Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Populate [GA + Friends] Niv Hani Fire Festival | GA Populate of Takodana

Braze Braze

"Lots of Echani look very similar," Braze offered with a small nod. "It's why they learn to read the smallest motions and patterns in others from a young age, especially during sparring. It helps differentiate one person from another." His tone carried an undercurrent of thoughtful reflection. "You recognize your brothers and sisters by how they move," he added, his gaze momentarily distant.

"Body language doesn't lie, huh? When you know what to look for, anyway."

"Echani don't usually have green eyes, though..." he trailed off, his brow furrowing slightly.

"I see," he said, his gazing meeting Braze's. "What makes you so special?"

"Maybe he was..." Braze said softly, his expression pensive. "I can't remember the details of his face anymore. He was strict but kind." The words felt bittersweet, memories drifting like fragile fragments in his mind. Braze had long believed his father to be dead. "Yes and no," he continued after a moment. "From a very young age, I learned martial arts from him. They're incredibly important in Echani culture." His voice quieted

"Sounds like my father," Diogo said forlornly. He lifted his head, staring out at the stars. As they twinkled in the night sky, he wondered where his own father was, if he was seeing those same stars; assuming he was even alive anymore. "Sorry," he said in a soft voice spurred by empathy. He didn't need to know the details to understand the bittersweet complexities of familial relations.

"I've heard that about Echani culture. Maybe another time, when I'm more… clear-headed, we can spar. For fun; show me how you really move," he said, playfully nudging Braze's shoulder.

"What's been getting to you so badly?" he asked, his tone even but tinged with concern. "Losing control of your actions?" he added for clarification, his gaze steady but kind.

Though there was kindness and genuine curiosity in Braze's eyes, Diogo suddenly felt submissive to the boy's gaze, as though he were embarrassingly bested in a duel. His head turned forward and dipped—thick green locks of hair hung down like hanging gardens, obscuring his side profile as though he assembled a half-hearted hedge. Thoughtfully, he stared at the gimbal lantern in his lap.

"The war, I guess. There's a monster in me and the longer things go on, the harder it is to keep it contained," the words, motivated by alcohol-induced candor, escaped in a desperate rush, like decades-long prisoners finally freed from their shackles. Though there was a kind of relief in the confession, he still felt alone, the immense burden a noose around his aching heart. The word Anzat sat on his quivering lips, teetering on the edge, but not yet spoken. That word held power over him, stronger than even a Force choke, cutting off the windpipe of his soul.

Objective 1: ?????
Mahsa Mahsa | Azurine Varek Azurine Varek | Aadihr Lidos Aadihr Lidos
From on top his shoulder, it wasn't exactly easy see where Mahsa was pointing. He bit his tongue as to not snap at her (he's trying to be nice, okay?), his eyes shifting up towards her, barely able to see in what direction her finger was pointing. Eventually though, his eyes settled on Azurine. He'd only seldom seen her since the zombie space station incident, but he knew enough about her to have a healthy degree of respect for her. Maybe it bordered on camaraderie (be jealous, Mahsa).

"Need a hand there, Ayhan?" The fact that she did not shy away from potentially dark jokes certainly made him like her more.
"Sure could. Happen to have a spare there?" Ayhan quipped back as he (and Mahsa) moved to meet her half way.

It was about now though that Ayhan realized she was with another man, sporting white hair (seriously, where do we keep finding all of these guys), and a blindfold. Miraluka. Ayhan looked at the man with a frown. "Friend?" he asked Azzie, not taking his eyes off the 'newcomer'.


It took a moment for the… logistics of her ride to be smoothed out as the Kazelrrian figured out her error, and directed Ayhan with words instead of a pointed finger.

"Need a hand there, Ayhan?"
"Sure could. Happen to have a spare there?"

A quiet wave was sent in Azzie’s direction as Ayhan moved them closer but, despite her best attempt, the smile that crossed Mahsa’s lips as their pair engaged in playful banter didn’t quite reach up to her eyes. The subject of his missing arm was something that she still felt guilty over, evident by the deep amber hues that had started to pool at the tips of her hair before they had dissipated as Mahsa bottle up those feelings once more.

