Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [GA] The Hapan Crisis | Rise or Ruin


The death of Queen Mother Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray has shattered the fragile stability of the Hapes Consortium. Once an enigmatic and fiercely independent monarchy, the Consortium now finds itself on the brink of total collapse. The capital city, Ta'a Chume'dan, lies in ruins. Fires still smolder in the streets where loyalists and terrorists clashed. Ornate palaces and shining spires that once symbolized the prestige of the royal court now stand as broken monuments to an era threatened to get lost to history.

In the wake of the Queen Mother's death, the Hapan nobility reels, scrambling to consolidate power and reclaim their authority. But the Crimson Veil — a radical insurgent group led by Kalen Kalen sees this as their moment of triumph. Declaring the monarchy dead, Kalen announces his desire for the formation of the Hapan Union, a government free from royal rule.

The Consortium's military, fractured between loyalist forces, defectors, and those simply desperate to restore order, struggles to respond. The Galactic Alliance, once an ally of the monarchy, is now viewed with suspicion by some, accused of failing to protect Kha'la and of meddling in Hapan sovereignty, while others argue in favor of those who stopped the Mad Queen.

Princess Nimaa'ri Daaray, the last hope for the monarchy's survival, has fled to Fondor after an attempt on her life, seeking refuge with the Galactic Alliance. But the question remains: will the GA stand by the monarchy, or will it be forced to accept a new, radical government? And more pressingly — can peace even be restored to a people divided by centuries of tradition, bloodshed, and inequality?


Objective I — Future of Hapes
Within the Fondor Senate hall, Princess Nimaa'ri Daaray pleads for the Galactic Alliance's support in restoring the monarchy, while senators, military leaders, and Hapan nobles debate the Consortium's future within the Alliance. Some push for the royal bloodline's return, others might argue for democracy, and Crimson Veil sympathizers demand an end to noble rule altogether. The fate of Hapes hangs in the balance.


Objective II — Humanitarian Aid
Entire cities lie in ruin, and millions are displaced. The GADF, New Jedi Order, and Alliance relief workers scramble to deliver supplies, set up medical aid, and restore critical infrastructure across Hapan space. On Onderon and nearby planets, refugee camps are overflowing, tensions brewing between those who remain loyal to the monarchy and those who support the Crimson Veil. Meanwhile, supply convoys and medical teams are vulnerable to looters and extremists taking advantage of the chaos.

Possible angles:

  • Offer Aid at the various Refugee camps, either on Onderon or within the Cluster itself.
  • The Alliance retains a military and Jedi presence to protect relief workers, and to prevent terrorists from making attempts to seize power.
  • Head into the Hapan Cluster itself to find survivors caught in the middle and to stop opportunists from taking advantage.

Got a different story to tell? Bring your own objective!




Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsabers

Valery's boots hit the durasteel ramp with purpose as she descended from the transport. The air was thick with the scent of smoke and blaster residue. The capital of the Hapes Consortium — once a place of breathtaking beauty, of shimmering towers and palaces — was now a ruin of its former self.

Even from the outskirts, she could see the remains of the recent fighting between the Consortium forces and the insurgents of the Crimson Veil. Smoke curled into the sky from the distant cityscape, and beyond the skyline, she could just barely make out the flashes of skirmishes still raging in some districts.

But that wasn't why they were here.

Their mission was to help — to protect those caught in the crossfire, to restore what little order they could, and to put a stop to the reports of looters and war profiteers preying on the vulnerable. Valery turned, her fiery gaze settling on Everest as she stepped up beside her.

"This is going to be difficult," she murmured, her voice calm but firm. "There's still fighting in some parts of the city. We'll focus on the people and do our best to keep the peace."

A scream echoed somewhere in the distance — sharp and panicked. Valery's jaw tightened.

"And we don't have time to waste." With that, she turned, leading the way toward the battered city, toward the chaos, and toward the people who needed them most.

Everest Vale Everest Vale | Open


Location: Hapes
Tags: Vera Noble Vera Noble
Equipment: Lightsaber | Jedi Jumpsuit |
Utility Belt
Objective II



So much heartbreak had occured upon the planet. Kaelos hadn't been present the last time the Jedi had come to Hapes, yet he'd heard the stories. So much had happened and the entire Hapes Cluster was on the verge of total collapse. A battle between the monarchists and the diplomats was taking place with centures of tradition soon to potentially collapse.

