Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ghost Planet [Mando Dominion of Generis]

Emberli stood in a beam of sunlight that filtered through the jungle canopy here at the equator. Somewhere nearby was a communication array capable of reaching all corners of the Outer Rim; fantastic for calling back Mandalorians should war come.

Before the plague, Generis had, at best, a population of 2,000. Now, four hundred years later, the planet was deserted. The only thing left here was wildlife, and even that was nothing of note.

No, the only thing of note here was trying to find the communication center and take it over for the Mandalorians. A small fleet in orbit was scanning the planet now, but it had pegged an possibility here. Turning and walking into the depths of the Jungle, Emberli smiles to himself.

He and those with him weren't the only Mandalorians on planet; groups were everywhere. Every ruin would be searched until they found what they came for.

Two kilometers. Two kilometers of walking and they'd be where the fleet had picked up a potential building. "Keep movin', everyone."
The plauge-devastated world, in its own, rough way, was full of beauty. The trees grew tall, defying the slightly more powerful gravity of Generis. Not a single soul had been spotted, aside from the groups of Mamdalorians roaming the planet, searching for any hostiles, as unlikely as it may be. Better safe than dead. Of course, there were wild creatures, but many fled as soon as they heard Verz's footfalls or the filter of his helmet. He was weaving his way through the dense jungle.

He was followimg the Mandalore himself, a great honor and priveledge, in his own eyes. His standard issue blaster was charged and ready, mainly for the more courageous fauna the planet had to offer. The sun glinted off of his visor, that is, when the sun broke through the canopy. He spoke, only audible to those within ten meters and with Mandalorian comm unit.

"Remind me what we are looking for, sir?"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Rach plodded through the jungle, still a touch awkward in his beskar'gam. A full Initiate he might be, and an expert with his knives, but there were times when his inexperience was very, very obvious. Of course, he could run faster, farther, than anyone here -- with the Force on his side. Without it, he was simply a peer.

A clumsy peer, when wearing armor. He'd spent more time with ysalamiri in the last weeks than he ever had before. Today, though, he had the Force. The voices of the jungle filtered through his mind. His father had told him once that every Jedi Master faced the choice between power and perception, between making waves and reading the ripples. In his youth, Rach had been one to make waves. His skillset still boasted a few lost arts and more than a little destructive potential. But now...well, now the jungle called to him, and his Vahla blood stirred in answer, as did the Sith poison that Darius Malakai's servants had administered.

Velok had told him once, back when he flew transports for the Whiphid, that the jungle's master had a name. The lor pelek way was almost gone, courtesy of a thousand-year-old genocide, but leave it to Velok to dig it up again.

Lor pelek.

A pack of small predators lunged at him, their teeth scraping his greaves, and tendrils of darkness flickered out from his hands. The tendrils struck like snakes; a predator or two fell, dead on contact, and the rest of the pack withdrew. The jungle went still, as if in respect. He plodded on.
"A communication center.", Emberli responds bluntly, ignoring whatever it was Rach was doing. He didn't much care; the predators were leaving them alone now.

"Tighten up the group; you're spreading out too far."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Rach closed in with the rest of the group as the trees opened up, revealing a ruin which might be the communications centre and might not. A battered old antenna, an aftermarket modification of sorts, poked up at an odd angle from the top of the ruin.

The Dark Master clambered up a fallen, angled wall. "Looks like there's some gear in here," he said. "Old computer equipment. I doubt this is what we're after; if it is, it's old as anything."

His Force senses pinged.

"Hold on a second..."

Jaws grabbed his legs and dragged him inside the ruin.

As Rach was pulled under, Verz caught a glimpse of teeth around his comrade. Verz blinked, switching his HUD to thermal vision, hoping to see where Rach had fallen, and the creature who had grabbed him. He saw nothing through the wall, so he cautiously climbed up the side and called down into the darkness, his helmet switching to night vision mode.

"Can you hear me Rach?"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

"...hear ya me...that, hut'uun!"

More static, and the sounds of knives on bone and teeth on metal.

"...they're dragging me...farther in...tuk'ata..."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
A pack of tuk'ata, Sith Hounds, snarled and clawed at Rach's armor with bruising force. Fangs and claws ripped into the softer parts, and he lashed out with Dark Side tendrils and sharp long knives.