Instead she focused her attention on the Miraluka, curiosity swimming in her eyes and streaking her hair with vibrant flecks of citrine as she wondered who he was. "Friend?" The Firronthix was the first to voice out their thoughts, and Mahsa didn’t need to look at Ayhan’s face to imagine the look in his eyes.

"Y-You look very pretty, Azzie…!" She attempted to diffuse any possible tension by focusing all of their attentions elsewhere, and the Zabrak truly looked stunning in her chosen attire for the festivity. "Those colors look r-really good on you~"


Aiden nodded slowly as he listened to Caelan, his green eyes steady and thoughtful. The kid's pain was raw, his words cutting through the cool night air with the weight of someone far older than his years. Aiden let the silence settle for a moment, giving Caelan the space to get it all out before speaking.

"Talking about it doesn't solve the problem," Aiden said finally, his voice calm and even. "You're right about that. But it does mean you're aware of it, and that's the first step to dealing with it. You can't fight something you don't understand, and recognizing how you feel — even if it's messy or painful — is the start of figuring it out."

He leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees as he kept his gaze on the flickering flames. "I get it, Caelan. It feels like there's this mountain of expectations on your shoulders, like you're supposed to have all the answers and be this perfect version of yourself. But nobody's expecting you to do that alone. At least, nobody who really cares about you."

Aiden's tone softened, a quiet strength in his words. "I know it's hard to reach out. I know it feels like you're burdening people. But you're not. That's not how it works with the people who care about you — they want to help. They'd rather you come to them with your struggles than shut them out and carry it all alone."

He straightened slightly, his gaze turning back to Caelan. "And it doesn't have to be perfect. You don't have to tell someone everything all at once. Sometimes just having someone to sit with, to talk to about the small stuff, is enough. You've got Jedi around you. They're not just there to teach you how to swing a lightsaber or meditate. They're there to help you with the big, scary stuff, too. And they'll never judge you for it."

"At least, the good ones don't. I've known a few myself"




TAG: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari
Location: The Market (Objective 2)

Kuhbee was not happy. Many of the padawans had been brought to the fire festival for relaxation and a fun end of the year treat but for Kuhbee it was torture. His captors had once used fire to control him so the Wookie cub was finding it very difficult to overcome his past fears and traumas. It was very uncontrolled, and not like a Jedi at all, but he found himself in the market making a scene.


People were running from him as he upturned a table and sent it flying at a walking fire eater who was trying to entertain passerby. The screams sounded throughout the market as guests started trying to get away from the berserk Wookie youngling. Unfortunately Kuhbee had tunnel vision and was too frightened to realize what he was doing. A droid came over to him to yell at him and he kicked it into the air, sending it flying several yards away.

Things were quickly getting out of hand and unless someone could calm the beast down he might resort to ripping arms off. Wookies were known to do that...



Location: Niv Hani
Objective: 4 - Snowball Fight
Tags: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr (Allies) | Vera Noble Vera Noble Nos Voros Nos Voros (Enemies)​

Even as Katherine continued her onslaught of snowballs at Nos, she hadn’t noticed the barrier that Vera had formed. It was only when she threw her last one, the one aimed directly for the side of the Zeltron’s head, that she finally clued into its existence.

The snowball splattered before it had even gotten close.

Damn, I should have anticipated that!

Even in a non-serious situation like this, the Padawan was tad self-critical. She saw Vera prep another snowball, aimed towards Tarw as the man went in for a spear. Katherine knew she wouldn’t be able to intercept it in time, not with how damn fast the short Noble could throw.

Fortunately, Tarw was an absolute tank and seemed unfazed by the snowballs he was being hit with. More focused on intercepting and matching Nos’ own tankiness. But the giant snowball was still a problem they had to deal with, before it was too late.

Or well, too too late, given Nos’ final push sent the giant mass into the last bit of momentum it needed.

