Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Generis to a Fault Line [Mandalorian Dominion of Generis]

Location: Err...somewhere beneath the mountains?
Objectives: Spelunking, help the helpless
Allies: [member="Anija Betna"]

You know what truly sucked if you were an empath? Well, walking into a place where a couple hours ago a boatload of people had bloody died. Admittedly it could be worse. You see, you could be an empath and walk into a place where there was a battle going on and lots of people were getting shot, stabbed, maimed, spilling out their innards and blown up. Suffice to say the result would be an empathic backlash as all the pain and suffering flooded your mind like a tidal wave.

Of course, it still sucked more for the people who were actually dying. Elpsis did not like crowds much precisely because they mucked with her head. Still there was so much death around her, on a scale she had not seen before. She took a breath as she walked through the caves alongside the Mandalorians, glow rod switched on to provide some illumination since it was obviously dark around her. So far she had found a couple dead bodies, but no one alive.

Suddenly she heard noise, shallow and weak breathing, then her mental barriers reeled when the backlash hit her. Half buried under a pile of debris lay a woman, evidently bleeding judging by the pool of blood, but still alive. "Got a survivor, I think. Get a medic!" she called out to one of the Mandalorians, then tried to concentrate as she rushed towards the debris. There was too much for her to simply physically lift, but she had the Force. As much as she disliked using it, she clearly had to do so now and so she pulled at the strands of power to grip the debris with her mind and lift it.

Elpsis had received little formal training and it was quite a pile. Sweat dripped down her face and back, strain was evident in her features. For a moment her grip seemed to weaken and the debris threatened to fall but she managed to regain control and push it away, making it fall safely away from the unfortunate victim. They did not have stretchers, so one of the Mandalorians picked up the unconscious woman. Maybe she would live, maybe not. Alas Elpsis had not invested any skill points in Force Healing at her latest level up.


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
Location: Planetside, underground
Objective: Rescuing survivors from collapsed Temple
Allies: Mandos - [member=Malcom Renolds] | [member=Anija Betna] | @"Sev" | [member=Basaba Willamina] | [member=Shae kalin]
Post: 7/??

Jarell looked through the dust and saw Shae.

"sorry about that, anyone trapted down here? How is your progress going?"

Jarell then did as Shae and was being very careful moving anything until he as well felt the tremor and he stopped moving. After the tremor Jarell saw Shae calling base camp. He tried his Comlink as well but all he got was static.

"You reach anyone Shae? My comlink is all static"

Jarell started making his way over to Shae seating her reply.

Kadala Kotyc

Daughter of Mandalore
OBJECTIVE: Rescue People, Get Brownie Points
LOCATION: Smalltown, USG (United Slums of Generis)
ALLIES: Manda-frakking-lorians

"Land the karking ship!" Barked the woman, her steely gaze nearly burning a hole in her visor.

"We can't, Kadala! There's no safe place for the shuttle to land. If we try we'd get-" the pilot replied before being cut off.

"Then open the god-damn door. I'm going down there whether or not you come with."

Before the man could protest, Kadala Skirata had exited the cockpit, moving back into the main hold of the troop transport. A dozen or so Mandalorians, mostly those with medical training, stood ready for 'action'. They were here to help people caught in massive earthquakes- something that the warrior people weren't exactly known for doing. Everyone seemed to think that they were all guns 'n glory.

That wasn't entirely true.

"Alright vode, the city below ain't the biggest, but it just got hit hard. Based off what the scanner is telling us, there are plenty of people trapped down there. But there's to much damage for us to land very close, so... here's the plan: I'm going to open that door and jump out. If you don't want to wait for Kot'ika to find a good spot to plant this ship down, then come with me," Kad said, starting to move towards the 'exit'. But she paused partway, realizing she had forgotten a detail. "Just make sure you have a way of not going splat when you hit the ground. I don't want to see any Mandalorian pancakes out there, suvarir? Good."

With that she grabbed a parachute (seeing as her armor had no jetpack) and hit the open button. Behind her a few men were preparing themselves as well. It only took a few moments for the door to slide all the way open, and for the wind rushing past them to enter the vessel. Quickly Kad stepped forward, jumping out with the rest, ignoring the potential danger of what she was doing. Right as she exited she heard one last thing from the pilot:

"K'oyacyil, vod."
Location: Planetside, mountains
Objective: Spelunking and engineering derring-do
Allies: Mandos - [member="Malcom Renolds"] | [member="Anija Betna"] | [member="Kenna Raine"] | [member="Kourin the Rat"] | [member="Jarell"] | @"Sev" | [member="Basaba Willamina"]
Post: 9/20

Shae stopped her descent looked up to the top of the cavern. She couldn't see Jarell through the darkness and all the dust, but she could definitely hear him. Thank the stars, someone else was there and he was still alive! For a moment, she had forgotten he was there, but she was ever so glad that he was indeed still with her.

