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Faction [GA] The Hapan Crisis | Rise or Ruin

A stroke of bad luck.

His efforts to remain on the fringes of society had mostly gone to plan, sparing a few close calls and run-ins that threatened to drag him back into the spotlight. Gone were the days of battling Jedi and Sith on planet-wide battlefields. It just wasn't worth the attention anymore. The Hutts paid well enough to settle their little... disputes.

Hapes had been outside the Alliance's reach. Barely. But now... Now it was. Koda cursed himself. The recent death of the Hapan Queen and the chaos that followed had drawn unwanted eyes. A war-weary world desperate for credits, and a temptation too strong this time around.

He grumbled darkly beneath his worn and weathered helmet, the flickering lights overhead casting an unsettling red-orange hue across the alley. The reflection of the floating fleet appeared in the T-visor, a reminder of how close his past had come to catching up with him. He should have known.

Koda slipped further into the shadows, the cool darkness providing some relief from the oppressive heat of the day. The Spear was halfway across the city, stuck in a half-destroyed space station, awaiting his return. He'd need to weave through peacekeeping patrols now - patrols that might have once turned a blind eye to his presence, but certainly wouldn't now with the Galactic Alliance's intervention.

His boots crunched over debris as he scanned the alley, searching for anything that might work. His eyes settled on a fraying leather tarp, dull and worn, hanging loosely among the discarded junk. He grimaced and sighed, drawing the vibroknife from his gauntlet. The blade hummed to life as it sliced effortlessly through the material, forming a crude head-hole. He pulled the tarp over his head, the awkward weight of it settling uncomfortably over his jetpack.

The disguise was far from perfect. The bulging shape of his jetpack made him look ridiculous beneath the tarp, and his rangefinder refused to cooperate, dipping awkwardly beneath the makeshift hood. He grumbled again. It'd have to do.

With a resigned sigh, Koda made his way out of the alley, doing his best to slink into the busy streets. His steps were slow and deliberate, blending with the crowd, though the added bulk of his disguise tugged at him uncomfortably. He could only hope the peacekeepers weren't paying too close of attention.

A lumbering Ithorian reared its hammerhead backwards, meeting the gaze of the visor. The creature's eyes were dull, hesitant, but Koda's unyielding stare forced it to submit. "Keep moving," he growled, his voice low and threatening, though the helmet's speaker barely hinted at the weight behind it. The alien hobbled along, gangly legs barely making up for the slow rhythm of its gait, its Nautolan companion following closely behind, an uneasy glance flickering in Koda's direction.



There was one thing that had struck Senator Ardemark as curious when familiarising himself with the names and faces that made up the Senate, in preparing for his role as the representative for Pelagon, and that was the relative youth of its members. A fact that provoked several thoughts and considerations, and even one flight of fancy: it made him think of the faith that the Naboo had in the purity of youth; a coincidence, nothing more, to be sure.

Or was it?

He was not so old, himself, but nor was he so green… yet like the Chandrilan Senator, Helios was a fresh addition to the Senate body, elected to his seat with impeccable timing, a scant number of weeks ahead of when violence boiled over in the Consortium. A collection of one hundred and thirty systems under more than four millennia of matriarchal rule, and as far away from Pelagon as the Alliance was wide, northwest to southeast, at its narrowest point.

It was a distance that didn’t matter, with how the Crisis was handled thus far, sending ripples across known space within and without of the Alliance. On that, the words of his predecessor weighed on his mind, along with the fact that Pelagon had abstained from the voting on the Equality Act. Equality for all genders was a fact of life in his province, but the more removed a world was from that ideal? Esme Toran was no Jedi, but she claimed a prescience, that she could see all of this coming.

And it was a distance that didn’t matter, when what was deliberated today could set a precedent across the Alliance. People talked. The Holonet burned with the perspectives of analysts and conspiracy theorists alike. There wasn’t a single damn newsfeed that didn’t touch on or follow this situation in some manner.

Helios sat in his Senate Pod, flanked by two House Guard that made the trip with him, and an aide, people he knew well and trusted, as he followed along with the words of other delegates ahead of the opening of the session, attempting to gauge the mentality of each of these people he did not know aside from the brief profiles he had been given, and gain any further perspective that research and reports hadn’t already given him.

To this end, the testimonies about what had happened within the Throne Room were enlightening, but had little bearing on resolving the issue at hand, concerning as they were, by the account that Senator Thalorin put forth. As damning and outside the scope of this session as much of her summary was, she was right on the matter of Hapan governance… to a point. Senator Dod's assessment that the Jedi who slew the the late Queen Mother Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray was responsible for the Cluster's descent into war, however, was patently untrue. All that had done was add another layer to the existing conflict. Semantics? Hardly.

Helios stood, giving one dataslate another brief look, scrolling through before raising his head to address the assembly.