Katherine zipped over and down, setting right in the giant ball’s path. She locked her hoverchair down, and immediately focused on the Force. The Padawan pulled its surrounding energy inwards, towards herself. With a deep breath, Katherine closed her eyes and centralized the energy into her hands.

Until the very last moment, when her eyes snapped open and she slammed a Force Push directly into the mass of snow.

It exploded in a spectacular fashion, snow particles flying in almost every direction. Most predominantly upwards and all over Katherine.



Niv Hani
Tags: Open


Rannon, One Week Ago...

It had been a good three months now. Loomi could feel her hair against the joints of her knees. She had no idea that her hair could grow so quickly. Aris Noble Aris Noble
had departed with the Star Dragon back to Coruscant, so she had nothing else to do but keep going. The swell inside her only grew stronger, a pull she couldn't quite explain. Whomever this Loom Mother was, such a powerful weaver had to have the answer she was looking for. At least, that's what she tried to convince herself. Finally, after days of nonstop walking and bitter cold, the young Godoan stood at the peak of the mountain...

Only to be greeted by a tombstone. The Loom Mother was dead. She had been for a long time, it seemed. Perhaps why the Talz tribe hadn't seen her in some time. The weight was crushing, and all Loomi could do was drop to her knees and let the exhaustion take over...

What had she done this for?

"How peculiar... the Mist moves around you in a fascinating way, child."

Loomi's eyes shot up. She wasn't on a mountain top anymore. Instead a strange woven circle had appeared, as though she were within a giant caccoon. A woman who shone with a blue vissage stood before her, a Nautolan dressed in elaborate white robes.

"How did... a-are you..?"

"My spirit was with the Force," the woman stated with a gentle, almost motherly tone, "It was your own power which drew me out... made this place. A Mist Weaver. That is what you are... same as I was long ago. The Talz called me 'Mother.' I'm unsure of why. A title of respect, perhaps..."

"I-I... y-you have to know why I'm here!" Loomi suddenly blurted out. "I-I can feel it so strongly, th-the strange clawing thing that pulled me here. I-I couldn't resist it. Why can't I get it out of my head?"

"Hush, dear," the Loom Mother responded, her etherial hand patting the girl on the back. "It is okay... The Force has called you here and brought you to me. There is nothing wrong with you, child."


"You posess an ability some may see as unnatural," she stated, continuing in the same caring tone. "Mist Weaving draws upon the foundation of our universe to create, which may seem at a glance like the darkness that poisons the Force. But you weave with light, child. You connect yourself to life through the threads you pull. It seems that your abilities flourish, even as you are unable to recognize their true capabilities..."

Loomi frowned, taking in the words that the ghost was telling her. She... connected herself to life. Did that mean...

"Did... I create connections... to people?"

"You wove a thread between hearts," the woman's spirit confirmed, "Even if you did not recognize it..."

Even if she did not recognize it. The connection that she had seemed to have with Braze Braze was of her own doing, one which she had created without even intending to. She had latched onto him, weaving a connection through the Force where their had not been one before. Sitting in front of the bonfire, Loomi was trying her best to write all of this down so she could cast her frustrations away and move on. Grow. But how could she? Braze was her best friend, but she couldn't help but feel like she had influenced him to become that thing in her life. Would he even have been her friend if she hadn't had this strange ability?

Was anyone else her friend? To have such clarity on what she was capable of, it certainly gave her chills. Creating powerful Force bonds was dangerous. Her brief period of true openness with Braze's mind had displayed just that very thing.

How did she keep herself from putting someone else through such a thing?

Loomi couldn't help but wonder if Auteme Auteme had known the full extent of what she'd be capable of when first teaching her how to Mist Weave. Maybe it wasn't as big of an issue as she was making it out to be in her head.

It didn't stop the thoughts from being there.

For now, Loomi was unable to cast her thoughts into the fire... Not yet.

Last edited:
Kai'el Brat "Guardian of the Light"

"Body language doesn't lie, huh? When you know what to look for, anyway."