"Jarell? It was Jarell, right?" Shae said uneasily, still dazed somewhat from her fall. "I can't reach anyone. I thought maybe my radio was damaged in the fall, but I'm in no position to check it. But if you can't get a signal out either, then I guess it's the caves, not the equipment, at fault." Shae paused to look around again and think. She could ask him to join her down in the cavern, but part of her wanted to send him to go find a point to get a signal out to base camp, and to find out what the kark happened.

"The opening you created into the temple, is it still there? Can you get out to try to get a message to base camp?" she asked, gripping her safety line tightly as she continued to consider their alternatives. "We need to find a way to let them know we have a collapse in this area. It also wouldn't hurt to figure out what happened, because that tremor just before the collapse didn't feel like and aftershock. With as unstable as this area is, if we get one more of those, the entire temple is going down." It was a very real possibility that she could die in this venture, and yet here she was, dangling from a safety line wanting to delve deeper into the temple...


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
Location: Planetside, underground
Objective: Rescuing survivors from collapsed Temple
Allies: Mandos - [member=Malcom Renolds] | [member=Anija Betna] | @"Sev" | [member=Basaba Willamina] | [member=Shae kalin]
Post: 8/??

Yeah it's me jarell, and yes the opening I made is still very much there, you sit tight I'll go back out and send a signal.

Jarell quickly and carefully went out the way he came in. Once outside he put our a distress beacon to base camp with a message.

this is Jarell Xaaris to base camp, I'm at the Rakatan Temple, we need medics and an evac team on the double we have survivors. I'll leave a beacon chip right in front of the temple entrance I made to let you know of our exact location, go inside and follow the stairs down to the lower levels, this is an emergency.

Jarell took a beacon chip from his belt and activated it then set it down on the ground in front of the temple and went back inside to check on shae and Sev. Once down there he turned to Sev.

Verd'ika Sev I need you to head back up and wait for the medics and evac team and try and communicate with them. I'll stick with Shae. Go now!

Jarell then got as close as he could to Share

alright Shae, I'm back I got a signal out to base camp and left a beacon chip for them with Sev going up to meet them. How are you doing? And about that tremor I agree that was not an aftershock, we are running out of time before this whole place comes down on us.

Jarell turns back to make sure Sev went topside then turned back to Shae and tried using his night vision to see her but it was no use there was simply to much dust. Jarell sat and waited for Shae's answer and hoping help was on the way.
location:inside the rakatan temple
objective: signal the rescue teams when they arrive,help survivors
allies: mandos [member="Jarell"] l [member="Shae Kalin"] l [member="Malcom Renolds"] l [member="Anija Betna"] l [member="Basaba Willamina"] l [member="Briika Hokan"]
Enemies: none
post: 4

Hearing his orders to wait outside near the beacon to greet the rescue team he gives a nod to Alor [member="Jarell"] and unhooks his grappling belt complete with hook and rope tossing it close to jarrel on the ground and then proceeding to walk out of the temple

new location: outside the rakatan temple

Standing next to the beacon he finds himself always looking back into the temple and then to the skies again ......i hate waiting around, Jarrell better not get stuck himself it would look bad if the people trying to help needed help themselves after thinking for a while he starts pacing back and forth trying to reach the rescue teams or one of the medical ships finally after being patched through 7 different channels reaching a ship called The Vencunair "Su cuy'gar, Verd'ika "Sev" teh Aliit Dha'Oya'Karir "

Kadala Kotyc

Daughter of Mandalore
OBJECTIVE: Get to the ground safely
LOCATION: Smalltown, USG (United Slums of Generis)
ALLIES: Manda-frakking-lorians

Falling out of the sky at a high speed was quite the experience, truly. What with the wind whipping past you, the air howling past your ears, even with a helm in the way, the rush that came with falling over a hundred feet per second. Oh, the sense of imminent dread, no matter what one took with them in the descent. Then, for a single moment, bliss. A sweet sense of weightlessness.

But the ground was always fast approaching. One could only stay in that state for long. Either they had to slow their descent... or they had to accept the fact of their death. Kadala Skirata was not afraid of dying, no, she simply had a few things she'd like to do before her demise. So she quickly opted for the former option, pulling the cord on her parachute right around the 2,000 feet mark. According to the holonet, that was a good enough height for such things.