Millennia of flawed governance,” he mused, his cobalt gaze finding Nimaa’ri, who was around his own age, “I have faith,” he gave a little smile, “that your heart is in the right place, Your Majesty,” and her intentions were good. But. The Pelagonian Senator turned, indicating a couple of senators as he continued, “But Senators Dod and Thalorin both have points - we have no right to decide the fate of your people, and it would be unwise to just reinstate the Crown.” Helios glanced down again at another data slate, urged in front of him out of the stack by his aide, before returning to Nimaa’ri. “Yet, the matter of your people’s governance is just as much a piece of ending the crisis, as bringing an end to the current violence.

He looked over the other representatives of the Hapan people that were present, with this. His words were particular: the road ahead would not be smooth. Even a new military unit needed time to become cohesive, and to trust, and the populace of the entire Hapan Cluster would take far, far longer. Tempers would flare, differences would clash.

There must be something to transition to when the dust settles, after all.” Negotiations and agreements that would take more time than this individual session of the Senate. "That, Your Majesty, is between you and the people. As much as we could advise, mediate--" possibly provide support in the transition, "--we cannot ultimately make the decision of what that governance will look like, for you."

Helios knew what he would suggest... but onto his next point as he moved on to speaking to the rest of the assembly.

"We are all unwilling actors in an eventuality. Just as our royal guest and her people will need to sort through what moving past this blown powder keg will look like for them, we, esteemed representatives of the Senate, must acknowledge our... unforeseen role in unwittingly providing them the match to strike and light that keg with." There was no mirth in his tone, more... weighted concern. "Equality is an ideal I and my people align with," Helios said firmly, resolutely, closing a fist in front of him with a shake, "but other worlds that are far from that ideal to begin with may also enter into strife. Our intentions have been on the side of pure, but we must. account. for. their. impact."

His brow knit together as he tapped each staccato word on his podium, before settling into his point.

"As a great man once said, 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'... for the sake of all the peoples in this Great Alliance, I submit that the acts and bills this Senate has passed must be reviewed and have their impacts assessed, that we might mitigate outcomes such as this."

With so many worlds in the Alliance, that was no small undertaking, but one he saw as worth it. To assess, adjust, or improve where needed. To do even better for the people.

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Outfit: Padawan Robes, Tunic
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble Aris Noble Aris Noble

Master Noble's command cut through Eve immediately, and her focus instantly raised to meet the urgent demand for it as she was pulled to the forefront of her senses. She had a job to do. A single, firm nod in response, and boots began striding across the debris-laden ground.

It didn't take long for three figures to emerge in the distance, melting through that faint layer of post-war dust and smog. There was an violent but brief exchange, over in a moment, as one of the figures fell. Eve's hand rested against the hilt of her lightsaber in preparation for a fight. Yet as the images came into view, and her own awareness through the Force expanded, she could recognise familiarity through her sight both visible and hidden.


She hadn't seen him in a while, and for a moment the memory of their first meeting flashed against her mind. She was so different back then...

Her hand left her lightsaber, as she and Valery jogged closer to the commotion that had just unfolded. Aris had dealt something fierce to the guy now unconscious at his feet. Whatever happened to him, he surely warranted it. Meanwhile, the woman had begun to flee, Eve sensing a mixture of panic and gratitude from the moment that just unfolded.

Her resolve was firm, pumped up by the adrenaline of the whole scene. She gave a nod to Aris, stoic and quiet, a slight smile forming along her mouth. No words. No ceremony. Merely the gentle exchange of recognition, tinged with an anticipation of what was to come, that they would doubtless all face together.



| Location | Fondor, Senate Building
| Objective | Discuss the future of Hapan & more

Feridade's eyes fixed on the form of Alicio Organa Alicio Organa as they took to their podium, leaning back as he listened to the statements of his fellow senators in regards to the situation. Even with the clarification provided by the Supreme Chancellor, it did not help his image or case, nor did the involvement of a Jedi in killing the Queen Mother rather than Alicio help in the matter.
"The Alliance is built upon the image that we are not a dictatorship that strikes down those who do not fall in line with our principles, nor is it ever our place to alter the fate of any planet or systems within our borders. We are not an Empire, nor are we Sith." Feridade's pod pushed from its dock as it moved forward for him to address his fellow delegates, standing from his seat as he shifted his hands behind his back.
"With all due respect Supreme Chancellor and members of this delegation, we are not to be judge, jury, and executioner here. Our duty to the Galaxy as a whole is to be the beacon of peace against the darkness that plagues the reaches of our Galaxy. We cannot have that be stained by acts of regicide when a number of our own systems operate as their own monarchies. While the actions of the Crimson Veil are heinous indeed, this was ultimately an issue that needed to be handled locally, it is not our obligation to be dealing with terrorists specifically targeting the Hapan Cluster."
A brief pause as his focus returned solely on the Supreme Chancellor to directly address. "Mediation on behalf of the Alliance and its values to negotiate more peaceful ways of handling it are well within your rights Chancellor Organa." His expression darkened as he continued, "Putting your own life at risk by accepting a duel that would have led to either the death of the Queen Mother or you however are not acceptable. That is a risk that has made both myself and I'm sure several members of the delegation, deeply concerned and disturbed."
Feridade's attention shifted to the Princess as he spoke.
"It is not our place to install a foreign representative or anyone else short of the heir to the Hapan Throne to bring back order to the Hapes Cluster. What message would that send the rest of our allies who operate similarly, or to those reluctant to join the Alliance? That if they do not behave the exact way that we wish they too can be killed under circumstances that could have been easily avoided and then replaced by someone of our choosing?"
His eyes shifted around the room as if seeking an individual in particular, but instead resolving to address the group in question as a whole, skeptical of the supposed clarification on how the matter had been handled and concluded.
"As for the Jedi's involvement in the matter. Was it truly your only course of action to kill rather than subdue?"


