Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction GADF Automatic Blaster Trials

Ashley peered over. Next gun then, she guessed.

Walking over, she gave it a look, hefting it up. "Bit unwieldy." she immediately noted. She paused, looking at the power cell. " this a custom? Thing my boys have been using just takes any old power cell. Not sure men are gonna want to deal with custom required gear."

She shook her head. Too much focus on one thing. She put the rifle down, aiming down the sights. "Like these irons though. Hefty." Then she pulled the trigger. A flood of bolts fired out, causing Ashley to smirk. Then she paused, looking at the targets. Armor had registered as overheated, but the targets weren't dead. "...good for suppression, but if Imps are charging at me, they aren't gonna care much. Needs more firepower."

The Bloodsucking Philanthropist
"The power cell in the one you are currently using is based off the Power Source in ancient Clone Marine Chaingun, meaning its self rechargeable." One of the Employees said to Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore . "The standard power cell yield for those is thirty five hundred shots, and they take a minute to recharge, so any Soldier who uses one of these and has at least two of our power cells could...theoretically, at least, keep suppressive fire up much longer than normal. Though it is perfectly possible to use power cells like the type the Alliance typically uses in place of ours."

"The alloy prevents overheating! Squeeze the trigger all the way to see! It's also been designed to fire from underwater! The weapon itself can be converted into the central component of a blaster turret, or even used as the main or side weapon of a light or heavy vehicle system such as a Starfighter." another said enthusiastically to anyone present.

"It's Low power is only a negative if only one or two shots hit, but those are small plasma bolts being fired, and the projectiles themselves are traveling much faster than normal due to it being a type of Pulse Cannon. Sure, a single shot or errant burst might not land all the way! But when even a single shot can possibly superheat armor, that's possible medical incapacitation right there. And the burst fire mode is at 25 shots per trigger pull. With the right scopes and tripods, you can convert it into a type of Sniper Rifle." the third employee said. "But we will keep in mind your critique. Every little bit of Feedback helps! Gun-Works only seeks to provide weapons of the most rugged quality to customers!"

Lupa Visz Lupa Visz

Lt. Bren Alazar

Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi
Arguably her design should have been the next to be tested, but Chi remained silent as she didn't want to create a scene. Perhaps they were saving the best for last, she comforted herself knowing it was hollow. Instead she silently followed along, hands loosely clasped behind her back.

Secretly she was glad to hear it was underpowered, the rifle had looked quite light and the earlier news that it held over three thousand shots on a single charge, one that regenerated so fast as well, had her worried. Now though, her mind was free to try and work through that puzzle. Recharging weapons weren't new, just rare and usually underpowered. What bothered her was the capacity and rate, those power cells much have quite the reactor, unless they were drawing from some miniature dimensional warp? Thoughtfully she tapped a finger to her lip. Some companies had been experimenting with such, but to her knowledge those generators were mostly suited to capital ships and large facilities. If 'Gun-Works' had cracked it, she would have to consider acquiring a few samples herself.

Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster Lupa Visz Lupa Visz Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore Lt. Bren Alazar Willa Isard Willa Isard Sera Mina Sera Mina
It's one of life's mysteries, sir...

Lupa sighed. "Here's hoping, at least. Command seems to like the company, but I didn't get a say in that race. Hope the grunts enjoy it at least, that's all I care about. If they don't...well, that'll be future me's problem."

Kathryn chuckled somewhat at her officer colleagues statement, putting one and one together and took a qualified guess that general Visz wasn't exactly among the officers that celebrated their alliance with the Mandalorians.

''I beg you pardon, general... but you doesn't seem that fond of our alliance with probably the most battle-hardened people in the galaxy? The people who turned beskar into the strongest armor a man can wear without collapsing?'' she asked, glancing over at the mirilian and were honestly curious to hear her opinion. Sure. Hungry for knowledge as she always were, Kathryn had done more than a brief research about their culture and values. If a Mandalorian were forced to choose between an alliance with outlanders and their family or clan, they would choose the latter above anything else. If they weren't careful and attentive to their relations with them, they could lose the Mandalorian support as quick as they had gained it.