"For the most part, yes," Braze offered, his tone thoughtful. "You can lie with body language—that's basically what a feint is in a fight."
"I've heard that about Echani culture. Maybe another time, when I'm more… clear-headed, we can spar. For fun; show me how you really move,"

"That might be fun, yes," Braze chirped, a lighter tone lifting his words. "But I agree, that should probably wait."

"The war, I guess. There's a monster in me and the longer things go on, the harder it is to keep it contained,"
Braze's brows furrowed as he blinked, brushing some stray white hair back behind his ear. His voice was soft but steady when he finally spoke. "You don't look like a monster to me," he said simply. His gaze lingered for a moment, searching. "What is it you feel you need to suppress? It's okay to just... break away and let out your emotions in less destructive ways."

Braze suddenly froze. A faint, inexplicable ache rippled through his chest—not physical, but something deeper, like the ghost of an emotion that wasn't entirely his. He tilted his head slightly, brow furrowing as if trying to listen to a whisper carried on the wind. For a brief moment, he swore he could feel Loomi Loomi 's exhaustion, her overwhelming sense of self-doubt wrapped in a strange, bittersweet warmth. The connection wasn't strong enough to tell him where or why, but it was enough to make him uneasy. Concern shifted across his features, and his gaze dropped to the ground, his thoughts momentarily leaving the snowy trail they were.

Was she okay?

The thought lingered, unbidden but insistent, even as he forced himself to refocus on the here and now.
Braze Braze

"For the most part, yes," Braze offered, his tone thoughtful. "You can lie with body language—that's basically what a feint is in a fight."

"True. Still, people give away more than they intend. Be it ticks, weight distribution, eye focus, etc."

"That might be fun, yes," Braze chirped, a lighter tone lifting his words. "But I agree, that should probably wait."

"I could probably kick your ass either way, though."

"You don't look like a monster to me," he said simply. His gaze lingered for a moment, searching. "What is it you feel you need to suppress? It's okay to just... break away and let out your emotions in less destructive ways."

"It's... hard to say. I don't think you'd want to be around me if you really knew what I was," Diogo said, as he paused to choose his next words carefully. "I'm...-" There was a sudden shift in Braze and Diogo looked up. The white-haired boy seemed frozen in place; there was a look on his face of pain, or confusion, or maybe something else entirely. Grateful for the reprieve this offered, Diogo was quick to shift the conversation. "You okay?" he asked, putting a hand on his arm. "You look like you either just passed gas or you saw a ghost."
Kai'el Brat "Guardian of the Light"

Braze blinked, his jade-green eyes snapping back to focus on Diogo, though the faint shadow of concern lingered in his gaze. He shook his head lightly, as if trying to dispel whatever had momentarily gripped him. The corner of his mouth twitched, caught between a smile and a grimace at Diogo's attempt at humor.

"I'm fine," he said, brushing off the hand on his arm with a half-hearted wave. "And for the record, neither of those things happened, thanks for the vote of confidence."

He let out a small sigh, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to shake the lingering feeling. "I guess I just... spaced out for a second. Maybe you're rubbing off on me." There was a teasing edge to his voice, though his gaze flickered back toward the horizon briefly. " Doubt what you could say would phase me.... My first crush was a sith girl who summoned Sithspawn the size and shape of dragons... Do you perhaps want to find the way back and maybe warm up by a real fire? "


Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble Azurine Varek Azurine Varek Aadihr Lidos Aadihr Lidos

Wearing: Dress

"You look good, by the way. The outfit. And- in general- Uh. You know." He cleared his throat, awkwardly scratching his cheek with his free hand as he looked around the crowd. "Sooo I know where they are. Get this, Mahsa's on Ayhan's shoulders! And Azurine has a guy with her. It's wild!"

Zaiya felt her breath catch at the unexpected compliment. Her free hand shot up, brushing her hair behind her ear with a nervous energy, giving a rock of her heels as a warm blush painted her cheeks and illuminated her mottled spots in shimmering hues of coral and gold.

