Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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General Hospital [Silver Circle]

☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
{ Tag: [member="Tika"] }
~ ~
Sabine Galen? The name didn't ring a bell, but of course it didn't. The nurse was still relatively new herself to the Rest. Prennis would have to ask someone for her contact information.

But, for the moment, she stayed focused on Tika. She gave a sympathetic smile before almost laughing at Tika's exchange with the knight, but restraining herself. "A week, yes," she confirmed. "That should do it, but, to be sure, I'd like to see you again. Would you be able to come in? Make an appointment on your way out and ask for Nurse Prennis."

Melleriana Pech

[ tag - [member="Jyoti Nooran"] ]
Melleriana went down, hard.

She had been glancing over her shoulder as she ran at Jyoti, and had looked forward too late to act evasively. Evidently, she hadn't been prepared.

There was a moment of quiet, and then that stretched into two, then four, then six...

"Master Nooran!" the young knight called as he hurried over to the pair sprawled on the ground. "Force, are you--is she--alright?" The near-human was not moving, except for the slight rise and fall of her chest. A nasty rattling indeed. Taking notice, he offered a hand down to the Echani but looked back over to the nurses still gathered down the hall. "Which room can we take?"

One of the original paramedics pointed into one and Brandt, when Jyoti had stood, bent to pick the unresponsive alien beneath her up bridal style. It was unclear just how old she was--at least at the moment--but she was short and skinny, though not abnormally so on either account, for an average human young adult female. Her strength, on the other hand...

Knight Tahlsen carried Melleriana to the treatment table within and set her down gently. He then took a few steps back to allow the nurses space to do their work. A bloodied nose was evident to him, but perhaps she had injuries as well, and not just from the modified armbar in the hall.

As he thought on where he had found her, before he lost himself too deeply in empathetic meditation, a nurse poked her head into the doorway and called, "Knight Tahlsen?" He looked up. "She only bruised the Ranger." For a split second, he looked lost, but then he nodded solemnly. "Thank you."
[SIZE=9pt]“Oh, dear padawans have two names now a days?” Hyonu gave an awkward smile of embarrassment as he realized he was getting to the point where he couldn’t keep track of the padawans anymore. A small conversation with Master Nooran allowed the friends to continue to tease the wounded Wain. Hyonu nodded as it seemed the woman had other pressing matters to attend to. As she left he coughed loud enough to stop the gaggle of padawans dead in their tracks. “This is a hospital, I suggest the debate pause for a moment to allow Padawan Wain to heal up. I can trust you lot to make sure he doesn’t slice his leg off next time?” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]A small crack of a smile spread across the doctor’s face as he continued to instruct the boy how to clean the wound along with his friends, in case he needed the help. Handing over a bag of supplies, rolled his shoulders back and nodded. “You’re free to go when you’re ready Padawan.” The doctor slipped out of the exam room and headed down another hallway. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]At least today seemed to not be too crazy, maybe he’d be able to get some research done. [/SIZE]
Tika nodded her head. "This one can return in a week. Just to make sure she's better."

"I'll make sure she remembers, and help schedule her appointment." Added the Jedi knight, just to put Prennis a little more at ease, before turning to Tika. "Right?"

"Right!" The young Quigling gave him a thumbs up and a small smile. She turned her lavender eyes back to Prennis. "One week and Tika will be here."

[member="Prennis Keeoli"]
Her takedown maneuver worked, bringing the circus to an abrupt end as the stranger slammed to the ground. Reflexively, the Echani followed up with a pin, but the stranger offered no no resistance. In fact, she felt completely limp within Jyoti's grasp.

Evidently, her takedown had work a little too well.

She pulled back as fellow Jedi rushed to her side inquiring about their status.

"She'll live," Jyoti replied as she stood up on her own, sweeping the knees of her dress clean. "Though she's probably not going to be too happy about it for a while. You should check her for a concussion."

She gave the Jedi some space as he picked up the unconscious stranger, then followed him to another room where she began to be treated by a small group of nurses. For now, the situation had calmed, but she decided to stick around in case there was anymore signs of trouble.

"So what's going on here?" she asked the Jedi Knight. "Why was she running - and fighting - just now?"

With the stranger on the bed, she had a chance to study her. Clearly humanoid and female, but she wasn't familiar her the facial structure. The stranger was bloodied and just looked like she had a hard time leading up to her arrival to the hospital.

What was her story?

[member="Melleriana Pech"]

Melleriana Pech

[ tag - [member="Jyoti Nooran"] ]

The young man looked up at the master. "Near as I can tell, she's very--if not entirely--feral." Brandt glanced back at the feminine figure he had called Melleriana.

"I found her on Wasskah. A native hunting guild owns a particular stretch of land, mostly jungle. I think they named her; the etymology of her name is Dosh. Maybe 'well-hunted one'?

"What's more, I found her alone, so I don't know if she really knows language or not. Sure, we haven't encountered her race, or I don't think so, but the whole phoneme is strange, almost like she's just making sounds, trying to imitate the Trandoshans."
The junior Jedi recounted his experience coming across the now unconscious female, a preserve on a Trandoshan moon. So technically she was a local, but not of any species or group that Jyoti was familiar with since her time at Kashyyyk.

The revelation only left her with more questions.

