Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Generis to a Fault Line [Mandalorian Dominion of Generis]

An all hands on deck scenario was playing out - and that was by design and necessity. The Mandalorians were known far and wide as people who could get the job done, and while that generally referred to bounty hunting or warring with just about anyone who would dare stand toe to toe against them - it didn't meant they didn't have other skills. Some would call them barbarians, some thought they were simply mindless brutes - but none of them that hadn't sunk their teeth into the culture and truly tested the metal that these armor clad warriors were made of would never know just how intrepid and diverse this culture really was. The thought that they would be looked at like this was an amusing anecdote, but that was for another time and another place. The situation the planet was in - it was already devastating the landscape, but if they could help it, the Mandalorians wouldn't have to see the people suffer much longer.

Communications between the vode were coming in all directions, and Azrael was dealing with the big picture while on a ridge of a mountain at the quickly fabricated HQ. The scenery was bleak at best, as fires were seen from miles away, the amber hues lighting up the slowly darkening landscape. Night would not be an aide to them, but they certainly had the equipment in order to work through that light pitfall. The holotable before him showed a three dimensional grid overlay of the three points of concern. Field Marshals and Rally Masters had their units lit up on the board, and currently there was a tracker beacon for each of the vode, detailing their position and a marker for which team they were on. A five screen communication display was also setup just to the right, and Azrael was circling through all of them.

"The caverns are going to be unstable. Analyze the structural walls with infared and thermal imaging - then having your engineering crew put up support beams to prevent further damage." The salvager responded to Anija and before turning towards the screens for the rest of the support team out on site.

:: MASS, pair off with the RMSU leaders to medvac those who cannot walk to the ships via sen'tra. Use a fueling station at the ship, no need to bring extra baggage we'd have to worry about later. :: A call out to his personal squadron of flying Mandalorians, trained under his watch to maneuver and move into tight spaces and get out clean.

Reports of unfamiliar aides were already popping up, among them were people he knew and trusted, and others that he wasn't even aware of. So long as they were doing good work and playing nice with the vode, he wasn't going to question or bother with formalities, as it was much easier to ask forgiveness than permission in times of crisis. A series of commands brought up code to bring in a few more drop ships, though not with a full manned team, but as movement for those already on board.

"We're going to need a relocation site setup for the survivors and wounded. Our ships won't be the best resting place for the citizens. I need someone to scout ahead and find a suitable city for those we rescue. Sweep through the region and find a place between all three sites with as little seismic disturbance as possible. Once we can ferry and shuttle the citizens to the safe zone, then we can bring in our larger mobile units and try and correct what nature destroyed."

[member="Briika Hokan"] | [member="Salem Minayin"] | [member="Mantic Dorn"] | [member="Kourin the Rat"] | [member="Shae Kalin"] | [member="Kenna Raine"] | [member="Alyona Volkovna"] | [member="Malcom Renolds"] | [member="Elpsis Kallikora"] [member="Graad Hokan"] | [member="Anija Betna"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Vynn Tranikor"]
In the Darkness there is Truth
Location: Rakatan Temple, buried beneath rubble
Allies: Space magic
Enemies: Mother Nature

Consciousness returned to her very slowly, step by step as her eyes fluttered open. Where was she again? A wave of confusion washed over her mind as she that her attempt to move was blocked by something...very heavy. As in what seemed like the roof of a building. It was dark, so very dark, that she had difficulty seeing anything.

Her entire body seemed to ache and her head like someone had repeatedly applied a massive club to it. Ouch. She breathed in deeply, though she soon coughed strongly since there was smoke everywhere. What had happened again? Then the memories came back to her with the force of a tidal wave as she remembered the past few hours. She had been exploring this ancient, abandoned Rakatan Temple when suddenly the planet had been struck by what she knew now to be massive earthquakes.

The temple structure had been ancient and sturdy, but even it had been unable to withstand the shockwaves and caved in. Likewise her command of the Force had been insufficient to save her from being buried beneath it. If one were feeling poetic, one might refer to it as a humbling experience, showing that there were some things in the world that even space magic could not overcome. However, such thoughts were far from her mind since at present she was just in a hell of a lot of pain.

She licked her lips, tasting the copper taste of blood. One arm seemed to be buried under what seemed like part of a pillar, but her free hand moved with glacial slowness towards her head. It came back bloody. She coughed strongly, rage rising inside her like bile as she tried to focus.