"You're running the show here, General. I assume you got some sort of targets for us to show off with."

"We gonna be letting the grunts play with the new toys, or are the nerds only getting a turn?"

Grunts and... nerds? From her position by the generals side, colonel Foster silently observed them one by one with amusement, proud of their enthusiasm for a day on the shooting range and ultimately the task and cause to provide The Alliance with another edge in firepower against their enemies. She greeted them each with a nod, as the general being highest ranking officer stood for the salutes. Together with the general, she observed the grunts and nerds reactions to the different weapon systems for a while, before they joined left their spectating position and joined them. The urge to join the troops was becoming too much for the down-to-earth colonel that rather pilot a starfighter at the frontline, than laying out strategies aboard a cruiser far from the action.

Offering a good attempt at being jovial, social, and welcoming (Special Forces are often introverts because of their focus). Offering his datapad to whomever would want to read it, his explanation was simple.

Walking over, Lupa herself looked over the rifle. "Decent work, though the look is a bit...old school." Wouldn't matter if the weapon performed well, but she knew grunts would complain regardless. " Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore , Lt. Bren Alazar , over here next. Give it a look see."

''Lieutenant? Can I have a look at that?'' Kathryn asked for the datapad after leaving the generals side and having approached the man, and gave the review a quick glance.

''Thorough!'' she uttered and flashed the lieutenant a friendly smile. ''I'm curious if you would deem any weapon offered here today as the Marines next primary weapon, or the Navys next personal self defence weapon?'' she explained and handed him the datapad again. ''I'm- Well, I'm not a soldier in the way you guys are, but personally... I thought the Vector from Che Chuchi looked pretty interesting, at least on paper...!'' Kathryn continued, hoping that the man could act as a good advisor.


Lt. Bren Alazar


G.A.D.F. 209th Special Forces Unit - "Omega Squad"

R.O.E. :
You know those scary types that you don't want to meet in a dark alley?

Not two steps.

He did not get two steps before someone had an issue with his review. This was what Mueller meant when he told Alazar not to do one of these. The gentleman was nice enough, not to mention professional enough to keep things civil (at least try to). When he mentioned the rails, it was clear that the review was not completely detailed. It was true, he wrote it like an After Action Report, meaning he did not explain every tiny detail. However the backhanded comments from his individual were unnecessary.

He was not going to dignify this with any verbal responses just yet, but Alazar would defend himself. Taking his own slung rifle in his hands and quickly making adjustments, his own weapon’s sights clasped on he “clicked” them off and back on in a tenth (maybe) of the time it took to use the other weapon’s system. Also, showing the mobility of his own weapon, slipping hands, changing sling positions, aiming possibilities and such.


When the General called him over, it was a good thing as, though he would do his darndest to be and remain professional, Bren was going to ask how “butthurt” this guy was. There was a need to protect the integrity of the work, and “Michael” did fully understand that, he even respected the need to address it even if the approach could be looked on as “schoolyard”. So Omega Squad’s team leader was glad to be “Saved by the Bell.” It gave both of them a chance to allow cooler heads to prevail.

The other woman, very cordial, looked to be a pilot. When she asked him about which he would recommend, Bren’s answer was simple. So far, from what I have read,viewed, and experienced the Lycanthrope is the best choice overall. This is not a knock against any other other weapons, but the Lycanthrope can do more in the field and is capable to fill a large role and be used by more soldiers in a squad at one time. In my review of the weapon, it came from purely a “Special Forces” perspective, and I had to nitpick to find any negatives at that.

What it excels in with infantry and such, is where it would need work in specialized divisions. There is nothing wrong with that as it is often that way with Special Weapons too. The Lycanthrope is not a perfect weapon, not by any means, but no weapon is, even the customs I and my team have access to. It will do its job when called upon out in the field, or suppressing fire, or working through a city, and so on.

