Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Frozen - Tech Union Dominion of Rothana

Objective: D
Rothana Heavy Engineering

As the Rothana executive tried to defend his failing company, he was sweating like a Hutt at a track meet. Man, this Chuck character sure was a wet noodle. He was letting Mr. Irani verbally walk all over him like a little whipping boy, and Venussia had to admit, it was kind of hot. Maybe she should grope Mr. Irani more often in the middle of business meetings. It really seemed to bring out his game face. Flushing with pride, Venussia smiled at her team members, Mr. Irani, and Mr. Truden. She and the two men were her favorite threesome. Wait, why did that sound inappropriate somehow?

Glancing at her chrono, Venussia stifled a yawn. Meetings such as these snoozy suitfests weren't her favorite thing about being a CEO. Still, it beat working for minimum wage. One summer, as a teenager she had worked at McYoda's when she was on break from University. She spent her entire shift sobbing in the bathroom and fantasizing about putting rusty nails in the playplace ball pit. Still, a job was a job. After all, you didn't spell it F-U-N. Cause if you did, it would probably mean you had been held back a few grades in school.

[member="Darell Irani"] [member="Elias Truden"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Objective A
6 Posts for the Post God

Marek would always like to, and always did chase down leads when he could, that directed people to the Hegemony. Still, it helped he if was in the same vicinity as people thinking about his beloved group so he could rip it from their minds and then, y’know, get them drunk and talk about things until they spoke. Defensive, was the word.

There were a few people that Marek would like to currently see, one would be his on-again-off-again person of interest who was currently making friends with a rock, or something. Still, good for her, branching out and not judging a book by its cover. Or something. Partially why he had been so grateful that HKD appointed @Irys Arist’lar to their board and he snagged her for her mix in the military and the research sides of the Techno Union.

He knew there were other representatives coming and was, y’know, pleased to see that [member="Darell Irani"] didn’t forget the little guy while he was working for corporate dominance, and sent whatshisname Burian. The most uncreative parents of the galaxy. Looking up at the Bothan on the lectern and nodded. “We can start pulling engineers from Ty’rel, unless Mr. Burian has an exception?” He really didn’t know his first name. “And the representative from Santhe Corp was supposed to be here.” Could he throw their engineers into the fray while not getting spanked by Sasha? “I’m sure they’ll be happy to help.”

He’ll find out.
Objective c
Writer post [1 of awesome]

Elgyn sat quietly in the darkness of the cave. the back of his head resting on the seat of the hovering swoop. Thoughts of the past and the time lost inebriated his mind as he brooded. With a sigh he stood up and clicked the glow-lamp on; mechanical heads snapped in his direction as the droids that accompanied him reacted to the light. Elgyn felt the quickening of death through the Force: Raziel had completed his killing and would soon arrive with the target he was to mimic. That is when the real fun would begin. Brushing snow and dirt from his robes he turned to the weapons crate his feet had been resting on. The breath of tiny hydraulics were followed by the sound of the unlocking of the case as the lid lifted.

Elgyn could smell the coppery flavor of blood before he could see Raziel.

"Every man has his demon. It appears you were his." Elgyn grabbed the human corpse hy his neck. Sniffing his hair to take in his scent the Shi'ido's eyes scanned over the lifeless body. A humanoid form was simple to shift into. Most of his current species saw the act of skin shifting as an art--Elgyn saw it as nothing more than a tool.

He sometimes entertained the private fancy of using that skill to simply disappear; he could steal the identity some other hapless fool. A quiet murder and a simple theft and he would have a whole new life. He'd done it once before. The man he'd replaced hadn't been missed for nine years, before Elgyn had revealed his charade. And even then-- it had been to that man's wife, much to her surprise and his own fear. He had spent so long pretending to be that man that he'd started to believe the con. That alone kept him from repeating the operation.

That, and the fact that his true nature had shown through in the end. The woman dead, the monster reborn.

"Your troubles are at an end, my friend," he murmured to the lifeless husk before him.

In silence Elgyn stripped of his dark robes; all simply fell to the dusty floor, no longer needed. He laid the corpse down and wrestled it out of its clothing then. It wasn't like the man would need them anymore. Taking the clothing, he pulled it onto his frame, frowning at the state of the man's neck.

"You've nearly decapitated him," he commented, poking the man's bloody throat. "Destroyed muscle, tendon, bone even. This is going to make it difficult; I have to extrapolate what this mess looked like before you got your hands on it. Where one thing goes in relation to another, and so forth..." He looked up at Raziel, a smirk tugging one cheek. "Next time, tranq the guy. Then you can kill 'em with your bare hands once I'm done with him.