She was most certainly not going to wait to be rescued. Her free, shaking hand curled into a fist as she concentrated her power and violently pulled the mountain of debris and rubble from her, hurling it through the air. A pillar, which mad miraculously withstood the quakes, became unstable and came tumbling down. With sweat dripping down her forehead and back she managed to stretch out with her power and grip it with an invisible force, just barely before it would have fallen upon and probably crushed her. She was breathing heavily, actually more like panting, as she concentrated, then managed to crawl and roll away. Just in time before the pillar fell upon the space she had vacated earlier, hitting the dust-covered ground with a loud thud.
Objective: Guard the Wounded and Medics
Location: Planetside - Mountains
Allies: Mandolorians
Enemies: Nature
Post Count: 4/20

Baldur? Me'vaar ti?” a distant voice beaconed. “Elek, naas,” responded another. “Alor’ad? Me’vaar ti?” Salem groaned and rolled over onto his back, facing the sky, and let out a deep exhale, “Ni cuyir balyc, Tarls.” Salem slowly rose to his feet, scanning his surroundings. Looking up at the mountain, he witnessed the destruction that recent aftershock had caused. He and his team tumbled down the mountainside after the ground beneath them turned into rubble, and yes, it hurt as badly as it sounds. Salem then immediately thought of the dam, if the aftershock could move solid earth away from his feet, surely it could disrupt a weakened structure. “Sven! What does the dam look like?” exclaimed Salem, worried about their current situation. “It’s still standing, but in critical condition. It’s leaking lots of water. It can’t take much more abuse,” Sven spoke coolly, peering through his rifle scope once more.

Salem spoke into his comlink to relay a message again, “This is Salem Minayin transmitting on all nets. The situation at the dam is now deemed critical, and cannot sustain much more damage. All units in the flood plains are strongly advised to evacuate and reach higher ground immediately. All units are also strongly advised to not alarm or raise panic to the public,” Salem paused, trying to gather his thoughts and hoping that Generis wouldn’t throw another curveball. After a few seconds e spoke once more, “Riots will start if word about this gets out, putting civilians and medical personnel in danger. Salem Minayin out.”

“Alright men. You know what we have to do…”
Location: Planetside, mountains
Objective: Spelunking and engineering derring-do
Allies: Mandos - [member="Malcom Renolds"] | [member="Anija Betna"] | [member="Kenna Raine"] | [member="Kourin the Rat"]
Post: 2/20

"Gang violence has its own unique horrors to disturb the psyche," She replied to Kourin as a way of saying that simply because this was a bad situation, it didn't invalidate his own experiences with the gangs on Nar Shadda. "But just when you think you've seen everything, the universe finds a way to surprise you." Shae had a faraway look in her eyes for a moment before she returned her attention on her gear, checking and rechecking the lines and rigging. "And if you're going down there with us, then you better get your gear ready," she cautioned to the boy she usually called 'puppy', but she didn't feel like using the pet name now, it didn't seem right, not in this moment when lives hung in the balance.

Then the ground shook from the aftershock, and suddenly Shae didn't feel like waiting for Kourin to decide what he was going to do, nor was she going to wait for the Field Marshall to direct the rescue efforts. While everyone was scrambling around talking about what to do, Shae decided to act. She grabbed her mask and set her HUD to record the infrared and thermal imaging to send back to the engineers topside over the active comm link, then she attached her rappel line to one of the anchors set up for the rappelling crews.

"Captain, I'm going in!" She called out to Malcom, not waiting a moment longer to begin her descent into the collapsed cave system. It was dark, so she turned on a soft light attached to her harness. "If anyone up there is listening, it's really cramped in here, so you guys in heavy armor might wanna ditch it," Shae advised over the comm link as she continued easing herself down the cavern, speaking softly so her voice would not echo too badly in this place. She reached some stone that looked like it had a path that was carved in it. There was supposed to be a temple somewhere at this site, right? She found a place to set an anchor in the rock and clipped a safety line to it as she began to explore the area. "I smell blood, but I'm not picking up any heat signatures on my HUD," she reported over the comm, which didn't bode well for whoever was bleeding. "I'm going to investigate," she added as she took a look around to get some imagery for the structural engineers, then she continued maneuvering about the cave in pursuit of the smell of blood.
In the Darkness there is Truth
Location: Rakatan Temple
Allies: Space magic
Enemies: None right now

So yeah, getting buried beneath a big pile of rubble sucked. Well, it certainly hurt a hell of a lot, truth be told. The pillar hit the ground with a loud thud, throwing up smoke and dust. Sumiko was gasping for breath as she tried to recover. It seemed her body was awfully intent on reminding her just how many things had broken inside her. Like bones, ribs and stuff. It was all very unpleasant, as can be imagined.