Kaelos had been the first to volunteer to offer support for the Hapes Cluster. The holonews was reporting on the matters every day, interviews with displaced and heartbroken Hapens who'd lost their homes and families in one foul swoop. Shan Pavond Shan Pavond had taught him on Aruza that his natural abilities of Psychometry were extremely useful in humanitarian situations and he would offer it wherever it was needed.

Vera Noble Vera Noble had been the second to volunteer, something Kaelos truly appreciated. He'd cracked a smile when she'd agreed to head into the Cluster with him, although deep inside there was something he couldn't quite place. Alongside the excitement that he was getting to work alongside his best friend, there was relief that she'd be there. She knew so much about him, she'd keep them both on a level.

The duo had headed directly for the administration centre of the entire Cluster, Hapes itself. The planet of never night, with it's seven moons and it's glistening nebulae. Much of the planet was lush wildnerness and deep oceans, with only a few cities necessary to running the Hapes Consortium. It was an entire world fit for adventure.

It was those cities where the dynamic duo would focus their efforts. The number of Hapen's that hadn't been located was extremely high, and if Kaelos could do anything to try and reconnect the missing people to their families then he would do.

"I always forget men aren't entirely welcome here" he acknowleged to Vera Noble Vera Noble as they walked through the city of Ta'a Chume'Dan. It was in a state of ruin, with people's homes and businesses completely destroyed. People's entire livelihoods were gone. In the distance, there were three Hapen's arguing. Two of them were female and one was male and it was very clear that the male was loosing.

There was a noise somewhere off to the left and Kaelos paused for just a moment. It sounded like crying, high pitched and child like.
"Can you hear that?" he asked softly, turning his head in the direction of the noise that he was hearing. "It's not just me right?" he double checked, raising an eyebrow.

It definitely wasn't just him though, and the crying was getting louder and more frightened with every passing second.


| Location | Onderon
| Objective | Set the stage, and wait.

Things had been going well enough at first.
Due to the ties of the refugee crisis to an armed rebellion in the neighboring cluster, the Knight-Commander had taken command of the situation, to the displeasure of the local nobility. Not that Jenn particularly cared about what those arrogant fools thought, not when her warriors outnumbered their House guards three to one, to say nothing of the position of command she held within the military forces of Onderon themselves. There was an opportunity to be found here, she realized, and she would play her part well enough...
Ever since King Vince Vince 's decision that saw them brought into the fold and added as another world of the Galactic Alliance, the Kryz'alor had resented the presence of Alliance assets on the world she was sworn to protect. They had never asked her; she had been told, and she had to like it. So be it, then. This was a situation the Alliance had caused with their blasted interventionism; let their infrastructure shoulder the main burden of it all.
The location of the temporary refugee camps had been carefully chosen to be but a stone's throw away from local Alliance bases, leaving its personnel with no choice but to deal with the chaos that was bound to rise from overcrowding. Let the people blame them, and not her beskar-clad knights.
And when the first scuffle between refugees who remained loyal to the crown and hopeful for a return to the way things were and their counterparts sympathetic to the cause of the Crimson Veil erupted, the Duchess was finally given a reason to intervene directly, declaring a military takeover of the entire supply distribution process, to prevent looting and widespread violence.
That she had begun to relocate and isolate those who spoke out against the late Queen Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray was purely coincidental, of course. So too was the fact that supplies seemed to reach them far less frequently and abundantly than those camps where more sympathetic refugees thanked the Mandalorians and their Hastati cohorts profusely...
The stage was set. All that was left now was to see just how the Alliance, or the Jedi, would respond to this turn of events.

I'm scarier with my mask off.
Objective II: Refugees Dignity
Ta'a Chume'dan
Refugee Camps

[Yeah, it’s bad. I’m setting down now.] Connel was in his “Jedi Defender” Corvette, had some supplies, as well as Buster who was busy playing with the Steward droid and his toys. He was on the comm-link with his mother, head of Guardian Authority Ltd’s Charity organization Guardian Angel Outreach. She was asking about the refugee situation as while she, as a native Sorusian hated the planet, they were being over run and needed help.

Connel was there as was his duty, to the New Jedi Order and the ethics instilled in him by his parents since childhood. He was here to see what was needed and how help could be brought. While he was not limitless in authority or resources (or really had a place here), he had the desire to do the right thing, and that was to bring himself into the situation, even if he had nothing to punch.

