Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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General Hospital [Silver Circle]


She rolled up her sleeves and ran her hands under the water after removing her wedding band and rubbing her hands in liquid soap. The water was scalding hot, but the heat didn't really bother her. The ex-cyborg would rather feel something than nothing at all.

It was good to be human again.

Hands sanitized, she returned to the bedside, taking hold of the spare syringes and tools to free up Doctor Ye.

"You can find the knot along his inner thigh," she pointed out. "Not the neatest thing I'm afraid, but I guess it did the job."

The doctor was now working, but she knew enough about first aid to know that removing bandages wasn't the most intensive task, and she was feeling chatty at the moment. She also desired to help relieve the tension in the room, rather than let Wain suffer in silence.

"So a family of physicians? I guess I have a family of...craftsmen, if you could call it that. So, how did you wind up on Kashyyyk?"

[member="Hyonu Ye"]

Tyra Ashen

Tyra sat with her thoughts for a few moments while [member="Prennis Keeoli"] left to get supplies. She things were going to be a little harder around the forge the next few days. Maybe she'd need to find and apprentice.

Prennis's arrival drew her attention back to the task at hand. Giving a grateful smile, she took the ice pack and applied it to her ribs. A slow breath escaped her lips as the nurse applied the to numb her wound. At first it stung, but the pain quickly subsided to nothing more than a soft numbing sensation.

The Valkyri barely took her eyes off her injury as Prennis worked. A strange sight it was to see her arm fixed up as such without feeling anything. That was part she was glad about, she had enough going on to worry about unnecessary pain.

When Prennis was finished, Tyra scanned her arm over. With the stitches and synthflesh, she could scarcely tell they were there. She gave a nod to the nurse. "Thanks. I'll uh...try to take it easier for the next couple days."
Hyonu examined the bandage as he waited for Jyoti to return. She took the tray and guided him towards where the knot was. It was better to untie than to try and cut through the bandage, the last thing the boy needed was any more trauma to the leg. Looking up at poor Wain, the Doctor smiled, “Pain meds kicking in?” The boy nodded and that meant it was go time for Hyonu. Carefully, experienced fingers worked through the knot, avoiding moving the leg more than was necessary.

As he slowly began to unravel the bandage, Jyoti spoke and lucky for her, Doctor Ye was also in a rare chatty mood. As she spoke of his family and then hers he nodded acknowledging her assumption. “My father was a doctor and my grandfather and so on.” The bandage came carefully off, and the Master healer disposed of it quickly. Smiling, Hyonu wiggled his fingers and chuckled. “We both from families who use their hands well.” With the bandages discarded Hyonu wiggled his nose and moved his head backwards to try and knock his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.

“Oh you got yourself quite good there Wain.” The skin was cauterized, but it was still oozing blood from the center, it was a deep wound and would need to be cleaned out. First though, Hyonu grabbed a syringe and showed the pair. “I’m going to numb the area around the leg, so I can flush anything out. You would think that an extremely hot laser sword would being germ free, but you’d be surprised how many amputations happen after saber combat.”

Carefully feeling along the boy’s leg he wanted to make sure he avoided placing the needle too far into the flesh. The medicine needed to be around the wound so that it specifically would be numb. “You’re going to feel a prick here and there Wain, but it will numb up quite well.” As Hyonu worked, he did his best to be quick so that the boy wouldn’t be in too much pain. He mused over Jyoti’s question and then finally answered her.

“I was hired on by a company to do medical research. After a bit, I found myself feeling that need to return to a Jedi Enclave. I had joined one during the days of the Republic learned healing and medicine. There’s just something about being a part of something. As much as I hoped my research would be able to sustain me – even someone like me who is more devout to science than anything needs a little bit of religion.” The doctor chuckled and looked towards her with a brow raised, “That stays between us of course. I have quite the reputation to uphold here.”

There was more reason behind why Hyonu had ventured to Kashyyyk, they had records that he needed for his research as to what happened on Seoul when he was younger. Placing the last needle onto the tray Jyoti had, he took off his gloves and pushed his glasses back up his nose. “Should numb up in just a minute or so.” Standing, the tall Seoulian man wandered to the counter space and gathered the flush and prepared a stich kit, pausing he grabbed staples as well and continued. “What about you? Its been a while since you’ve been back on Kashyyyk. Anything interesting bring you back?” He poked Wain’s leg and waited to hear a response. “Seems to be numb hmm?” With that put what looked like a large bucket under the edge of the bed where the leg was situated. Once everything was prepared, Hyonu motioned for the Jedi Master to hold the bucket while he began flushing out the wound. Watered down blood along with fibers from the bandage and the padawan’s pants began to flow. A flick of his attention the pants the boy was wearing ripped a little more giving the doctor better access to the wound.