Though she'd personally survived shorter distances. There had been a time where she was working with some mercs and one of them had turned out to be an infiltrator. She had been forced to fight him mid-air as he tried to tear off her parachute. In the end he had succeeded, but she had managed to grab onto him, break his neck, and steal his. How? Well, she's a frakking Mandalorian, for starters.

This time, however, was a lot different.

Behind her were her vode, her brothers-in-arm, and there was no one trying to kill her. Instead she made a sweet descent, riding along like it was simply another lazy Sunday. Of course it wasn't, really. While she made it to the ground just fine, the sight she come upon was not a pleasant one. It looked like the earthquake had ravaged the city, the buildings mostly collapsed, with only a few left half-standing. Smoke billowed out from somewhere- had a fire started in the chaos?...

"Let's go, vode. We've got work to do."
Location: Mountains
Objective: Search & Rescue
Allies: Mandos - [member="Malcom Renolds"] | [member="Shae Kalin"] | [member="Kourin the Rat"]
Post: 3/20

As Kenna continued to dig through the rubble the soft cry she heard became louder. There was definitely someone stuck in there. Briefly she turned her head to the side to yell for help but noticed that there no anybody near enough to hear her cry. There wasn’t any time to get help either and so she turned back around to continue to dig. Kenna had no idea how long this person had been stuck under the rubble and it didn’t matter. “I’m coming, help is on the way.” Kenna called unsure if she could be heard or not. She was trying to speak as calmly as she possibly could as to not further upset anyone that did happen to be in the rubble.

Pushing yet another rock to the side Kenna could see a small hand now like that of a child reaching for her. Stopping for a moment she reached for the hand to give it a reassuring squeeze. Help was here, Kenna wasn’t going to leave the little one behind. Letting go she knelt down on the ground and began pulling the bigger rocks away in hopes that perhaps they could crawl out. She had to be careful though not to cause an avalanche or anything. The rocks were unsteady as it was but Kenna had hope that it would go well.

“I can see you. Please help!” A little voice called out apparently in distress. Pausing for a moment Kenna looked though the little hole she had created. “Try to crawl out, I’m right here. Everything is alright.” She said softly, calmly.

“I’m too big but I’ll try” the voice cried back between sobs. Kenna could only wait now as what sounded like a little girl tried.

Alyona Volkovna (Алёна)

Алёна Вохин (Light of the Voxyn)
Location: Groundside - Mountains
Objective: Medical Aid/Rescue
Allies: Mando'ade
Enemies: Mother Kriffing Nature

Post: 3/20

The medical situation on the ground was much better than Alyona had been expecting. The Mandalorians had already set up strategic medical tents and emergency operation stations with fully equipped pre- and post-operative areas, proper sanitization facilities, and all the medications a druggie could want. Alyona was standing in the pre-op tent helping prep patients that were being shuttled in from rural areas further out from the dam.
"Your blood pressure checks out, and you don't have a fever, which is good," Alyona smiled at the young human female that was resting against the field bed, propped up by a couple of pillows. Her right leg had been broken in a speeder accident caused by the cataclysm, and was set and likewise propped onto a pillow. Behind Alyona a Mandalorian doctor approached and put his hand on her shoulder, "Is she ready?" The man asked. Alyona glanced up at him, he was blonde-haired with stubble marking his chin and cheeks, though both were covered by a mask. She nodded, "She has sustained a compound fracture to the tibia and a fibula, and the MRI showed stress to her distal patellar ligaments. Her vital signs are stable, despite blood loss from the break itself."
The doctor nodded, "Pain medication administered?" Alyona shook her head, "Only localized anesthesia, to the leg itself." The doctor nodded once more. "Any other meds?" Alyona replied, "Only a mild antibiotic in case of infection." The doctor snapped his datatablet shut and stowed it in a pocket, then pulled down his mask and smiled at the little girl. "You ready to get that gam fixed up, little miss?" He asked. The young girl, who's name was Thena, nodded sheepishly. "But I don't want to move." Alyona smiled and ran a gentle hand across the girl's brow. "That's fine, your bed has a repulsor, we can float you around! No need for you to go anywhere yourself, okay?" Thena nodded, looking a bit more resolved. The doctor chuckled and grasped the ends of the bed, "Alright then, let's go!" Alyona watched the two disappear through the disinfecting tube that connected the pre-op and operations tents, then turned and approached her next patient.
Location: Groundside - emergency hospital
Objective: Medical Aid/ Rescue
Allies: The Mandos, Mantic Dorn
Enemies: N/A

Post 3/20

Illyana smiled proud of herself as she watched her master go she moved on as she began to help others. The young padawan knew enough of her master to know he would not give her praise. She smiled as she began to clear her mind and follow her masters instructions as before. She had healed another patient she smiled as she moved on to a third repeating the actions again. Yet when she opened her eyes this time it had not worked she tried again trying not to let her frustration get to her.
Groundside - emergency hospital
Objective: Medical Aid/ Rescue
Allies: The Mandos, [member="Illyana Nightshade"]
Enemies: N/A

Post 5/20

The man had been in much pain. And while he could not cure him with a hand wave he was able to help him relax enough to fall asleep. Mantic took a deep sigh and drew the blanket over the wounded human on the hospital bed. Hopefully rest would help his natural healing process.