"Thank you! It tried to make it fit the theme...." she managed, her voice a little higher than usual, her giddy fluster matchng that of the Noble in their awkward adorable flustered state. The grin tugging at her lips was impossible to hide, and the edges of her teeth caught her lower lip as she tried to steady herself. His compliment might have been clumsy, but it was genuine and that was what mattered. None the less, Zaiya's eyebrows perked in curiosity when Aris's attention drew to the crowed, mentioning their dormmates.

"Wait, Mahsa? On Ayhan's shoulders?" Zaiya's surprise shimmered across her skin as streaks of light citrine joining the coral glow. Her brows shot up as she tilted her head toward Aris, her curiosity bubbling over.

"Do you think they're finally getting along better? Maybe they talked things out?" She really hoped so. But when Aris mentioned Azurine, Zaiya's face scrunched slightly in confusion. Her head tilted to the side, her thoughts tangling as she tried to piece together why it seemed like such a big deal. Azurine was always friendly, so it wasn't that unusual to see her with someone... right?

The Lovalla had no knowledge of the severed Force Bond or the trials Azurine had faced prior, so it didn't seem like a big deal.

"Oh, okay," Zaiya said, though her tone betrayed the faintest trace of doubt.

"Azzie's pretty social, so maybe she just found a new friend." The words were light, but her thoughts drifted, uncertainty swirling under her skin. Azurine was still such a puzzle for the Lovalla, and Zaiya wasn't sure where to place the Iridonian Padawan, or the complicated feelings Zaiya carried about her. The confusion flickered through the resonance, brushing against Aris's awareness. Either way, Zaiya did her best to shake it off, her expression brightening as she focused back on Aris.

"We could see if they want to hang out or grab something to eat?" Her voice lifted hopefully, her eyes shimmering with a mixture of excitement and a need to distract herself from overthinking.

Food always made things better.


Tags: Kuhbee Kuhbee


An eruption of noise, jarring and discordant, shattered the pleasant illusion of the market. Screams, sharp and panicked, ripped through the air, followed by the unmistakable bellows of some creature. Roman's hand instinctively went to the hilt of his lightsaber, though he knew better than to draw it here. He abandoned his leisurely stroll and broke into a run, pushing through the throng of festival-goers who were now surging in the opposite direction, their faces etched with fear.

As he rounded a corner, the scene unfolded before him. Chaos reigned. Tables were overturned, stalls lay in ruin, and in the center of it all, a maelstrom of fury, stood a Wookiee. It wasn't just any Wookiee, though. Roman's heart clenched, a mixture of shock and recognition flooding him. It was Kuhbee. The young Wookiee was a whirlwind of fur and rage, his roars echoing through the market square as he hurled a nearby droid across the cobblestones. His usually gentle eyes were clouded with a terrifying mix of panic and fury.

By Ashla, Roman thought, his mind reeling. He seems to always be growing. The Wookiee cub he knew at the Temple was always so kind and gentle, replaced by this vision of unrestrained power. Yet, even in his rage, Roman could see the fear, the desperate, unyielding panic woven into the creature's every movement. This wasn't mindless aggression, it was a cry for help.

Ignoring the frantic warnings of others to flee, Roman approached the enraged Wookiee with a slow, measured pace. He held out both of his hands, palms open and facing Kuhbee, a gesture of peace and surrender. He didn't dare get too close. He had seen firsthand the power of a Wookiee, especially one in the throes of a fear-induced rage.

"Kuhbee…" Roman spoke, his voice calm, trying to cut through the storm of emotion. His gaze locked onto the young Wookiee's eyes, hoping to find some glimmer of recognition. "Everything is alright, Kuhbee."



Outfit: Casual Attire
Weapons: Walking stick / Lightsaber Pike

Azurine's friends were easily spotted even before she led Aadihr to them. The large dancer from before who so elegantly twirled amongst the force-flame and Zaiya, the only one Aadihr had met previously, albeit now in much less grim environs. She and the large boy who must be Aris shone back and forth reflecting emotions, flustered and a bit timid with each other. Aadihr grinned at the auras swirling, puppy love clear as day.