“We’ll get you a new pair before you leave Wain, don’t worry – just relax and let me know if you feel any pain.”

[member="Jyoti Nooran"]
Setter was finally awake.

He'd been touch and go since he arrived at Silver Rest. Put into critical care- after all, surviving a turbolaser was one thing. Doing it only with a ballistic vest was another thing entirely. No armor, no protection. He had a litany of injuries after being blasted to oblivion not too long ago.

But what bothered Setter the most- is that he woke up in a particularly...white room. Why did the damn Jedi always have everything so clean and white? Couldn't kill them to pick a different damn color. He tried to sit up, but the massive pain in his ribs prevented him from doing so. He realized that he was only using one eye- something was covering his left eye. Bandages, probably. Hurt to move his arm. He wondered what was wrong with him. He saw a chart near his bed.

Internal bleeding. Check.

Cracked ribcage. Check.

Cracked sternum. Check.

Fractured jaw. Check.

Burns on his left leg, check.

Fractured shinbone. Check.

Broken left iris. Check. That explains that one.

Dislocated shoulder. Check.

Severe dehydration. Check.

Concussion possible.


He wondered how many of those still applied. He groaned, resolving to sit up. A passing Jedi, or someone who looked like a Jedi- hard to tell nowadays. Back in the day they all wore bathrobes around. Now they had the decency to look like normal people from time to time. He grit his teeth and spoke, before she did.

"You're awake! I'll get a healer!"

He stared at her for a while, a bit hatefully. He sighed and leaned back against his bed as she skedaddled out of the room to fetch an actual healer, which, he assumed was a person who went to medical school of some kind. If they brought any crystals to heal him, he was going to find a scalpel and start stabbing.


Not only did he get blown up- but he was going to be seen by a Jedi of all people. He was regretting (only slightly) Valkren's offer, from time to time. Especially the part about seeing Jedi, being around Jedi, or the occasional Jedi trying to take charge of him. Like that one Lizardfire or whatever his name was back when he was slitting some bad guy's throats for slinging dope.

He grit his teeth, realizing how much pain he was in.

Not a fun time to be Setter.
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
{ Tag: [member="Tyra Ashen"] }
~ ~
Prennis smiled as she took off her gloves one by one and gently pushed away the medical trolley with her instruments. "Certainly." If she needed a hand to stand, proving she was ready, the nurse would be happy to help. "You're free to go, unless you want somewhere to rest. How do you feel?"

She felt the pager under her scrub blouse at her belt vibrate, signalling the waking of [member="Setter Ryburn"], but she ignored it for the time being. She needed to make sure Tyra was good to go first.
Tika winced at the bright lights as she entered the waiting room of the Halls of Healing. Well, carried into was more like it, and looking like a small child in the process. She buried her face into the shoulder of the Jedi Knight carrying her, to try to hide from the bright lights.

Her head pounded and body ached, a less than fun result from a game of tag with some other padawans. Tika wasn't paying attention to her surroundings during their game and had collided with a larger padawan. The larger mass won out and sent Tika tumbling to the ground hard.

Now the poor girl was here being signed into the Halls of Healing for a possible concussion. Not the best way to end her game of tag or her afternoon.
Wain was wincing the whole time Doctor He was undressing his wound, but as the anesthesia kicked in, it started taking the edge off the pain. It did nothing for anyone's noses, though, the smokey odor of charred flesh cutting through the faint chemical smell of disinfectant ubiquitous to all hospitals.

The Padawan's accident served as a stark reminder why anyone just couldn't pick up a lightsaber willy nilly.

Doctor He explained a bit of his background hopping from the Galactic Republic to a biotech firm to finally ending up at the Silver Order. The Seoulian was unique in that he was a Jedi that was a licensed physician rather than a healer. Now that she thought about it, not once had she observed him using more mystical methods for treating Wain. Much like Jyoti as an engineer, he seemed fairly grounded as far a Force Users went.

