Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fun and Games (Serpena)

Serpena. She was a jungle world for sure. Hot, humid, tons of planet life outside the colony cities. It was not only a world many mercenaries and smugglers would use to repair their ships, but also had a couple of popular watering holes, cantinas, and bars around where one could find work, hire mercs, or just take a load off. One of the popular ones wasn't marked by a sign, but most people seemed to know where it was.

Kalic leaned back, chuckling a bit as the green head of a Paaerduag started complaining to him. "Ok blind one. I can take you saying that your fighter now can pull the maneuver you're describing, but a Y-TIE? Come on. You're pulling our leg." The spherical astromech floating behind Kalic whistle, leaving the four-eyed head interested. "Ok. So you were there. You could just be covering for this bantha herder." Kalic shook his head.

"It's the truth. Cut the engines and had the raider fly right by before firing at him. Most pilots just aren't ready for a down right stupid move like that. Why you don't use it that much." The hunched over head of the Paaerduag seemed to utter something that couldn't be heard before the upper head nodded.

"Agreed. This one's just nuts. Let's get out of here." The two headed being walked away, leaving Kalic to just chuckle and take a sip of his drink.

"Surprised they stayed that long, 'ey Jee?" The droid then whistled back with a chuckle.

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"]
The humidity here reminded her of first waking up on Binaros, it was near unbearable as she was first wandering around near the edge of the settlement. It took a while, but she followed a pair of spacers who seemed to know where they were going into a bar without a sign. She paused at the entrance and glanced around before taking a tentative step inside.

The layout to her felt familiar, but still she took a moment to look around. A fair few people were about, it was a transition time, spacers were about to get back out on the job. Kelsie heard more people coming inside from behind her, so she followed the flow of the room, walking along... before she was cut in front of by some Paaerduag and basically shoved into a seat at a table. She realized it wasn't a horrible spot, she could see the door and most of the bar... but still, it took her a moment to notice the Miralukan sitting a few feet to her left. She knew about them, had even met a few of their Force users... and they fascinated her. The blind always seemed to be the wisest people, at least when around people deemed attractive by those gifted with sight. She cleared her throat and spoke softly, keeping up her small, friendly smile. "Hi."

[member="Kalic Daws"]
Kalic was surprised when he heard someone greet him. He turned towards the voice to see a human woman sitting not too far his right. He noticed her smile and gave one back with a slight nod. "Hey." G3-D9 let out a greeting whistle after her friend, floating over to the side to see her. He noticed that she had the Force flowing through her. Really, she seemed to be quiet strong for how old she appeared. She didn't seem to be a Jedi or Sith, at least by appearance. He gave her as curious a look as he could without eyes before speaking again, deciding to avoid mentioning the Force since he didn't know how to correctly bring it up. "So, what brings ya to this ol' bar? Can't say I've seen ya anytime I've been here."

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"]
Kelsie raised an eyebrow to him mentioning 'seeing' her. She always wondered about the little intricacies of language, but she'd think about that later. Her hazel eyes settled on the droid for a moment, before she looked back at the Miralukan with her small, friendly smile. "Oh, really just looking for a drink. This place seemed popular, so... yeah." She shrugged, turning her head to observe the rest of the bar. It'd died down a little, but she didn't really feel like moving, and speaking with a local could be beneficial. Once again she looked back at [member="Kalic Daws"] and spoke. "Any recommendations for drinks? I'm sure there are some great local brews."
Kalic chuckled a bit, noticing Kelsie's brow raise. It was always funny to see people's reactions to him seeing them. He then gave a kind smile when she explained she was just looking for a drink. "Pretty much the same here. Enjoying some time off. Telling some stories that most won't believe to begin with." He noticed her looking around, hearing that there were less people there. She then asked what kind of drinks he'd recommend, and if there were any good, local offerings. He chuckled, sliding his drink towards her. "They make a pretty good brandy. Not really strong, but great taste." He then looked over, waiting for her to try it. "So, what's your name anyway?"

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"]
"Mm, okay..." She glanced at him, staring for a moment as she reached out with her senses... then reached out and took the drink. She smelled it, then took a small sip. He was right, it tasted pretty good. With a smile she placed the glass down and pushed it back to him. "Yeah, pretty good..." Her eyes slid once more to glance around the room.