The jedi rose, prepared to step to the next bed as he felt a slight disturbance. He frowned.

It was [member="Illyana Nightshade"] ... he turned and looked around for her and found her positioned over a patient. She was still trying to help him but she was getting agitated.
Mantic moved as quickly as he coud to her side, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"There is no emotion, padawan. Only peace." he let go of her shoulder.

"While emotions can empower your abilities temporarily they will in the long run lead you to a dark place. Be mindful of this." he felt a bit regret over that he had brought her here. Perhaps she was not yet ready, perhaps she was given to much freedom at this point. And it was his fault if she failed. He shook those thoughts away. It was wrong of him to think that way and he knew it. He had to be an example and stay true to his own dedication, his dedication of turning his padawan into a full fledged jedi knight. Challenges was part of that training.

"Try again, focus on being calm. Do not think about pain, success or failure. Find the force within you and let it flow through your hands. Be content with what happens. Be content with what the force offers you at this time. When we return to space we will mediate on all that we have experienced. Then, and only then can we allow emotions to resurface."

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
[member="Kenna Raine"]

Basaba was moving now when she saw someone trying to help another crawl through. She was watching the woman for a moment and started running over to meet the little sister they had before she extending her arm to work and lift the piece with Kenna while it whirred with her strength enhancement as she spoke. "Where are the others vod?" A look was coming through the helmet while filtering the input from the other teams working as her sisters ran around with the armored transports.
The word had come in that rescue was needed, Rianna looked over to see what teams were available to send to the location. A quick assessment showed that she only had one responder team ready to move. The others were engaged moving patients to the frigate.

Not know exactly what to expect Rianna decided to go with the team to determine what was needed on site rather than waiting for news. Within 10 minutes they were headed towards the location. Rianna could see someone was there.

Dipping down they looked for a landing site that would support the shuttle, Rianna jumped out once they were close enough she could see [member="Basaba Willamina"]. "What's up? how bad, how many?"
Location: Groundside - emergency hospital
Objective: Medical Aid/ Rescue
Allies: The Mandos, Mantic Dorn
Enemies: N/A

Post 4/20

Illyana was ashamed when her master came over to help instruct her not because she had failed, but because she had let her emotions come into the equation. She nodded as he spoke "Of course master I'm sorry" she closed her eyes letting her mind clear. Before attempting to heal the man again. She imagined that there was nothing between her and the patient and that the force was flowing into him. She opened her eyes it hadn't worked again. "Master it's not working should I just get him a kolto injection?" she asked Mantic worried that maybe she wasn't good enough.

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Groundside - emergency hospital
Objective: Medical Aid/ Rescue
Allies: The Mandos, [member="Illyana Nightshade"]
Enemies: N/A

Post 6/20

Mantic stood silent behind [member="Illyana Nightshade"] as she cleared her mind for a new attempt. He tried to mimic her to fall in with her sense of how this unfolded. There was something troubling her. A grinding emotion of that she was not competent enough. And while the force did not manifest itself to aid the man he did sense the light in his padawan.

As she asked him about the kolto Mantic checked the man. This was active duty and they could not merely train here.

"There is no need to prolong the wait for this man padawan. Do fetch a Kolto and then turn to this woman here." he pointed to a female twi'lek a few beds away.

"When you approach her, do what you did just now. you are not doing anything wrong. But focus on easing her pain, her peace of mind. Not to heal her. Force healing is complex and not something I expect that you will master here and now. If it had been so easy there would not be a need for doctors." he smiled.

"So, empty your mind, bring forth comfort and peace to your thoughts, let her feel it. Let the force give what it will and then be content padawan. Your power here is helping others. Do not doubt it." Mantic nodded toward the previous patient whom she already had helped. "It is within you that you will find guidance, do not seek to help, allow the force to use you to help."
Location: Transport headed towards the collapsed temple
Objective: Rescue workers
Allies: All Mando [member="Jarell"] | [member="Ordo"]

Arla had little experience in rescue but from what she understood it was just a matter of boots on the ground and getting your hands dirty. She stood and asked for volunteers as the transport began it's descent to where she and a few others stood.