Looking closer at the next weapon, and even getting close enough to lift it, if allowed, Bren look around

I will take a look at the Vector, if no one has any disagreement, He already proved that he was not an expert in reviewing, he simply knew what he knew, he would even be more clear in his review this time..

Yeah, yeah we scare them.

BLUE TEAM -[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)Michael,[/COLOR] Gabriel, Sariel,
GREEN TEAM -[COLOR=rgb(0, 206, 201] Raphael. [/COLOR] Uriel
Michael, Gabriel, Sariel,Raphael, Uriel,Raguel,Remiel, Seraphim
Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore Lupa Visz Lupa Visz Vulpesen Vulpesen Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi Lt. Bren Alazar

Willa was watching the weapon trials and two fo the guns were there with the vector being next she guessed. The vahla wasn't enlisted here, she respected the chain of command and they were going for tests though it seemed the talks were already going to which one to pick when only half the weapons had been shown. 'Interesting.' She said it to herself mentally while bringing up the interface over her eyes and looking at the lycanthrope rifle. AN interesting design.. the other seemed much older and her hands remained in front of herself while she just needed to listen to the others. THe reviews and feedback was different and she did wonder what was on the datapad about the weapon.
Rise Above Your Station, Soldier.

''I beg you pardon, general... but you doesn't seem that fond of our alliance with probably the most battle-hardened people in the galaxy? The people who turned beskar into the strongest armor a man can wear without collapsing?''
"We just got done fighting The Enclave, and now we're expected to be buddy buddy with the Protectors. I'm hesitant, at the least. I can respect their culture, and their fighting prowess, but I know better than to trust anyone 100% anymore. I'm see the rifle they made for us, and it's good hardware. But my personal opinions aren't of value on that front. As a General, I can at least trust that high command has vetted the company behind it."

Tag: Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster

The sound of her name snapped Chi from her deliberations and she tilted her head in the direction of two GA personnel, a woman with sandy hair and a man in chromed out armor. It had been the mention of her Boutique that had caught her attention, now they were discussing her rifle.

She made her way over as one of the testers told off those around her for crowding in while she was holding a readied weapon and was close enough to hear the armored man voice his willingness to try her rifle out. "The Boutique's section is right this way Sir," she greeted him using the formality without knowing his rank. She was a civilian, everyone was a sir to her and she wasn't going to take the awkward time to find his rank insignia and see if it was one of the few she'd recognize.

Leading the two over to her spread of weapons where Ji-Ji's robotic form supervised those rotating through while the crowd was occupied around the main testing, she spoke a little about the three weapons she'd brought. "Now the Vector and its optional munitions launcher were already passed over by the procurement board in favor of the Mandalorian offering," why they'd chosen a semi-automatic only rifle was beyond her, "really I brought them out more to gauge their failings and collect opinions but I'd be happy to move into full production if another branch were to pick them up."

As promised, four of each weapon type were laid out, with two of the Spitfires tied to generators while all the other guns used power packs. For the launchers there were a variety of 'dummy munitions' with inert filler replacing explosives for range safety, but ranging from grenades to rockets. Chi went to stand by one of the heavy repeaters. "I have to admit I approached the challenge from a mounted position first, using the maser's mass to absorb some of the recoil from its weight of fire, though firing from the hip is entirely possible." She pointed out where the rear handle had two triggers, one situated on the normal vertical grip and another perfect for an overhand grip when the assembly was by the gunner's side. "Top trigger even has an additional safety button so you don't accidentally discharge when lifting it. As for the Vector," Chi motioned towards where Ji-Ji was showing one and its attached launcher off, "I think you'll find it a standard, if capable, particle rifle." Her initial pitch finished, Chi made room for those that had followed her to examine or use the weapons at their leisure while making ready to answer any questions or concerns they may have.

Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster Lupa Visz Lupa Visz Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore Lt. Bren Alazar Willa Isard Willa Isard Sera Mina Sera Mina

Lt. Bren Alazar


G.A.D.F. 209th Special Forces Unit - "Omega Squad"

LOCATION : Special Projects Range
ORDERS : Testing new weapons
R.O.E. : Second Test
TAG : Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster | Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi | Lupa Visz Lupa Visz
You know those scary types that you don't want to meet in a dark alley?