[Yeah, I know. I’m not looking for a fight, I’ll get down there, and get back to you. Record it all? Sure, I can do that. Alright Love you too, talk soon.] Connel was about to give Buster a headscratch when “Brad”, his astromech, showed impeccable timing and came out of the Engineering bay and Buster went into “Let’s play” mode. Something about a “big ball” that made Buster just forget about the world. All Connel could do was smile as he stepped onto and walked down the loading ramp. Alright everyone, be good. I’ll be around.

Checking his gear as he looked around, Connel was in one of the refugee camps set up outside the city by the Foundation initially. He had his gear checked, and his mask on. He was not here to fight, but there was a serious stench of death in the air. There was still fighting in pockets and sectors of the city and while he did not want to do that, he needed to make sure the area was secure. Seeing one of those who was volunteering to help, he got their attention.

Hi, I’m with the New Jedi Order. I have supplies in my ship and please take them out of my cargo hold. Don’t worry if anyone else goes in there, the rest of the ship is locked. I will walk the area, but if there is anything you need. Let me know and I will see what I can do to make arrangements.

Because knowing Mother, she already has a fleet of ships headed here with supplies.

He sensed other auras in the Force, other Jedi. This was a good sign. [/I]


Valery Noble Valery Noble Everest Vale Everest Vale WIDE OPEN



Tag: Kaelos Vryn Kaelos Vryn
Vera walked beside Kaelos, her eyes scanning the city as they moved through the ruined streets. The capital was in ruins a far cry from the beauty it once held. She glanced at Kaelos as he spoke, a smirk tugging at her lips. "If anybody gives you shit, I'll fight them," she said, her voice light but full of that familiar, stubborn confidence. "You may not be welcome here, but you're with me, which means they can deal with it." She gave him a playful nudge and grinned.

But whatever amusement she felt was short-lived.

Kaelos suddenly stilled beside her, and Vera caught the shift in his expression. She had been ready to tease him for getting distracted, but then she heard it too. Faint, high-pitched. A child's cry.

Immediately, her demeanor changed.

"Yeah, I hear it," she confirmed. Then, without hesitation, she took off in the direction of the sound. Her boots hit the broken pavement hard as she sprinted, weaving past the remnants of the city's destruction, dodging collapsed beams and shattered duracrete. The cries grew louder, and with each step, her heart pounded faster. Then, she saw it.

A collapsed section of a building, dust still lingering in the air. Buried beneath the rubble, she felt a gentle presence. Vera skidded to a stop, already moving toward it. She dropped to her knees and started pushing at the jagged remains, but the debris was too heavy. Turning quickly, she looked up at Kaelos.

"I need your help! We need to move this rubble away!"



| Location | Fondor, Senate Building
| Objective | Discuss the future of Hapan & more

The Senator of Eshan seemed weary entering the assembly, taking his seat as the other representatives from the systems that made up the Alliance were called upon to speak on the matter regarding the Hapes Cluster and its rather shocking turn of events. His fingertips touched as he held his hands up in front of him, deep in thought as he awaited for the rest of the Assembly to arrive to discuss the future of Hapan at the request of Princess Daaray.
It was unconscionable to the Senator when he heard news of what had happened. The Supreme Chancellor, slaying the Queen Mother of Hapes? It was unprecedented. For the face of the Galactic Alliance, and all that it represented, killing a monarch apart of the Alliance on their own soil no less. Inconceivable. Who was to say such a fate would not befall any other monarchy that owed allegiance to the Alliance, even Eshan itself? This was an outrage.
The Alliance could not be permitted to go around slaying its leaders over disputes in how situations are handled. The Hapan Crisis, while a tragedy, was an issue that needed to be handled locally, and in Parthi's opinion not a matter that the Alliance needed to involve themselves in. Allowing such a future to come to pass could mean many more heads rolling.


@Come Hither​
Senator of Cato Neimoidia

The Neimoidian entered into the Alliance General Ministry Canton, bringing along two Trade Federation Envoys who were essential for providing legal and economic counsel during the senate conference. The discussions appeared to center on the repercussions of the crisis in the Hapan Cluster and the tragic demise of Queen Kha'la Daaray.