Eloise gave the rundown on what her and Diogo had been through. The fate of the Hapan troops was unfortunate, and Amani's expression did dip slightly upon hearing as much. But such was the times they were in. Part of being a Jedi meant knowing when to make that kind of decision. And if what Eloise said was true, it seemed she had little wiggle room.

It wasn't just Hapan loyalists who gave them trouble either. The Crimson Veil was also involved, and the padawans being caught in the crossfire led to Diogo's critical condition. "I'm sorry to hear. But you did well in getting him help. Seems he'll recover."

"I won't stop you if you from getting back out there. I just wanted to make sure everything was all right."
There was a pause, and it became clear there was more Amani wanted to say. Eventually, she did, "Speaking freely— How do you feel about the events with Hapes? I'm sure you've heard a lot of people expressing a lot of opinions, Jedi included."
Eloise nodded in acknowledgement. For once, she and Amani were sort of in the same boat. Eloise killing a bunch of troops to save Diogo wasn't quite the same as Amani killing the Queen to save Alicio, sure, but they were similar in spirit.

"I won't stop you from getting back out there. I just wanted to make sure everything was all right."

"Yeah. I'm fine." At a glance, anyway. Eloise was constantly pissed off with the people and organizations around her as a general rule, but in this particular moment the ever-present rage was simmering well below the surface. She wasn't thinking about it now, not when she had stuff to do that would distract her from those doubts and resentments.

There was a pause, and it became clear there was more Amani wanted to say. Eventually, she did, "Speaking freely— How do you feel about the events with Hapes? I'm sure you've heard a lot of people expressing a lot of opinions, Jedi included."

"I've heard a lot of Jedi say that both sides are bad," Eloise said with a faint smirk. "There's some truth to that, but I don't get why they harp on it and ignore the valid points the Crimson Veil have made. Hapan society has always been pretty evil and something like this was bound to happen eventually. Refusing to acknowledge that is what got us here in the first place."

It was an odd thing, Senator Dod covering for Alicio Organa. Even if it was all in an effort to back the Chancellor into a corner, and force him to either support or condemn the actions of his wife, it was… unexpected. He let his response to that particular trap simmer as others spoke.

The form of Alicio canted it’s head to the side at the admonishment by Lyandra, studying each word with care. As she continued, his face became thoughtful, his eyes crystalizing with concentration. Helios Ardemark Helios Ardemark used the opportunity to discuss the Alliance's roll in foreign affairs, and made the unprompted remark that 'equality is good, but-'. Senator Feridade Parthi Feridade Parthi was more aggressive. He smelled blood in the water, and decided to back up Lazerion IV's talking points, sensationalizing the occurance like the tabloids often did. It was fortunate for Alicio that the Kingdom hadn’t deviated far from Caelan’s public decree, and those that followed kept to the same script. Alicio had prepared a detailed response.

“Thank you for your clarification.” If the senate body had expected indignation, or a stern look, they didn’t get it. It was much the opposite- acceptance, at least for now. “I corroborate much of the King’s account. Our duty was to maintain peace, and we did not find the right words to do so. Instead, each of us seemed to try a different approach, each hoping their words would be the ones that resonated, most of them antagonistic to her wishes. I can’t speak for the others that volunteered to attend- all I can say is my strategy. I’d known Queen Kha’la for years from her time in the senate. She had always been fiercely independent, pragmatic, and blunt. We found ourselves allies more often than enemies. I had hoped to use what good will we had between us to share her bluntness, so the soft, kind approach of Senator Organa of Alderaan did not land too softly. It did not work, and for that, I take responsibility.”