"So Wasskah you say," she repeated, tapping her chin in thought. "In the past, we've had issues with Trandoshans 'importing' exotic animals and slaves to their moons for hunting. The Silver Order and Kashyyyk has leaned on Trandosha to end this practice, but it appears that it may still be alive and well."

There was always a tricky balancing act within the Silver Order, skirting the line between peacekeepers and interventionists. Militarily, it would be an easy thing to simply go down to Trandosha and impose their will to end all the shady dealings, but was that their place as Jedi? Would such action backfire, merely inviting more conflict?

Such concerns kept popping up her head more and more in semi-retirement, now able to take a step back and reflect upon her actions.

"I take it that she may not have had malicious intent, but she was simply confused." She reached out, tapping the woman's hand. "I think I'd like to give it a shot connecting with her. I may not know her tongue, but body language comes second nature to all Echani. I'd also like more details about this guild, and see exactly what they're up to."

[member="Melleriana Pech"]

Melleriana Pech

[ tag - [member="Jyoti Nooran"] ]

"I think you're right, Master," the Jedi said with a decisive nod. "Of course, be my guest. She'd know more than me. Would you mind if I observed?" Even Knights had plenty of room to learn from the Masters.

If the answer was yes, he could, Brandt would step back to a respectful distance at which he could watch Jyoti work. At that moment, the female happened to stir. First, it was a twitch in the arm that the Echani touched. Then, it danced over her soft orange eyelids and, slowly, they crept open. She looked around even slower as a subtle, glassy glaze over her golden, large-irised eyes.

She made a single grunt. It was quiet, but not pained. Her nostrils flared up and she appeared to be sniffing. Her nose then scrunched, perhaps at the sterilized smell of most of her surroundings.

The scrunch was only slight, however, as pain at the action shot through her face. She sat up and scooted back off her gurney, then crawled under the table. There, she clung to one of the metal legs, and screwed her eyes closed.
Right as she touched the stranger, the woman stirred back to consciousness. Then she writhed in pain as she started to feel the after effects of Jyoti's smashing her face first into the ground.

As promised, she wasn't going to enjoy life for awhile.

Conscious again, she scurried back under the the examination table while many of the hospital staff tensed up at the sudden rush of activity. Jyoti glanced around at the crowd gathered in the room, no doubt causing the stranger stress with their presence. It was going to be hard to establish positive contact with all of them around.

"If you all don't mind, then I'd like you to leave room now. If there's just one of us present, then our friend here may finally be put at ease."

The hospital staff were more than happy to shuffle away and hand off the violent patient to the Echani, though the other Jedi did linger at the door.

"It'll be fine," she assured them. "Though if you could be a dear, could you bring me back some energy bars and electrolyte drinks?"

Tahlsen nodded with a small yes, then finally exited the room with his counterpart.

With that, Jyoti was alone with the stranger.

Slowly stepping away from the table, she first went about closing the door, and then took a seat on one of the chairs lined up against the far side of the room. She crossed her ankles, and just sat there, occasionally glacing at the woman on the floor, but seemingly focused on charts and diagrams plastered all over the walls.

[member="Melleriana Pech"]

Melleriana Pech

[ tag - [member="Jyoti Nooran"] ]

The strange Force-sensitive let out a heavy breath when the room was cleared, almost as if in disbelief, and then began to wheeze through her wounded nose. Her face wasn't distorted in pain anymore. Maybe she was using the Force to block it out?

Ever so slowly, Melleriana let go of the table leg and extended her arms on after the other into the room's fluorescent light. She grunted, a confused sound, as she studied Jyoti. Then, she placed her hands on the floor and peaked out from under her shelter, tilting her head to see what had captured the Echani's attention. She canted her head, trying to make sense of a particular diagram.

Suddenly, a knock at the door and, though the sound was small, the young woman retreated back into the darkness.
After a while, the stranger gradually uncoupled herself from her hiding spot under the exam table in curiosity. Jyoti studied the woman out of the corner of her eye, but made no obvious acknowledgement of her presence. Some progress had been made, but the stranger quickly fell back to the table as Tahlsen made his return.

"Just a moment." Jyoti rose, gliding over the floor with graceful steps.

Cracking open the door, she met Tahlsen who held a tray laden with several energy bars and sports drinks.

"I wasn't sure what you liked, so I grabbed a little of everything."

"Thank you," she replied as she accepted the tray. "This will do quite nicely."

"How is she? No problems?"

She shook her head. "None so far. She seems much calmer now that there are so many people in her face. I think I'm getting somewhere."

"That's good news." he motioned down the hall after passing the tray. "I'll be right down in the floor lobby if you need me. I actually need a break. Haven't slept since we found her."

"Not a problem, now get some rest."

Tahlsen gave a bow to the senior Jedi, then stepped away. Jyoti shut the door, then returned to her seat. She set the tray on a nearby counter, then picked up one of the energy bars. Peanut butter chocolate granola. Normally she wasn't a fan of energy bars, but this one actually looked pretty tasty.

She looked down under the exam table as she slowly tore through the foil wrapping, and then raised the bar to her mouth for a bite. Kind of dry, but otherwise delicious. The chocolate peanut-butter combo was a hard one to beat.

The dining situation in the hospital certainly had improved some since her tenure.

[member="Melleriana Pech"]

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