Monaray, however, had never been particularly fond of her, as she had posed numerous questions during the deliberations on the Improved Hyperspace Security Act. Nevertheless, the death of a prominent planetary leader within the Alliance, allegedly at the hands of the Alliance itself, did little to bolster the Federal Assembly's confidence.

There was a considerable fear that they too could be removed at any moment due to actions taken against certain adversarial groups, such as the Crimson Veil, which had rebranded itself as the Hapan Union.

A change in government would lead to new contracts for the Trade Federation, prompting him to focus on securing recognition with fellow senators, so they could redirect focus to more urgent issues such as the Sith Order and the Dark Empire.

"Chancellor, esteemed Delegates of the Senate, and Junior Representatives of Planetary Interests" Monaray began, activating the control to advance the pod.

"It is not a surprise to any one of us that the Hapan Cluster has fallen into chaos and turmoil following the demise of Her Majesty—may she find eternal peace within the Force. Ahem, we shall perpetually acknowledge her...unique perspectives on senate legislation." The Neimoidian continued, striving to come up with appropriate sentiments to commemorate the loss of a fellow member while refraining from excessive commendation.

"Before we officially begin the debate - I want to know as much as anyone else what exactly took place within the Hapan Throne Room which caused the breakdown of diplomatic efforts and the intervention of the New Jedi Order. Perhaps - in hindsight we could have approached this situation differently and come up with a different solution that benefits all parties involved - none withstanding hearing the pleas of the Princess and Heir to the Throne." He finished with a soft bow, withdrawing his pod for a moment to allow others to speak.




Caelan had made a promise to the dying Queen Mother that he would do what he could to see to it that the people of the Consortium were taken care of. He had openly condemned the killing of her, while also condemning the efforts of the Crimson Veil. He did not agree with the way she had handled the situation, but he did believe that the actions of the veil warranted their hunting and extermination. They were a threat that believed that murder and violence was the answer to a political disagreement and for that they needed to be culled.

But Caelan was not going to be the one to hunt them down. Instead, he brought aid, directly from Lazerian IV via transport ships, to the tumultuous capitol, which had seen violence and carnage befall it. Since the fall of the Queen Mother, violence had broken out repeatedly across various worlds, but nowhere worse than here. Even now, after all that had happened, there were still pockets of ongoing battle and dissent between various Hapan groups, especially with the proposition of the Veil to create a new government called the Union despite the existence of continued lineage of the Queen mother.

"Keep offloading and setting up the triage sites," Caelan instructed the team members from Lazerian BioTech and the Lazerian Academy for Science and Medicine. "I'm going to venture into the city and see what aid I can offer directly."

A whiff of smoke caught his nose and he followed it towards the source, a still smoldering pile of rubble where a building once had been. He looked it over, but it was clear that the locals had already picked through it for survivors. Sighing, he turned his head and moved on, catching sight of a few others off in the distance, making their way through the city as well. He did what he could to try and limit his Jedi visibility by keep his saber tucked away for the moment. He wanted to appear primarily as the King of Devit come to help.

But the screams of a child caught his ear, sending a chill through him, and he took off at a spring towards the source, finding a young girl screaming as she tried to dig through the rubble of a building.

"Mama!!! Mama!"

Without a word, Caelan dove in with bare hands and began digging through the rubble. If the child's mother was alive, he was going to find her.


Feridade Parthi Feridade Parthi Monaray Dod Monaray Dod + Senate​

Nimaa'ri Daaray stood in a floating pod, her blue eyes gazing out at the Assembly. She was dressed regally in a blue and gold gown, her red hair perfectly coiffed and crowned with a rainbow gem tiara. The effect was intended as a show of pride and strength—she was the rightful Queen of Hapes, not a runaway royal.

But of course, that was exactly what she had done at the behest of the Chume'doro, her royal guards. When the terrorists had broken into her hideout on Gallinore, emboldened by the death of Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray at the hands of the delegation, they had whisked her away to safety via a secret passage. She hated the cowardice of it all, but she understood the necessity. No matter what happened, she must survive. The future of Hapes depended on her life.

"Honorable representatives of the Alliance, distinguished delegates, and Your Honor Supreme Chancellor Organa, I come to you under the gravest of circumstances..."