The tray of syringes was replaced by a bucket in hand as Doctor Ye proceeded to clean out the wound. Fully unveiled, the gash was a nasty thing to behold, but the veteran Echani was used to witnessing such grotesque sights on the battlefield. Unflappable, she gazed upon it casually like a regular person would with a papercut.

"Your secret is safe with me," she replied with a wink. "Well, it's been a few years since I visited Kashyyyk. Usually my daughter Charlie returns to the Core every year to visit with the family, but I thought I'd switch it up and come to her for a change. I was quite pleased to see that the campus is flourishing."

"I wanted to bring my other two here, but they're still a tad too young for the trip."

Outside the relative safety of the campus, the Mid Rim jungle planet remained largely untamed, full of some of the deadliest creatures known to the galaxy. She knew from her time with the Silver Order that a large number their patients came as result of accidents and attacks in the wild. Not to mention periodic incursions from the Sith, slavers, and certain obsessed Mandalorians.

Definitely not a toddler friendly world.

"How about yourself? Is there a Mrs. Ye running around here?"

[member="Hyonu Ye"]
Taking the scrubs, Kat offered a smile to Master Rigel and entered the locker room. Changing into the scrubs, donning the necklace as well which had been imbued with Force Healing assisting powers, something that Kat thought was crazy but cool. She wished she could have studied it and found out what technology went into making a necklace like this. She checked herself in the mirror to make sure she looked good, she thought it best not to look like a grease monkey like she normally looked. Keeping her clothes and items safe, Kat then stepped out of the locker room and looked around.

Now she was a bit lost, where did she go? Did she just approach a patient and guess how to use the Force to heal someone or did she go after Master Rigel learn from her? Kat thought the latter made more sense, while there were patients in urgent need of care, she didn't think it would help their care if she announced it was her first day and she didn't really know what she was doing. Walking up to Master Rigel, she smiled to whom she thought might be a patient and offered a small wave.

"Hi, I'm Kat, Jedi Padawan." She greeted to the stranger.

[member="Celeste Rigel"] [member="Jasper Candos"]

Tyra Ashen

Tyra gave another nod and slowly stood up, as not to agitate her ribs. "Thank you, but I'll be fine. Just going to make sure everything that is properly shutdown. Then, I think I'll call it a night."

Giving the nurse another nod and thank you. She made her way out of the room and slowly exited the Halls of Healing. All the while thinking that maybe she should find herself an apprentice just in case.

[member="Prennis Keeoli"]
Celeste turned as she was joined again by [member="Kat Decoria"]. The healer woman turned her eyes towards [member="Masaru Varga"], their next patient. As she opened her mouth to address Kat and Jasper, a beeping sound interrupted, causing her to pause. Lifting her pager, her eyes widened slightly – one of the critical care patients had regained consciousness.

Blinking, she glanced around. It seemed that Doctor Ye was busy at the moment, and Nurse Keeoli was attending a patient as well. She didn't want to put Kat, a newcomer, on the spot... but what better way was there to learn?

“Padawan Decoria, would you please take our next patient into a room?” She asked, apologetically. “Please gather the patient information and the nature of his injury or ailment. Once you're finished – If I haven't returned – please look for Nurse [member="Prennis Keeoli"].”

Next, turning back to [member="Jasper Candos"] – “I'm very sorry to rush off, but I can't bring you into the critical care. Please seek out Doctor [member="Hyonu Ye"] if you need assistance, he'll get you sorted.”

Celeste offered a smile to the young man and then walked very briskly down the halls. Arriving at the door to [member="Setter Ryburn"]'s room, Celeste paused a moment to glance at his chart. Ah, yes... this gentleman had suffered a number of wounds. A soldier, apparently.

Sliding the door open, she stepped inside and offered the rather irate-looking man a smile.

“Glad to see you're awake,” She said, crisply. “How do you feel?”
Setter's usual recurring nightmare was being buried alive by all of his enemies that he failed to kill.

Being attended to by a chirpy Jedi was probably going to be his next. He propped himself up on his elbows, his face cringing in different variations of pain as he managed to get to a somewhat seated position.

He stared at her for a while before responding.

"Like I got blown up by a turbolaser, and that I need a cigarette." He knew the latter part was a pipe-dream. Nobody smoked in the Silver Jedi. Hell, barely anyone did anything remotely bad. Drinking was about as popular as the clap around here- at least, in excess. Like Setter liked to. He took a deep breath, glancing around the ultra-clean room. His right index finger twitched before turning back to the Jedi.