Still she was alive. What does not kill you makes you stronger and all that. She tried to get to her feet and her hand grasped the fallen pillar in order to stabilise herself, but then she fell to the ground. Well, that had been embarrassing. Blood was still dripping down her chin. Fortunately, she was not without aide, for she had the Force. Dark Side healing was not on the same level as the Light Side variant, as much as it rankled to admit that the latter might actually be superior in certain areas. For one it was often merely temporary and not long-lasting. It also had a tendency to hurt a good deal.

With a shaky hand she ripped off a piece of cloth and bit down on it as she pulled at the tangled web of power, willing the dark energies to flow through her body, fuel her and mend what was broken inside her. Sweat dripped down her face and back as she called upon the Dark Side, commanding it to bend to her will...and so it did. As it turned out, the process bloody hurt. Almost as much as getting all her body smashed in the first place, for the Dark Side demands its tribute. She suppressed a cry by biting down hard on the cloth as she shook and spasmed. Time passed, she did not know how much, then she slumped to the ground. Finally, muttering a Sith curse, she tried to stretch and then get up. A stab of pain shot through her, but her legs responded to her command. Still feeling rather wobbly on her legs and with a very annoying pain in her back, she stumbled out of the collapsed hall, limping, but finally able to walk.
Location: Planetside
Objective: Rendezvous with RMSU
Allies: Vode Mando'ade
Enemies: Nature, for now
Post: 5/20

The energy seemed to be slipping away from him. It was a long day of subsonic speeds, negotiating difficult terrain, getting thrown off mountains, and now full-out sprinting for what seemed like an eternity, and there was still more to come. Generis had proven to be it's own kind of battleground, not with men holding rifles trying to kill him, but with smoke and harsh terrain trying to kill him. Salem darted his eyes about his HUD trying to read diagnostics on his heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, metabolic rate, and several other medical diagnoses, but none of it stuck. All he could retain was how long he had been running every time he looked at the mission clock. 1 hour. Salem had been in a full sprint for one whole hour, and the RMSU was so close he could taste the sweet flavor of relief, but there was still a large gap between himself and the objective. He had to keep pushing. Salem's men were not too far behind, pushing themselves as hard as they could, too. They were in Salem's shoes, as an old proverb would say. They too could feel the loss of energy from their bodies, and they too could taste the relief of reaching the RMSU.

"We're... not... done... yet!" shouted Salem, forcing the words out between every breath. "Give it all you have boys, the RMSU is only three minutes out!" Salem forced his body to pick up the pace, to run faster, to push harder than what he thought to be humanly possible at this point of exhaustion. Salem was human, but he was Mandolorian. He could take the punishment.

Salem's mind had been numb to the rest of his body for a while now, and that helped him push himself more. Three more more minutes. That didn't seem to be a very long time, but as three minutes passed, it felt like three years had crept along. Three minutes passed before Salem and his team reached the RMSU.

Salem and his Ravens collapsed to the floor and several nurses came to check what all the commotion was about. Relieved to finally take a break, Salem pulled his helmet off, showing his young features drenched in sweat, and pulling a nurse closer to him. He gasped in the nurses ear between breaths, "Tell Briika that Raven Element has arrived, and to do whatever she can to get us operational again. Our job is not done yet."

As the nurse ran off to retrieve Briika, Salem had fallen unconscious.
Location: Groundside - emergency hospital
Objective: Medical Aid/Rescue
Allies: The Mandos, [member="Illyana Nightshade"]
Enemies: N/A

Post: 2/20

Mantic walked through the rubbles of the street to finally arrive at the improvised medical tent. There were droids moving about beds and blankets filled with hurt people. There was so much suffering and sorrow over what had been lost. Mantic smirked at the sight but he continued. And after exchaning a few words wth the doctors he was allowed inside. He walked up to a nearby bed with a man resting in a pol of sweat and dried blood. His breathing was hoarse and unsteady. A quick look at the chart indicated that his chest had been crushed. Possibly by falling rocks or the like.