Most of them already knew what had happened. Prince Astor Daaray Astor Daaray and his betrothed Lady Shaya Khal Shaya Khal had been murdered during their wedding ceremony by the Crimson Veil, kicking off a chain of events with disastrous consequences for the Hapes Consortium. Queen Kha'la had tried to quell the insurrection, but she targeted anyone even faintly associated with the terrorists and their ideals. As civilian casualties mounted, the Alliance had tried to convince Kha'la to stop. She refused, going so far as to challenge the Chancellor to a duel. One in which she lost her life.

With both her sister and brother dead, Nimaa'ri was the sole surviving member of the royal family. The throne was hers, if she could take it. But she would need the Alliance's help, much as it begrudged her to admit it after what they did to Kha'la.

"I come before you to request your aid in restoring the monarchy of Hapes. Upon joining this Alliance, we placed ourselves under your protection in exchange for providing you with the might of our Hapan Fleet. Some would say that by slaying my sister, you violated this agreement. But I am not my sister's keeper. Her actions were her own." In other words, the "Mad Queen" had dug her own grave when she chose violence. "The men who have usurped our government are not interested in cooperation. If they continue to hold power in the Cluster, the Alliance will not only lose the Fleet, but one of its member worlds."

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

The throne room of the Palace had been reconfigured into a control center for the Crimson Veil—now known as the Hapan Union. Kalen stood with his back to the empty dais, dressed in light armor, as he addressed Master Oukranos. He was quite frankly shocked that the Jedi had stuck around this long, but nonetheless grateful. And suspicious, but that was par for the course in his line of work.

"I would have you go with them, Master Jedi, to ensure that nothing goes amiss," he said. "But I suspect you will refuse."

Oukranos raised his head, peering at Kalen from beneath his hood. "My promise was to stay by your side until the end," he replied, then in a reassuring tone he added, "They won't harm the negotiators."

"Are you sure about that?" Kalen muttered. Before Oukranos could respond, he froze and looked away, as if listening for some sound. Kalen didn't have the Force, but he felt strange too. "What is it?" he asked, hand instinctively drifting toward the blaster on his belt...
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Outfit: Padawan Robes, Tunic
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Hapes. The planet sat heavy in Everest's heart. Ever since the climax of that civil war had torn the capital apart, she had been moving through life with an intense regret that ate away at her. She wished so badly to have been there, amidst it all, helping in any way she could. But instead, she had watched from afar, fearing for everyone and everything, unable to do anything. She was still just a little girl. So much had happened since then...

But the moment had finally come to aid with the aftermath, and Eve jumped at the chance without a second thought. She felt a personal duty, a passion, to help whoever she could, in any capacity required of her. She had practically begged Valery to bring her along when it finally came, and was glad to finally be able to do something.

When they arrived, the scene was more heartbreaking than she could comprehend. The place stank of burning, of death, of the pain of a conflict that had shaken the very core of the planet. She could feel that pain as her own, and she would have wept for it if not for the immediate demand of her focus.

Valery's voice was firm and sure, and gave her the strength she needed. This would be difficult. She knew it. Her Master knew it. She forced control over her breathing, that she hadn't realised became jagged and nervous. The sight of the aftermath of this war-torn city was bringing back memories of a wound still far too fresh. Her hand reached over her heart and rubbed a moment, as if in actual pain, and then stepped ahead with Valery.

"I'm ready, Master."

Her voice didn't falter.




The representative of Lazerian IV, hailing from Doxeti and not the Kingdom of Devit, was seated within her place in the chamber as soon as the session was called. The arrival of the princess, and assumed queen, was troubling given the announcements of the Crimson Veil's leadership of wishing to form a new government, the Hapan Union. This put the Alliance in a precarious position, especially coupled with the fact that the wife of the Chancellor was responsible for killing the Queen Mother.

Her cousin, Caelan, had made it very clear that he condemned the actions of the Alliance in response to the crisis within the Cluster. She found that she agree with him. The killing of monarchs by the leadership of the alliance was authoritarian, fascist even. Silencing of those you disagreed with was wrong. There was no reason that she could see for them to have killed her, regardless of the situation.

"You have Caelan's eye witness account?" she asked her assistant.

"Yes, ma'am. It's all written up here."

"Thank you."