She looked around, "Anyone, we have Vod underground that need help" Green eyes scanned for hands, or even the slightest hint that they'd come forward. She nodded, "ok" The dust kicked up and covered everyone within meters of the LZ. There were many things she did as a Rally Master that would one day prepare her for the role of Commander, or Field Marshall she would take this in stride and adapt to it.
Location: Planetside; a cave
Objective: Search and Rescue
Allies: [member=Anija Betna] [member=Arrbi Betna]
Post Count: [2/20]

Countless of survivors were rescued and immediately sent to the nearest Mandalorian Medical Station to be treated by the experienced hands of the Mandalorian Medicals. Many would be surprised that the Clans did have doctors and healers with medical equipment. Such stereotypes were thrown at the Mandalorians that many didn't have the curiosity to study them and know their traits and personalities. They weren't just Warriors hungry for war and a lust of crusading. They had all types of positions like any other society had. They had engineers, merchants, medics, educators, and many more. Sure, their culture was centered on warfare but they were smart to know when was the time to motivate the Clans and when was the time to preserve peace with them. They were much more intelligent than their ancestors who were the ones that waged war throughout the Galaxy numerous and numerous of times. Credit was given to them for making the Mandalorians a force to be reckon with among the ears of millions. And as time passed generations and generations shaped the future and the path of the Mando'ade as they adapted to the changes of their neighbors. Adaptation was how the Mandalorians survived for many years, and they would continue to do so if they stayed true to their ways.

Vilaz with two known Field Marshals, Arrbi and Anija, walked through the wilderness of the jungle as they were searching for survivors near the area of the fault.

"Y'all two finding anything on the scanners," he asked his fellow Protectors while using his HUD as a tool to find anyone that needed aid.
Location: LZ of rescue zone
Objective: Rescue Operations
Allies: [member="Jarell"] [member="Arla Balor"]
Enemies: Time

Ordo slapped his bucket on his head as the transport landed. There were many things he could ignore in the galaxy, but a vod in trouble was not one of them. He nodded to his adopted daughter Arla while the Twins stepped up in their smaller versions of his own beskar'gam.

"Are we really going Buir?" they shouted as they pulled on his leg,

"Yes but stay close to Me and Arl'ika or Buir'ika will have our hides." he replied as he grabbed a cutting drill. with luck they could dig the vode out before it was too late. Without would be a sad day.
Location: Loading onto the Transport
Objective: Dig the vod out
Allies: [member="Ordo"] | [member="Jarell"]

Arla nodded to her buir and looked down at the youngest members of clan Ordo. "Buir'ika know we are taking them digging, I heard on coms she's at another site with Basaba." Arla walked into the transport turning to make sure the kids made it without help.

So odd to see the little mando's in the beskar so small yet determined to be like the adults. She looked at her buir, "if this does not go well it might be hard on them" She nodded to the kids. by then the transport had lifted off and they were on their way towards the temple ruins.

"We have not talked a lot since you returned, is everything, well ok?"
In the Darkness there is Truth

Somewhere far away from the caves, Sumiko was recovering in a hospital room. At this rate, she really ought to start grading them. This one had a crack in the ceiling, but all in all it was not bad. Well, hospital rooms generally don't win awards for comfort or amenities, but she had taken well to bacta and painkillers.

Naturally she did not feel like staying in bed and so she tried to get up, holding on to the bed railing. After all, she was totally fine to walk! Well, actually she was not. (Un)fortunately for her, at this very moment a doctor walked inside the room. The woman was a blue Twi'lek who - yes, we understand this is very terribly surprising, dear reader - actually wore clothes! As in the usual outfit you'd expect a doctor to wear, not some stripperific leather attire like in certain holovids about 'patient and doctor games'.

"Where do you think you're going, Miss? You are in no position to leave, let alone walk," the doctor said sternly, emanating an aura of authoritativeness. "Lay back down. You'll be leaving when you're fit and not a moment sooner."

Sumiko groaned. "I am perfectly fine," she insisted. "I've been through a lot worse."

"Yes, yes, that explains the scars. Perhaps if you'd let yourself rest then, you would be in a better state. Now lie down, there's a good girl."

Clearly the doctor was not budging. Sumiko winced as pain shot through her leg. "Can I at least get some magazines?" she asked. What she really wanted to do was punish the woman for her impertinence, but alas she was in no position to do that!

"Yes, but nothing smutty. This is a respectable institution!"

"Do you have Archaeology Weekly and green tea?"

"I'll see what I can do. You stay put, dear."

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