At his question she turned and smirked a little. She'd never heard anyone ask her name like that, though maybe this Miralukan was special. She was about to speak, say the complex name of the alias she was currently going under, but then paused. She realized she couldn't quite tell how strong he was in the Force, she was still rusty... so she didn't risk lying to him. "I'm Kelsie. You?"

[member="Kalic Daws"]
Kalic smiled a bit, but then noticed she was reaching out with the with the Force. Interesting. Seemed like she was pretty strong in the Force. Definitely stronger then him, even with his training with Jairdain. Then again, that only extended to keeping too much Force energy from blinding him and telepathy. The Miraluka smiled when he heard that she liked it, catching the cup as it was slide back.

He then noticed the smirk on her face when he asked what her name was. He wasn't quiet sure what it was, but it did get the pilot to give a smirk of his own. She then said her own name, Kelsie, and asked what his name was. Kalic nodded, smiling a bit more, and spoke with a calm, happy tone. "Kalic. Nice to meet ya, Kelsie."

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"]
"Nice to meet you too, Kalic," she said. Her gaze wandered the room once more, picking out any dangerous-looking individuals, and the ones that seemed to be hiding. Eventually she turned back to Kalic and smiled. "So... you come here often? I'd really like to know more about this planet, I don't remember hearing much about it ever. Gravity here kinda sucks, huh." Not that the greater gravity really affected her, she was traveling light, with most of her weapons back on her ship. She toyed with her braided reddish-brown hair as she spoke, and tugged at her blue-striped yellow jacket.

[member="Kalic Daws"]
Kalic chuckled a bit at her mention of the gravity on this world. He honestly had to agree, since it didn't help flying any. The Miraluka then rubbed under his "eye-wrap" and looked over at Kelsie. "Yeah, it's not the best when it come to gravity, but I enjoy the world all the same. And yeah. I come here whenever I get some time off an have nothing better to do. It's close enough to the Outer Rim here that it feels like home, and trust me, a lot better than Tatooine. Plenty of jungle and forest to explore to if that's your thing." He swirled his drink some before taking another sip, giving Kelsie a slight smirk.

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"]
She nodded her head in agreement, even this bar's layout reminded her of the ones she'd gone to in the Outer Rim, though here everyone seemed to slouch a little more under the gravity. She was again thankful that she was traveling light. "Not the biggest on jungle... Too hot for me," she said with a small chuckle. "And the gravity isn't great for flying anyways, I'd hate to go down too fast when going dirtside."

[member="Kalic Daws"]
Kalic chuckled back a bit when she mentioned flying on planets with high gravity. He looked around, see that the bar had slowed down a bit since he first walked in. The Miraluka then looked back, thinking for a second. "Well, heat never bothered me, but I can agree with flying in this. It's never fun to scare yourself poodooless while trying to pull up"

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"]
"Poodooless," she repeated with a smile. Sometimes people just brought the most fun words into a conversation. Maybe he thought he couldn't swear around her. Of course, she could be pretty damn vulgar herself, but she'd stick with just being casual and nice. She drummed her fingers against the table, her other hand on her knee as she looked at the bar for a moment before turning back to Kalic. "So, you fly? What kind of rig?" She knew from experience that being Force sensitive was a massive advantage in The Show, and wondered if the Miralukan was any good. Surely any enterprise would value a good pilot enough to get him a good fighter, unless he was self-employed. After all, this was a spacer's bar.

[member="Kalic Daws"]
Jee couldn't help but let out a chuckling whistle before getting a slightly crossed look from Kalic, more like reacting to a friend's bad joke than actual anger towards the droid. He then looked back at Kelsie, giving a slight chuckle of his own.

"My father use to use it a lot, so I kinda picked it up. Never really knew why he chose it over anything else he could say." She then asked what kind of ship he flew. The Miraluka smiled, pulling out his datapad and pulling up an image. He slid it over to his fellow pilot, smiling a bit. If she felt the screen carefully, Kelsie might notice that the screen seemed to have raises and dips aligning with the image and buttons on screen. The craft shown was a unique Y-Wing. "That's my fighter, the Starcrest. Modified BTL-S3 Y-WingHad her for years now, and she's always got me and Jee through everything that's been thrown at us. From being a hired gun avoiding having to work for the Hutts, to being brought into the Fel Empire."