May I?
Reaching over and taking one of the Vectors, Bren quickly shifted through the “disciplines”(hold positions) testing the balance, and the sights. They seemed to hold up well, at least not slipping or sliding. Good so far. Walking over to the stall he was using, and quickly shifting between “standing”, “one knee”, “knees”, “prone” and other improvised firing positions, the weapon was responsive to that. This was good. On to the weapons test.

If something could be done, it could be overdone. So his weapons fire came quickly and sharply, each target was hit decisively at center mass of the targets. It was light, and underpowered, but that already seemed to be pointed out. This still had its uses though. The Underbarrel launcher did not seem to be a good fit or really necessary, but this was not catastrophic or anything.

A few more effects to target and he was satisfied.


The thing was how to approach this objective. He knew that someone was going to take it the wrong way, no matter how objective or diplomatic he would try to be. It was ultimately understandable, he probably would be too. Alright, get it out of the way. This was not a Special Forces weapon, not without major changes, but that did not make it ineffective, it was just a matter of finding its niche. It was also the position that he was in that could ruffle some feathers.

So it was necessary to, again, take Mueller's lead in regards to anyone being mad... "Facts don't care about feelings... let'em be mad..."
[B]Strongest Feature-[/B]
Tactical/Controlled fire
Room to Room C.Q.B.

[B]Not Recommended-[/B]
Long Range
Heavy Sustained Fire

Underpowered, but the right powercell can counter the issue
Easily enough.

Recommend for general infantry usage in platoons, or secondary
weapon for sniper when moving into position. Underbarrel launcher
Is always a welcome addition, but is not necessary.

Should not be used in Special Forces unless “Infil”, “Rendition” or “Demo”
Usage of suppressors is key.

It is surprisingly modular, parts are interchangeable and usable
In a confined parameter.

Recommend for general infantry, Overall a good “base” model.

Overall Grade - 87/100

Yeah, yeah we scare them.

BLUE TEAM -[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)Michael,[/COLOR] Gabriel, Sariel,
GREEN TEAM -[COLOR=rgb(0, 206, 201] Raphael. [/COLOR] Uriel
Michael, Gabriel, Sariel,Raphael, Uriel,Raguel,Remiel, Seraphim
Last edited by a moderator:
Vulpesen and Garlan shared a look as the general called them over. "Did she just call me a civilian?" the captain asked, begining a quiet conversation between the zorren pair.

"Compared to them, we kind of are."

"Boss, don't let my youthful exuberance fool you. I've been pounding dirt for longer than her grand-"

"Garlan," Vulpesen hissed, cutting off his captain's quiet tirade.

"Yeah boss?"

"Drop it."

"Sure boss," Garlan replied, dropping his head a bit. As much as Vulpesen might have been lenient with his captain's devil may care attitude in the field, he could sense some hurt pride from the alliance officers, and he was not eager to lose the contract over some sort of diplomatic misstep.

As the pair continued on towards the Gerneral and the remaining weapons, Vulpesen watched the. "I'm not going to pretend that I'm the most impartial voice here and without my own biased opinion for obvious reasons. But I do like the EFR model's fire rate and power supply. Nice if you need to drop a swarm of bees on the enemy. Ideal for going up against lightly armored forces," he looked between the others around the table, his tail flicking behind him as he prepared to watch Lt. Nevermore's demonstration. "By what I've read though, it'll have an issue with armored infantry. Its a swarm of bees when my men and I have gone into battle against armies of behemoths." While he hoped the Brynadul would never make a return, the Valde couldn't discount the fact that they and the Graug had once been a terror that ravaged the galaxy. in both cases, it had taken some rather heavy shots to bring them down.

