Tag: Cybelle Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren
Brandyn stood watching Aeris leave. It was a decision that made no sense to him. Leave the Order? This was the place where you could do so much good, like what was just done on Exegol. How could Aeris see this as not the place to be? He felt fidgety. If someone that knowledgeable, someone he had worked with and looked up to...
Not a thought worth pursuing, Brandyn.
His homing instincts set in, and he turned back towards where he had left Briana. The crowds were starting to thin out, but there was still plenty of people to dodge. The electric atmosphere was still well and truly firing, and it battered away at his more darker thoughts. His nightmares echoed, almost as if they were actually conscious life threatening to break through into this dream...if he hadn't been awake already.
Briana and Cybelle together? Oh. This could be bad.
Why the sight of them both together gave him concern was largely due to the stories that Briana would undoubtedly be weaving. Lies, falsehoods the lot of them, unless of course she was talking her brother up. In which case...it was about time.
"It really is good to see two of my favourite people together..."
Brandyn swooped in with a quick arm around Briana's shoulders and a slight squeeze. It was a half-hug that she would undoubtedly pull into a full on embrace. It was his little way of giving her the chance to be in charge, and also express fondness too. Peeling off from his sister, Brandyn stepped to Cybelle's side, and leant against her lightly.
"...who died? Beside The Maw..."
Too soon?
"You both look so serious."