Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate [GA + Friends] Niv Hani Fire Festival | GA Populate of Takodana

Braze Braze

Diogo was grateful for Braze's instinctually firm hand catching him, grounding him both physically and figuratively.

"Well... most Echani have pale features all around—skin, hair, eyes. Even their blood has a faint pinkish hue," Braze explained, his tone practical, almost clinical. "My father was Echani, so I inherited most of my looks from him."

"I thought you might be," he admitted. "But I didn't want to assume all white-hair folk were Echani. I kinda think that would be space racism. Maybe of the innocuous sort, but still."

"Anyway, your father must be a handsome man, then," Diogo said casually, as if it were a normal statement and not flirtation. "Did he teach you how to do whatever it is you were just doin'?"

Glancing toward a fallen log nearby, Braze extended his hand, summoning the Force with practiced ease. The log lifted, its bulk surprisingly light under his command. He spun it lazily in the air, dislodging clumps of snow that tumbled like miniature avalanches before he settled it at the edge of the clearing.

"Here," he offered, gesturing to the makeshift bench. "You should sit down. You smell like you've had a few drinks."

"Show off," he muttered, though his voice was tinged with his usual playfulness.

Diogo gripped Braze's muscled arm for stability, giving a light squeeze, and settled onto the makeshift bench. He shifted over so the white-haired boy could sit if he wanted to. "Thanks. Sorry for my… state. I guess things have been gettin' to me," he said. Surprising himself, the words were oddly raw and honest. There was no doubt the alcohol was toying with his inhibition. But something about Braze made Diogo feel safe in the moment, too. "I feel like I've been losing control lately, y'know?"

'Cus as everyone knows, alcohol definitely helps with control. Diogo hiccuped again. With a soft gaze, the green-haired boy glanced down at the gimbal lantern in his hands, the radiating warmth made his numbed-by-the-cold fingers tingle.
voice of the meek and the damned

Profound loneliness had descended upon Efret as well.

She had needed to leave Theed, not just to attend to her NJO duties like attending its events but also to attempt to establish whatever inner peace she could manage after such a tragedy.

Niv Hani's Fire Festival seemed a good opportunity to do both.

Once at the festival grounds, she had first gravitated away from the commotion to where the flames of reflection were burning. Fire was incorporated into renewal ceremonies both large and small by many cultures across the galaxy, so she was not surprised to find similar symbolism and usage by the Epicanthix survivors. But, she didn't want to watch her burdens, regrets, and hopes burn away, nor did she even want to write them down, so she made her way back to the festival.

This was, by far, the longest amount of time she had gone without the guidance of Nirrah and she was glad for that in a way. Navigating by herself was difficult, of course, but that was a small price to pay for what hopefully meant that Elias wasn't roaming the Netherworld alone. Plus, navigating wasn't impossible, not with a combination of Force Sight and the white cane she hadn't used in ages. She found that both techniques worked together well.

Though she couldn't hear, she perceived the merriment all around her through the vibrations of music and dance she felt with her feet as she wandered down the one of the main streets, and the emotions radiating off the beings she passed. It was troubling how she could only bring herself to be surficially happy for them.

Finally, she found herself at the outskirts of Ember Market.


Maybe finding a gift for Elias, to reciprocate the one her had given her even if she never got the chance to show him, was the first step in healing this gaping hole in her heart.

As she stepped towards the nearest stall, she let her Force Sight fade to her natural vision. In a way, even though she was partially blind, she could see colors and details that the Force couldn't replicate for her. She spent a few minutes carefully admiring the wares before thanking the vendor for their time and moving further into the market.

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While lost in the crowd of the Ember Market, she noticed a woman standing near one of the stalls. She wasn't looking at the goods like the other visitors, though; her movements were slower, more deliberate, as if she were absorbing every detail of the scene. There was something about the way she carried herself that caught Korra's attention. Perhaps it was the careful way her hand traced the edge of the vendor's table.

"Excuse me," she said gently as she approached, her tone warm and open. "I couldn't help but notice you looked like you might need a hand. Are you looking for something specific? I'm pretty good at finding stuff—or just carrying things if you need an extra set of hands. No pressure, of course. Just thought I'd ask in case you could use a little assistance."

