hoping I'd get to meet with you - you're Moff Westaway right?" Ostell inquired as she shouted to be heard while urging both the Moff and her aide toward the bunkers behind her. "There's something I need to talk to you about, let's get inside."
Cape Velikaya had gone silent, the last known contact had been with a Captain Aetos who along with Major Caceres had been in charge of the rescue efforts there. The storm was beginning to settle over the Cape and the only other way to the cape would be by boat, but the waters surrounding this stretch of Needan were completely frozen over. Add to that that the valley had quickly become a death trap for those who had escaped the storm's initial onslaught. Ostell had talked to a few of the Ursidaans who remained in Anishina, who pointed out a few caves along the valley that might hold people waiting for rescue.
Once inside the bunker, Ostell took a moment to catch her breath. "Moff Westaway, allow me to introduce myself I'm Ilannaq Ostell with Camden Broadcasting. I was in contact with Captain Vir Aetos of the Army and Major Dantae Caceres with the Stormtroopers, but they've gone silent. I don't have anything on radar or sensors the entire capital is just ... gone, from radio at least." She brought Moff Westaway toward the station where a small make-shift operations center had come together.
Not too far were the men and women who had evacuated Cape Velikaya with residents of Anishina. "The storm blew out one of our main towers, we've got a team out in the city trying to get the backup tower going, is there any way you can help direct some eyes over toward the cape?"

Renata Westaway

Renata followed the woman to the bunker. She was happy to be someplace warm again -- or at least not freezing cold. She looked down at her feet and saw that they had accumulated some snow on them. She paused and stamped her feet, causing the snow to fall off onto the mat in front of the entrance door. Freda did the same before they proceeded down into the bunker proper. The Moff surveyed the room for a moment before following Ilannaq Ostell.

She listened as the reporter introduced herself. "Oh yes, of course," Renata said. "I recognize you from the holo." Renata pulled her mask off so she could breathe easier as she listened to the woman's story, her eyebrows furrowing with concern. This was a serious problem; she didn't know how many stormtroopers were involved, but she knew that any stormtrooper losses were too many. The fact that her acquaintance Captain Aetos was involved only added to the urgency she felt that she should do what she could to assist.

"I'll do my best," said Renata. "But there's nothing I can promise. Can you get me in front of a communications console? Who's in charge here?"


Elisea Apollodor


If there had ever been a time to be wrong, it would have had to have been right at the moment Makkituq heard and felt a shift beneath the sled. Instinctively he unleashed the dogs and barked orders in the Ursidaan tongue, and the dogs obeyed and quickly sought shelter. The sled tilted to the left, the speed, the weight of it all moving in full swing as the ground beneath the sled collapsed out from underneath it and the black fins of the Orcinos were more than visible as the pod began toss the sled and the occupants within.
It all happened so fast Elisea went to grab the sled's bars, Lieutenant Braña reached out for her and she grabbed onto him but his weight was too much and the sled was still sliding on the left edge just as one of the Orcinos knocked it into the air and Elisea lost her grip on the sled, and Braña all she could feel was the air around her she didn't dare look backward toward the gaping mouths of the Orcinos.
The breaking of the ice this far back would no doubt reverberate forward. All Chaos had been unleashed in the backline, and as the lead sled it was perhaps the most devasting part of it all. It meant the others would have little time to react, and those that did had done so because they were able to sense the Orcinos beneath them. The erosion of the river and the land had never been so bad, nor was it anticipated that the Kuunga River was either now too narrow or too wide. The road was a thin lane between mountain and river and in the midst of the chaos, small chunks of snow began to roll off the mountainside...
The tank crews ahead would now face the consequences of such a dramatic event in more ways than one...
It all happened in a flash. Kassandra's demeanor shifted, heavily so, and her aura suddenly burst outward to display itself fully. It left Nylea disoriented for a moment, and by the time she shook it off the situation had already gotten dire. From the sled violently tilting sideways, the ice beneath them cracking and breaking and most alarming of all, the sight of Elisea losing her grip and being flung off the sled. The Force called out to the echani and she let it wrap around her, granting her strength and resolve.