“Did his Majesty mention what words exactly from our delegation the Queen took offense at?”
The face of the Supreme Chancellor suddenly sharpened. He transitioned to his riposte. ‘We’ll help you refine your approach’. She repeated them at me in scorn. After she requested we show her a more peaceful way. She burned us for attempting to meddle after asking for advice. Even then, when most negotiations break down, the host asks the diplomats to leave. Instead, Kha’la held us at sword-point. Challenged me to a duel by trying to run me through with her sword. Mind controlled me to kill myself when she lost.” A hint of genuine emotion broke through the mask. Frustration. Anger. That was a little off-script. He reigned himself in. “But King Valoren, Representative Thalorin, and the most vocal of you, have decided all the blame should lie on the delegation. Perhaps the perfect route to take was to coddle her, reduce her to a grieving sister, capitulate to the woman actively killing Alliance citizens while we debated or surrendered, but I decided to treat her as a ruler. As a representative of this body.”

“That was my mistake. And I promise you, I am eager to shoulder it’s weight.”

The form of Alicio leaned away from the mic, thinking a moment before continuing. “The representative of Cato Neimoidia and others have raised valid concerns about Master Serys. I hope you can understand why I must recuse myself from this obvious conflict of interest. I will say one thing, and one thing only- King Valoren certainly has a lot of opinions about something he didn’t see much of, by his own admission. I was a second away from ending my own life. I wish Kha’la was still alive… but I’m glad my children didn’t lose their father to a moment of indecision.” Hopefully, that would put an end to that, for now. They had more pressing matters.

“I would like to remind those present that Hapes has been an Alliance member world for years. It sounds like many in this body have already decided to treat them as a foreign entity, exempt from their Alliance status." The face of Alicio looked down to the new Queen of Hapes, before addressing the room again. "Should that be our official stance?”

Objective 3 - BYOO
Royal Palace, Hapes

- Kalen Kalen -

"Alicio," he returned in kind, his face losing none of it's wire-sharp focus. "And... hold your thanks. You'll want it back soon, I think."

The dark cloaked man gave a curious look to Oukranos. He was an unknown factor, one to be careful of, even if he was a Jedi, and husband to a certain betentacled librarian. "I want you to turn yourself in to Alliance custody."

"And I'm hoping by the end of this meeting, you'll want that as well."
He canted his head to the side, still trying to get a read on the Hapan. "There isn't a world where you come out of this on top. But there's a chance that what you fight for does."

Objective 1 - The Future of Hapes
Alliance General Ministry Canton, Fondor
Hal Karjos von Rucapar, the somewhat still fresh faced Senator of Alsakan had remained silent within his Senatorial pod. He was still green to the grander galactic politics of the Alliance and beyond, choosing to remain cautious in his entry to them. For blunders on stages this large carried long lasting consequences and he would not seek to ruin his homeworlds newly placed trust in himself.

He was flanked by two House Guards from the von Rucapar House and two trusted aides to better advise him on proceedings.

The opening words of many of those present certainly bothered him as words and accusations were slung before the proceedings had even begun, leaving the efficiently ingrained etiquette of his noble upbringing wounded. Once the Chancellor opened the meeting with words of his own it was then that young Hal gazed around those gathered here today. As a member of the Committee of the Judiciary he had a committed interest in how things proceeded today. Not to mention the effects on trade this will have caused for his fellow Financial committee members. But credits were an aside; citizens were dying while they sat here debating who was right or wrong as if it is ever so black and white.

But such was the lot of a politician. He would be of no use in the streets tossing out bread. His skills were better applied within this chamber.

Hal found himself noticeable impressed with the words of Senator Lyandra Thalorin Lyandra Thalorin who no doubt voiced many of his own concerns. As well as his concerns for the role the Jedi had taken in slaying a Queen. Alsakan itself was a feudal monarchy and so Hal felt a sort of companionship with the Princess, though he would show no bias. He did, however, agree that it was not the Alliance's job to decide who rules it's members worlds. Nor was it ever clarified in the Equal Rights Act how they should go about enforcing the bill. But he could never have imagined it would be with violence.

The urge to speak nearly drew the young Senator from his seat but he withheld himself. Better to let the more informed and more senior members handle the questioning while he gathered the knowledge to assemble a appropriate reply when time. For now, he would defer to his fellow Senators and see which way the wind was blowing and who among them would stand with or against the Consortium. Peace would not begin to be a viable goal so long as the citizenry of Hapes didn't know who to look to for leadership.



"On the contrary, Chancellor," Lyandra said, completely unphased by what was said. "It's likely she objected to almost all of the words spoken. She may have repeated yours, but your platitudes, offered after antagonizing her, seemingly only served to further her anger, not calm her down. Approaching her as you did, while throwing Alliance forces into the fray against sovereign Hapan forces that were in an internal dispute with a terrorist organization, set the stage for her, how shall I put this, fall from grace.

"You antagonized her to the point her last ounce of reason was replaced with anger. Perhaps, dear Chancellor, you are not fit for such negotiations."

She allowed those words to hang in the air as though carved in stone, bearing a weight of timeless endurance. Her eyes searched the Chancellor's, focused intently upon him.