The others - seemingly another empath sitting on the shoulders of a. . . Something. The signature was unfamiliar to Aadihr, but the shell was humanoid. They recognized Azzie on sight,

The young man didn't take kindly to Azurine's joke about his missing hand, the reminder stirring up some desaturated swirl of hues between both who the one who must be Ayhan and the other Mahsa, based on Azzie's prior description.

Ayhan seemed to be the slow-to-trust type, his discerning gaze lingering on Aadihr. In fact, both Zaiya and Aris were sneaking glances at Azurine and he, talking amongst themselves as the three pairs closed the gap.

Each step closer revealed a slightly more complex tapestry between the auras than Aadihr had expected. Why was Zaiya suspicious of Azurine? Aadihr tossed any speculation aside, addressing Ayhan's question and try to alleviate the tension of Azzie's jest before she began to fret over it.
"I keep an eye out for her from time to time" Aadihr said, slightly more deadpan than he normally would, stating it as a fact instead of a joke - perhaps keeping the boy slightly on his toes will distract from whatever memory flashed before.

"Aadihr," the Miraluka said, extending his hand in greeting to each of Azzie's friends in kind. "She's spoken a lot about each of you" Aadihr then turned to address Zaiya and Aris, once more finding himself grateful for her help rescuing him and the people of Iridonia.

"Zaiya, how have you been? You never mentioned the Grandmaster's son was your boyfriend! Or that he was such an elegant dancer, for that matter. Aris right? You are the spitting image of your father, but I imagine you get that a lot." Aadihr knew exactly what he was doing. He had researched what he could of Kahlil after what he had learned in the firing range.

He watched the auras stir, seeing the untarnished emotions of youth swirl about each of them bringing a nostalgic smile to his own face. Despite the lighthearted tone, Aadihr kept his focus on the undercurrents of Aris's aura specifically, seeking any recognition from his veiled comment.

If Aadihr could vicariously tease Azzie, even better. She was usually the prankster, but now Aadihr had a chance to turn the tables, embarrass her in front of her friends - all in good fun, at least. He still wanted to nurture that fragile bubble in her aura, protect her even from himself if need be.

He toned down the playful idiot facade, stepping aside to encourage Azzie to speak in her own defence, silently analyzing the ways each of their auras interacted. Despite the festivities he still was cautious when meeting new Jedi, Padawan or not. He kept vigilant even through the the mask of the fool, reading intent and emotion as best he could through the force.



"I'll have you know a well made mixer is certainly exciting. The treats I'll be able to make, the breads. It'll be grand." Kahlil smiled warm, excited, almost. Though he did raise a brow to Valery before flashing her a smirk. He said nothing further on it, not with all the kids around. But she'd know. Valery always knew after all. His gaze did shift back around though, this time to Aeryn as she popped up. the snowball barely left her hand before it fell right to the ground.

"You should know better, little ones. I'm not so easily surprised." Another snowball was thrown, again frozen midair before it dropped to the ground. This one from Adam. He smirked, glancing over towards the boy as he giggled to retreat into the crowd with his sister.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Red Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

Valery couldn't hold back a snort of laughter, her fiery amber eyes sparkling with amusement. "You're such a nerd," she teased, nudging Kahlil's arm. "Getting all excited about a mixer. But I love it~"

Her grin widened when she caught the subtle smirk he flashed her way. She knew exactly what that look meant and waggled her eyebrows in response, her expression playfully mischievous.

Before she could add anything else, a sudden flurry of snowballs came their way. Aeryn and Adam, now teaming up, launched their assault with gleeful giggles. Kahlil's calm mastery of the Force froze their snowballs mid-air before they harmlessly fell to the ground. Valery's mock gasp of betrayal only fueled the kids' laughter as they darted back into the crowd, leaving trails of their joy behind.