"But--I can work with this."

He moved to prop himself against a wall. This was going to be unsettling. Elgyn was starting from a form reminiscent to a Zabrak; black and greenish skin and horns ringing a crown of snowy white hair. However, this human was so average as to be boring, and he would have to soften the Zabrak's toughened hide which had evolved to tolerate the race's propensity for tattooing, draw back the horns, open hollows in the bones, to become Human.

It started simply enough. The aquiline nose seemed to deflate and suck in toward his face, the cartilage making a sick 'pop' as it dislocated and shrank. The horns receded into the scalp, bone flattening to be reconstituted into his skull. Skin pigments which mimicked the artificial inks began to bleed back into his cells; green and black dulling to match the mocha-brown of the Human's flesh. Snow-white hair seemed to gain a life of its own and went wild, curls forming and pulling close to his scalp as the strands shortened to a tight, well-manicured crop.

It was the bones that were the worst, and being that it had been hundreds of years since he'd done this much skinshifting in so short a time, his body was reacting as if under attack. Zabrak had solid bone, while humans' is full of air pockets and soft, nutrient-rich marrow. As the bones changed their shapes, Elgyn let out a pained cry, one wholly uncharacteristic to the Shi'ido race. Their shifts never hurt. This was his penance.

Slowly, once the form was complete, the pain receded, and Elgyn lay panting against the wall, lungs heaving in the chilly air.

"Well," he said in a thin voice, which was mostly his own but a lower pitch, due to not knowing precisely what this human's voice had sounded like, "that was ruddy pleasant..."

Well you know what them say, what’s a good mope every now and then when it comes to filling out forms and making monologues appear way longer than need be. It was kind of like the way the old playwrights did it back in the early stages of galactic civilization. Wilhelm Shek’Spirr was in fact very well-known for it.

Back to the meeting I could see the look of subtle defeat upon the executive as [member="Darell Irani"] pierced his gut in two. If you looked carefully you could pinpoint the exact moment his soul was crushed and it was all because of the razor sharp question. [member="Venussia Sasko"] was seemingly as interested in the meeting as usual and Darell, well he had his game face on as per usual.

I flicked up the stats on my pad again. “Says in the annual reports that your average sales figures compared to your main competitor fall well below a ten percent radius with clients left wanting more from you.”

“What exactly was it that you hoped to gain from this meeting?”

I didn’t really have anything to add to the discussion except statistics. Perhaps in a sense I felt obliged to actually do something in the meeting for the sake of a greater good that might very well go beyond this meeting. Weird feeling that.

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Rothana Heavy Engineering
[member="Venussia Sasko"] | [member="Elias Truden"]

Oh and he had been hoping so much that his dear assistant and employee, Elias would prove himself invaluable in this particular negotiation. Which only showed that sometimes the Galaxy wished to grant you a solid one, throw you a bone when you were down on your luck (and sometimes when you were on the top of the luck, even.) and that’s when Truden decided to be brilliant. Throwing in hard numbers in the face of their dearest Chucky, numbers that they shouldn’t exactly… have, at least not the accurate ones who were vastly different from the ones that were usually subbed to the registry. Such was the way with huge, sprawling conglomerates headed by Sith Lords.

Heh.’ the Irani chuckled softly, as their competition was stumped for an answer. Sometimes it was just a matter of pulling out your balls and dropping them on the table. Few if any respectable business owner really knew what to do in a situation such as that. ‘Mister Truden brought up a very important point, Chucky. Care for a conversation about the discrepancies my people managed to dig up?

A few moments passed.




A silent shake of the head signified that they were ready to sign over the business. It was good when business was easy and reasonable, sometimes people wanted to make things even more complicated, but it seemed as if Chuck here knew a lost battle when he saw one.
Objective: D
Rothana Heavy Engineering

Booyah. Venussia couldn't help giving the room a self-satisfied grin as Elias face-wrecked the Rothana executive. Nicely done, Mr. Truden. Soon, heads bobbed all around the table, signifying that the deal was ready to be made. How do you like us now? Uhn! Eat it, Chucky-boy. Venussia pushed a flimsiplast contract across the table with a manicured hand. It was a boiler-plate, take-it-or-leave it type of agreement full of fine print that was designed in an impossibly tiny serif font. Venussia coyishly twirled a strand of dark brown hair as she addressed Chuck.

