The two Republic soldiers that had advanced on [member="Nik Bonvor"] would grin devilishly, as their arms raised, thrusting down violently to deliver two blows at once to the pirate's stomach. Hopefully it would keep him quiet, as they reached forward, and gripped his arms tightly before hoisting him up. The trio then would begin to walk across the deep sands, heading towards the others. The only one that had been left behind was @Torrlack. Craning his neck to the side, the boy would give the soldier who assisted him a reassuring look, before prompting him to fetch the cyborg. The single soldier would nervously approach the metallic man, giving him a few fearful looks towards his body. If he happened to still be active after the explosion, it could prove dangerous. After hesitating for a brief moment, the troop would raise his blaster, firing two bolts towards Torrlack's arms.
If that succeeded in disabling them, he would then be hoisted to his feet, and forced to walk. The duo would eventually reach the rest of the group, where the cyborg would be greeted with a smile by Tugoro. "You're better than this." He said, shaking his head in disappointment. "You'll get better chance, anyway." The young Jedi would conclude with his broken sounding basic, obviously referring to jail-time. Turning to [member="Carden Lorps"], the padawan would order the prisoners off to the transport, where they would be lifted to a nearby Republic planet. They would all begin their journey across the dunes. "I feel the inner conflict." Tugoro would say, looking towards his bounty hunter friend. "Sith employ's irrelevant, when you are like them." He spoke, continuing through the sand towards the gunship that was not too far away. The group would eventually reach it, and board, excluding Carden. "Think about it. Last chance." He spoke, not liking the things his Jedi Order forced him into doing. Sooner or later, Tugoro would have to face Carden in battle if he continued his ways. The ship would begin to hover, lifting off into the sky and towards space.