Efret Farr Efret Farr

Roman's stomach rumbled with a renewed urgency, a clear signal that he couldn't ignore. He stopped at a food stall radiating warmth and the tantalizing smell of roasted meats and spices. He pointed at a skewer of spiced, grilled meat and a flatbread, accepting the fare from the vendor with a nod and a few exchanged credits. He wandered away, chewing thoughtfully, the savory flavors a welcome distraction from the swirling thoughts that threatened to consume him. He ate as he walked, his eyes scanning the crowd, still lost in his musings of his friends.
It was then he saw her.

She was tall, her presence commanding, practical clothing that seemed out of place amidst the vibrant colors of the festival. Her sleeves bore a symbol, Roman didn't recognize it, but the knot of unease in his gut told him it was familiar, a grim echo of the symbols worn by the Mandalorians who had attacked Keshi. He paused, his brow furrowing. What would a Mandalorian be doing here, during the fire festival? It made no sense.

His curiosity, or perhaps it was a deep-seated instinct, pulled him forward. Roman kept his distance, his gaze fixed on her as she moved through the crowd. She seemed to be searching for someone, her eyes scanning the faces. She moved with a purpose, a deliberate pace that hinted at his training.

Then it happened. She stopped, her posture relaxing ever so slightly, to speak with someone. It was a Jedi, a powerful presence that resonated with the Force.

Roman didn't try to hide himself. He moved closer, maintaining a respectable distance, but close enough to observe. He kept his gaze fixed on the pair, a silent sentinel in the heart of the celebration, his senses on high alert. This was not a coincidence, and he intended to find out what this Mandalorian was doing here.


Objective IV: Operation Snowball Superiority
Outfit: Thermal resistant shell coat | waterproof insulation gloves | festive social camouflage hat.
Weapons: SnowBall of Mass Destruction

The rain of icy blows from the Air support ceased - his Jedi backup had pulled through with an invisible barrier of some sort. The respite was brief as Nos pushed the boulder, nearly as tall as he was, bast a tree from the edge of the battlefield he emerged from.

Tarw was barrelling towards Nos like an icebreaker vessel through the driven snow, kicking up a white cloud behind him. This presented a predicament the payload was the goal. One-way trip, Nos reminded himself and he gave a final push of the SBMD towards the enemy stockpile with everything he had; ending up taking the Tarw's spear tackle full force. Nos felt his legs lift from underneath him, the force of the beefcake's shoulder drive into his chest, the world spinning, and the cold embrace of the snowy landing.

Nos was driven back from the SBMD, left to its own momentum to reach the destination. Nos instinctively wrapped a leg around Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr and locked his foot in place with the crook of his free leg, latching onto the brute of a boy.

Once he regained his breath, Nos called out to his ally, "I'll delay him, the SBMD is up to you!" A overly-serious delivery of melodramatic intention.

Nos looked up at the branches as he struggled to keep Tarw in place, hoping Vera could manage Katherine Holt Katherine Holt easier without having to support him or fend off Tarw.

Branches. An idea struck Nos. He reached out for a weapon, a stick, a rock, anything.

His hand brushed over a pre-made snowball, whether it was his or Tarw's made no difference. Nos struggles to grab it and maneuver in order to throw it upwards with force while maintaining the leg lock, disturbing the snow-laden branches overhead, still sagging with frosty weight.

As the avalanche from the disturbed tree rained down upon both Tarw and Nos, the Zeltron cried out with finality: "Go on without me!"

Nos stifled a grin - he always wanted to say that. Then everything went cold.


"I thought you might be," he admitted. "But I didn't want to assume all white-haired folk were Echani. I kinda think that would be space racism. Maybe of the innocuous sort, but still."

"Lots of Echani look very similar," Braze offered with a small nod. "It's why they learn to read the smallest motions and patterns in others from a young age, especially during sparring. It helps differentiate one person from another." His tone carried an undercurrent of thoughtful reflection. "You recognize your brothers and sisters by how they move," he added, his gaze momentarily distant. "Echani don't usually have green eyes, though..." he trailed off, his brow furrowing slightly.

"Anyway, your father must be a handsome man, then," Diogo said casually, as if it were a normal statement and not flirtation. "Did he teach you how to do whatever it is you were just doin'?"

"Maybe he was..." Braze said softly, his expression pensive. "I can't remember the details of his face anymore. He was strict but kind." The words felt bittersweet, memories drifting like fragile fragments in his mind. Braze had long believed his father to be dead. "Yes and no," he continued after a moment. "From a very young age, I learned martial arts from him. They're incredibly important in Echani culture." His voice quieted

"Thanks. Sorry for my… state. I guess things have been gettin' to me," he said, surprising himself with the raw honesty of his words. There was no doubt the alcohol was toying with his inhibitions. But something about Braze made Diogo feel safe in the moment, too. "I feel like I've been losing control lately, y'know?"