The woman handed over a datapad with the information from her cousin, the King of Devit, who had been present when the queen was killed. She'd read it before. He'd also told her in person. The details were all there. The only thing Caelan could not corroborate was that the Queen Mother had actually used the gun of command that she'd had in her hand when she'd been run through. It was plausible, but even if it had been, there was no reason to kill her.

Even still, she did not support the creation of a new government in place of the existing one. Leave things as they were.


Feridade Parthi Feridade Parthi | Monaray Dod Monaray Dod | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Etc.​

Eloise was annoyed. She had planned to go back to Hapes to help with the relief efforts when her master summoned her to the Council Chamber. Amani hadn't specified what she was there for, but Eloise could already predict the incoming lecture. She was probably pissed over her killing all those Hapans.

Then again, Amani had apparently killed the Hapan Queen. Maybe she was mad about Eloise killing the Crimson Veil operatives who had abducted Diogo Talon Diogo Talon . But that made even less sense. Amani had seen what they did to Dio. He was still recovering in the Halls of Healing.

By the time Eloise reached the door to the Chamber, she was more confused than irritated. The door slid open and she stepped inside, finding the usually packed seats empty. All save for one.

"You summoned me, master?"

He really thought he could get away with it, didn't he? Just moving right into the palace because the Queen Mother was dead and Princess Nimaa'ri wasn't here to claim it. Brazen little prick. First he kills the Queen Mother's brother and bride and then he manipulates her into a position that ends in her death. Which, honestly, was quite clever and Dain could acknowledge that fact. But it didn't change the reality that this man was responsible for the deaths of many. His need for validation, to feel important, had gotten numerous killed.

Dain would not suffer his kind to live.

Ever dutiful to the crown, even when it wasn't present, he did what he could. Transports heading off world full of Crimson Veil? Yeah, he had a bone to pick with them. It was easy, really, considering he was male, to pretend to be a disenfranchised man who wished to have more standing amongst the Hapan people, to become a member of the Veil and be able to maneuver without scrutiny. So very easy, especially for a snake like him.

And now, as a couple of transports headed for Iziz, he stood on the tattered rooftop of a building, watching the transports go, a detonator in his hand as they did. Even though he'd had access, he'd only been able to get to one of them. Only had enough explosives for one of them. Oh, he'd longed to destroy both, to watch them pop red in the sky, a fireball of blazing glory signifying that those loyal to the queen would not bow to the weakness of impotent men, but alas, when he thumbed the trigger, only one of them went up in a blaze of glory.

"Beautiful," he said to no one but himself. "Paint the sky red, my queen."

WEAPONS: Twin Songsteel Vibrodaggers | OUTFIT: Made With Armorweave

TAGS: Kalen Kalen


The problem with being both a Senator and also filling in as a commanding officer of a combat medic battalion, is that you get lost in a sea doing various tasks that you barely have time to comprehend a situation. No rest for the weary. Senator Jessikal would enter the main Senate chambers with a couple of her aides and also two guards from Hosnian Prime, the planet she represented. As she sat down as she then listened to the other Senators speak about the current situation at hand.

It was such a precarious situation. The Hapes Incident. The assassination of royal blood, had caused the former Hapan Queen to enact brutal reprisals against the people responsible. But innocents weree caught in the crossfire, and the Galactic Alliance stepped in. Events unfolded and the Queen was killed in the process. The Hapes Cluster itself was thrown into chaos and now many both in the GA and in Hapes now are questioning everything. Hopefully this session can clear up some things before a decision can be made. Alot was riding on this. Jessikal listened to other members give their opening statements and pleas before standing up to speak.

"Esteemed members of the Senate. Today's session is one of great severity. The decision we make today could influence the future of how the Galactic Alliance deals with it's member worlds. I urge today that all parties present to ensure that they have all the facts and information present before we start taking sides, before we begin to dicate the fate of an entire cluster."

Jessikal gave a nod "As such, I would like to propose that all available information about the incident be showed to us first before we begin deliberating. By information, I mean all testimonies, official reports, anything that could give us more of an insight of what happened in the Hapan Cluster and in the palace of the former Queen Mother."

