Yes. This was stupidity at its finest.
Allyson had purposefully poked the bear, hoping she could get away with it. But she knew deep down that Valery wasn't that type of bear; she wouldn't sit idly and watch as something interrupted. The Corellian continued to move on the same path she had started away from the padawan. Remaining low, the Shadow avoided any swinging or flailing from the girl. Allyson had to stifle a laugh as she continued to move, her antics mirroring those she used to pull when she had lived in the temples.
She knew Valery would see her; maybe she wanted her to. Still, Allyson had her mission and needed to see it to the end. Moving and keeping low, the Corellian crouched and shuffled her way toward the rubble around them. It was then through the Force she heard the
nagging voice of the Grandmaster.
'Chit,' she thought quietly, glancing over her shoulder - making sure the woman wasn't already leaping through the air to crush the Shadow's spine.
Dipping into one of the abandoned houses, Allyson pressed herself against it, trying to listen more for terrifying leather boots that had come closer to her face than she would have liked. Having some safety from the Jedi if she had decided to attack, Allyson quickly responded through the Force.
<<Beep, the person you are trying to contact is not here right now; she won't be getting back to you anytime soon. Beep>>
A smug little grin spread across her face as she focused her mind, the cloak dropping momentarily.
Projecting a shadow in the opposite direction, Allyson had run, letting it move through quickly, then disappearing. Allyson hoped it would draw the Jedi's attention away from her long enough to allow her to head towards the palace. Losing focus of the Shadow, Allyson opened her eyes and listened, trying to discern Valery's location.
Please fall for it, please. Allyson prayed to the stars that the simple trick would do it, but she knew better and drew the bow in preparation for a fight.