Braze tilted his head slightly, studying Diogo's expression with curiosity. After a brief pause, he let out a small sigh. "What's been getting to you so badly?" he asked, his tone even but tinged with concern. "Losing control of your actions?" he added for clarification, his gaze steady but kind. Braze's nature was unobtrusive; his immediate focus was ensuring Diogo's well-being. The flirtatious compliments seemed to pass him by as he honed in on the other's troubled state, intent on offering support in his unassuming way.


Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble Azurine Varek Azurine Varek Aadihr Lidos Aadihr Lidos

Wearing: Dress

"Wow, huh?"

Wow was putting it lightly. Zaiya's grin stretched so wide it made her cheeks round out, her opal blue eyes shimmering with unfiltered delight. Her skin glowed with soft, shifting hues of pearly pink and gold, her emotions painting her like a living canvas.

"Yeah. Wow! You were amazing!"
she gushed, her voice spilling over with breathless excitement. There was no hiding the awe in her tone, and honestly, she didn't even try. She bounced a little on her toes, her energy almost palpable and practically infecutious.

"I didn't know you were actually practicing fire dancing!" The surprise in her voice was genuine, but it wasn't the unpleasant kind, but the kind of surprise that made her feel like the stars themselves had aligned just for this moment.

Her hand reached out instinctively, fingers interlocking with his in an unspoken connection. She didn't even notice the way her barriers slipped, letting a warm rush of her emotions ripple through the Force -- admiration, giddy joy, and a soft, glowing affection, all underscored by the rapid skip of her heart.

"Since when did you start?!" she asked, her voice bubbling with curiosity. Her hand squeezed his lightly, her eyes searching his face as if she couldn't get enough of taking his excited and thrilled expression in. It was so awesome seeing how happy he was!

Aiden leaned back slightly, his green eyes softening as he listened to Caelan's words. The weight of everything the kid had gone through hit him like a punch to the gut. Crown prince, orphan, survivor of battles that most adults wouldn't make it through unscathed… and yet, here he was, holding it together as best he could. For someone so young, it was an incredible testament to his strength — even if he didn't see it that way yet.

"That's… a lot," Aiden said after a moment, his voice quiet but steady. He let the words hang in the air for a moment, not rushing to fill the silence. "More than anyone your age should ever have to deal with."

He reached out, picking up a small stick from the ground and turning it over in his hands. "I can't say I know exactly what you're going through," he admitted, his gaze dropping to the flames for a moment. "But I've had my share of loss. Woke up one day with no memory of even the people closest to me. Tried to rebuild, only to realize some things just couldn't be fixed the way they were before."

Aiden's voice softened as he glanced back at Caelan, offering a faint smile. "But you know what? The fact that you're here, talking about it, means you're stronger than you think. It's okay to not have all the answers right now. You've been through hell, but you've made it this far. That says something about who you are."

He tossed the stick into the fire and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Sometimes, the best thing you can do is take things one step at a time. You don't have to have everything figured out today, tomorrow, or even a year from now. It's okay to feel lost, to hurt, to take your time finding your way."

Aiden gestured lightly toward the festival grounds, where people were laughing and enjoying the warmth of the fires. "And it's okay to lean on others, too. Even when it feels like you're carrying the weight of the world, you don't have to carry it alone. There are people who care, people who want to help."

Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren | Open


TAGS: Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek

"Think I would have rather lost my memory," he said, huffing out a sigh. "Sorry that happened to you, though."

No, he wasn't trying to belittle what the man had been through, but honestly, that did sound like it would have been better for him than experiencing what he had. So much death and loss. It was like his entire life had been taken in the hands of a colossus, shaken like a t-shirt just brought out of the dryer, and then beaten with a stick as if that would somehow make things better. It hadn't. It had only made life worse for him, leaving him stuck with a life that he'd not been ready for, and largely alone, to boot.

Take into account the fact he'd never felt the way he had about anyone, as well, and the abandonment really hurt. It almost made him feel like he didn't deserve to be loved or cared for. On top of that, even the girl who had pseudo adopted him had disappeared. He didn't think he had seen her and Roman together in forever. The only consistent woman in his life now was his Master, and that was purely by assignment.

