[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]
I believe that the production of clones for the use as conscript soldiers is tantamount to slavery. I respect a clone's right to personhood. I don't think the Republic will be ever fielding clone armies again, but I don't think we would stop individual clones from volunteering. As a practical matter, I find the whole clone trooper thing dumb, if you want obedient drones, then use droids.
Right now, there's a bill to allow Force Users to openly hold office, but as a precaution, Yslamari will be housed in the Senate (my idea). I also wanted to go with detectors and a registry for government officials, but people weren't crazy for that idea, even though there's a history of infiltration and a precedence for the use of Force Detectors in the past. I don't know how the Senate expected to keep out FUs in the past with no means of detection in place. The Jedi aren't around anymore.
I think the Jedi Order is lame for withdrawing from Republic affairs when they were needed the most. Now I see some motions to have them folded into the GA. That's fine, but I would like a new institution setup up in their absence, to train FUs that want to actually participate within Republic society. I'm a FU (former Jedi actually), but I don't want to be a monk removed from my community, which is Kiribi and the Republic.
Yes, I've perused the Manaan thread. That hardline approach is definitely not in the style of the Republic as I believe it to be. One silver lining to Roche is that style of "diplomacy" has finally blown up in some people's faces. In the short term, Roche was a disaster, but in the long term, the Senate has been presented with an opening to take out the trash.
Thank you for sharing. I think all your problems are being addressed.