The spitfire and the Vector however, were quite the eye catching pair and Vulpesen couldn't help but let out a whistle as he looked at the former of the weapons. The specs of each were impressive and he wasn't above admitting that they certainly offered some healthy competition. "Gotta say, they both deal the kind of damage I like to see in a heavy weapon. I was toying with the idea of creating a rotary canon myself, but decided to focus my efforts on improving some of my earlier designs. Underbarrels also a nice touch, though it may complicated adding something to stabilize the weapon in case you want to go all out."

Lt. Bren Alazar Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore Lupa Visz Lupa Visz Willa Isard Willa Isard Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster Sera Mina Sera Mina
Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore Lupa Visz Lupa Visz Vulpesen Vulpesen Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi Lt. Bren Alazar Sera Mina Sera Mina

Willa looked at the next weapon being shown and listened to the talk about it while she walked over and checked it out. THe cases she had set up were ready for inspection and use.. she had the trial ready while tapping on her datapad and the one case opened. Fabricators and machinery inside working for the moment which would give her the chance to step over and look at the two weapons the senator gave. "Senator." She said it and looked at the ones on offer.. the large power packs were cumbersome... if mounted and stationary was the goal it could be good but mobility could be best at winning the day most times. She remained there looking at it and then at the soldiers who were evaluating the equipment for their opinions first.



It seemed as though the weapons trials for the Alliance's new standard issue equipment were well under way at Fort Bastion. As his transport touched down, its repulsors kicking up a bit of dust, he stepped onto one of the landing platforms, a Darksaber trooper helping him down from the shuttle.

"Lively group, eh?" Pryce said to the trooper. They muttered something, the audio coming out a garbled and jumbled mess, but a transmitter in his ear translated for him. He smiled and nodded. He and his escort made his way down to the testing yard. Pryce wore plain clothes, a spacer's leather jacket and cream bloodstriped trousers. His only symbol of office was his Corellian pauldron indicating his rank of Supreme Commander of the Corellian Defense Force.

"Looks a solid weapon," he said, his gloved hand playing with his mustache. "Was about time our boys in white got a new toy. We've been using REC's weapons far too long." The Darksaber trooper simply nodded, shifting his own weapon uncomfortably. It was an REC design and though at the time it had been advanced many years had passed since those days.
Rise Above Your Station, Soldier.

Lupa looked to Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi with a small frown. "No offense ma'am, but we're testing the automatic rifles now. If you wish to advertise your battle rifle prototype, I'd appreciate you coming back another time, That said, Lt. Bren Alazar , let's focus on the blaster cannon that the Boutique has offered for the trials."

Lupa paused, turning at the arrival of Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce , a small smile forming on her face. "Ah, Commander Pryce. Nice to see your face. So far the prototypes have been decent."


As Ashley stepped away from the Gun-Works stand, she looked over to the Boutique's selection, The Spitfire. At first glance, this wasn't a mobile repeater that the others had offered. "'re expecting the men to carry this around?" She asked. "This thing is massive. Might make a good defensive gun though..." She considered. She needed to be fair. Walking up to the gun, she tried to heft it and carry it for a test run...Nope, not happening. This thing felt like it would break FreshFace's back on a PT run. Alright, time to at least test it. Setting up it on the mount, she let out a flurry of bolts. At the very least, she needed to let the Boutique with a fair go at it.

"...decent damage. Like I said, would make a great mounted weapon. Put this thing on a Lynx or a Puma, and we'd be golden, but my auto-riflemen would be pissed to have to lug this thing around. I'd recommend making it so we could split it into several parts if that's your intention. Even then, you still have the problem of portability."

Tag: Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi

Maker of Stuff and Things.

Corellia was a foreign place to the Cathar. She and Jonyna had considered moving here after Coruscant became an issue, but it was too close.

As the Astrocat came down, Rara was much more comfortable all of a sudden. She hated space. She hated being left to only a few inches of durasteel between her and certain death.

Taking a breath as she exited, a soldier she passed stopped her. "Um, little lady, we don't allow children on the base. You're gonna have to-"

"I'm the lead designer for Si Tech." She gave an annoyed grumble. "I'm here for the rifle trials."