Valery placed her hands on her hips, her grin softening into something warmer as she watched their retreating forms. "They're so happy," she said, her voice carrying a quiet reverence. "I don't think I could ever ask for more than moments like this."

Her amber gaze shifted back to Kahlil, her smirk returning full force. "But speaking of Life Day, love," she said, tilting her head coyly, "Am I getting a gift too?" She raised an eyebrow, her playful tone impossible to miss, though her grin betrayed how much she already felt spoiled just by having him and their family.



TAG: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Kuhbee, the young Wookiee, stood frozen at the edge of the bustling festival market, his fur bristling with both fear and fury. His eyes locked onto the fiery dancers across the way who spun and leapt through the air, their torches crackling with dangerous heat. The flickering flames seemed to taunt him, their unpredictable movements triggering memories of danger from his youth. His heart pounded in his chest, and a deep growl rumbled in his throat. In a moment of overwhelming panic, the youngling's primal instincts took over— his teeth bared, and with a mighty roar, he lunged into the crowd. People screamed in terror, scattering in all directions as Kuhbee's fear morphed into destructive rage. The once vibrant market now became a scene of chaos, the Wookiee's out-of-control rampage sending food carts tumbling and stalls toppling. Despite his small size (for a Wookie anyway) his strength and fury were enough to leave a trail of destruction as he tried to flee the overwhelming sight of the flames.

The longer it went on the worse it got. Kuhbee felt like the heat of the flames was enclosing upon him again and the many bald patches on his fur seemed to burn once more. Each patch held a deep burn scar from where his former slavers had tortured him, forcing him to partake in the gladiatorial fights for the bloodthirsty and paying crowds. Kuhbee roared, howled, and smashed wooden stalls until a voice broke through.

"Kuhbee…" Roman spoke, his voice calm, trying to cut through the storm of emotion. His gaze locked onto the young Wookiee's eyes, hoping to find some glimmer of recognition. "Everything is alright, Kuhbee."

Kuhbee turned towards the sound, panting and growling. His eyes locked onto Roman, noting his fiery red hair. For a moment his teeth were bared and a guttural growl escaped his throat, but then he felt the Force and recognized Roman's signature. Roman.... they had been together before... cleaning up ....

His face muscles slowly relaxed and his muscled lost tension. His eyes softened as he focused properly on Roman. Then he turned and looked at all the devastation. Had he done this? He lowered his head and gave a shameful small growl.



Tags: Kuhbee Kuhbee


Roman hesitated, his boots scuffing the ground as he took another step towards the young Wookiee. Kuhbee's back was to him, a mountain of fur and barely contained rage. This was his friend, a creature usually so gentle, now caught in the throes of something terrible. Roman's heart ached for him. He had to do something. He couldn't just stand by and watch.

He took another step, closing the distance carefully, when Kuhbee whirled around, teeth bared in a snarl that sent a shiver down Roman's spine. It was a primal, terrifying sound, and Roman briefly considered backing away, but he couldn't abandon his friend. He groaned, his hand reaching out, palm open, a peace offering. He just needed to touch him, to reconnect, to break through the wall of fear and pain.

"It's okay..." Roman whispered, his voice low and soothing, feeling the tension in the air as thick as the dust they were kicking up. His fingers brushed Kuhbee's shoulder, the fur soft despite the Wookiee's current state, and he felt a slight tremor run through the youngling. It was like a door had been opened, just a crack. He could see the fear in Kuhbee's eyes beginning to recede, replaced by a flicker of recognition. "Hey buddy." Roman said, his voice softening even more. He kept his hand on the Wookiee's fur, anchoring him to the present. He followed Kuhbee's gaze as he looked at the devastation, a small crowd gathering around them with worried chatter, and Roman knew he needed to act quickly.

"It's my fault, everyone!" Roman called out, waving his hands to disperse the onlookers, forcing a cheerful note into his voice. "I accidentally stepped on a paw." he added, a ridiculous story, but it seemed to work, as people began to mutter and disperse.