"Who're you?" Setter was always very friendly. Very, very, friendly.

[member="Celeste Rigel"]
Hyonu remembered treating Charlie for a couple of scrapes and bruises. He did recognize the last name attached to the girl but assumed she was an adopted sibling. Chuckling softly, Hyonu nodded as he heard about the other children having to stay home. “So, Charlie has younger siblings. I assumed she was your adopted sibling. I’ve patched her up here and there for a couple of scrapes and bruises.” The doctor explained trying not to worry the mother.

Kashyyyk was no world for children, he wondered how they didn’t have more cases of children missing because of the dangers. The campus was safe and kept a good eye on the younglings he assumed. Hyonu kept his eye on the padawan he was treating, the Doctor knew that pain meds had the worst timing especially when it came to clean out a wound. The moment the meds wore off he would help dilute the boy’s pain with the force. Hopefully he would be finished before he needed to rely on supernatural abilities.

As he moved the bottle around the wound, he mused to himself listening to Jyoti. He wondered what it would be like to have children running around. Thoughts didn’t get to arrive to the point where his make-believe children broke all his equipment because the Echani Master asked a question about a wife for the good doctor.

Suddenly the bottle instantly released all its saline into the wound flushing it quicker than Hyonu had intended. Eyes wide he thought silently about the question. Shocked and embarrassed at both the question and the reaction, the doctor stuttered words that were void of understanding. There was only one woman that even entered his mind when Jyoti mentioned a missus. Was it obvious? Hyonu coughed and sat up away from the poor boy’s laceration. He rolled away to refill the bottle also buy him a bit of time to get rid of his embarrassed and flushed face.

“Ahhhh,” He stammered. “No wife for me unfortunately – or fortunate to the woman who would be my wife. Ha. Ha.” He continued to fill the bottle as he suddenly got a spark of annoyance thinking about being married to the woman he thought of only moments before. Returning to Wain, he finished the few bits more of flushing of the wound. “Everything looks clean now, we can start working on sewing you up Wain. Meds still keeping you numb?”

Hyonu put the bottle down and grabbed the tray for stitches and stables. “I’m going to be doing stitches on the edges of the laceration to help support the staples – this would keep the wound from continuing to tear.” He began to prep the needle as he exhaled softly. “If you have someone in mind, Master Nooran. I may be open to meeting a possible partner. New experiences and all.”

[member="Jyoti Nooran"]
[member="Celeste Rigel"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Hyonu Ye"]

It’s didn’t take Jasper long for him to have one of the Halls of healing members speak with him in the form of [member="Celeste Rigel"]. Jasper was about to respond to the Jedi Healer question, but he was admittedly taken back and felt on the spot. While he did want to talk to one of the doctors and asked them some questions, he didn’t think it would do so soon. He was about to focus his attention on giving himself a tour of the area he was allowed to go to since , after thinking about it, going to one of the doctors and asking them to do it know they have a job to do would be selfless on his part and would be a bruise on his consciousness. While he wouldn’t admit or say this to anyone else, Jasper will always look after himself first as horrible as it sounds. But he will be honest with himself as his heart just wouldn’t let him put a life in danger if he knew he had a choice.

He knew he was going to ask her question after question, and he figured that it was going to be a waste of time to her when she had other needing her help. By the time he was about to say something however, she told him some words then left to do her job. “Okay.” Were the only words he said before he walked deeper into the main hall. Giving himself a tour of his own of each area.

It’s didn’t take Jasper long for him to have one of the Halls of healing members speak with him in the form of [member="Celeste Rigel"]. Jasper was about to respond to the Jedi Healer question, but he was admittedly taken back and felt on the spot. While he did want to talk to one of the doctors and asked them some questions, he didn’t think it would do so soon. He was about to focus his attention on giving himself a tour of the area he was allowed to go to since , after thinking about it, going to one of the doctors and asking them to do it know they have a job to do would be selfless on his part and would be a bruise on his consciousness. While he wouldn’t admit or say this to anyone else, Jasper will always look after himself first as horrible as it sounds. But he will be honest with himself as his heart just wouldn’t let him put a life in danger if he knew he had a choice.