“I think you’ll find the contract to be fair, but take all the time you need to read over it,” she insisted. “We at Ty’rel are quite confident you will find it agreeable enough to sign.”

Now that the deal was almost done, the three could get down to more important business like consuming copious amounts of delicious alcohol. There was also that "personal report" to file for Mr. Irani. In order of importance anything personal involving Mr. Irani trumped the consumption of alcohol, and as drinking was one of her favorite hobbies, that was saying alot. As she gave Chucky-boy her best pageant girl grin, Venussia slid her foot out of one of her pointy designer heels and slipped it up under Mr. Irani’s pant leg. No one could ever accuse her of not being a team player.

[member="Darell Irani"] [member="Elias Truden"]
[member="Chaos Maxtor"]
Objective C

"Well, he was a little more jumpy than I expected for a man who'd been out drinking all night," Raziel explained. He carefully took out a small syringe. It took a lot to set the experienced spymaster off kilter, but the changer had managed it. Still, it was one more thing he had more knowledge about now. Knowledge was everything.

Inspecting the clear syringe with a small light, Raziel continued. "I'm hoping the brief we had was enough. Our asset gave a lot of details about this guy's personal life and characteristics, but I know we're working to a tight schedule and could have done with getting you two acquainted first.

"There's a tracking chip on here, one if the highest tech devices we have. No way for them to detect it, but it'll let us locate you - as long as you stay on rothana - to within twenty metres or so. If you leave the world we won't be able to find you until you reach a populated area with navigation satellites or wireless signals. An injection just under the skin should do the job," Raziel said with a shrug.

"This is a hasty mess of a mission," he continued. "Find out what the next target is and how they're getting explosives. Then signal us and get out. We've got two gunships full of special forces ready to help get you out if necessary."
Objective D
Rothana Heavy Engineering

Our team was on fire! First the face wrecking, then Elias manning up and then Venussia pushing the new contract over to the big wig’s edge of the table. The looks on their faces as they tried to read the text could only mean one thing: Tiny fonts, size eight with serifs that blend into other letters, anything to increase eye strain and in turn the other’s will to read the whole thing.

As the piece of flimsipast danced back and forth in front of each executive’s face I couldn’t help looking over at [member="Darell Irani"] and [member="Venussia Sasko"] in a smirk to contain my laughter. We weren’t cruel, the text was readable. Even if that’s just barely and with words run by all of Tyrel Holdings’ lawyers for an extra dose of that lawyerese that they had mastered.

A look of contempt shot out from each executive. First at me, then Venussia and then Darell. They were not amused by these tactics, not in the slightest. For the slightest of moments I realized just exactly how much fun I was having when it came to being the exact opposite of who I had moped about being only a few minutes ago in my mind. Pushing all the I’s was actually pretty great.

Just as long as it didn’t go to my head. It was kind of like eating candy; take one and you can’t stop until you realize you ate a whole bucket and...

Well, then the sugar coma and/or nausea usually kicked in. Needless to say the thing about moderation would have to apply itself soon enough.
The rock shimmered yellow as it was forcibly pulled from the snowbank. It lay silent, unmoving, but the color of the glow spoke loud enough... the rock was experiencing discomfort. Or rather, was simulating it. Ao had never felt pain, and he wasn't feeling it in the sense of the word this time, being inorganic he had no nerve endings, no structured fight or flight response. But he knew something was happening that could proportionally damage him, that could alter his existence in this current time, and his yellow hue - his warning signals - was meant to ward off predators.

Ao wondered if he even had a natural predator. Probably not on this planet.

How did he even know there were other planets?

Ao chalked it back up to osmosis from this person's holocommunicator. He did seem to liven up to Sasha's electronics the closer he got to them, especially when she began to manipulate the Force to further intrude his being.

Comfortable, she asked. Ao didn't understand the sense of the word so he moved on past it.

"Where are you going?"

He didn't really have a vote in the matter.

[member="Sasha Santhe"]


Well-Known Member
.: PHASE I :.
[member="Molly Rieux"] // [member="Phade"]
Asher first looked to the over-arcing, wasplike X-Wing and then to the oncoming freighter. He was... glad to see that there were more than just himself that were more proactive members of the Order. He gave both vessels a nod, before responding on a first-come-first-serve basis, starting with Rieux.

"I'd appreciate it, yes. We're going to need as many people working as we can get to finish this project in a timely manner." he answered.

By that time, Phade would have already approached, and Ash turned to face him.

"You presume correctly. Equipment..? I didn't expect... ah let me see..." Valentine trailed off, looking over the rock.