"Maybe I'm cynical but I don't think talking about it makes me all that strong. A willingness to admit weakness doesn't necessarily get rid of them."

He was right, though. Why did he think he needed to have everything figured out right now? Well, he knew why: the pressure of soon becoming King. People looked up to him and his family and he was continuously letting them down at the moment by not taking care of the people that had attacked their world and freeing them. It was a pressure created by the weight of responsibility and that wasn't likely to go away anytime soon. In fact, he knew it was going to get worse.

"There's only a couple of people that I can lean on for help, because the others don't really know me well enough. I should lean on them more, I know, but it just feels wrong to put my burdens on others, especially the ones that I know are somewhat childish. I'm only fourteen, I should know that any love I find now won't last and that problems come and go.

"It's just... hard to deal with those things when I don't have anyone truly close enough to me to confide EVERYTHING to."




Makko Vyres Makko Vyres had been patient with her. After watching Valery Noble Valery Noble and Aris Noble Aris Noble open the festival with a graceful dance of flames, she was quick to drag him through the bustling Ember Market. As fate would have it, a Ukatian distillery was present among the vendors – and Cora had been simply ecstatic at seeing her countrymen outside of their home planet.

It gave her hope that some minds, despite being steeped in traditionalism, were changing.

A nearly hour-long conversation had commenced. She'd wanted to know how they'd heard about the festival, why they'd chosen to go, and any difficulties they'd encountered along the way. Eventually, they segued into the process of distilling spirits.

Cora did not drink spirits. She purchased a bottle of whiskey anyway, figuring that it would make a fine gift for...someone, probably.

As Makko lead her up the gentle incline of a nearby hill, Cora hummed quietly to herself. Of the two of them, he'd always been the more easygoing sort. Still, she hoped that her prolonged enthusiasm for a single vendor hadn't bored him terribly.

"You've been quiet," she pointed out, a thread of concern woven into her tone. The sounds of the festival faded into the background as their boots crunched beneath crisp snow. "We could head back and call it a night?"
voice of the meek and the damned

Efret only noticed Korra when the many stringed lights hanging from stalls cast the redhead's shadow long over the goods she was examining. She looked up at the approaching woman, or rather towards, as her face was turned slightly away like Efret was watching Korra through her peripheral vision, which she was. She had missed some of what Korra had said, but Efret caught the rest by reading her lips. By the end of Korra's offer, Efret was beaming enough to rival the fire and light all around them.

"You're a dear."

When it came time for her to reply, Efret moved her hands in signs rather than opening her mouth to form words. Beams of green light emitted from the small black clip clasped near the fasten of her winter robe onto her hands. A computerized, feminine voice then spoke from a speaker on the same device.

"I'd appreciate your help. Thank you.

"I normally see with the Force through the eyes of a convor. But she's..." Efret paused momentarily, her hands weighty under the sudden realization that she hadn't admitted this to another person yet. "...missing and I'm struggling as you can see." She was well aware that she was moving slower than she normally did, even fumbling somewhat with the handcrafted gifts she had handled so far. Whatever shame or frustration she would feel for herself otherwise was lost underneath a sadness she had never known before now. She sighed, a small pout playing across her face. "It's a lesson, I suppose, on not taking things for granted.

"Sorry." It was very Jedi to try to reframe one's own suffering as something larger to be learned—a bigger picture—but the last thing Efret meant to do was push her self-reflections off onto anyone else, so she gladly changed the subject. "Yes, I'm looking for a gift for someone else who's not with me this holiday season. I...can't send it to him." Hopefully, Korra would pick up the various implications of saying that. None of them were particularly good and Efret was alright with leaving her exact meaning mysterious for a few reasons. One of which was that it was too painful to communicate in full. Another was that she didn't want to spread fear of another Cataclysm.

"I want something to remember him by," she continued. "I was thinking that an oil lamp would be nice." Something that she could keep burning as a continuous vigil for him. Though she didn't resonate with fire's symbolism of renewal and rebirth currently, she very much did with its expression of everlasting love.

"Have you seen anything like that?"



If Valery thought her heart couldn't handle it, she should certainly be worried about Kahlil. He just watched his family together, happy together, as he held the now half asleep Yvaine in his arms. He leaned over, kissing Valery's forehead despite the glare he was sure to get from Eryx. He gave her a nod, reaching down to take her hand as he looked to the triplets.