"As for the other matter, King Valoren didn't see everything leading up to the point where Master Serys shouted, true, but he did see her run the Queen through. Circumstances were certainly grim, and while we're all glad your children aren't without a father, an entire Kingdom lost their Queen Mother as recompense. There were ways to subdue the queen, and save your life, without committing regicide. The fact that the first choice of Master Serys was to resort to the use of her lightsaber to end a battle of which she was not even party is, well, damning.

"But as you say, the inquest into your wife's actions as a representative of the Alliance will have to wait, though I assure you, they will happen. We cannot have Jedi going around killing regents because their spouses engage in battles they should have refused to participate in."

Those last words were another jab at the Chancellor. Though she was not, herself, a Jedi or practitioner of the Force, nor was her father, the grandparents that she shared with Caelan were. She knew the abilities of the Force, and she was aware that the Chancellor could have refused to participate in the duel had he chosen to do so. He could have defended himself in such a way that would have prevented her from doing anything to him at all. But he didn't choose to do that. He chose to fight.

"I have neither seen, nor heard, the majority in this body speak of treating Hapes and the Consortium as anything but members of this Alliance should they chose to continue being such under the rule of their Queen. But therein lies the problem. The Queen is here, run out of Consortium space by a terrorist organization that killed a Prince and played the Alliance into killing the previous Queen. We do not have the authority to rule that a new government be installed, but as the Consortium is a member of this Alliance we do have a duty to maintain the security of their systems as allies, meaning we must reinstate the Queen upon Hapes immediately, and see to it that this Hapan Union is removed from the playing field.

"Queen Daaray has already stated she intends to follow the will of her people and the laws of the alliance by following the directives of the Equal Rights Act. That alone is more than what was received from her sister and we must take her at her word. If any of you have misgivings about the previous state of affairs within the Consortium regarding the E.R.A. then allow the Queen to alleviate it herself. She is not her sister and should not be treated as such.

"But we must reinstall her immediately, or else we gain a reputation as tyrants who use state-sponsored assassination to enact regime changes at will, and the many monarchies found within the Alliance will lose trust with this governing body."

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Sonya Provost entered the debate a bit later than the others, clearing her throat as she made her entrance, "Well, I see this body has not lost its penchant for armchair diplomacy." She had been off the galactic stage for a while now, mostly focusing on internal development on Montitia (and, her own reelection process). But given the drama now taking place thanks to the Hapan Crisis, she realized now was as good a time as any to finally step back into the ring. "Many a strong opinion from people who weren't there on what they surely would have been able to do differently."

No surprise that all the politicians were just playing the role of insufferable moralist, settling for nothing less than pie-in-the-sky utopian grandstanding for a clip that'll make them look righteous on the holo tomorrow evening. Wringing their hands over the Alliance's response without an ounce of self-reflection as to how their own passivity is what led to the explosive collapse of Hapes in the first place. The Crimson Veil was not an overnight campaign. This end was a consequence of years of the Alliance refusing to enforce its own laws.

How is it of all the people here, she found herself siding with the Corpo more than anyone else?

"What message would that send the rest of our allies who operate similarly, or to those reluctant to join the Alliance? That if they do not behave the exact way that we wish they too can be killed under circumstances that could have been easily avoided and then replaced by someone of our choosing?"

"I believe it sends the message that instigating violent and indiscriminate martial law against a civilian populace is not permitted within the Galactic Alliance. And that threatening a Chancellor with death is treated as seriously as one would expect for a head of state. And that all sounds quite reasonable to me."

"Some of our members seem in need of a reminder. The Galactic Alliance is a governmental body. A government that cannot enforce its own legal system in its own polities, or— Force forbid— Not investigate terrorism within its own borders,"
She laughed derisively at the notion proposed by Senator Parthi, "is not a government at all. The Alliance was fully within its rights to intervene in the crisis. Its handling of the crisis, of course, is another matter entirely. But make no mistake— No planet is entirely sovereign within the Alliance itself. If you believed otherwise, you clearly did not read the fine print upon joining."

"All of that said, I agree it is not up to us to simply pick a replacement ourselves. We can only act as guides to ensure that a peaceful, constitutional transfer of power takes place."

Nimaa’ri’s brow furrowed as she listened to them talk, baffled by the responses of some of the Senators. She had expected them to be hostile to her or look down their noses at the inequality of Hapan society, refusing to aid her over moral objections. Instead they bent over backwards in their efforts to defend Hapes. Why?

Of course,
she thought after a moment’s consideration. Their sycophantic remarks must be motivated by fear that their heads would be next on the chopping block.

“I would like to remind those present that Hapes has been an Alliance member world for years. It sounds like many in this body have already decided to treat them as a foreign entity, exempt from their Alliance status." The face of Alicio looked down to the new Queen of Hapes, before addressing the room again. "Should that be our official stance?”

Nimaa'ri met the Chancellor's gaze. She was growing frustrated, though she endeavored not to show it.

