Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gangs of Tattoine

He flew back onto the dirt, coughing violently as the can connected. Ammuniton covered the cyborg, that is when everything went still. No noise, not even the sound of breathing. The crate completly covered Torrlack and that is when [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] would see something. The crate, slowly moving upwards, as if someone was pushing it. Torrlack revealed incredible strength as he managed to push the crate off of him. He stood to his feet, dropping the slugthrower onto the ground as a sign that he desired a fair fight. He held up his hands, hoping that the teenager would understand that he was challenging him to a hand-to-hand combat duel. "So kid, you fixing to drop that saber?" He asked, awaiting a response.
Carden watched the commotion of the cyborg, it seemed as if the Cyborg and Tugoro were about to engage in hand to hand combat. Carden decided to walk to Nik, he was injured. "Well Nik, your either going to die or get arrested and only you can choose." Carden said before going next to the group of Republic soldiers. Carden couldn't wait to get off this desert like planet, he'd rather be on Coruscant despite the sith rule, or better yet Kashyyk.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
[member="Nik Bonvor"]
Not knowing any strength altering techniques, Tugoro would conclude that engaging the pirate in hand-to-hand combat would be extremely unwise. Further more, the man was clearly machine, indicating that any physical blows dealt by the youngster would definitely prove to be harmless. What the padawan lacked in raw power, he made up for in wits and quick thinking. The youth would simply watch as [member="Torrlack"] dropped his weapon, it rolling uselessly in the sand, amongst the many cartridges. Looking around briefly, Tugoro would evaluate the environment that the enemy had set up, examining it to find anything he could use to his advantage. It so obvious, he almost felt like face-palming after his gaze was drawn to the ground.

"Yes, I am." The boy would state, referring to the pirate's last comment. Cocking his arm backwards, the boy would aim to build momentum, his body leaning forward as his arm swung downwards in a powerful throw. A telekinesis grip wrapped around the boy's metallic saber handle as it flew through the air rapidly, spinning almost uncontrollably as it advanced on Torrlack's position. However, it would not aim to pierce his armor, it would instead direct itself to the ammo that was gathered collectively, striking at it's heart. The slugthrower cartridges and energy packs alike would ignite in a fiery explosion as they made contact with the searing plasma, most likely destroying the lightsaber completely in the process. Torrlack would either be killed on knocked unconscious in the blast, still anything could happen. However, all that mattered was rendering the opponent useless.
He saw the fire ignite and knew he coudn't escape. "Son...of...a-" He was interuppted as a loud explosion was heard. He flew forward about twenty feet, lying at the boots of [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]. He was obviously severely injured. He lied on the ground for several moments before he slowly looked up, unable to move. He turned his gaze to [member="Tugoro Taidarious"], coughing violontly. "Feth y-you!" He said, still unable to move his limbs. He slowly looked around, staring into the eye's of the teenage. "Your a coward! You have n-no honor, y-you can't fething do this!" He said angrily. For some strange reason, fear crept up Torrlack's spine. He was fearing this child. Torrlack was ashamed of the thought, he was afraid of the teenager! A fething teenager. This was unacceptable for Torrlack, he still felt a sharp and burning pain in his upper body. "W-who are you?" He asked, fear slowly building up in his voice.
Tugoro's breathing had become increasingly heavy, his stamina having been worn low by the pirates efforts. The group really had put up a fight, the young padawan had not seen a battle like this in months. Inhaling deeply, the boy's gaze would direct itself towards the skies, instead of glaring intimidatingly down at the cyborg. "Fear not." The boy would mutter, lifting his arms and leveling them out with his waist. The palms of his hands would become visible as the teenager began to utilize the force telekinesis ability once more, causing most of the nearby firearms to hone in on his position. Carrying them underhand, he would turn from the cyborg, giving the man known as [member="Torrlack"] a wave good bye. Others would most likely look on Tugoro as the type to finish his enemies, however he simply did not have the heart to do it. Listening to the fear that had worked itself into the man, the padawan had been unable to act for he had once been at the mercy of others.

The boy would trudge across the dunes, watching carefully as he approached [member="Carden Lorps"] who had went over to the Republic soldiers. "Carden...What happened?" He would ask, furrowing his brow as he noticed the scorch mark on the bounty hutner's armor.
As the boy turned his back to retreat, Nik pulled himself up and steadies his blaster. He rested his finger on the trigger, aiming directly at [member="Tugoro Taidarious"]'s back. He would then squeeze the trigger, just attempting to shoot the young boy, he had just severely injured Nik's best man after all.
Carden was just about to answer when he noticed Nik trying to steady his blaster. Carden attempted to push Tugoro out of the way, hitting the ground. Carden quickly got back up and ran to Nik, pulled him up and thew him to the Republic Soldiers. Carden the walked back to [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] and answered his question. "Well, I was originally here to rob a bar, but then it turned into more, we took a kid hostage, I ended up having to kill the boy, his condition was too unstable, our pirate friend here threw the boy off the cliff, thats how he got in a bad condition. As for the rest, there is a Mando right in the tent, the reason im messed up like this is because this scum went back on my payment and insted of paying me he decided to shoot me in the gut. Im just glad you showed up when you did Tugoro." Carden said before taking off his helmet.