She shed herself of all fear and hesitation and like she was a different woman altogether, she let go of the sled and jumped, the Force flowing through her as she went after Elisea. Time moved slowly for Nylea as she flew through the air, knowing full well that the orcinos would look to turn both the echani and the Avalonian into their prey. Still, the Jedi was not afraid.

While still in mid-air Nylea tightly grasped Elisea, wrapping her arms around her torso and veered off to the side in an attempt to avoid the gaping maws of the orcinos. Turning her back towards the ice underneath them as much as possible she looked to cushion the incoming blow for Elisea as much as possible, even if that meant she'd be taking the brunt of the impact herself.

After hitting the ground Nylea rolled through as let out a pained grunt, feeling her back nearly crack. She struggled to get back on her feet even though the orcinos were not far off.


Resurgent Narrative


"Ataciara is the lead here, she's the shaman of Makkituq's tribe." Ilanna gestured with her thumb toward the large nine-foot-tall bearfolk off to her right. "And yes, our communications console is here, we're hoping that it's just our equipment here but I suspect the storm may have completely incapacitated Cape Velikaya's ability to call out. Doppler radar shows the storm is moving this way but it may veer off toward the Anadyr Sea that wraps around Anishina and the Cape."

"My team is just over there monitoring it now, and I've got to say, as someone who has lived here for the past ten years this is some of the worst that I've seen, and add to the fact that the Orcinos have become more aggressive. I'm quite glad to see the First Order back on Needan proper." Ilanna and her family had been some of the original First Order families to settle out here. When most preferred the cold jungles of the Southern Hemisphere she and her family stuck it out in the 'Great White North.'

She worked mostly with local and planetary news and only recently had been picked up by CBC once Needan became fully integrated with the First Order. "I promise when this is over, and everything's cleaned up, I'll take you to some of the best spots." The North wasn't always so brutal and harsh, and for Ilanna was always something to be in awe of. Ataciara slowly made her way toward Ilanna and introduced herself to the Moff.

"You must be with the First Order, Ilanna mentioned we would get help from your people. I am Ataciara," Ataciara's voice was soothing, comforting even, and from simply listening you could almost feel the years of wisdom roll from the shaman. "It is good to see that your people have returned, I fear your kind will not last in these conditions, even with our help."

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Renata Westaway

Renata listened along, nodding where appropriate, and when she was introduced to Ataciara, she offered a dignified bow from the neck. "I'm Renata Westaway, First Order Moff," said Renata. "I'm pleased to meet you and I'm sorry we haven't more time for pleasantries. As you said, my people will not likely survive long in this weather. I'd like to ask your permission to use my shuttle's equipment to amplify your communications here. If we can get some kind of confirmation that our people are still alive, I'll be able to instruct our military forces to dispatch aid. I'll take the shuttle myself if I have to."

With the plan agreed, Renata and Freda assisted with linking up the systems, inexpert though they were. It was jury-rigged at best, but when the communications console crackled to life, Renata felt there was hope to be had. She set the communications signal to the channel for Aetos' operation and held the headset to her ear. "First Order forces, this is Moff Renata Westaway, broadcasting from the bunker outside the Cape. We understand the mission is in distress. We are prepared to launch a rescue operation. Please respond."

Renata waited, holding the headset to her head, but she heard nothing but empty air. She keyed the channel open again. "First Order forces, this is Moff Renata Westaway, seeking Captain Aetos, Major Caceres, or their men. If you can hear this broadcast, please respond with your location."

"You're supposed to say 'over'," Freda whispered.

"Uh, over," said Renata. Then she waited.


Kim Dae-Hyun

The readings from DK's sensors were degrading rapidly, the data distorted and getting worse. Control and Command didn't let that go unremarked upon. "Black Leader, please confirm your sensors are still operating. Data quality is very poor."

