had halted what Tempest was doing to give her additional direction. It is not easy to wrap her head around what he asked her to attempt. She figured the only way to even begin to understand it, is to try to accomplish exactly what he directed. She had not witnessed him do anything, just seen the physical end result. He was standing before her, she fed him energy, and then he was behind her all in an instance. Whether or not Master Syn had just
teleported from one place to the next, she is unsure. But she is determined to succeed in accomplishing what he directed, and to find out the result.
Tempest had easily remained caught up in channelling the power of the crystal cavern, the result from the previous lesson. She returned to the full focus of that state once again.
'Internally' she thought. Her mind latched onto the concept of internalizing the Force as Master Syn had instructed. It was very different a thought, and when she had it, it was so strange.
She has no idea what it does!
"It's almost unnatural, and yet…the state, how it feels, it's so perfect. It is like the way things should be…" '…the Force to guide me.'
The cave grew deathly silent. She noticed the air surrounding them holding suspended ice crystals, and she marveled at their luminescence.
'How is this so…?' her mind drifted, but her eyes caught sight of the mist coming from her own breath, and she figured the development simply a wave of arctic air coming from outside.
'Perhaps it is sunset.'
'How terrible of me.'
"I am sorry. I just cannot focus."
She noted next steam radiating off of herself and even Master Syn.
'That is a terrible sign of how very cold it must be outside now. It will be a long and perilous walk back to the ships!'
She apologized again for not being able to concentrate, and he didn't respond to her.
"I had it for a moment. It felt so strange. What do you generate from that Force focus, master?" she asked, and he did not respond. He hadn't moved at all in fact, and she knew he must be very disappointed in her. But then something additionally odd occurred, when he blinked, he did so incredibly slowly. Tempest bridged the gap between them, as she could not take her eyes off of him.
'What is happening to him?' she wondered.
'Could it be the cold air getting to him?' She felt rather warm herself.
She felt concerned for her Master and everything she was doing was intentionally dropped, —although she wasn't exactly aware that she has been doing anything at all any longer.
She asked him,
"Are you alright?"
She wanted to tell him what she saw, but she would wait till he seems more himself. She pulled a sustenance bar from her pocket and would share it with him. She had no idea what she had done, or that what she saw was in fact the result of her being in an altered sense of
Time, and that it had nothing to do with anything he did at all, but entirely with herself!