He paced out a ways from the beacon, his head whipping each way to keep his bearings, then he stopped suddenly and pivoted in the spot, as though surveying his area. He spoke normally, his comm perfectly capable of transmitting his voice.

"This should be a good place to start before the engineers arrive," he announced, "I'll give you a hand with it."

He used a little bit of the Force to pile some rocks at the chosen location as a marker, then made his way to regroup with Phade in order to help unload and operate the equipment. It felt good to be hands-on in an environment that didn't involve killing masses of faceless enemies. It somehow calmed his spirit and made him feel yet more... human. He milled this sensation over as he aided the apprentice on a near automatic motion. He hadn't realised until that moment how much he had to learn about simply existing.
.: PHASE I :.
[member="Molly Rieux"] // [member="asher valentine"]

Phade nodded and began to position the mining equipment where Asher had indicated. Once they had it in place, Phade began to deploy the machine and set it to work.

"I assumed it would be better to get some bits started before the engineers showed up. I've never been one to fully rely on others." Phade admitted with a mild sheepishness. "This machine should give us a good bore to begin excavating the interior without a lot of exterior damage." The machine was also fairly automated, once in place, so Dair stepped back and let it work. He turned to Asher, looking, but not entirely knowing what to do or say. He was very much more used to individual operations involving combat or espionage, maybe a little smuggling, but not mining or construction.

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
“We’re going to an old refinery and mining station,” Sasha replied to the… rock. [member="Ao-Xaga"] had been its name. Strange. “Can I call you Xaga?” Sasha asked plopping along over the snow. “I’m going to survey it and see if there is anything useful there. This guy I know insisted I go myself.” Sasha rolled her eyes “[member="Marek Starchaser"]. I’ll get him back for this, don’t you worry.”

The strange pair reached the buildings and Sasha walked on in. Her team was already on station. “The drones can take inventory,” she said not caring about the random workers on the team she’d brought with her. She plodded over to an exivation bay. “You can manipulate electrical currents right?” she found what she was looking for. A small circular remote. It was designed for running up and down mine shafts scanning for water leaks, poor structural supports, gas pockets, anything that could be hazardous. Sasha would use droid miners personally, you could always buy more droids but lawsuits from injured men were much more expensive.

The probe was large, just barely large enough. She opened up its round shell and pulled it apart. It didn’t need its brain, not for what Sasha intended and she ripped the device out. The droid had scanners that both sniffed for gas as well as visual sensors. She wondered what a rock connected to them might feel, trying out new senses for the first time.

Kneeling she focused with the force. Wires diverted and pulled while circuits reshaped. That wasn’t enough though. A medical scanner gave up its probes to be affixed to the end of wires in the circuit she just created. “But you’ll need to talk,” she murmured to herself as she took a spare com unit and cannibalized it quickly attaching it to the device and wiring it in with the rest of the controls. Sasha found an old locker that once belonged to a maintenance worker. Inside was a jacket that she tore up. Folding the cloth she made a little nest, or bed, for the rock.

“I’m going to do an experiment. I hope you don’t mind…” From her pocket she put the rock down into the bed and attached the medical probes to the rock. “If you experience any discomfort… just tell me. This device can float… I want to see if you can float…” she pulled back and started the power on the old remote. “I will be here to catch you, do you don’t need to worry.” Did a rock worry about falling? It was a rock… it probably wasn’t high enough to chip and even if it fell she had cushioning for it.
Construction of the currently unnamed Carrier class

"Not a problem at all, I'm sorry if we've dragged you a bit off route, but we've got a lot of people working through some conferences here. It seemed best to get you down here and antiquated with some of the people in the Navy and see if we could get some extra eyes on your proposals," Major Tas'dom said as he offered a hand. "We're all very keen to see what you have to put forward to meet our needs. We've been looking to fill the birth of a heavy interdictor for large engagements for some time."

The broad shouldered bothan looked to the guards. "Lovely armour," he commented. "But I'm afraid they'll have to leave their weapons on your vessel."

[member="Camellia Swift"]


Well-Known Member
.: PHASE I :.
[member="Molly Rieux"] // [member="Phade"]

With the machine set up, he watched it for a moment while he listened to what Phade had to say. A self-reliant type. Reminiscent of himself, actually. In a previous time. He milled over that for a moment, considering the implications and wondering just how well this individual would do in the Order. He stood for awhile, possibly right at the threshold of awkwardness, then turned to the other man and let his curiosity out.

"So do you know how these work? Is it collecting resources or merely drilling through?" those were the foremost questions he had.