TAGS: Lyandra Thalorin Lyandra Thalorin | Monaray Dod Monaray Dod | Feridade Parthi Feridade Parthi | ETC



Lt. Col. Ysennia Lee | 42nd Assault Battalion
Location: Onderon - Command Post Osk
Deployed Units:
  • Courier Company
  • Howler Company
  • Razor Hound Company

The Stormpiercers were deployed on Onderon to oversee the distribution of relief aid to the refugees on Onderon, the scale of such an operation required all actors of the effort to coordinate efficiently. Things were going seemingly well but the reports coming from the local refugee camps were unsettling. Ysennia was in the operations center, going through her data pad while personnel were monitoring systems and analyzing reports.

"Major Eulis?" Ysennia asked as her XO approached as she called his name.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Look at this." She said before showing the data pad. "All the camps in our sector only have enough supplies for three weeks. Do you know if anyone else is having this problem?"

"We've been monitoring comm traffic. Jarkis found out that only camps in the Alliance vicinity are having this problem."

Ysennia looked at the major with concern. "What do you mean it's only camps in Alliance vicinity?"

"Onderon security forces have been coordinating with the mandalorians, performing their own relief efforts. They don't seem to be having that issue."

Ysennia looked befuddled. "But we're the authority on logistics for the relief effort. I would've been notified if the mandalorians were going to be acting independently, if at all in this mission."

Captain Eulis did not know what to say which confirmed Ysennia Lee's suspicions. GADF High Command did not authorize this and the mandalorians were acting on their own accord. "Who's the head military authority on Onderon currently?"

"Considering recent reports and mandalorian activity, it's safe to say Knight Commander Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze is the leading authority."

Ysennia sighed. "Get me in contact with her. We're getting to the bottom of this."

"Yes ma'am."

Major Eulis then got the communications team setting up a holocommunication with the Knight Commander while Ysennia waited for her to respond.

Fething mandalorians.
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Amani had just finished filling out her personal report of the events that took place on Hapes. The chaotic attempts of Alliance personnel to convince the Queen to cease her reckless crackdown on her people. The lockdown and attack of her Royal Guards against the delegation. The duel between monarchs. The Gun of Command. And the finishing blow Amani herself had dealt.

She set down her datapad on her Council seat, and stood up. She stared out the massive chamber windows in silent contemplation, her gaze flicking between the floating specks of traffic against the Coruscant skyline. Amani could not yet settle on how she felt about the choices made that day. All the same, she felt the weight of guilt. Of responsibility. If only it had never come to this in the first place.

But rather than wallow in internal conflict, Amani summoned Eloise to meet her here. She had not checked in with her padawan since the fighting. And it was about time they had a real conversation anyways. When the elevator opened, Amani glanced behind her shoulder, smiling mirthlessly, “I did.” She turned around fully now, “I wanted to check in with you. About… everything.”

“You were on Hapes, weren’t you? What happened?”



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsabers

Valery moved swiftly, her boots crunching against debris as she led the way into the ruined city. The air was thick with smoke, a haze of dust and ash swirling through the broken streets. Every step forward was a reminder of what this world had lost.

She glanced to her side, her gaze settling on Everest. Her Padawan was keeping pace, her silver eyes set with determination, but Valery could see the way her chest rose and fell just a little too sharply. She saw the hand that clutched her heart. Valery didn't say anything, opting to give her a moment to herself, and just smiled when she told her she was ready.

The deeper they went, the worse it became. Debris piled high in alleyways, collapsed buildings blocking entire roads. They had to climb their way through, carefully navigating shattered bridges and weaving between overturned speeders. Bodies had been removed — at least, most of them — but the scars of battle remained. Blood stains. Blaster scorch marks. The occasional burnt-out turret emplacement that had been torn apart in the fighting.

Then... A scream. Sharp and panicked, and not very far away. Valery froze, her body immediately shifting into combat readiness, senses expanding outward through the Force. A second later, the sound of a blaster shot cut through the air, sending a chill through the already ruined streets.

Her gaze flicked to Everest.


Everest Vale Everest Vale | Open



It was a difficult job being a Senator.

Hailcen was one of the most recent to join the ranks of the Galactic Alliance Senate, having been elected to represent his home system of Chandrila and already they were having to deal with a crisis. The Queen Mother of Hapes had been slain and now the entire Consortium appeared to have turned to chaos.

The newly elected Senator took his seat in the Senate Hall upon the planet of Fondor and cast his eyes around. He'd been running late to their meeting, having taken the time to ensure he'd read every report and understood every detail of what occured on Hapes.

He hadn't been there, but he wanted to know everything before he passed a comment on it.