More Hounds stampeded for the entrance, attacking the other Mandalorians!
Verz, spotting the Hounds with his night vision, fired shots in quick succession at the beasts, killing some and causing wimpers of pain from others. When the blaster gas cartridge ran dry, he pulled out his Verpine shatter pistol, firing the hyperkinetic rounds into the flesh of the hounds, killing more of them.
"Osik! Ke'pare!" Tuk'ata were extremely intelligent and very dangerous, her warning to stop her brother from rushing in was ignored. These were not just hounds, these were ancient creatures, bred to defend and kill anything that came close to a tomb. Generally a sith tomb. She had come across them before when raiding temples, though never had she seen so many in one place.

Mia let out a sigh of frustration "Ori'buyce, kih'kovid" she muttered before following Alleiria and Verz into the tomb, her HUD switching to thermal vision at a blinked command. Dropping to one knee inside the tomb she pulled free a force breaker grenade from her belt and rolled it into the midst of the hounds.
A hound leapt for her, twisting she raised her blaster rifle and released a barrage of shots into its chest before rolling to the side to avoid its body as it slumped to the floor. Darting to Verz's side she selected another target and released another small barrage. The gas from the first grenade had begun to fill the entrance to the tomb sending the hounds wild. Keeping low, so as not to get in caught in fire from her brothers, Mia slunk forward. Shooting only the hounds that leapt for her. The less noise she made the less of a threat she was.

"Rach, gar su'cuyi?" she called out trying to locate him amongst the hounds as she pulled a second force breaker free and rolled it further into the tunnel.

[translations: osik! kepare! - shit. wait!
ori'buyce kih'kovid - all helmet no head
gar su'cuyi - you alive]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Rach commanded certain powers of the Dark Side, but he'd been raised to the knife. An eighteen-inch durasteel blade stabbed through the gullet of the Sith Hound that was taking the lead on his mauling. By accident, his flamethrower discharged, sending the other tuk'ata skittering back and illuminating was was certainly some kind of old monitoring station or call center. Well-gnawed bones and jungle creepers decorated the chamber of the half-collapsed building.

Another tuk'ata pounced on him from behind, its jaws closing around the sides of his helmet. He tensed, reversed the knife-

And a Forcebreaker grenade went off with a signature sound. The seal of his helmet kept out the weaponized ixetal cilona, but the drug interfered with the Forcivore's 'digestive system', leaving the animal enraged and confused. Rach drove his knife into the hound's chest, then whirled to face it as it released his helmet. Dark Side tendrils wrapped around the creature and killed it stone dead.

But other tuk'ata were still active. There had been a whole nest of them here, for some reason.

"Alive, check!" he called back. "Who's that? Monroe?"
The familiar sound of a Strill baying echoed from above in the jungle's canopy. The very sound brought a predatorial smile upon Dred Varad's face as he new his beloved Duchess was about to swoop in for a kill. A kill the little ugly creature had been waiting to perform since landing on this desolated planet. He would look up to see it vector in upon a sith hound, gliding like a bird with its claws out like talons to bring a quick death to the un expecting prey.

Just like that the mighty mandalorian hunting pet dove upon the hound using its full weight to crash it to the ground and entangling the sith beast with it's six legs. Then the finally, the golden furred creature sunk its many fangs, that protuded from it's oversized mouth, into the hound's neck with enough force that could crush a skull. In this instance it was enough to bring death to the beast as the hound gushed blood all about, coving the Proud Duchess.

"Kandossii, Duchess!" Varad praised the strill, with full excitement and pride at watching it hunt.

It was his turn now, he couldn't let his strill out kill him for there always had been a competitive rivalry between Duchess and Dred, ever since he was old enough to hunt. Duchess has been part of the clan for close to 150 years and if Dred let the creature bring more home in the hunt, it would rub it in the Mandalorian's face on who the better hunter was by continuously dropping a piece of its prey in his generally area, along with other shenanigans.

Dred bared his custom EE-3 carbine, training the sights upon one of the hounds. Letting three quick shots he would drop the beast. It was not as exotic compared to Duchess's methods to hunt, but a kill was a kill.

{translation:Kandossii!- Well done}
Mia's HUD left her blind for a moment as Rach's flamethrower lit up the cave sending the tuk'ata skittering. by the time her thermal sensors had re adjusted a sith hound had clamped its jaws on her arm and rifle, its teeth leaving scraping across her armour as it tried to gain a hold of her. Her free hand found the vibroblade strapped to her boot which she drove into the hounds head with a cry of frustration. "Get. Off." The blade stuck fast in its head as Mia wrenched her arms free letting the body slump to the floor she heard Rach call out to her.