Others may crop up, or follow answers. He realised that when he got away from death, he was starving for more knowledge. He wanted to know things, wanted to know more things. He craved to be able to know, rather than to simply do. It was a strange situation, like he had multiple personalities. An inquisitive one who existed in peace, and a berserker who was unleashed during war. He heard his communicator beep and fumbled on his belt to grasp his datapad. A message read,

Miners and architects en route. ETA in five, pending asteroid charts.

"Oh good, people who know what they're doing will be here soon." he mumbled.
It was an interesting thing, being a rock. Life was full of excitement.

Especially when the Sasha thing picked him up in the air. It was quite exhilirating. One might look at the shard and think to themselves, "do they even feel altitude? Obviously not" but this wasn't the case. The electromagnetic waves that Ao could feel extended to an entire realm of physics, including gravity, that Ao could sense. He knew how far away from the ground he was... this world he saw, the world as Ao perceived, was a world of tidal waves... currents that could be judged at a microscopic pace. He knew exactly how far away from the surface of the planet he was and how far he needed to be for it to incur damage on his being. This was not currently a concern of his, as he glowed a soft green in the direction of the Sasha thing.

It wasn't a concern because unlike his knowledge of gravity, Ao possessed no knowledge of fear. He didn't know exactly what could or couldn't kill him, and while he was aware of the flight or fight instinct present in many creatures for survival, Ao thought himself... different. He didn't understand fear because he couldn't feel it.

But he knew Sasha could understand fear, so for her, he would simulate it if necessary. The Shard was not doing so now.

He was placed in the remote and it instantly sunk to the ground under his weight, despite it's attempt to stay afloat.

The rock lay motionlessly silent, glowing.

[member="Sasha Santhe"]
.: PHASE I :.
[member="Molly Rieux"] // [member="Asher Valentine"]

Asher Valentine said:
"So do you know how these work? Is it collecting resources or merely drilling through?"

Phade looked almost startled at the question. He quickly pulled up a query on his arc's, hisvision filled with a schematic of the drill with lots of technical jargon. With eyeblinks and eye movements he sifted through until he got to how the machine operated. He skimmed it for a moment, then nodded.

"According to the instruction manual, the borer itself only takes up a small portion of the machine, it kind of slices the rock and stuff into itself which is then mixed with some kind of's proprietary stuff so the exact mixture isn't listed, but it turns a majority of the carbon, sulfates and other elements into a type of rock glaze that is self supporting when it is dry. It supposedly saves time, not having to construct braces every few feet." With a quick series of movements of his artificial hand, he compressed the file and made it available publicly on his pan. "You can grab it off my pan if you'd like, decently interesting reading if you like mining..."
Objective B
Obsidian Citadel
[Member="Molly Rieux"] [Member="Asher Valentine"] [Member="Phade"]

Fingers lightly tapping one another currently encompass the majority of Seto's field of vision. His own luxury star-fighter, or star-ship rather as he would never dream of taking this into battle, currently being piloted by some other hired pilot as Seto himself sat in his own seat away from the controls but still in the cockpit as if he had some direct control over his own ship.

"Sir we have reached the destination, shall we proceed landing upon the asteroid?" His pilot asked, his head slightly turned to address his employer.

The young Du Couteau heir removed his fingers from his line of sight as he hummed for a moment, he had already wondered why he was even bothered to come all the way over here in the first place. For the construction and the observation of the Obsidian Citadel Seto repeated in his mind as he sighed as he nodded. "Yes, land," Seto ordered as he leaned back into his seat.

The ship rocked slightly as the pilot landed to the best of his ability, which concerning his paycheck Seto guessed it was worth the credits so far. Speaking of which Seto wondered if he was going to need to finance certain projects later in the future, unlikely he would ever put in the initiative to start anything but if he were to immerse himself further in the Order he would perhaps change his character slightly.

Seto lazily stood up, an ungraceful manner for those peering into the cockpit but with only his employed pilot in the vicinity to watch such an action Seto wasn't too stressed about his public appearance. Moving towards the lockeroom to change into his vacuum space suit, not exactly the most sleekest of designs but for this point Seto would put his sense of appeal on hold for the more practical.