He then turned to his padawan.

"You need to shield yourself from the dark emotions that might arise in here Padawan. Compassion is not wrong. But be warned if you feel they turn into anger or thoughts of vengeance."
"They are not wrong in themself, but if allowed to roam freely in the likes of us they can cause much damage to both yourself and those you initially wanted to help." Mantic looked into her eyes making sure she was listening. Every moment was a test and every test was possible to fail

"This is important padawan, @illiyana nightsade - for now we need to focus on doing good deeds. Be active and let us contemplate and discuss our feelings once we are done, once we are back in a more controlled environment." Mantic removed his cloak and placed it over his arm.

"I know this might seem cold, and it is much to ask for. But you must follow my instructions here. This battle field is just as dangerous as any saber wielding sith."

Once Mantic had ensured himself of that his padawan was understanding he knelt beside the bed beside them. He spread his cloak over the young man laying there. Then he he took a deep breath, placed his hands hovering just above the mans chest and then held his breath for a few seconds. As he let the air leave his lungs and move out to the force sensitive there would be an almost blueish shimmer beaming down from his hands and unto the mans chest. He sat there for a few moments and as he did the wounded mans breathing slowly regained normality.

Manic looked up.

"Here padawan. Place your hand on his chest."

Alyona Volkovna (Алёна)

Алёна Вохин (Light of the Voxyn)
Location: Groundside - Mountains
Objective: Medical Aid/Rescue
Allies: Mando'ade
Enemies: Mother Kriffing Nature

Post: 2/20

Alyona was already contemplating her next set of orders to her Jedi when the aftershock struck. The ground below her shook and shivered, then heaved as a great roar sounded all around them. Concern grew through the Force as Alyona picked up on the minds of those around her; her Jedi and the Mandalorians both. When the shock subsided, Alyona reaffirmed her thoughts and returned Briika a solemn nod. "I can split my team between medical personnel and engineers. We're all medically trained and certified, and the telekinetic abilities we have can be used to help shift debris in pursuit of survivors." Alyona glanced back and cut a line through the air with her hand. "You lot convene with the Mandalorian recovery personnel. Deploy yourselves however they need you. You work for them now." Alyona glanced back to Briika. "We'll serve as your medical staff then." She smiled slightly. "It's good to be working with allies," she added as an afterthought, remembering the disaster on Rhommamool and the insurgency they'd fought there in the Republic's struggle to unify the two sister-worlds.
Alyona took her leave soon after that, joining what remained of her twenty-person team in the triage area. She linked up with the leading Mandalorian medical staffer, and together they began assigning Jedi workers to individual tasks. The Jedi Alyona had brought with her were all well experienced, Knights and Padawans both. There would be no learning here, only the practice of existing skills and experience.
Location: Aboard medical frigate
Objective: On standby (Training Jade Fox)
Allies: Mandos, [member="Jade Fox"]

The Mountain could be found in a empty cargo hold, swinging his massive sword as he battled an invisible enemy to keep his techniques sharp and his muscles refined to the weapon's weight. He was always training with the sword, day in and day out. To the big guy, there was no such thing as over doing it and this day he had some downtime as the rest of the Mandalorians were playing team rescue below on the planet Generis. He was no needed, not unless there was actual violence in the mix.

So Dred Varad continued re-honing his skills and efforts with the greatsword, slicing and cutting at the invisible foes. He wore only black trousers and combat boots. His upper torso was naked exposing his burly chest and gigantic muscles to those that were curious to see the mountain working out. He had a secondary mission and that was to be training the new recruit Jade Fox. She was to meet him here for CQC training and what better way to learn hand to hand but with the mandalorian mountain.
Location: Planetside
Allies Mandalorians, and other associates
Enemies – none identified

Rianna had come down late from the frigate already there were many of the medical personnel on site and working.

Slowly she managed to work her way into one of the make shift clinics where the treatment of the locals was ongoing. Rianna had come with Edee and many once they took a look at the large manka cat often exhibited fear.