Do any of you honestly believe that the Hapan Union, as led by those who murdered my brother and his betrothed, and whose men beat Admiral Liram Angellus to death when he tried to stop the bloodshed, will be the sort of government willing to be ‘guided’ by the Alliance?" she asked. "I tell you that if they do not attempt to secede outright, they will maintain member status only so that they may reap the benefits, all while laughing at your failure to enforce your laws."

If they wanted a second chance, she was their only hope. Hell, she was practically offering it to them on a silver platter.

"Again, I ask that you help me not merely restore the throne of Hapes, but to create a better world.” Her eyes found Alicio's again. "A better Alliance, one which upholds the dignity and respect deserving of the last true bastion of democracy in the galaxy."

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Elaan’s lips pulled back in a snarl. “He won’t surrender to the likes of you.”

Kalen’s gaze flicked toward Oukranos as the Pylantian strode forward, silently standing by his side. The best Jedi were equalizers, leveling the playing field against evil. His presence was like a weight balancing the scales of power, giving them a fighting chance. As long as Oukranos was on his team, Alicio couldn’t get inside his head and command him to do what he wanted.

Facing Alicio again, Kalen heaved a weary sigh. “I take it you've already sided with Nimaa’ri. I had a feeling you would.

Not just because Alicio was a monarch himself, or because there was nothing the Alliance seemed to love more than maintaining the status quo. Doubling down after his wife slew the Queen would be political suicide, and the Crimson Veil were, to put it bluntly, a bunch of murderers.

Explain yourself, Chancellor. How does surrendering myself to you help the cause?

Damian du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Location: Fondor, Senate Building


Damian swallowed his bitterness, he very little need of it in his current situation. His duty to his office of galactic infrastructure demanded that Damian returned as quickly as possible. The Hapes situation was indeed critical, but as it stood there was little push for solutions and more focus on the events. But of course, appearances matter above all else Damian, remember yourself.

“Senators, we must remember proper Senatorial procedure and decorum while in these grand hallways.” Damian began as he stood up and rose with his pod to address everyone.

“While we have been given reports on the events that have transpired, it is important to discuss our future path ahead of the Hapan Cluster.”

Damian closed his single eye, thankful that his injury had not yet flared up.

“The word precedent has been spoken and so we must look to our past; the crisis on Byss has shown us that we the Alliance are capable of dealing with leaders that believe themselves accountable to only themselves.” The young du Couteau heir explained, “-As well what to do afterwards with respecting the people of Byss and allowing their voices to be heard at the ballots.”

“But most importantly, we have precedent on censuring any Senator who refuses to respect this assembly and our time. Further deviation from the topic of finding a path forward for the Hapan Cluster will be met with a vote to censure as to allow proper discourse and exchange of ideas.”
Damian narrowed his lone crimson eye and returned to his seat.

This darn eyepatch itches. Damian sorely wanted to return back to his office, a comfortable aurora of annoying data-slate work and anxiety inducing market reports. Martialing the Alliance Fleets and organizing planetary wide compliance was a tad out of his wheelhouse. Just let the Hapans choose and be done with it. He had no doubt the Royalty would win such a popularity contest, they appeared the more stable hand for the people. As much as anyone rooted for freedom fighters, the instability of not knowing if food will appear on the table often brings a rather negative attitude towards any resistance and rebellious groups.

Onderon Remote Landing Zone Transport Shuttle Roof
Objective 2
Direct: Reina Daival Reina Daival || Indirect: Whottoomuzz Chantin Whottoomuzz Chantin
A figure cloaked in shadow landed silently atop the transport. Wings folded back into the suit as eyes narrowed behind white lenses while he surveyed the scene. Bodies littered the ground with burnt wounds and lost appendages. Plasma wounds not consistent with a blaster, but with a lightsaber. His index and middle finger pressed down atop the roof of the transport. The sounds of frightened yet otherwise safe and sound children reached his ears. That issue had resolved itself.

Which left the perpetrator of this attack to be delt with accordingly. His hand thumbed over his belt before a pellet fell into the palm of his gloved hand. With practiced aim and the aid of his armor, the Demon's throw landed the pellet right between the woman's legs, where upon it then detonated. Her vision and lungs would cloud with smoke, distracting her with surprise and fear born of this sudden confusion of the senses.

Leaping towards an area far more covered in shadow and far more removed from her possible line of sight, the Black Ace's assault did not end there. Training and the suit allowed him to perform maneuvers otherwise impossible, short of someone with his level of training or the supernatural prowess of Jedi and Sith. Extra-normals. His arm stretched out as he leapt, aiming it right at the woman before a singular bolas fired from his wrist. His intent was to capture and neutralize, capitalizing on the distraction the smoke offered as part of his opening strategy.

Hiding in the shadows, the Fiend simply watched as his armored camouflaged perfectly with the darkness with only the glow of his lenses piercing through the shadows. If the Walking Shadow needed to disarm her, his hands rested yet ready to draw the proper armament for the situation. His voice echoed as a controlled, haggard growl.

"What have you done?"