"To the market, you three. Make sure you stay in sight, yes? Feel free to pick out a gift for each other."

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Korra tilted her head slightly, her red hair catching the flicker of nearby lights as she watched Efret's hands move. The glow of the translator cast shifting patterns on her own weathered jacket. She let a soft silence hang between them before answering, wanting to honor the weight of what had been shared.

"You're handling it a lot better than I would," Korra said with a small, warm smile, her voice carrying a comforting, conversational tone. "I don't think I could keep this kind of grace if I was…missing someone like that." She gestured vaguely with her hand, encompassing the idea without pressing into details. Korra wasn't one to prod at old wounds—or fresh ones, for that matter.

"An oil lamp," she mused, her gaze flicking to the nearby stalls. "I think I saw a vendor who might have something like that. They work with hand-blown glass and wrought iron—real art, not just functional pieces. I bet they'll have something that feels right."

Korra's green eyes returned to Efret, softening further.
"And don't apologize. You're allowed to feel all of it. Struggling doesn't mean you're weak, just human."

She stepped closer, nodding toward the direction she had in mind.
"C'mon, I'll walk with you. We'll find this lamp."

Efret Farr Efret Farr Roman Vossari Roman Vossari


Outfit: Red Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

Valery smiled warmly as she watched the triplets light up with excitement. Even Aurra showed a spark of energy as she took charge of her siblings, making sure they all stayed in sight. Within moments, the three of them dashed off toward the market stalls, their laughter trailing behind them. Valery chuckled softly, her heart brimming with pride as she turned her attention back to Kahlil.

Her hand slid into his, fingers lacing together as they began to walk. "It feels so good to have my strength and energy back," she admitted, her voice carrying a spark of enthusiasm. "As much as I love it, pregnancy really takes a toll on me. But now?" She glanced at him, her amber eyes practically glowing with life.

Around them, the flames of nearby torches and lanterns seemed to flicker higher, drawn unconsciously by her vibrant energy. The light reflected in her gaze, her connection to the fire almost palpable. "I feel so alive, fired up for whatever comes next with our little family." Her grin softened as she paused, stepping closer to wrap her arms around him in a warm embrace.

As she rested her head briefly against his chest, she tilted her face up to meet his gaze. "Is there anything you'd love for Life Day, love?" she asked, her tone sincere and filled with affection. "I know you're all about the kids, and they adore you for it, but I want you to feel just as happy." Her fingers lightly squeezed his hand, her eyes searching his face.

Before he could answer, she smirked and added with a teasing touch to her voice, "And no, you can't pick something for the Bastion." She laughed softly, her warmth and mischief lighting the space between them as they continued toward the market together, hand in hand.


Roman watched, his brow still furrowed, as the Mandalorian and the Jedi spoke. Their conversation seemed…almost amiable. The hard lines of the Mandalorian's posture softened as she nodded, listening intently to the Jedi's words. There were no signs of tension, no drawn weapons or Force-fueled arguments. They seemed to be exchanging information, perhaps even sharing a brief laugh.

With a slight shake of his head, Roman decided to let it go, at least for now. He was here to enjoy the festival, not get caught up in a potential conflict he didn't understand. He finished his meal, tossing the remaining scraps into a nearby bin. He'd keep them in the back of his mind, a thread to pull if needed, but for now, he'd turn his attention back to the vibrant colors and sounds of the Fire Festival. He turned away from the pair and began to weave his way through the crowd again, his steps less heavy, his thoughts less burdened. There were still plenty of market stalls to explore, and the rhythmic drumming of the festival called to him, a siren song promising a temporary escape from the unease that had threatened to consume him


For once, he let himself be full of pride. Seeing Zaiya's excitement and joy, it was worth not telling her what he was doing to see this. He squeezed her hand as she took his, smiling bright. Her own joy was met with his own, feeding freely with this feedback loop they'd formed by accident this time around. "Mom started teaching me when I asked you over for dinner with the burgers. I almost told you about it, but I figured it'd be more fun to surprise you. Certainly seems worth it to see your colors shine like this."

It really was good to see her colors like this. Over him. Was he letting himself be a little prideful more than he thought? Absolutely. Maybe it was the feedback loop, but he couldn't help but grin like a fool.