"Copy that, Control and Command," said the prince. "Conditions are worsening. The sensors are performing poorly in these weather conditions. I believe the sensors are being iced over, but I do not have a visual. The weather is also negatively affecting the performance of the fighter craft. Based on the trajectory of the performance, I do not expect the Thunderbolts to continue functioning, let alone functioning well. Control and Command, I estimate we will lose the ability to return to orbit in approximately ten minutes based on existing performance. We may not be able to land on the planet much longer after that."

There was static, the only sound the protests and groans of the ship buffeted by the strong winds. Then, after a few moments: "Acknowledged, Black Leader. Return to base ship and prepare for redeploy."

"Acknowledged, Control and Command." He switched his uptake back to his squadron. "Black Squadron, this is Black Leader. Our orders are to return to the ship. Report to the ready room near the hangar as we are likely to be redeployed in short order. Maintain current spacing until we reach orbit. Adjust to mark zero two six, go now." Dae-Hyun swung his TIE around despite the protesting of the craft and pointed towards space, then throttled up.


Tycho Desyk

:: Understood Black Leader. Increasing altitude and adjusting heading for recall. ::
Tycho clenched his jaw tightly as his TIE was buffeted again by the high level storm. A quick glance revealed his sensors nearly useless. Ahead through the transparent window of the cockpit he couldn't see much either - snow, snow, and more snow. Blast. he thought. With a quiet sigh of frustration his hands guided the controls gently, his fighter craft nosing up and out of the more turbulent air and back out into the void. It only took them a few minutes to assume an orbit though a lagging wobble in his control mechanisms concerned the novice. For now he had it under control. Lt. Desyk didn't want to prematurely denote a problem. Of course, he'd mention it to the pit crews once they were safely back on board the Redoubtable.

Flipping through a few basic diagnostics a fault appeared on his readout. A few power relays appeared to have been affected by the cold and if he was reading the codes right, there had even been a possible physical damage caused by the freezing of a hydraulic line knocked out of place by the harsh winds. Tycho wasn't one to be a complainer but he sure hoped they'd be able to get fighters that didn't fail quite as often.

Creative soundtrack: Disturbed - The Vengeful One [Official Music Video]

There was a moment - a solitary second, where every sense shrieked with alarm as the ice cracked and then erupted beneath the sled. Makkituq had the presence to roar orders and loose the dogs, presumably bidding them to find safety. The others were tossed about in the air along with the supplies as if they were little more than toys in the hands of an errant child.

It felt as if everything slowed down forcing the Lordess to take severe note of each soul surrounding her. The Lieutenant, thrown aside and struggling to his feet, weapon in hand, Elisea being snatched out of mid-air by a brightly enveloped Nylea, and the suddenly inevitable bulk of Orcinos surrounding all of them. The girls landed roughly in a heap, but time suddenly seemed to speed up and catch her with a blow to the face from the orcino directly below her.

She stumbled as she landed, but remained on her feet, the gloveless fingers of one hand rising to wipe away the blood dripping from her nose. The pain blossomed as she set the broken nose back in place and growled, the sound deeply inhuman and seemingly impossible. Fangs fully extended, she wrapped herself in the tendrils of darkness that seethed to life in the air around her and flung a temporary barrier of protection over the girls, leaving Nylea able to use it or dispel it as needed.

There were no words, and no additional noise to the cacophony as she flew forward, leaping at the massive creature and knocking it backward. To say the creature was surprised would be putting it mildly, given the force and speed at which she hit, cracking whatever passed for bones in its massive chest. Kassandra took but a moment to breathe deeply and meet its gaze before sinking her fangs into its flesh, drinking deep as she found one of it’s critical arteries.

The energy flooded her senses and bolstered her in ways even the Force could not. It didn’t take long until the orcino collapsed beneath her, and she left it on the rapidly cracking ice in its death throes. Wiping the back of her hand across her mouth she used a tendril of energy to fix her nose before turning abruptly as another of the orcinos roared and ran at her. Her blood-soaked smile should have been warning enough, but she watched as the creature slammed the sled out of the way towards the Lieutenant.