There was a restrained aggression to the question, enough to anyone a moment of pause. It was her chance to explain herself before the situation became far more violent. These criminals were his prey, and they were no use to him dead. Alive, the scum would lead him back to their nests where he would strike a more crippling blow to their operations.

The act of violence here had been nothing short of attacking the symptoms rather than the root cause, and he would not allow it to continue.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsabers

Valery slowed as she approached the scene, her gaze sweeping over the remnants of the encounter. The unconscious man, his blaster now useless metal. The woman, scrambling away with a mix of panic and gratitude, her breath still coming in short gasps. And Aris — standing calm in the chaos, the faint smoke from his shoulder wound curling in the air like a ghost of the fight that had just passed.

For a moment, she just watched. He had protected her. No hesitation, no doubt. Just action.

Her smirk softened into something fond, as she approached her son, "Well done, sweetie." The words left her lips effortlessly, instinctively, before she even realized what she had said. Valery then blinked, suddenly aware of Everest beside her, and wondered if it was too embarassing.


Then, she turned, casting a glance toward Everest. "We stick together from here on out. No splitting up. Things are still unstable, and I don't trust we won't run into more of them." Her fiery gaze lifted, scanning the ruined city beyond them. Even through the lingering smoke, she could see movement in the distance. Shadows darting between shattered buildings. Valery sighed, rolling a shoulder before looking back at the two younger Jedi.

"We're heading deeper in."


Location: Onderon
Objective: 2
Tags: Whottoomuzz Chantin Whottoomuzz Chantin DEVILMAN DEVILMAN
Outfit - Lightsaber


Smoke. Reina's first reaction was to limit her breathing. Using the breath control technique to try and limit any inhalation of the gas as she then focused on the breeze, using the connection to her crystal to enhance her power over the wind to blow the smoke out of her view whilst keeping a tight grip along her hilt as she brought the blade to slice through the bola, before retreating to make some distance between herself and her mysterious assailant. Her mind going through dozens of different thoughts as she tried to figure out what would be the right course of action...

"What have you done?"

She hesitated. Not out of fear. But out of thought. Before bringing her wrist up to her mouth once more to speak to her communicator. She had debated whether or not to try and deal with this foe alone herself but there was only so much she could do herself. She was willing to admit that. And so she transmitted her location as she spoke.

<This is Padawan Daival. I need assistance urgently. I've came across an unexpected threat.>

Weak. You need to call for help. What happened to the woman who'd face down sea beasts alone? What happened t-


There was too much going on in her head as she yelled, letting her voice echo through the area. This wasn't what she needed right now. Not in this situation. Reina just kept Pequod held tightly between her hands, keeping her eyes open and alert as she was trying to do her hardest to not let her guard down. She had to stay standing. Hopefully someone would show up to aid her.

"I did my job. They put the innocent in danger. For their own disgusting desire and whim. Who knows how many children they've captured? Doing this was for the best."

Reina had no opposition to killing. They were threats. Threats needed to be eliminated. This was why she needed someone to be with her. She couldn't deal with this situation alone. Breathe. She had to stay calm, even as she could feel her own anger blurring her vision.
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"Princess Nimaa'ri, you have my deepest sympathies," Senator Hydia stood and bowed, "Your family has suffered an unspeakable tragedy and the unrest it has caused your people troubles me greatly."

Das looked around the chamber with a grave expression before crimson eyes refocused upon the young hapan royal. He wore fine veda cloth robes with a thick jakobeast-fur shawl wrapped around his shoulders. Dazzling jewelry covered his neck and fingers in an extravagant display of wealth that bordered on unseemly.

"This Senate acknowledges your family's ancestral claim, however there is merit to concerns raised by the senators of Chandrila and Eshan about the extent of our authority to enforce it. If we impose your rule by force, then we are no better than the Empire. Reconciliation should be sought but whatever terms we reach must include a permanent cease fire and justice for the royal family's loss."

His attention at last turned from the hapan princess to Chancellor Organa.

"It is no easy thing for a Jedi to take a life. If the First Lady saw no other way, then her word is good enough for me. I apologize on behalf of the Senator from Cato Neimoidia for his limited perspective," the duros politician spared a borderline contemptuous glance for his neimoidian counterpart before his frown returned to Alicio, "His majesty put his own life at risk to stop the violence. It was a very noble act, but none of us can deny that the Hapan delegation was a complete failure. Its consequences will echo for generations to come."

"What have you done?"
"I did my job. They put the innocent in danger. For their own disgusting desire and whim. Who knows how many children they've captured? Doing this was for the best."

"Thanks for that, freak" came a low, snorting chortle of a voice.

A Gammorrean with a Vibroaxe as tall as he was dragging behind him - his pig face riddled with scars and tattoos indicating cartel affiliation.
Gorak - crew boss of the slain kidnappers, continued his chortle, brandishing the axe more openly.

"Not everyday we get one pest to deal with another. And a Jedi at that."