"...OH! Sorry, just...alright, follow me, and just don't tell anyone I stopped you, okay? I don't wanna be scrubbing toilets." Clearly the private had been placed in charge of patrolling the base. Clearly. Ugh. Alright, follow the private. Great. She was getting some weird looks from other soldiers. She wished Jonyna had come instead, but ya know, people can't be in two places at once, regardless of the Force.

AS they entered, Rara immediately heard the sound of her competitors. A maser blaster firing off. She hefted her own entry to the trials, waiting her turn. "General, sorry I'm late. Si Tech was just making some last minute adjustments to the protoype."

Diplomatically ignoring the General's comment, Chi instead turned to the woman moving up to test one of the Spitfires she was presenting today. "Between power armor, grav belts that lessen gear weight, and grav field disruptors, I thought the problem circumventable." Reaching to her belt, chi produced her own little device and used it to alter the gravity of an unattended weapon before easily lifting it one-handed by its forward handle. "Though I admit that's not always practical in the field. I had envisioned a team of at least two like for most heavy repeaters not pintle mounted or emplaced. But on the other side of things, you're putting out a massive amount of damage with every bolt, no charge times, just rapid and accurate fire." She set the repeater back down before folding her hands. "And really, when you have nothing else but enemies before you, what else do you want but a beast of a gun at your side?"

Chi considered saying more, but decided to leave it at that. Simple and sweet. Either they'd be convinced, or she'd be out of the main running. Besides, even if she lost out on one or two in every platoon, the weapon was a clear choice for vehicle mounts and defensive emplacements.

Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster Lupa Visz Lupa Visz Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore Lt. Bren Alazar Willa Isard Willa Isard Sera Mina Sera Mina Rara Gowisi Rara Gowisi
The Bloodsucking Philanthropist
The Gun-Works representatives took the opportunity to speak up at the critique

"Our Weapon might be a swarm of bees, but, they are vastly easier to manufacture and repair in the field. Hook Ups are universal to most common military generators used by the Alliance. All it requires is strong arms and good aim most times. And a single person can carry it and fire it while mobile. Many of the alternatives you see before you require a two person crew, with additional special instruments to help move or stabilize it. Get enough soldiers firing these, and it won't matter if it's a swarm of bees you are firing. Enough stings can kill anything." The lead representative said in a friendly manner.

"Two to three people, each armed with this can render a cone shaped area about 500 meters in range a death zone." The second added.

"Plus, we are willing to offer many discounts based on volume purchase!" the third added. They seemed impossibly enthusiastic, acknowledging the criticism without acting or sounding condescending, but at the same time still doing their best to play up all technical and logistical advantages. If nothing else, they certainly believed in the product...
Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore Lupa Visz Lupa Visz Vulpesen Vulpesen Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi Lt. Bren Alazar Sera Mina Sera Mina Rara Gowisi Rara Gowisi

She listened to the former senator and spoke. "I'd recommend a beast of a squad if you are going to manage it. Though might be helpful also to get some of the smaller power cells. Sasori just managed to develop belt sized planetary shield generators with quantum crystal technology." She was listening to the other working to oversell the product as shemoved a little. She then looked at the general who arrived and at Lupa Visz as she was moving. "If it is time for Sasori's demonstration." SHe said it but holding the case in one hand and adjusting her equipment so it was out fo the way to show off the rifle that was in the case.

Lupa looked to Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi with a small frown. "No offense ma'am, but we're testing the automatic rifles now. If you wish to advertise your battle rifle prototype, I'd appreciate you coming back another time, That said, Lt. Bren Alazar , let's focus on the blaster cannon that the Boutique has offered for the trials."

Lupa paused, turning at the arrival of Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce , a small smile forming on her face. "Ah, Commander Pryce. Nice to see your face. So far the prototypes have been decent."

Pryce nodded, acknowledging the general.

"Good, good. I just wanted to pop by and let you know that you're doing a wonderful job modernizing our marines." He offered a smile and turned to watch the soldiers shooting away or talking among themselves. "Keep our people safe," he said, a far off look in his eyes. "Dark days are coming."


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