[member="Nik Bonvor"]
The contempt and spite that leaked off the pirates was unmistakable, surely they hated the Jedi with a justified reason, in their opinion. Tugoro did not wish to delve deeper into the matter than he had to, and chose to simply walk away from the combat as it had ceased. Though, he would be met with sneaky tactics as [member="Nik Bonvor"] plotted while his back was turned. The man's blaster would erupt a single bolt of red energy, it travelling forward at a quick pace. Having been facing the opposite direction, the young padawan would have little time to react to such a surprise attack, however the frantic actions of [member="Carden Lorps"] gave him insight on what was happening, as did the force. Even though the bounty hunter had managed to shove the boy's small frame, the bolt still hit him, specifically on his right shoulder. The searing hot energy would sink into his flesh, having burnt past his clothing with ease. "Agh!" He would yell in pain, falling forward as Carden attempted to deal with the man. Pain racked the boy's nerves, causing him to struggle onto his feet. It would be in vain, for he would simply fall forward, unconscious. The Republic soldiers would rush forward to aid Carden, however one would aid Tugoro, picking him up and supporting him as it was needed.

"Thanks," The boy would state simply, grateful to the older teen for saving his life. Listening to the story Carden spoke of, the weakened Jedi would become disturbed, his exhausted face turning into one of concern. "You walk a dark path." Tugoro would state, hoping his friend would listen to further reason, if they decided to continue their conversation.
Nik kneeled before the soldiers, hands in the air. "PLEASE, D-DON'T SHOOT ME!" He begged as they kept their weapons trained on him. He looked back and forth nervously, sweat pouring down his face. "JEDI, TELL THEM TO STAND DOWN, PLEASE!" He shouted, still keeping his hands int he air. "N-NO, TELL THEM TO STAND DOWN!" He shouted, fear throughout his voice.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
Carden thought for a moment, he took in what Tugoro said about straying onto the dark path. When he thought what he was going to say, he felt a bit sad about what he did. "Look Jedi, I don't buy into all this sith crap, I know not to mess with them or the Jedi, but I do know enough not to work with the Sith. As for these pirate scum, it was just another extra job, I thought it was just a bar robbery, but I killed a ten year old instead Tugoro, I am in a bit of guilt for doing that! I walk a dark path, but I try to make it light, the lights in this galaxy is dim, that is why I have a hard time staying on the light path, its because it is too dim." Carden said, he was a bit angry, but it was normal. When he head the pirate yelling, he just waited for Tugoro to deal with him.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
[member="Nik Bonvor"]
The two Republic soldiers that had advanced on [member="Nik Bonvor"] would grin devilishly, as their arms raised, thrusting down violently to deliver two blows at once to the pirate's stomach. Hopefully it would keep him quiet, as they reached forward, and gripped his arms tightly before hoisting him up. The trio then would begin to walk across the deep sands, heading towards the others. The only one that had been left behind was @Torrlack. Craning his neck to the side, the boy would give the soldier who assisted him a reassuring look, before prompting him to fetch the cyborg. The single soldier would nervously approach the metallic man, giving him a few fearful looks towards his body. If he happened to still be active after the explosion, it could prove dangerous. After hesitating for a brief moment, the troop would raise his blaster, firing two bolts towards Torrlack's arms.

If that succeeded in disabling them, he would then be hoisted to his feet, and forced to walk. The duo would eventually reach the rest of the group, where the cyborg would be greeted with a smile by Tugoro. "You're better than this." He said, shaking his head in disappointment. "You'll get better chance, anyway." The young Jedi would conclude with his broken sounding basic, obviously referring to jail-time. Turning to [member="Carden Lorps"], the padawan would order the prisoners off to the transport, where they would be lifted to a nearby Republic planet. They would all begin their journey across the dunes. "I feel the inner conflict." Tugoro would say, looking towards his bounty hunter friend. "Sith employ's irrelevant, when you are like them." He spoke, continuing through the sand towards the gunship that was not too far away. The group would eventually reach it, and board, excluding Carden. "Think about it. Last chance." He spoke, not liking the things his Jedi Order forced him into doing. Sooner or later, Tugoro would have to face Carden in battle if he continued his ways. The ship would begin to hover, lifting off into the sky and towards space.
He was easily lifted and shot. He snarled at the soldier, menacingly as he was carried off to the prisoner transport. "Feth you!" He said angrily as he was brought abaord the ship, along with his leader, Nik. "FETH YOU ALL!" He continued to shot, barely having enough strength to struggle. He only managed to push a soldier into the wall but the soldier kept his grip. He was then seated and chained before he looked to Nik Bonvor, mumbling another insult, this time directed towards his commander.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
The duo of [member="Torrlack"] and [member="Nik Bonvor"] would then be shipped off to the nearest Republic world, hopefully being taken in safely with little struggling. They would face a sizeable amount of jail time, however it would depend on the amount of crimes that the two could be traced back to. While keeping an eye on the criminals, Tugoro could not help but sigh, thinking of his friend. He spoke of the Sith with such hate, but was he really much different? No, surely [member="Carden Lorps"] was nothing like the Sith, an ordinary fellow like him wouldn't even have a chance to encounter Sith. Right?
He sat with the jedi, looking around the ship. He let out a long, sigh before he cleared his throat. "Eh jedi?" He asked, waiting for [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] to respond.
Carden looked up at Tugoro, he had thought about what he said. "I will Tugoro, but for now I might go back to Coruscant and continue my search for my father's killer. I need to take my mind off the wars that are going on for now. Oh and mabye later I will visit [member="Nik Bonvor"]." Carden to [member="Tugoro Taidarious"], then got on the least damaged speeder and left to the nearest city for a transport.

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