The chortle turned to squeal of swine-like laughter.

"Sadly, you've picked the wrong day play friendly, I'm not in very charitable mood after this girl killed all my boys and is trying to make off with the cargo"

He pointed the axe at the DEVILMAN DEVILMAN as a clear threat: "step back from the girl so I can chop her up like she did my boys, or I'm cutting through you first, and taking those kids anyway, tagwah?"


Amani listened astutely to Eloise's opinion. She seemed fairly level-headed about the scenario as a whole; Acknowledging that there were obviously troubles with both sides, but that the violence itself was not random. It was built upon long-standing issues within Hapes and the Alliance both. "You have quite the measured assessment. Hopefully my training has had at least something to do with that," Master Serys smirked. "I think you're right, though. We cast a blind eye to problems within our own borders. And now it's blowing up in our faces. It's giving me a lot to think about."

"Of course, I've now had... much deeper involvement than most. Perhaps there is more I should be dwelling on than just the Alliance's shortcomings."
Her smile faltered, supplanted by a brooding countenance.
Onderon Remote Landing Zone The Shadows
Objective 2
Direct: Reina Daival Reina Daival | Whottoomuzz Chantin Whottoomuzz Chantin || Indirect: Whottoomuzz Chantin Whottoomuzz Chantin
Backup is on its way. Good, the Fiend thought as he listened to the padawan call for help. His cowl detecting the transmission from her communicator, containing her location as well. Neither would serve her any good, but at least the proper authorities would arrive to clean up this mess she created. As she tried to create distance from her original position, the Walking Shadow followed from behind cover and within the darkness.

She was never out of his sight and his repositioning ensured he still had angles of sight and attack on her. What caught him off-guard was the outburst. For someone approaching the situation as calmly as possible, her sudden indignation appeared ill-timed before she began speaking with him again. The change in tone did not correlate with his strategy to haunt her from the shadows. If she was afraid, her posture, heartbeat, and cadence would have been different.

And she would not be trying to justify her actions in this manner to him if she was entirely afraid.

Possible mental instability? Or an acute stress-induced reaction?

Instinct and training told him something was off, to switch tactics. While he could hear the woman speak into her comms, his own cowl also allowed him silent communication with whomever he chose to spoke with.

["I need information on a 'Padawan Daival'."]

["Creating the report now."]

Before he could approach her, another voice broke through the silence. A scowl etched into his face under the cowl. This enforcer only saw the Demon because it chose to make itself known through its lenses peaking through the darkness. Without a sound or word, those glowing white eyes disappeared into the darkness. Out of view, out of sight.

He left them with a charged silence, intending to fill both parties with a sense of hesitation. Was he retreating to allow them each to handle their respective business or was he simply prowling through the shadows to prepare his attack? Removing a particular compartment on his belt—a small short-range EMP device—the Proto-Predator began his assault with certain insurance at play. His hand slipped the EMP device onto the ground near Padawan Daival before it emitted an electromagnetic pulse. Disarming her would reduce the likelihood she could intercede within this altercation with lethal capability.

With a flick of his wrists, the Black Ace had a shuriken in each hand as he moved away from his original position silently. With practiced aim augmented by the suit, both such bladed projectile launched forth with a flourish from his hands. One aimed to impact against the Gamorrean's wrist tendons to disable the weapon from his grasp while the second aimed to embed itself into the crook's collarbone near the shoulder.

Before leaping from the shadows to strike at the thug's jaw.
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Location: Onderon
Objective: 2
Tags: Whottoomuzz Chantin Whottoomuzz Chantin DEVILMAN DEVILMAN
Outfit - Lightsaber


There was too much going on in her head. The rage at seeing one of the slavers alive. The annoyance at the man who had been attacking her. The voice in her head. She needed to get out of here. But her only exit was blocked by the filthy pig in front of her. Her hands wrapped around the Pequod, switching the dual-phase to extend the blade as she prepared to rush at the pig. The strange figure who had shown up had seemingly faded away into the background. That was fine with her. She could get out of here. She just had to cut her way through the pig. The blood pounding through her head, through hears blocking out any other sound around her.

He had dozens of scars on his face. That wouldn't be her target. Reina's best plan would be to go for the legs. Take out the legs and leave the pig here to rot. Frustration and anger was just building. Making her focus pin point directly on the gammorean in front of her. She'd be able to take him down. As long as she had pequod, she'd be able to deal with that threat as she rushed straight for him. Go for the legs and keep running. That was her plan.

And so she went down for the strike, swinging Pequod's blade directly at the filth's legs!...At least she thought she was. With the blood pounding through her head, she hadn't heard the sound of the EMP going off, nor did she hear the sound of the lightsaber turning itself off. So her swing was completely pointless as she tried to slash off his legs. Instead all she had done was expose herself to the Pig. She hadn't expected someone to disable her own source of protection and weaponry at the end of the day, and now she was about to pay for it.

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