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"]
Kelsie smiled a little as she glanced at the little droid. She'd get an astromech if it wasn't such a pain to bring around. She leaned forward in her seat, looking attentively at the datapad he just slid over. A Y-wing. She didn't think they'd still be around, even in her time they were getting old. She never really liked them, considering the things were old weapons of the New Republic. But this one seemed... "Wow, you've modded it to all hell. Never seen a Y-wing with that high a DPF." She read through and basically memorized the ship's capabilities. "Can't say I'm flying anything too glamorous, it's been a pain modding my YT freighter," she said. It was true, she'd been having trouble keeping up with other ships, even civilian ones. Old ships suck sometimes.

[member="Kalic Daws"]
Kalic chucked a bit at how surprised Kelsie was. Most were considering the Starcrest didn't look much better than an Ugly, but it was part of the fighter's charm. the Miraluka began to speak up after she noted the agility of the fighter.

"Yeah. An engineer friend of mine mounted TIE Fighter engines with thrust vectoring. Also swapped the ion cannons with ones for a TIE, and squeezed in a generator for them." She then noted that she had a YT-series freighter, saying it had been a pain to modify it. He wondered what model it was, and was quick to ask. "Mind if I ask what model of YT it is?"

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"]
"Yeah, the twin ion engines are always useful, using them for maneuvering... sounds like something I should add to my own ship," she said with a chuckle. Of course, those ion engines were really meant to stick with the amazing solar generators that were with them, Did she ever want to hop into one of those damn Defenders again...

[member="Kalic Daws"] ' question snapped her back into the moment, and she flashed a small smile. "Old one, the YT-1300. OG," she said with a little chuckle. Her ship was nice, to say the least, but she really needed to complete the mod set to make it effective.

"So, who do you fly for? And what's your record?"
Kalic let out a chuckle along with her. "Maybe. Like ya said they're pretty good engines." He then smiled when she said she had an original YT-1300. If there was one thing Correllians knew how to make it was starships. Before he could actual ask anymore about the freighter, [member="Kelsie Sylvan"] asked about his record, and who he was with. The Miraluka smiled a bit, giving a smirk.

"Well, not sure how many fighters I've blow to bits, or freighters I've escorted. Right now though, I'm working for the Fel Empire, and it's been pretty good to be honest."
"Huh." Kelsie, of course, remembered each moment of perfect bliss that accompanied cutting down some scum's starfighter. It was an experience she often found herself wanting more of, but it'd have to wait until she was employed... unless she decided she wanted to hunt pirate gangs solo. Entirely doable.

She'd heard a bit about the Fel Empire, in part from her Mandalorian friend Adenn, as well as her own research. Not wanting the conversation to turn back to her, she continued to pepper the Miralukan with questions. "What's the Empire like? Haven't really done much traveling that space."

[member="Kalic Daws"]
The Miraluka chuckled a bit the simple remark his new friend had given. "Had to start young to survive. Just happy I'm a natural when it comes to piloting or I wouldn't be talking about it today."

Kalic raised a brow when Kelsie asked about about the Fel Empire. He thought for a bit, nodding. "It's pretty nice. May be called an empire, but it actually ruled by the people. Overall it's a pretty nice place. Good people. Where I meet someone who helped me home in my sight, meditate, and one other Force trick. If you're I pilot you tend to always have something to do. Patrol, hunt pirates, fly to political engagement. Normal stuff really. The capitol city's quiet beautiful too."

[member="Kelsie Sylvan"]
"Mm. The best always start young," she said with a knowing smile. She was sure that Kalic had to be pretty good, she just had that sense -- a pilot's sense.

As he talked about the Fel Empire, her thoughts wandered to the Fel of her time. The Baron. The 181st. Best Imperial pilot out there, if not the best in the galaxy. A little smile crossed her face once more -- no wonder a fellow pilot such as the Miralukan sitting before her would be well-treated by an Empire started by a pilot. She gave a little nod, shifting in her seat. "Sounds nice... I'm a little in between jobs right now, I was considering looking into jobs for major factions."

She paused, mentally rewinding to his comment about the Force. "All Miralukans are Force sensitive, yeah? Are you any good with that?"

[member="Kalic Daws"]

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