"I'm really glad you came and watched. Really, really glad. You wanna check out the market? Find the others maybe?"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti


Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble Azurine Varek Azurine Varek Aadihr Lidos Aadihr Lidos

Wearing: Dress

"It is an awesome surprise!" Zaiya exclaimed, giving another excited bounce and shimmy of her bare shoulders, the constellation of shimmering patterns and bioluminescence dancing over her skin in delight. Feeding off Aris's pride and excitement was such a rush, and she couldn't help but want to lean closer to him, brushing her bare shoulder against his. It sent another tingly rush through her that she couldn't help but internally squee over.

"I'm really, really glad you invited me too!" she responded, swinging her arm gently with his with their hands interlocked. She couldn't seem to stay still; that rush of energy she felt off Aris from his adrenaline rush in dancing was catching on.

At the mention of others, Zaiya gave an excited nod and she grinned, "Okay... although to be honest, I haven't seen anyone yet. Got too distracted watching the dancing. You and your mom were great!"

A thrill came to her. Oh, perhaps she could find something cool to buy?

"Anything you recommend for me to buy or try?"



"I agree. Now when you loose you can't blame it on being pregnant."

Kahlil full on teased now as they walked, a grin wide and plastered on his face. He did glance up now and then to keep an eye on the triplets. Or at least Aeryn and Adam. Aurra stuck close to her parents as the other two seemed to be off in their own world, exploring the party as much as they could while staying in their parents view. "But what I might want? New mixer. That sounds like something good, if I have to pick something."

Valery Noble Valery Noble
The funny thing was, while relaxing by the fireplace and listening to the people dance was nice and all... Jack was starting to get bored. Huffing from his laid spot on the patch of dirt, the young Knight stretched both broad arms, stifling a half-hearted yawn.

Pushing up to sit cross-legged, observing the spectacle of flames and waltzes, once again. A temptation lingered to the back of his mind, asif the very Force whispered into his thoughts, offering some reassurance to a second's indecision.

What did he have to lose?

Shrugging, Jack hopped upon both feet and, without any hesitation, strode over for a spot over the shilhouettes of dances, taking his position while craning his muscles, ready to get to work. After all.

Lightsaber combat wasn't the only dance he knew. With that cocky smile, Jack removed the outer layers of his robes, tossing them haphazardly close by, into a bundle, leaving without hindrance for any potential slip-ups.

And for the Jedi Knight to bust some moves.


"The hot food stands, certainly. Spicey foods. They did great with them. I can smell them from here. To warm the soul while the flames warm the body." Or something like that. There was a better tag line, but what it was specifically he'd sort of forgotten or just wasn't paying attention to. He wanted for his dance to be good, perfect even. Considering her admission that she hadn't even looked away? Yeah, seemed he did good on that front.

"You look good, by the way. The outfit. And- in general- Uh. You know." He cleared his throat, awkwardly scratching his cheek with his free hand as he looked around the crowd. "Sooo I know where they are. Get this, Mahsa's on Ayhan's shoulders! And Azurine has a guy with her. It's wild!"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek | Aadihr Lidos Aadihr Lidos | Mahsa Mahsa | Ayhan Ayhan


Outfit: Red Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

Valery gasped, mock outrage lighting up her fiery amber eyes as she turned to Kahlil. Without hesitation, she gave his arm a playful punch, her lips curving into a teasing smirk. "We'll see about that," she said, her tone dripping with feigned menace. "Snowball fight or not, you'd better watch yourself, love."

When he mentioned the mixer, she tilted her head, a skeptical eyebrow rising as she looked at him with exaggerated disappointment. "A mixer?" she repeated, her voice playful. "Here I thought you'd want something a little more exciting, but no, it's a kitchen appliance." She leaned up on her toes to plant a soft kiss on his cheek. "Fine. You're getting the best mixer I can find, but don't think I'm letting you off that easy."

Her gaze turned thoughtful for a moment, her teeth grazing her lower lip as she added, "I do have another gift in mind for you, though. But… that one's for tonight." Her voice dropped a touch lower, her words laced with both mystery and affection as her smile turned secretive.

Oh he knew.

Before Kahlil could respond, a sudden movement caught Valery's eye. Out of nowhere, little Aeryn popped up from behind Kahlil and launched a snowball straight at his leg. The soft thud of snow against fabric was followed by Aeryn's triumphant laughter as she darted back, her mischievous grin wide.

Valery's grin mirrored her daughter's as she glanced at Kahlil, her hands already raised defensively. "Looks like I've got reinforcements," she said, her tone full of mock-seriousness. "You're outnumbered now, love. Better prepare yourself."


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