The sled slammed into a Force barrier before reaching him.

The Lordess used every ounce of her preternatural speed and strength to slam into the orcino with a level of malevolence and violence she only displayed on the battlefield. The Orcinos had made the broken ice a war zone, and she would ensure they felt the consequences. This one, she drank from briefly, using her fangs to tear at the flesh and expose the now ruptured arteries. He was still alive when she tore the battle-scarred fin from his back and kicked him towards the black void of frigid water they’d erupted from.

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Resurgent Narrative


Niance was grateful when Dae's voice crackled across the squad's com channel. It meant they could get some respite from the storm, she was sure that her instruments were partially busted or clogged with ice. She got a glance at the lights on her dash and skimmed what sensors did work, she sighed inwardly. The look beyond her dash and through the glasteel window wasn't of much help either. She guided her TIE the best she could through the turbulence. Niance made a mental checklist of what to inform the maintenance crew when she got back to the Redoubtable.

While it might have felt like an eternity, it was only at most a few minutes as her TIE pressed into the void and broke away from Needan's atmosphere. There was something comforting about the pitch-black darkness that greeted her, maybe it was the calm or the stability of the void. Either way, the storm was behind her - for now and the Redoubtable wasn't too far ahead. Dae had mentioned that they were likely to be redeployed so she wondered if they were just going to go back out for more sensor data. Either way, it wouldn't be her place to question it.


Elisea Apollodor

Elisea laid on the cold, snow backed landscape and could scarcely see what was happening. Her vision was blurred and the snow came ever faster down. The Avalonian rolled to her side to see Nylea not too far from her, she reached out for the Echani but it was all she could do. Her body would not move on its own, at least not at that precise moment. Makkituq lifted both women and placed them back onto the sled, and when Elisea came too all she could see was the flash of white fur as he laid in a sharp spear into one of the Orcinos.
There had been lots of shouting, the Lieutenant would be placed on the sled next to them. Makkituq's dogs were nowhere to be seen, another of the Ursidaans took hold of the sled and began to push it themselves back down toward Anishina. It just as the sled had turned that someone shouted the one word they had all dreaded to hear while in the valley.
The trickle of snow that had begun to fall along the mountainside had shifted, cascaded now, and it threatened to bury everyone in the valley with its monstrous power. If the stormtroopers and army were ahead, perhaps now it would be their best bet to make haste for Cape Velikaya or a nearby cave, or else suffer the fate of being buried beneath the wrath of the Kuunga River Valley.
For her part, the Avalonian pulled herself toward Nylea and pulled a woven hide and fur blanket over the two of them. Shielding them from the snow and insulating them from the cold.

Nylea was hurt. As much as she wanted to, the echani wouldn't be able to get Elisea to safety in the state she was in. She couldn't even properly get to her feet despite the orcinos that could've struck at any moment. Her instinct to swallow down and numb the pain she felt kicked in, a Force technique that didn't cost nearly as much focus as Force Heal but didn't make getting to her feet any easier. What Nylea could feel though was the way the Force was being manipulated around herself and Elisea, and a bubble was created around themselves to shelter them from harm for at least the moment.

The woman tried using her own connection to the Force to keep the bubble up for as long as she could, but she was drained already. The protection wasn't kept up for long, but luckily the two weren't on their own. Mattituq had found them and lifted them up, carrying them back to the sled. She then felt the sled getting pushed and more importantly, Elisea pulling herself towards the echani and pulling a blanket over the two. A small moment of comfort in an unrelenting environment.

"H-hey," Nylea muttered weakly, relieved to know the Avalonian was here with her. "How are you feeling?"

She thought she heard something that resembled an answer, though the words were difficult to make out as the woman slowly drifted off out of fatigue. Moments later, she was asleep.


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