"For the past year or so, most of my life was centered around the battlefield: the Rift campaign, Dromund Kaas, Ord Radama, Bimmisaari, Ossus, and finally Tartarus. I'll tell you this much: a theater-level command is something that is not trivial to hold, even less when the qualified command-level personnel is in short supply"
In nearly all of these instances, she was in command for an entire theater (contemporary literature usually considers a planetary campaign to have two theaters, one ground and one space, and a sector campaign multiplies the number of theaters by the number of planets in said campaign), about half the time on the ground and half the time in space. As much as qualified command-level personnel was in short supply among the Silver Jedi, it was even more of a problem among the Sith Empire, from what intelligence reports she had on the topic. Then again, for all the lean-ness of the command structure, or the bureaucracy, perhaps the Circle of Lords' toxicity or apathy towards the armed forces is one of the big reasons. Oh, Jessica would be ecstatic to feel [member="Jairdain"] once again, after all that happened to her then-apprentice before she was anointed as a Jedi Master (and that was prior to the Rift campaign). Yes, Jairdain has grown more powerful, wiser and also with more knowledge in tow. So, at the outskirts of Shard, one of the two settlements on Eredenn Prime, she got around to hugging Jera after hearing all the details of exactly what happened to her after they last met. She feels obliged to return the favor, and in many ways more than just one. Once the hugging was over, she began to explain the rationale between the request, hoping that Jera would understand the tactical and strategic doctrines of the various enemies the Silver Jedi faced, past and present:
"The main reason why I asked you to teach me Force-barrier and tutaminis is because my current Force-skillset just doesn't cut it if I am to deploy against the Sith Empire on the ground. It's not that I can't otherwise lead an army or a fleet to victory against them, my Force-skillset is just fine against the Galactic Empire or even the First Order, whose ground doctrines usually do not include forcing enemy commanders to duel. It's just that the Sith ground doctrine usually involves rushing in to engage enemy commanders, which makes me a high-priority target on a ground battlefield. That, even though they make use of vehicles, heavy weapons infantry or aircraft sparingly at best"