Captain Aetos was huddled in a pocket of what had been a school auditorium, "hey, hey, hey stay with me Caceres." He nudged the bucket head who jolted awake. The building had been one of the evac sites but when the storm zeroed in on the otherwise mundane, suburban sector of Cape Velikaya the auditorium collapsed in on itself and dumped what felt like mountains of snow with it. They could scarcely see beyond their surroundings and Captain Aetos' right leg was broken, Major Caceres' armor broke in the process - as old as it was. His radio began to fizzle to life with the sounds of a voice on the other end.
It was severely distorted. Lieutenant Rajaverde looked over at his CO. "Th-there's a beacon not too far if we just get it aligned properly we can probably hear that better."
"Don't do it. LT."
"Captain, it's okay, I'll be fine."
Aetos didn't believe him. Still, Rajaverde could move and he couldn't. Aetos was with Caceres and the bucketheads, "hey y'all buckets still up, c'mon stay with me." They groaned and managed to sit up right if they could another was pinned beneath a beam.
The cold was bitter, and brutal Aetos could feel it cut through his uniform.
Rajaverde faded from view, he stumbled forward and kept his scarf tightly wrapped his face, goggles on and jacket with insulation thermal still worked. The beacon really wasn't that far but the alignment had been fubar'd when the storm bore down on this sector. Carefully he approached the beacon and began to access the controls.
Aetos' comms sparked to life again and he could hear the message.
:: First Order forces, this is Moff Renata Westaway, seeking Captain Aetos, Major Caceres, or their men. If you can hear this broadcast, please respond with your location. Uh, over ::
He grinned.
:: Moff we're in Cape Velikaya, storm was too fast, I've got men stuck around the city, same for the Major. I don't know... if he'll make it. Leg broken, the LT is somewhere, we need evac, now. ::
Aetos could only hope his message would get through he kept looking in the direction that Rajaverde had disappeared in and waited for the young man's return.