A single touch to the mind would send Edee forward to lay on her belly letting everyone touch her until Rianna would call her back. Edee was a cat after all and her mood subject to change at any given moment.

Right now Rianna stood with another doctor looking over the list of patients who had come in already. There seemed to be a similar pattern. Something that troubled Rianna.

Location: Planetside - mountains
Objective: Spelunking and engineering derring-do
Allies: Mandos - [member="Shae Kalin"] | [member="Malcom Renolds"] | [member="Kenna Raine"] | [member="Kourin the Rat"] | [member="Elpsis Kallikora"]
Post: 2/20

So many people kept showing up to help - and not all of them Mandalorians or affiliated. Right now, all she cared about was the extra hands. It would help make the work go faster. And at a time like this, such a thing was a necessity. Time was not something there was an overabundance of, either. The earthquakes could return at any moment and further endanger the planet and the would-be rescuers.

She still occasionally felt the ground shift slightly underfoot. Residual minor aftershocks, more than likely. Which meant they would have to work quickly. As she continued to look over the table, she sensed a familiar presence. She’d only met the girl recently, but Anija owned so much to that individual that she couldn’t even begin to repay the kindness. Having her daughter back with them meant more to Anija than she could find words to describe.

As that thought crossed her mind, she caught a motion out of the corner of her eye. Turning to address the man who’d approached, she couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face as she saw what he was doing. he was saluting… not something she saw all that often anymore, but she understood why he did it. She looked up at him, and nodded once before returning her salute, dropping it quickly. She waited until he’d dropped his own before she answered his question. “I’ll be taking an engineering and scouting crew into the northern mountain range to check on the extent of the collapse there. Once we’ve ascertained the extent of the damage, we’ll move in with repulsor units and portable shield generators to begin shifting the rubble. Then, we’ll start extracting what survivors we can.”

Later, at the cave-in site

They’d made good time towards their chosen site, and Anija could see that the engineering crew was already at work. They’d set up belay lines and pitons so that the rest of the team could enter the cave-in in relative safety. As Anija neared the entrance, one of the techs approached her with a heavy duty scanner clutched in his hands. He quickly outlined what they’d found, and what they’d done so far. “The lady, Shae, and the kid were some of the first ones into the collapse after we set up. They’ve helped us identify a few areas where we might find bodies. as well as some areas we can reinforce. There seems to still be a passable area, at least to a point.”

Nodding, Anija took all this in and tried to make sense of it, So much had happened in such a short span of time. “Alright, let’s get a crew in there with support beams and the repulsor generators. And, if you have armor… I’d suggest going in with just gauntlets and maybe helmet… she says it’s rather cramped in what tunnels there are.” There was a chorus of understanding from those engineers around her, and they began doffing their armor, while keeping their other equipment close by. Anija did likewise, keeping her gauntlets and helmet on along with one of her rippers on her belt. Otherwise, she was wearing just her armored coverall and boots.

After a moment, she keyed her comm to the frequency they’d chosen. “Alright people, you heard the lady. Take only what you need. I’ll be headed down shortly to get some more detailed scans with ANNE, and then the engineers can begin placing the support beams. Understood?”

OOC Note:
I will be out of town till late Sunday afternoon, and thus unable to post until at the earliest Sunday night. I do appologize to those who have been waiting on my post. I've been having a rough time at work, and muse is suffering a bit. See you all in a few days :)
Location: Planetside, mountains
Objective: Spelunking and engineering derring-do
Allies: Mandos - [member="Malcom Renolds"] | [member="Anija Betna"] | [member="Kenna Raine"] | [member="Kourin the Rat"]
Post: 3/20

So much death... Shae had seen death on wide scales before, but the numbers she had discovered in these caves were disheartening. And now she had found a man who was still alive, but she hadn't even bothered to call for medical help, there was no way they could get here in time to save this man. His lower half was being crushed under debris and he was bleeding out, his heartbeat was fading so fast, all Shae could do was give the man some morphine and stay with him so that he would not die alone. When he finally breathed his last breath, she relayed the coordinates to base camp so the body could be retrieved for burial, and then she moved on.

Shae tried to not let the man's death get to her, she knew he would probably not be the last to die like that; she was trying to remain positive, there had to be survivors, but that man's death was weighing her down. How could she not feel guilty, she hadn't even tried to call for a medic. But there was no saving him, what else could she have done, let him suffer in agony while waiting for a medic and evac only for him to die anyway?!