Walking towards the exit ramp, the doors hissed and shut behind him to keep the occupants still inside the ship alive, Seto started his hopefully short trek towards the other beings he was able to spot up ahead of him. His eyes adjusted to the darkness of the space and the somewhat few lights as he was able to somewhat distinguish the faces in front of him. Recalling his past memories he remembered the other Knight to be called Phade, and then he recognized the master and leader of the new Obsidian Knight Order. Seto stiffed slightly as he bowed out of respect, "Greeting and apologies for my delay mi'lord," Seto greeted and then offered a short nod to Phade.
Construction of still unnamed carrier

[member="Irys Arist'lar"]

The local space in the system certainly did seem busier than what it normally should be, even taking into account Rothana's status as a world with a high level of mining and production facilities. Camellia was rather curious what is was that was going on here with the ACA that prompted such a hustle and bustle, though that could partially also be because of her new feline characteristics rather than actual desire to know. After all it, hopefully, didn't concern her business here, which was selling ships. Although the other side was being a bit bothersome with things. "Considering how many of your own people are around, in the system as a whole by the way, I don't think having the small escort would be problematic. If anyone were foolish enough to do something I'd assume they wouldn't get far considering your people's presence around here right now. Nonetheless fine."

It was honestly inconsiderate, if they were turned on or threatened by the ACA they would, technically, be left defenseless. It was asking for a lot more trust than they had the right to when she wasn't even meeting with the person she had agreed to, nor were they repeat customers who could be trusted yet. She would leave such complaints about courtesy and fair brokerage with the Bothan she had been expecting later. For now though, the commando unit handed over their weapons to the crew of their shuttle, leaving just their persons in their armor, unarmed. If it weren't for the fact that if attacked they could infect every human around Camellia might have rescheduled not liking the tension, but since the Croa did have that natural defense on their side, she was more comfortable sticking around with that risk if it did come to pass.

"I hope now that we've agreed to show no intent to cause a fuss we can begin a more friendly line of dialogue over business. I believe your people will greatly appreciate the design of the new Interdictor, a bit of a similarity to an old Confederate favorite. Brought up to modern standards."


Well-Known Member
.: PHASE I :.
[member="Molly Rieux"] // [member="Phade"] // [member="Seto Du Couteau"]

Asher nodded and tapped a couple of buttons on his little tablet, and the file transferred.

"Thanks, I'll give it a look over when I get some quiet time. I'm not looking into a profession in mining, but I like to know... things." he said simply. It was at that moment that a couple of things happened.

First, the ships arrived from Eridium Industrial. The beacon pinged them with the rough asteroid charts, and they slowly moved through the field. As they drifted, small probe droids shot out from the ships and affixed additional beacons to small asteroids in key locations to provide additional scanning for the asteroid drift charts. Even as they moved closer, the charts compiled and became more extensive, until a path was coursed out for their safe passage. While they were making their way through the asteroids, Seto arrived on the site. Asher couldn't see the ship very well, but he could sense the other person who arrived with the young man.

"Greeting and apologies for my delay mi'lord,"
That got a raised brow. Valentine coughed politely, then replied.

"We are not Sith," he told the apprentice, "You don't need to bow so stiffly or refer to me as 'mi'lord'." he said.

While the Obsidian Order was taking on more and more characteristics of a proper Force User hive, he still hadn't decided on formal gestures or greetings. Something about bowing, however, struck him the wrong way. He supposed it had something to do with that time, long ago, when he bowed before Salem. He was told that such was unnecessary, and that he should respect the fact that Norongachi was his mentor, not that he was some form of overlord. This very moment, whether the Du Couteau boy knew it or not, would set off a whole set of ideas that, later today, Asher would likely write down and record for etiquette within the Order. They were not Jedi, they were not Sith. They were something almost completely different, and that needed to be reflected in even the way they greeted one another.

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
Sasha sat down and stared at the little probe. “Couldn’t get it up huh?” she asked in that mocking tone she had been famous for as a teenager. The tone she usually now only reserved for [member="Marek Starchaser"].. “I am not sure about your biology,” Sasha said realising it wasn’t fair. It was a rock afterall. Oopening back up the clam shell and making a few adjustments to the wiring. “I do know you can manipulate energy. So what I’ve done is taken the controls of this device and wired them to you. Now if might take some doing, but I imagine with a little effort you can do this.”

She took in a deep breath about to instruct the rock to do the same. Then she remembered it was a rock. Damn. So, damn, okay Velok’s methods might not be a hundred percent applicable here. “Then imagine yourself sending jolts of energy through the wires and circuits and making the repulsor fields come to life.”

Did he know what life was? Surely he had some notion of what she was talking about. “Then float, hover in the air. You can do it.”

Sasha narrowed her eyes and watched. Yes, this was turning into an interesting day.


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