He knew he was going to ask her question after question, and he figured that it was going to be a waste of time to her when she had other needing her help. By the time he was about to say something however, she told him some words then left to do her job. “Okay.” Were the only words he said before he walked deeper into the main hall. Giving himself a tour of his own of each area.
Over time, the boy had relaxed as the anesthesia was finally in full effect. By now, there was only a dull throb as Doctor Ye continued to work. Wain nodded when Ye asked him if the medication was still in effect, then even sniggered a bit as the doctor went through a roundabout way of saying he was indeed very single. It wasn't unlike his mates embellishing about encounters with the opposite sex. A smile became an invitation of courtship, a compliment a declaration of love.

Jyoti chuckled too, especially after he appeared to ask her for some hookups.

She hoped he was only joking - nothing good could come out of one Jedi playing matchmaker for another.

"Oh I don't know Doctor Ye, if the stories from the Rangers are true, then the lion's share all the eligible bachelorettes can already be found here in the medical ward. You only have to look, but if your bedside manner is anything to go by, then I think you'll be just fine."

She gave him a wink before standing up to dispose of the old gauze and other refuse from the cleaning. As she was clearing the tray, a young Rodian popped his head just through the door, bulbous onyx eyes trained on Padawan Wain.

"Asher? There you are!" he called out excitedly.

Wain raised his head and offered a small wave to his friend, a big grin growing on his face. "Hey man!"

The Rodian disappeared, only to return a half a minute later with a few more heads poking through the open door. The Rodian turned his attention to Jyoti, who he presumed to be one of the resident healers. There was now a whole generation of Padawan who had never seen the Echani before.

"Is it okay for us to see him?"

Normally she would have said yes without hesitation, but this was Doctor Ye's show, so she looked over to him for final approval.

"He's just about stitched up. What do you think?"

[member="Hyonu Ye"]
“It's fine come in, Asher was it?” This was a place of learning and if anything that could be gathered for both padawans is that they needed to be safe. The pair and Jyoti caught the doctor in rare form today. Maybe it was his perfected tea making method?

Hyonu noted that Wain seemed to be in good spirits now that everything was numb. He began to work carefully as he sewed the corners of the laceration with the stitches. His work was precise as he moved the needle in and out of the tender flesh as if it were cloth. With the corners finished he adjusted the boys leg so he could bring the skin closer together allowing him to sew all the way up. In and out the needle worked and finished keeping the wound closed for the moment. Hyonu looked at it again and nodded, “Yeah, I’m thinking staples.”

He reached over and grabbed the tool for the staples. He could have probably used the force to fully heal the boy, but that would take a lot out of him and Wain - modern medicine was necessary even in this age of space magic. Still, he would give a jump start to the cells rebuilding the wound. “Might sting a little, but a few will help the stitches stay secure.” Just as quickly as he spoke, the staples were in with symmetry. The worst thing he could do was scar the boy with something that looked as if a youngling had patched him up.

“Few things, keep it clean at all times. If it starts to smell funny come back - also stay off of it for a few days, let the skin scab and begin closing everything up.” Looking at Asher, “Keep an eye on him okay? We have to look out for each other here and out in the galaxy.” Giving both boys a kind smile, the doctor looked towards Master Nooran.

The Jedi Master laughed as he took off the gloves and returned with a home kit for Wain to take care of his wounds. Handing the small bag off he placed a few bandages over the stitches and staples to keep them clean. “If you ask one of the nurses up front Wain, they’ll give you a new pair of pants.” Hyonu finally returned to the conversation the pair was having before Asher the Rodian appeared.

“Trust me, my bedside manner needs improving on. I’ve had someone teach me to say hello at least when someone comes in.” He laughed a little remember the scolding he had received on a mission. “I doubt women want to be wooed with a staple gun in my hand.” He waved the tool and then set it back down.

“So how is married life Master Nooran?”

[member="Jyoti Nooran"]

Melleriana Pech

"Tee tee mee! La' meetee!" The voice, equal parts helplessly frantic and dripping in venom, echoed down the emergency hall. At first, no words could be discerned, but that seemed reasonable for the quality of the voice itself, but it would become clear to any who listened closely that the language was a completely foreign one--even in this galaxy. Not even a Babel would be able to translate. "Lamee la! Fa mee ray!"

"Mel, calm--" Something distinguishable. Basic.

A male paramedic backed around the corner, struggling with something in his arms. Someone. Another paramedic followed, and then a man in a Jedi tunic. Neither seemed to know how to handle the situation unfolding in front of them. Suddenly, the someone swung her legs up towards the ceiling in some sort of Force Jump. She landed behind the first paramedic, stumbling only slightly, and immediately brandished the medical scissors that she had somehow taken out of his uniform during the whole process. When she spoke next, she drawled what was clearly a challenge: "Lamee tee. Tee so' solatee so teemeeteeso, tee la laso!"