"Yeah, come to save you're sorry ass." Rising she moved towards him, standing over him she let off several short bursts of rounds off, pushing the hounds back again. The force breakers were serving their purpose well. "I've never seen so many tuk'ata in one place before. You alright?"
As soon as the fight started, it was over. Verz was none the wprse for wear,besides some new scrapes on his armor's dulled red paint. He would have to have it touched up later. Taking a deep breath, he was grateful for the filters in his et. The Forcebreaker might be designed with the Sith in mind,the hallucinogenic properties would hit nearly any sentient. "I'm fine. Just a littl dinged up."

He looked around, then up. It seemed to be a ruin of some sort. He knew nothing of the creatures, or why they were here, but they were dead, so it didn't matter to him. He holstered his Verpine and reloaded his rifle, checking his Ripper to see if it was damaged. It wasn't. As the Mando looked around, he spotted old equipment, computers and the like. He activated his comm unit. "Mandalore, there seems to be some of that equipment you mentiomed down here. Fancy a look?

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Yeah, Monroe, I'm good. Between this place sorta matching what the boss had us looking for, and the whole pack choosing this particular spot of all spots on this forsaken world, I'm thinking there's something more here than meets the eye."

A tree had grown up through the roof, aged, died, dried and been shredded by the tuk'ata. Staggering a little, Rach shoved some of the wood together and set it alight, then squatted by one of the tuk'ata and began carving steaks from its flank with his knife. The tuk'ata poison burned in his blood, but he had enough Sith Poison in there already to grant him some immunity.

Thick tuk'ata steaks began to brown on green sticks over the fire.

"And if there's one thing I know, it's that tuk'ata don't just appear somewhere. Since there's not much to be seen around here, unless it's trapped inside the collapsed bits of this place, I'm betting there's something underneath the building, maybe under the foundation. A planet where everybody died...I've known some Darksiders who would find that appealing, or think they could get power from it somehow."

Ori'Alor Tal'Verda

Leader of the True Mando'Ade
When the Tuk'Ata attacked, Alliera swung her rifle around and smashed the skull of the nearest Sith Hound, and scattering the others. Alliera slung her rifle over her shioldier, using the gauntlet on her free hand to roast a second Tuk'ata with the unbourd flame thrower. the rest of the attacking Tuk'ata retreated, deciding that having the woman as a snack wasn't worth loosing any more of their number. Alliera grabbed the un-roasted Sith Hound and carried it to where she felt her husband was at, making sure to be carefull, you'd never know when the Sith Hounds would come back. "Hey Rachie, I got one of the little buggers." Alliera said, walking into the area where Rach was in "In case you want-Oh you already got some." Alliera tossed the corps to the side,, and leaned down next to the roasting steaks. "Can I have one?" Alliera asked, sounding kinda hungry "I love when we run across these buggers, they're so delicious."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Better than hssiss, that's for dang sure. At least these are mammals." Rach served up a rare tuk'ata steak to Alliera. "Here ya go. Got that napalm taste, just like you like'em."
"Napalm taste? I don't know who'd enjoy the taste of petroleum jelly, but to each their own." Emberli sat himself back against a tree nearby, a little away from the group. It wasn't so much that he was aloof as it was he didn't really like groups of larger than three.

They, socially, made him uncomfortable.

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
A little Koensayr mapping skiff buzzed the ruins, then swung around and settled down through the jungle canopy. From the vessel emerged a youngish fringer, tapping a sonic servodriver against his hip. He eyed the assembled Mandos, the half-collapsed building, and the dusty electronics peeking out of the ruin. He sniffed the air. "Blasterfire and steak. A little over-the-top in the machismo department, but survivable."

He recognized Emberli's armor from that one time in that one bar, and his eyes lit up. "Excellent luck. Mandalore himself. My sensors picked up something odd here, and by 'sensors' I mean a black box with a photometer and a Mimban crystal. Force stuff. Old Force stuff, unless I miss my guess. I'm betting you have a puzzle or two..."

His stomach growled.

"...and, possibly, an extra steak. Tuk'ata? Lovely."

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