"I concur with the esteemed members whom have already spoken" he stated as he sat down. His words were softly spoken yet he was clearly taking the time to think them through. "However I am also mindful that time is of the essence to the people of the Hapes Cluster, many of whom have committed no wrong doings by Alliance law" he continued before a pause.

"Whilst I would personally like to drag every eyewitness in front of the Senate to testify about what happened in the Queen Mother's Palace on that fateful day, that is not why we are here" he acknowleged simply. "Our guest from Hapes is the rightful ruler of the Hapes Consortium as per years of tradition and precedent" he cast her a look as he spoke.

"Precedent is a funny thing, because our decision here today sets one" he acknowleged once again. "Some view that Hapes has a right to rule itself how it wants. To some, that can only occur with Nimaa'ri Daaray upon the throne. Others believe that Hapes should be ruled as a democracy"

He took a pause and a sip of his drink. "I can simply what I'm saying very simply. Our decision today sets a precedent for how the Galactic Alliance Senate deal with issues upon it's member worlds. Do we tell those systems whom have joined the Alliance how to govern, or do we allow them to choose for themselves?"

He already knew his answer.


Location: Onderon
Objective: 2
Tags: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

More Hapes Kriff. Shan could die happy if he never heard that name again. Wandering through the camps throughout the day, Shan had tried his hardest to keep count of what supplies there was and to use the Force where he could to aid the sick or injured but it was clear the entire situation was far more of a mess than he had wanted. There had already been one or two scuffles he'd had to step in for. In the past, he would have just used his voice to tell them to stop but this time he was getting physically himself. Throwing people apart and separating them from each other.

Shan stared into the puddle of water, looking back at the reflection that peered back. It looked nothing like how he used to remember it. The spark in his eyes, the constant smile on his face and the boundless energy he used to have. It was practically all gone. Replaced with bags under his eyes, patches of dirt and mud and just a constant blank expression. The Mirialan ran a hand down his face as he stomped on the puddle to get rid of his own reflection. He just felt so tired. Tired of all of it. Picking sides, trying to decide who was right and who was wrong. Shan had already picked his side. Damn them. Damn them all. Royal Loyalist or Crimson Veil Loyalist. They could all be sent sixty feet into the ground for all he cared. There were innocent people being caught up in this. He flexed his hand as his anger started to build up. It had been rare for Shan to get angry but that had been changing more and more recently.

"Mistah Jedi! Mistah Jedi!"

A small voice snapped Shan out of his thoughts, as he looked down to the source of the voice, a small familiar boy. Shan remembered him. He was the one who had lost his father on Hapes. When the Hapan Military had executed him and had planned on doing the same to the small lad. The lad held up a small drawing of what Shan assumed to be him. The boy was no artist, but the use of green and brown was enough for him to decipher that it was meant to be Shan fighting the troops to save the boy.

"I was hoping I could find you and give you this! Thank you for saving me!...I still miss Papa. But I'll remember him! And I'll remember you. Do you think you can get us more food? I'm hungry."

This had been the reminder Shan needed. He was tired, but he still had energy to go. There were still things for him to do as he ruffled the young boy's hair, a small extremely exhausted smile spreading across his face.

"I'll do my best kid. You just stay on your best behaviour, alright? I know this has to be a scary time for you."

It was scary for Shan. Not necessarily the exact situation going on but the fact it was happening on Onderon. He wanted to build an Orphanage here. To keep children who have lost their parents safe from the pain and suffering that came from conflict. But with this, that seemed like it'd be unlikely if Onderon was used as a place for refugees...He shook his head, trying not to focus on that. There was somewhere else he needed to be right now anyway. To talk about getting the kid's camp some extra food, whilst also to talk about the Orphanage.

And so he headed off from the camps. Keeping a constant hand on his lightsaber in case he got attacked on his way there. He stuck to moving on foot, feeling like a vehicle was more likely to get him caught up in some kind of scuffle. Eventually he arrived at his destination. It was amusing to Shan, someone who used to have disgust evident on his face whenever he saw the sight of Mandalorian armour to now be excited at the sight of it. Of course, it was a specific shade of armour that he was always eager to see, as he raised a hand to speak to the fellow in front of him.

"Hey there. I'm here to speak to Jenn. Or...should I call her the Duchess? I'm not good with titles. I really should have asked her for some language lessons..."

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