The Jedi--who might be recognized as Knight Brandt Tahlsen--motioned to the male paramedic to stand his ground with one hand and and extended the other in the direction of 'Mel.' "You're safe, Melleriana," he cooed at her with a forced, calm tone. "Please give me the scissors."

For a precious moment, contemplation crossed Melleriana's pale orange face, but it disappeared when the apprehensive, young knight inched just a little too close. She flinched away, though, instead of striking, but she did bear her teeth.
[ tag - [member="Jyoti Nooran"] ]
Celeste's lips pressed together upon hearing the man's reply, an expression that sat somewhere between a frown and a smile. Of course, smoking was not permitted in the Healing Halls. But, there was something that told her the man was quite resigned to his current fate of resting in bed and not smoking.

“I am Celeste Rigel,” She said, stepping into the room and letting the door close behind her. “A healer of the Order.”

Already, she was making an assessment of [member="Setter Ryburn"] and comparing with the notes on his chart. Her brows arched slightly as she made it to the end of his list of injuries... no wonder he was cranky. Moving to the soldier's bedside, she switched out his IV fluids for a full bag. His dislocated shoulder and broken bones had been set and mended.

“You've sustained some quite serious injuries.” Obvious, yes, but she got to the point. “It's going to take some time before you're up and on your feet again.” Figuratively. He could probably walk if he really wanted... but it would hurt.

“It seems that you're due for another session or force healing – if you will permit me. It'll speed things along.” She paused, to make some notes in his chart. “On a scale from one to ten, what is your current pain level?”
Setter suppressed a sneer when she said she was a healer.

Great. An actual in the-flesh Jedi in charge of his recovery.

You've sustained serious injuries.

Thanks, lady.

Setter wasn't one for bad news, but also knews he already knew. He glanced around, clearly unnerved by the entire ordeal, the place he was at. Being alone was one thing- being alone with Jedi was just as bad, and in some cases, Setter would rather be back in the ditch they pulled him out from.

"I'm guessing there's not a medical degree anywhere in that pretty name of yours." Charming, as always.

He swiveled his legs, trying not to let the pain show too much. He groaned, however, turning his body to sit on the edge of the bed. He breathed deeply, reassessing himself after the movement. As bad, if not worse, than he originally thought.

"You're not gonna brainwash me while you're at it, are you? And about a 8 or a 9."

[member="Celeste Rigel"]
She was given her first assignment as a healer, Kat was concerned about how she would do with being on her own and not really knowing how to heal a person but she needed to get over it and get on with it. Guiding Masaru Varga to the free patient room, she cleaned her hands and gave him a smile. "Please take a seat, can you tell me what brought you here today Mr. Varga?" Kat asked politely as she looked at the clipboard she had that gave her a list of symptoms and things to look out for and how to cure them.

Kat looked over the patient, she tried to see if she could notice any injuries or symptoms from just the way he looked. However, she wasn't having much luck. Better to wait for the patient to say and then examine the areas before trying to guess where they might be. "Oh, urm, this is my first day so I just thought you might like to know. I am going to try my best, but this is all really new to me." Kat mentioned thinking that she might as well be honest and upfront with the patient about her lack of knowledge.

[member="Masaru Varga"]
☤ Golden Heart, Cold Hands ☤
{Tag: [member="Tika"]}
~ ~
She walked out with Tyra, stopping short of the door back to the reception area and instead turned to a nurse's station. A woman, equally as tired as her, handed Prennis a clipboard with some flimsiplast induction sheets the patient had either filled out or had filled out (due to her condition). Quickly but diligently, she flipped to the last page, picked up a pen, and filled out the details of the visit.

As she did so, Prenn began to daydream about going back to the break room to reheat her caf. But, even before she could hand her coworker the charts back, a receptionist called out to her. Prennis glanced up to see over the half wall a Jedi Knight that seemed to be carrying a small, white humanoid. She wasted no time in ushering them inside the unit and finding another, clean exam room. While at it, she tagged the one she had just used for cleanup.

"What seems to be the problem here, Master Jedi?" she asked politely. She still didn't know how to properly address Jedi. The Order's Force-users were always called 'Ren' by at least the navy personnel, but calling them 'Jedi' seemed blunt and...out of place.

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