'But how do you know that help would not have arrived in time?' her conscience nagged at her. And she had no way of knowing one way or the other, she simply made a snap judgement and acted on it. But she couldn't start second guessing herself now, if she did then she would be useless on this venture. She had made the right call; even if a medic had arrived in time to help him, with the structural integrity of these caves, they would have never gotten enough reinforcement down here in time to clear the debris away, he would have bled out anyway. And at the very least she had eased his pain and stayed with him in his final moments.

With a bit more resolve, Shae continued on. That man's death continued to weigh heavily on her, but at least it was not at the forefront of her mind. She had more important things to think about, like finding actual survivors...

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
Location: Planetside
Allies Mandalorians, and other associates [member="Rianna Ar'klim"]
Enemies – none identified

"Fireteam move in and defend the doctors." Anya stood there as her armor whirred with the sounds of the stealth unit deactivating. The equipment for its upgrades being set up and ready with a small grin on her face under the helmet. Basaba was there with them and they were moving in as the elite unit within the bladesisters having a look going towards the ones that were there. "We are heading in." She could see Basaba moving towards Rianna as the pair of them activated the shoulder cannons to rotate and protect their medics just in case someone decided to get handsy or cause problems... They'd be a pile of ash on the floor.
Location: Groundside - emergency hospital
Objective: Medical Aid/ Rescue
Allies: The Mandos, [member="Mantic Dorn"]
Enemies: N/A


Illyana had been saddened by all the suffering and sorrow she saw as they had entered the tent. As the moved through and her master talked to one of the doctors she continued to look around. They were finally let in and she turned watching her master closely as she spoke. Although there time together was short she begun respect, and even like the older Jedi. She always listened to his every word intently. "Of course master good deeds are what we are here to do." She smiled slightly as he continued "Don't I always follow your instructions?" The young Jedi watched him in amazement as he . . . did whatever he did. She nodded placing her hand on the man's chest looking to Mantic for further guidance.
Location: Groundside - emergency hospital
Objective: Medical Aid/ Rescue
Allies: The Mandos, [member="Illyana Nightshade"]
Enemies: N/A

Post 3/20

Mantic rose carefully making sure he did not step in his padawans way. The narrow spaces and rows of sickbeds were a dishearting sight, but he recognized the courage in [member="Illyana Nightshade"] and could not help but smile at her comment.

"Very true padawan," he answered with a grin.
Then his face turned serious again as he observed her taking position next to the man and placing her hand on his chest.

"Now, healing is a complicated matter. To fully comprehend a living beings physical functions one must study the natural ways the body restores itself." he bit his lip and pondered for a while.

"What you are too do now is to start by giving the man comfort and ease his pain. Look at your hand, feel his skin. Then close your eyes and breath slowly. Calm your mind. Imaging how there is no boundrary in between you. Imaging that he must be in great pain. Then decide that through your hand you will provide a never ending stream of warmth, warmth that will take the pain away and give his body much needed respite to rest and heal on its own."

Mantic paused and placed his own hands in his sleeves, closing his eyes he put himself in a near meditative trance and reached out. To ever gently touch and guide her attempts.

"There is no one way for the force to do this my padawan. Just make sure the light finds him. Find and embrace serenity."
Location: Aboard medical frigate
Objective: On standby, beginning her training with the Mountain
Allies: Mandos, [member="Dred Varad"]

She just made her way to the Mandalorians, for the moment she had been trying to train herself to become a true warrior and not just a killer. While her career as an assassin brought her close to those near death experiences, honing her body and perfecting her skills was her ultimate goal. However, there was a few principles she needed to instill in herself first; hence why she came to the true warrior society. Today, marks her first day of physical training. Seems like she was assigned to some brute they called the Mountain...whatever that meant.

She wore a simple white tank top, and some black fitted pants, which was all finished by some black combat boots. She walked down the hall of the ship, tying up her hair so that it wouldn't get in her way much. When she came to the door she finished putting it up and hit the button the opened the door to the cargo hold. Immediately she saw a huge sword swinging from right to left. The force behind it caused a breeze which caused her hair blow within it. Due to normal reaction, she tensed up and took a step back, bending her back slightly so they her upper body went backwards.