He began righting the tables and chairs, his movements brisk and efficient, quickly returning the market stalls to some semblance of order. He wanted Kuhbee to see that things could be made right. He turned to his chronometer, quickly activating the translator function, knowing that it would make communicating in the moment much easier. "You alright?" Roman whispered, his eyes soft as he looked at Kuhbee, the underlying concern evident.
Braze Braze

Diogo chuckled, satisfied with himself for bringing some levity to the conversation and forcing Braze to smile, albeit begrudgingly.

He let out a small sigh, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to shake the lingering feeling. "I guess I just... spaced out for a second. Maybe you're rubbing off on me."

"If only you could be so lucky."

" Doubt what you could say would phase me.... My first crush was a sith girl who summoned Sithspawn the size and shape of dragons... Do you perhaps want to find the way back and maybe warm up by a real fire? "

"Sure, let's head out," Diogo said, slowly rising from the bench. "I saw there was a quieter little place back past the market. Had some small fire pits and stuff, might be a nice spot."

Diogo did his best to steer the conversation as they trotted off. "So, what happened between you and the Sith girl? Also… where the hell do you even meet someone like that? Zinder?" Last question was rhetorical, obviously…

Diogo casually flicked out his datapad and hastily scrolled through the redownload tab of the app store.


TAG: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

"Hey buddy."

Kuhbee made a low growl, full of sorrow and regret as Roman approached him. Kuhbee hung his head as Roman explained to the onlookers a fake story. Many of them seemed exasperated but the panic seemed to be subsiding. It was probably a good thing that Roman had dismissed them. The authorities might treat Kuhbee as a wild beast if they were called. One could never count on xenophobia not being present in times like these, especially when it was so difficult for a Wookie to communicate.

Kuhbee started picking up chairs that were not broken and putting them up right. He tried to pile the broken pieces into a neat pile, even trying to put one of the chairs together again as it comically fell apart almost immediately. He felt terrible for the way he had acted.

"You alright?"

He started to growl in his native tongue, and the translator picked it up effortlessly.

[I'm sorry Roman. The fire scared me.]

He felt ashamed and horrible but he also felt genuinely happy to see Roman again. He had really liked meeting the padawan before.



Tags: Kuhbee Kuhbee


Roman watched as Kuhbee worked, the Wookiee's large hands clumsy but determined as he tried to repair the damage he'd caused. The sight tugged at Roman's heart. He may have been large and imposing, but the genuine remorse in the youngling's actions was evident. When Kuhbee spoke, the translator making his native tongue understandable, Roman's eyes widened, a flicker of understanding dawning on his face.

[I'm sorry Roman. The fire scared me] the translator relayed, and Roman's gaze drifted towards the area, noticing the multitude of fire dancers. Ah. That made sense. It was a wonder he hadn't made the connection sooner. It was funny, in a way, that a Wookiee so easily spooked by fire would attend a fire festival. Roman smiled, a genuine smile that reached his eyes. He wouldn't hold it against Kuhbee; the young Wookiee just wanted to be part of the fun, to experience the traditions of this world, and he deserved to be there.

Just then, a few festival workers wandered toward them, their eyes taking in the scene of disarray. Roman reacted instantly, moving swiftly to meet them, his hand subtly slipping credits into their palms. His quick action prevented them from questioning anything and he didn't want to draw more attention or upset Kuhbee further. He knew he had to get the Wookiee out of there.

"Let's get you out of here." Roman said, his voice gentle but firm as he guided Kuhbee away from the bustling heart of the festival, towards the quieter edges of the market. He kept his hand lightly on the Wookiee's shoulder, reassuring himself more than Kuhbee.

Once they were out of the thick of it, Roman glanced at Kuhbee, his eyes narrowing slightly as he spotted some singed patches in his fur. "Not a fan of fire, huh?" he asked, keeping his tone light. He could make assumptions about why the fires might be upsetting to the youngling, but maybe it would be helpful for Kuhbee to share that with him. He knew that suppressing emotions never helped anything.

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