She cleared her throat...
Location: Planetside, mountains

Objective: Spelunking and engineering derring-do
Allies: Mandos - [member="Shae Kalin"] | [member="Anija Betna"] | [member="Kenna Raine"] | [member="Kourin the Rat"]
Post: 2/20

Malcom dropped his hand the second the field marshal did. Listening carefully he gave the woman a quick nod of understanding. "That works for me ma'am. I actually have of my people already in that area setting up repelling lines and getting it prepared for our teams. I'll see you there." Snapping off another quick salute, he turned on his heal and headed out to the designated rendezvous point. Having donned on a jet pack, he didn't really have need for the repelling lines though. Instead he looked over the side to see a few others slowly letting themselves down the side of the cave.

While they were here for a serious mission, there was no reason that he could see why he couldn't have just the slightest bit of fun before getting down to the depressing but necessary work of trying to rescue survivors and digging out the dead. Taking a few steps back, Malcom then charged the opening of the cave shooting out into open air and down the throat of the cave toward the floor way below. With his thermal imaging on, he could see the bottom approaching fast, and at the last second he activated his jet pack to come to a soft landing.

"Shae, you copy? What are your coordinates? Just coming in to help now."

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Location: Planetside; Mountains
Objective: Search and Rescue
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: Nature
Post: 1/20

Darkness, for a moment it was all the people trapped had, then a flash of light. A towering shadow soon enough blocked out the sun, red hues peering upon the individuals, though they were safe. The beast was not there for them, and at the same time it was. Four arms held firm against the piece of rubble that one could easily call the side of a wall. Whatever it had been it no longer mattered, it was nothing more than a problem. From what the beast understood, a small team had been having difficulty getting to those survivors, the rubble blocking their path.
Without a single word the creature slowly turned, carefully holding the piece of stone aloft above him as he moved across the wide road. He had seen just the perfect place to put the piece he carried, his eyes falling upon the rather sizable pothole in the road. With a mighty roar he slammed the rock down into the ground, covering the path. It was a minor patch, something that would need to be replaced at a more appropriate time, though for the moment it would let any tracked or wheeled vehicles move further into the small village and beyond.
Turning again, those four red hues fell upon the individuals, watching as those Mandalorians whom were having trouble slipped down into the hollowed out cavern. It was a good thing the beast had arrived when it had, the structure of the walls showing they had only a few moments left before the rock might have entombed them completely. As he was about to move a voice caught his attention, pulling his head towards the side as he nodded softly.
In that moment he was a one creature excavator, aiding how he could, that being with his pure size and strength. The eight foot tall creature moving slowly and carefully to prevent any further damage to what infrastructure remained. His attention pulled to another nearly collapsed home. Voices calling out, hands reaching from small holes in the stone and the groaning creaking of wood about ready to snap.
Reaching out, the creature took a firm hold of the stone, pulling it up with a mighty roar to open just enough room to pull out the survivors before the wood gave way. All that there was left to do was to let go as the stone slipped into the now vacant hole. He figured he would get a break soon, yet that would not come as another call for the beast's strength carried upon the wind.
Location: Groundside - emergency hospital
Objective: Medical Aid/ Rescue
Allies: The Mandos, Mantic Dorn
Enemies: N/A


Illyana nodded and began to follow her masters instructions. She closed her eyes calming her mind imagining as he instructed that there was no barrier between herself and the man. Imagining the great pain he was in imagining that her hand was providing a stream of never ending warmth. She imagined that he was being healed by the stream of warmth. She wasn't sure if it was working or not so she just stood there still following his instructions hoping she wasn't failing.


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
Location: Planetside
Allies Mandalorians, and other associates
Enemies – none identified

Jarell landed his ship just 50 kilometers from the Rakatan Temple and then excited the so taking in the area as he scanned for any lifeforms. Jarell then quickly activated his Comlink.

This is Jarell Xaaris, i have landed on the planet surface, I'm 50 kilometers from the Rakatan Temple, I need a reply as to what I can do to help, please respond.

Jarell then activated his macrobinoculars and tried identifying anyone or if anything was near. After he found nothing he deactivated his macrobinoculars and readied up his gear, closed his ship and started to make his way to the Rakatan Temple.

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